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Simply Gone Podcast


We investigate the paranormal on an every-other-week basis and laugh in its stupid face.


United States




We investigate the paranormal on an every-other-week basis and laugh in its stupid face.



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Milano Inn Fire Ghosts

What does the Milano Inn, the Byzantine Empire, and a pair of boobies have in common? Well, you’ll just have to give this episode a listen to find out. As we scour the Milano Inn in Indianapolis, we uncover more than just delicious meatballs and pasta. So has Mary 1 or Mary 2 come back to haunt the old inn? Or is she, much like my love life, Simply Gone?


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Rivoli Theater

We track down a very handsy ghost who is absolutely terrible at pranks. We also discuss the merits of haunting a Chuck E. Cheese and the fact that Moaning Myrtle chose the absolute worst spot in the world to haunt. So is the Ravoli Theater haunted? Or have the previous owners been trying to drum up business? Find out on this episode of Simply Gone.


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The Blue Lights of Skiles Test

We investigate Skiles Test who is said to have placed his dead wife in a glass coffin which he wrapped in blue Christmas lights and displayed her in the front window like some kind of morbid trophy for all to see. But does her vengeful spirit haunt the woods around their former home? Is she trapping souls within her mysterious blue lights? Does Arizona from Grey’s Anatomy have a magical leg? Find out on this episode of Simply Gone.


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Stop Sign Mary vs The Shadow Beast

It’s the fight of the century, or at least it would be if Stop Sign Mary and The Shadow Beast actually bothered to show up. Where do these legends come from and why is Brazil, Indiana so full of terrible ghost stories? Find out on this episode of Simply Gone.


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Murder at Thornhaven Manor

We investigate the murder of Amelia and her servant in Thornhaven manor. Did Amelia’s sister kill them both? Did Amelia’s child Lizzie also die violently? Are we even real or professional investigators? Why won’t Steve call us back? Join us as we plump the depths of murder and depravity on this episode of Simply Gone.


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Russian Succubus

In this episode we ramble a bunch, are attacked by hunters, discuss pizza in Europe, get distracted, and Meagan cock-blocks Jared. But did we find the succubus that lives outside of Russiaville? Is Kokomo, Indiana a hotspot for devil worship? Does Meagan’s instinct to run at the first sight of danger make her a better candidate for surviving a horror movie than Jared? Or are we both, Simply Gone?


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The Werewolf of Tipton

A werewolf that murders and mysterious cattle mutilations are investigated. Can the team track down and trap a werewolf using Slim Jims? Does the werewolf of Tipton, Indiana still live? Is the cheese in a Slim Jim double pack real cheese? Why won’t Eric let us investigate his haunted school? All of these questions and more are answered in this week’s episode of the Simply Gone podcast.


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The Murder of Madge Oberholtzer

Halloween Special! In the 1920s, KKK Grand Dragon D.C. Stephenson brutally assaulted and murdered Madge Oberholtzer. Despite his eventual conviction and a life in prison, it’s said that her spirit still haunts the home in which she was tormented and cries over her gravestone when the moon is full. Join us as we investigate this case and as a bonus, you’ll also learn about what happens when alcohol and hot tubs mix, as well as the only phrase worth googling over 400 times.


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The Electric Bridge and Agnar the Wicked

During Thor’s battles with the Jotun, Agnar the Wicked nearly bested the god of thunder, stealing a portion of his might. Now he waits and hides beneath the earth, but his power can still be felt as he plots his revenge on Thor and the rest of the Norse Gods. Can he be found under the electric bridge? Can anyone withstand his might? Can one pee on this electrified bridge unharmed? Join us this week and find out.


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The Prophet of Tippecanoe

This week we come back from our COVID quarantine and head out to everyone’s favorite town to hate in Indiana: Lafayette. Just outside of town we stumble across Tippecanoe and the mysterious rock once used by an indigenous prophet Tenskwatawa, who, going against his brother Tecumseh’s wishes, fought against the Indiana Territorial governor William Henry Harrison. It’s a history-heavy episode as we trek across the wilderness in search of the spirit of Tenskwatawa. So do we find him? Or is he...


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Mysterious Deaths at Avon Bridge

A man vanishes during construction of a bridge. Could his coworkers have murdered him and hidden his body within the concrete? What about the woman and her baby who died while crossing the bridge in hopes of finding a cure for a mysterious illness? And what about the one-way ticket to Hell if a train derails? And did a hiker die while we recorded this very episode? Maybe. Or maybe he is just Simply Gone.


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The Headless Ghost of Tunnelton

Headless ghost? Downed trees? Unrequited love? Washed out and broken roads? Catch wrestling? My children talking in the background while we’re recording? It’s all in this episode of Simply Gone. Also, find out how to win one of our shirts this week at the end of the episode!


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Oxford Ghoul Snake

This week we head to Oxford (no not that one) to chase the ghoul snake haunting the cemetery in this tiny town. Along the way we run into an old Civil War ghost, discover what donuts and dead bodies have in common, and act like hobos on train tracks. So is the Ghoul Snake real? Or are all the bodies from the cemetery Simply Gone?


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The Ghosts of Gravity Hill

This week things get crazy as we find our car stalled in the middle of the road. Traffic is heavy and we find ourselves vulnerable to being victims of an accident. But what’s that? Does our car start moving on its own? Could it be steroid-filled ghosts? Alien tractor-beams? Or could it be something even more sinister? Join us this week to find out out on Simply Gone.


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Ashmore Estates

This week, we visit Ashmore Estates in Illinois. Is there a one-armed ghost who beats you with its prosthetic arm? Black plumes of smoke? A lying liar who made up the ghost stories? Join us and find out. Some background music by


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Cry Woman Bridge

Guess what? Another bridge. This one haunted by a broke-neck witch and her creepy baby. We do everything we can to bring her into the light and confront her over her murderous ways, but are successful? Or is she Simply Gone?


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Troll Bridge

A Scottish re-enactment of a fight with a troll, valley girls in the Midwest, Ouija boards, and human accordions. We pull out all the stops to reach the Troll of Troll Bridge in Indiana for this episode.


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The Harmonica Ghost of Paul Ruster Park

Have you ever heard a ghostly harmonica playing in the night? What about a harmonica being played by a train smashing the person holding it? This week, we take on a harmonica-playing ghost and challenge it to a rap battle for the right to haunt Paul Ruster Park as the supreme harmonica master. But do we win, or are our harmonica skills Simply Gone?


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The Three Ghosts of Spooky Hollow

Commiskey, Indiana is home to a beautiful covered bridge and three tragic deaths. Between ghost condoms, Newsies, and interracial marriage in a less-than-progressive community, it was only a matter of time before tragedy struck. But are the ghosts active? Or , like the condoms, are they Simply Gone?


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Antrum: Cursed Film?

This week we get super drunk and watch a film that is supposedly so cursed that if you watch it you will die. But is Antrum truly the deadliest film ever made? Or is it just a garbage movie that needed hype? Either way, it’s Simply Gone from our viewing list.
