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The Deal Maker by Liam Ryan


You're listening to The Deal Maker podcast with Property Expert, Property Multi Millionaire and Joint World Record Holder Liam Ryan. If you want to become a master negotiator, close more property deals, become a great salesperson and live a better life then The Deal Maker podcast is for you. We are very grateful to have hit #16 in the Investing category on iTunes within our first 24 hours of launching! Thank you to all our initial listeners, and also thank you for your support if you're listening for the first time.


United States


You're listening to The Deal Maker podcast with Property Expert, Property Multi Millionaire and Joint World Record Holder Liam Ryan. If you want to become a master negotiator, close more property deals, become a great salesperson and live a better life then The Deal Maker podcast is for you. We are very grateful to have hit #16 in the Investing category on iTunes within our first 24 hours of launching! Thank you to all our initial listeners, and also thank you for your support if you're listening for the first time.





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From Homeless to Property Investor: How This Mindset Shift Will Change Your Life

Liam is joined by Asad, a former GP who had experienced homelessness, and who shares his inspiring journey of transitioning into a property investor. Asad reflects on his past struggles and the importance of security for his family, which motivated him to venture into property investment. With the guidance and support of the Inner Circle mentoring program, Asad secured his first high cash flowing property in less than eight weeks. He discusses his strategy of starting with Rent2Rent service accommodation and his goal of acquiring multiple properties by the end of the year. KEY TAKEAWAYS Asad's journey from homelessness to property investor was driven by a desire for security and stability for his family, inspired by his past experiences. Asad views his property investment as a mission to provide shelter and support to others in need, emphasising the importance of stability in achieving goals. Surrounding oneself with positive influences and seeking mentorship can provide the confidence and structure needed to succeed in property investment. Embracing failures as learning opportunities and being open to seeking help and support are key factors in navigating the property investment journey successfully. BEST MOMENTS "I think for me it's been security. I've always, maybe it's because I went through homelessness that I'm thinking about security, but I've felt that I need to do something that allows me to not be in that position ever again." "I think the biggest thing was just relief because I'd invested so much money and time... I really felt relaxed. I just thought, do you know what? Hopefully it'll make money even if it doesn't for me." "From day one, I think it's just been positivity. You know, when you're surrounded by people, I think one thing that I took away from one of the sessions was you are the average of the five people around you." VALUABLE RESOURCES The Dealmaker Podcast - Assets For Life - Instagram - Facebook Page - Facebook Personal - HOST BIO You're listening to The Deal Maker podcast with Property Expert, Property Multi Millionaire and Joint World Record Holder Liam J. Ryan. If you want to become a master negotiator, close more property deals, become a great salesperson and live a better life then The Deal Maker podcast is for you. Liam is a property investor, business owner and Entrepreneur helping people make more money and live a happier life


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From Apprentice Winner to Successful Entrepreneur: Mark Wright's Journey

Liam talks to Mark Wright, the winner of The Apprentice in 2014, who's here to share his entrepreneurial journey, highlighting his drive to succeed and take his parents' stress away by becoming a successful businessman. He discusses the importance of finding one's passion, turning it into profit, and overcoming challenges in the early years of entrepreneurship. Mark emphasises the significance of mentorship, building great teams, and balancing work and personal life. He also delves into the power of visualisation, the impact of mentors like Lord Sugar, and the value of continuous learning and growth. KEY TAKEAWAYS Find your passion and turn it into profit. This passion will drive you towards success. Mark shares his experience of facing challenges in his early years until he found marketing, at which he excelled. He highlights the importance of finding what you're good at to succeed. Surrounding yourself with the right people who support and inspire you is vital. Building a great team is essential for business success. Mark discusses the power of visualisation in achieving success. He attributes his accomplishments to setting goals, creating vision boards, and visualising his future. BEST MOMENTS "I say quite often, you have to find your passion and then turn your passion into profit." "If you're just starting, know that it's not going to happen straight away, but it will happen if you become an expert and you stay in the process long enough." "Every single time I've met someone who's done something quote-unquote successful, they talk about how close they were to give up right before they made a million pounds." VALUABLE RESOURCES The Dealmaker Podcast - Assets For Life - Instagram - Facebook Page - Facebook Personal - HOST BIO You're listening to The Deal Maker podcast with Property Expert, Property Multi Millionaire and Joint World Record Holder Liam J. Ryan. If you want to become a master negotiator, close more property deals, become a great salesperson and live a better life then The Deal Maker podcast is for you. Liam is a property investor, business owner and Entrepreneur helping people make more money and live a happier life


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From Failure to Success: The Journey of Mentor and Entrepreneur Mike Greene

Liam is in conversation with Mike Greene, a mentor, entrepreneur, and business owner, known for his appearance on the show "Secret Millionaire." Mike shares his journey and valuable insights on achieving massive success in business, life, and property. Mike emphasises the importance of mentorship, the power of positive mindset, and the significance of constantly assessing and improving one's environment. He highlights the need to identify and eliminate anchors in life while focusing on propellers that drive personal and professional growth. KEY TAKEAWAYS BEST MOMENTS "If you're not growing, you're dying. Assess all the time, right? Constantly be assessing, changing, pivoting, moving, making those improvements." - "I love doing one-to-one because it can change people's lives. I do a bit of one-to-many because that might lead to one-to-one, but I really want to change people's lives." "Make it happen no matter what and put yourself in the firing line." "I think, you know, you talk about being a round peg in a square hole and people feel like that. I'd say if you feel like that, something isn't right in your life." VALUABLE RESOURCES The Dealmaker Podcast - Assets For Life - Instagram - Facebook Page - Facebook Personal - HOST BIO You're listening to The Deal Maker podcast with Property Expert, Property Multi Millionaire and Joint World Record Holder Liam J. Ryan. If you want to become a master negotiator, close more property deals, become a great salesperson and live a better life then The Deal Maker podcast is for you. Liam is a property investor, business owner and Entrepreneur helping people make more money and live a happier life


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Sales Mastery: Transforming Fear into Success

Liam takes listeners behind the scenes of a sales session presented to delegates, focusing on how sales skills can elevate business owners, property investors, and individuals seeking financial growth. Liam shares his personal journey from selling crisps as a child to running a successful sales company before facing a significant setback. Through mentorship and personal development, Liam transformed his approach to sales, embracing new strategies like creating content to attract ideal clients. KEY TAKEAWAYS BEST MOMENTS "I am now about to take you behind the scenes and I am about to present a sales session to the delegates, really looking at how business owners just like you, property investors just like you, people that want more out of life, how to make more money just like you." "I know how to sell. I know how to build relationships." "I invested 25,000 pounds, invested another 25,000 pounds. But I just made a commitment that I wanted to get around incredible, incredible people." "I started to build relationships with influential people. I started to get the branding. I started to build relationships." VALUABLE RESOURCES The Dealmaker Podcast - Assets For Life - Instagram - Facebook Page - Facebook Personal - HOST BIO You're listening to The Deal Maker podcast with Property Expert, Property Multi Millionaire and Joint World Record Holder Liam J. Ryan. If you want to become a master negotiator, close more property deals, become a great salesperson and live a better life then The Deal Maker podcast is for you. Liam is a property investor, business owner and Entrepreneur helping people make more money and live a happier life


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The Apprentice Experience: Lessons in Leadership and Teamwork

This time, Liam talks to Tre from The Apprentice as a special guest, sharing his inspiring journey and experiences. Tre discusses his upbringing, entrepreneurial spirit, and the challenges he faced, including health issues and personal struggles. He delves into the importance of resilience, authenticity, and the impact of his brother's passing on his perspective. Tre also reflects on his time on The Apprentice, highlighting moments of leadership, teamwork, and overcoming obstacles. KEY TAKEAWAYS Tre's authenticity and genuine care for others helped him form strong relationships with his fellow contestants on The Apprentice. Tre's personal journey, including dealing with health issues and the loss of his brother, highlights the importance of resilience and overcoming adversity. Tre's approach to leadership on the show emphasised teamwork and utilising the strengths of each team member, rather than dictating or taking on all tasks himself. Trey's willingness to step out of his comfort zone, such as going on The Apprentice despite initial reservations, shows the value of embracing uncomfortable situations for personal growth. BEST MOMENTS "I was always one of those dreamers. I was one of those kids that didn't have friends. It was always a bit of a dream." "The minute you make me an underdog, you're in trouble. I don't think anyone realised that the minute you make me an underdog, you are in trouble." "The minute that happened, I was like, right, I've got to be on PM for this, because no one wanted that gig. I was like, I'm all over this." "I'm one of these men who will cry on, I don't care what anyone thinks about me because it's just authentic." VALUABLE RESOURCES The Dealmaker Podcast - Assets For Life - Instagram - Facebook Page - Facebook Personal - HOST BIO You're listening to The Deal Maker podcast with Property Expert, Property Multi Millionaire and Joint World Record Holder Liam J. Ryan. If you want to become a master negotiator, close more property deals, become a great salesperson and live a better life then The Deal Maker podcast is for you. Liam is a property investor, business owner and Entrepreneur helping people make more money and live a happier life


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The Evolution of a Business: How Gary Das Built a Seven-Figure Empire Working One Day a Week

Liam interviews Gary Das, a successful entrepreneur who has grown a seven-figure business while working just one day per week! Gary shares his journey from starting as a mortgage broker to building a successful business through various challenges and transformations. He discusses the importance of fitness in his life, the strategies he used to generate leads and create content, and the significance of mentorship in his success. Gary also talks about his current challenges, plans for the future, and offers valuable advice for small business owners looking to scale their businesses. KEY TAKEAWAYS Gary has achieved a seven-figure business while working just one day per week, showcasing the importance of creating a work-life balance. Despite facing challenges and setbacks in his entrepreneurial journey, Gary's never give up attitude and resilience have been key factors in his success. Gary emphasises the importance of fitness in maintaining discipline and consistency, which has translated into his success as a business owner. Gary's success in generating leads and growing his business through content marketing highlights the effectiveness of creating valuable content for the right audience. Gary stresses the significance of mentorship, training, and surrounding oneself with successful individuals to accelerate personal and business growth. BEST MOMENTS "I think equally, probably now thinking about it, seeing what my parents went through, My dad had invested nearly quarter of a million quid into bringing his brother's company over to the UK." "I think it's really important with how you do content marketing is you first got to get clarity. Who are we talking to? What are we talking about? What are the problems that they're facing?" "You know, mentorship, training, surrounding yourself with the winners, you know, that's really an approach that I've adopted for the last eight years." VALUABLE RESOURCES The Dealmaker Podcast - Assets For Life - Instagram - Facebook Page - Facebook Personal - HOST BIO You're listening to The Deal Maker podcast with Property Expert, Property Multi Millionaire and Joint World Record Holder Liam J. Ryan. If you want to become a master negotiator, close more property deals, become a great salesperson and live a better life then The Deal Maker podcast is for you. Liam is a property investor, business owner and Entrepreneur helping people make more money and live a happier life


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From Imposter Syndrome to Entrepreneurial Glory: Michelle's Path to Success

Liam talks to Michelle, a successful female entrepreneur and property investor. Michelle shares her journey from a young age, driven by a strong desire for success and financial independence. She discusses the challenges she faced, the sacrifices she made, and the importance of self-improvement and honesty in her personal growth. KEY TAKEAWAYS BEST MOMENTS "I think people don't necessarily succeed if they don't want it enough... Unless you are literally one million percent in it, it's just not going to succeed." - "I'm a salesperson at the end of the day. So it is all about, you know, for me is about the deals. You know, that's the thing that still drives me." "I think it's important to be in tune with your, say, your negative parts or the bits that don't quite work... I'm really not the best version of myself always." "It's about reflection... I'm striving to be as perfect as I can be, you know." "Surround yourself with an amazing group of people that have really got your back and that will support you. And yeah, you'll do it." VALUABLE RESOURCES The Dealmaker Podcast - Assets For Life - Instagram - Facebook Page - Facebook Personal - HOST BIO You're listening to The Deal Maker podcast with Property Expert, Property Multi Millionaire and Joint World Record Holder Liam J. Ryan. If you want to become a master negotiator, close more property deals, become a great salesperson and live a better life then The Deal Maker podcast is for you. Liam is a property investor, business owner and Entrepreneur helping people make more money and live a happier life


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From Zero to 13 Properties: The Daniel Steel Success Story

Liam is joined by Daniel Steel, a graduate of Liam's incredible system, who shares his remarkable journey from zero to owning 13 high cash-flowing properties in just two years. Daniel discusses the challenges he faced before entering the world of professional property investment, highlighting the lack of time due to his previous emergency services job. He emphasises the life-changing impact of his property journey on his relationships and personal life and credits his success to the support and mentorship provided by the program, which enabled him to focus on the rent-to-rent strategy for serviced accommodation. KEY TAKEAWAYS BEST MOMENTS "I'd give you two words, life-changing, to be fair. Absolutely life-changing, yeah." "For me it was finding the time to be able to dedicate that time into a new property journey. So I'd say certainly for myself, it's a time." "Daniel's done the work. How about to give them a kick every now and then? Of course. Do we give them a cuddle? Of course we do." VALUABLE RESOURCES The Dealmaker Podcast - Assets For Life - Instagram - Facebook Page - Facebook Personal - HOST BIO You're listening to The Deal Maker podcast with Property Expert, Property Multi Millionaire and Joint World Record Holder Liam J. Ryan. If you want to become a master negotiator, close more property deals, become a great salesperson and live a better life then The Deal Maker podcast is for you. Liam is a property investor, business owner and Entrepreneur helping people make more money and live a happier life


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No Risk, High Reward: Oliver's Transition from Rent-to-Rent to Property Management

Liam talks to Oliver, a successful property investor who has achieved remarkable results in just two and a half years. Oliver shares his journey from being a structural engineer to becoming a property investor with 12 deals and nine rent-to-rent managed properties in his portfolio. They delve into Oliver's initial struggles, decision to join a mentorship program, and the evolution of his property strategies. Oliver discusses the transition from rent-to-rent serviced accommodation to a management strategy, highlighting the benefits and challenges of each approach. KEY TAKEAWAYS BEST MOMENTS "I think with any journey that's worth going on, if you don't have the knowledge base or the skill set to do it, you're not going to get anywhere at all." "I think it will be a long-term thing for me, but I'll definitely be looking at going into other strategies where you'd be making a bit more income." "You've stayed in the process. You've invested in yourself. You get to our retreats. You turn up. You've made great relationships in the community." "If you are sick and tired of where you are now, working too many hours, not spending time with the family, hey, I've got a message for you. Stop moaning about it and get up and do something about it." VALUABLE RESOURCES The Dealmaker Podcast - Assets For Life - Instagram - Facebook Page - Facebook Personal - HOST BIO You're listening to The Deal Maker podcast with Property Expert, Property Multi Millionaire and Joint World Record Holder Liam J. Ryan. If you want to become a master negotiator, close more property deals, become a great salesperson and live a better life then The Deal Maker podcast is for you. Liam is a property investor, business owner and Entrepreneur helping people make more money and live a happier life


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From Project Manager to Property Investor: A Journey to Financial Freedom

Liam interviews Simba, a 25-year-old property investor with an impressive portfolio of 22 properties, including holiday lets in Zimbabwe and rent-to-rent serviced accommodations in the UK. Simba shares his journey from being a project manager to becoming financially free through property investments. He discusses his strategies, challenges, and the impact of mentorship on his success. KEY TAKEAWAYS Simba has a diverse property portfolio with 22 properties, including holiday lets in Zimbabwe and rent-to-rent properties in the UK. Simba has successfully implemented a supported living strategy, renting properties to service providers for long-term contracts, generating significant cash flow. Surrounding oneself with the right community and mentors is crucial for growth and success in the property investment journey. Through the program, Simba has grown both professionally and personally, gaining confidence and expanding his skill set. BEST MOMENTS "Honestly speaking, I think sometimes people, you just have to just get it done." "You are the average of the five people that you spend the most time with." VALUABLE RESOURCES The Dealmaker Podcast - Assets For Life - Instagram - Facebook Page - Facebook Personal - HOST BIO You're listening to The Deal Maker podcast with Property Expert, Property Multi Millionaire and Joint World Record Holder Liam J. Ryan. If you want to become a master negotiator, close more property deals, become a great salesperson and live a better life then The Deal Maker podcast is for you. Liam is a property investor, business owner and Entrepreneur helping people make more money and live a happier life


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Mastering Property Investment Strategies: The 80-20 Rule and Joint Ventures

Liam is joined by Shaun, a successful property investor and entrepreneur. Shaun shares his journey of transitioning from a corporate job to becoming a full-time business owner in the property and sales consultancy sectors. Shaun discusses his strategies, including the 80-20 rule, focusing on flips and buy-refurbish-refinance (BRR) deals. He emphasises the importance of surrounding oneself with the right people and taking disciplined action to achieve goals. Shaun's achievements, such as completing seven property deals and raising over £300,000 in joint venture funding, highlight the impact of mentorship and dedication in the property investment journey. KEY TAKEAWAYS Discipline is key: Shaun stresses the importance of being disciplined in taking action towards achieving goals. Surround yourself with the right people: It is crucial to surround yourself with individuals who are on a similar journey and can provide guidance and support. Get a mentor: Seeking guidance from someone who has already achieved what you aim for can significantly accelerate your progress. Joint ventures and partnerships: Collaborating with others, whether through joint ventures or partnerships, can help leverage resources and expertise to achieve mutual success. Take action: Sean highlights the importance of taking action and not being afraid to make mistakes or face challenges in the pursuit of your goals. BEST MOMENTS "The people that I find start property and don't really do anything are the ones that come in and suffer from shiny penny syndrome." "It's about being around people that are on the same journey as you." "I think the first thing I would say is that you need to get the mindset right." "Part of that is actually going to be the rent to rent strategy." "One decision, one moment, one strategy, one mentor, one training program, one mentorship program can literally change your life forever." VALUABLE RESOURCES The Dealmaker Podcast - Assets For Life - Instagram - Facebook Page - Facebook Personal - HOST BIO You're listening to The Deal Maker podcast with Property Expert, Property Multi Millionaire and Joint World Record Holder Liam J. Ryan. If you want to become a master negotiator, close more property deals, become a great salesperson and live a better life then The Deal Maker podcast is for you. Liam is a property investor, business owner and Entrepreneur helping people make more money and live a happier life


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Money Mindset - How To Leverage Other People's Money

Liam looks into the intricacies of leveraging other people's resources, such as time, money, experience, and technology, to achieve success in business and investments. He shares personal anecdotes of overcoming financial challenges and building a successful property business, emphasising the importance of lifetime client value and going above and beyond for clients. KEY TAKEAWAYS Leverage Other People's ResourcesFocus on Lifetime Client Value (LCV)Test, Tweak, RepeatEmbrace Challenges and GrowthCollaboration and Support BEST MOMENTS "Everything you'll need in life to succeed will come from other people." "Test, tweak, repeat. Remember, this is a journey. This is not a destination." "If I can bounce back, just a normal dude from Essex, every single one of you can go to that next level." VALUABLE RESOURCES The Dealmaker Podcast - Assets For Life - Instagram - Facebook Page - Facebook Personal - HOST BIO You're listening to The Deal Maker podcast with Property Expert, Property Multi Millionaire and Joint World Record Holder Liam J. Ryan. If you want to become a master negotiator, close more property deals, become a great salesperson and live a better life then The Deal Maker podcast is for you. Liam is a property investor, business owner and Entrepreneur helping people make more money and live a happier life


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From Transport Business to Property Success: Paul's Journey to Financial Freedom

Liam is joined by special guest, Paul, who shares his journey of building a successful property portfolio, guided by mentorship and determination. They discuss the importance of mindset, networking, and perseverance in achieving financial freedom through property deals, and showcase the power of mentorship and the impact it can have on one's journey towards success in the property market. KEY TAKEAWAYS Building Relationships: The importance of networking and building relationships in property investment is highlighted. Long-term thinking and follow-up are emphasised as key strategies for securing deals. Mindset and Persistence: The significance of mindset and perseverance in overcoming challenges is underscored. Paul's journey reflects the power of staying calm, being persistent, and viewing challenges as opportunities for growth. Mentorship and Education: The value of mentorship and continuous education in achieving success is emphasised. Paul credits Liam with providing guidance, accountability, and support throughout his journey. Family and Legacy: The impact of Paul's entrepreneurial journey on his family and children is discussed. The importance of teaching financial literacy and creating generational wealth through property investment is highlighted. BEST MOMENTS "I started watching you, started listening to what you were saying, and I was really intrigued by property and what you were saying, how you can find financial freedom and generational wealth." "The wins were, firstly the wins came from me following your guidance in the sense of you always said to me, just do one, two, three things a day and that will help you go forward." "The magic is in the follow-up. And not everyone's going to want to give you their properties. But you don't need everyone's properties." VALUABLE RESOURCES The Dealmaker Podcast - Assets For Life - Instagram - Facebook Page - Facebook Personal - HOST BIO You're listening to The Deal Maker podcast with Property Expert, Property Multi Millionaire and Joint World Record Holder Liam J. Ryan. If you want to become a master negotiator, close more property deals, become a great salesperson and live a better life then The Deal Maker podcast is for you. Liam is a property investor, business owner and Entrepreneur helping people make more money and live a happier life


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The Money Mindset

Liam delves into the intriguing world of money mindset and the fear associated with utilising other people's money to achieve remarkable results. He shares valuable insights on raising funds and accessing financial resources effortlessly, exploring various avenues to secure funding, from engaging friends and family members to exploring crowdfunding platforms and leveraging existing assets. KEY TAKEAWAYS Money Mindset: Embrace the mindset that you deserve more and that accessing money is easier than you think. Overcome the fear of making money decisions by understanding that raising money is achievable through various sources. Diverse Funding Sources: Explore a range of funding options, including friends and family, networking events, banks, personal loans, business loans, credit cards, and online platforms like crowdfunding and GoFundMe. Consider unconventional methods like selling items on eBay or pawning jewelry. Financial Optimisation: Evaluate underperforming investments like stocks, ISAs, and pension products. Consider consolidating by selling low-performing assets and reallocating funds into more secure and profitable investment vehicles. Multiple Funding Streams: Don't limit yourself to one funding source. Utilise a combination of sources, such as personal loans, family contributions, credit cards, and selling assets, to raise the necessary capital for deals. Opportunistic Approach: Be open to exploring multiple avenues to raise funds quickly. Whether it's through phone calls, webinars, loan applications, or personal connections, adopt a proactive mindset to seize opportunities that offer a solid return on investment. BEST MOMENTS "Raising money and accessing money is very, very easy." "One of the biggest challenges people have is the lack of money or the fear of making decisions." "Income follows assets." "Selling the bad and buying the good." VALUABLE RESOURCES The Dealmaker Podcast - Assets For Life - Instagram - Facebook Page - Facebook Personal - HOST BIO You're listening to The Deal Maker podcast with Property Expert, Property Multi Millionaire and Joint World Record Holder Liam J. Ryan. If you want to become a master negotiator, close more property deals, become a great salesperson and live a better life then The Deal Maker podcast is for you. Liam is a property investor, business owner and Entrepreneur helping people make more money and live a happier life


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Building a Multi-Million Pound Business in Less Than 24 Months: A Deep Dive with Nick Staab

Liam is joined by his business partner and former mentee, Nick Staab, to discuss their journey of building a multi-million pound business in less than 24 months. Nick shares his personal story of burnout and dissatisfaction in his previous job, which led him to seek a change. Through mentorship and investing in himself, Nick transformed his mindset and mastered the art of sales. They emphasise the importance of sales as a skill and how it can lead to financial freedom and success. They also highlight the Elite Sales Academy, their training vertical, and the opportunities it provides for individuals to become elite sales specialists. KEY TAKEAWAYS BEST MOMENTS "Selling is serving. I believe if you've got a product or a service that can solve someone's problem, you've got to do everything in your power to get it out there." "Sales will give you not only financial freedom, but it will also give you financial certainty. Now in my belief, that's more important actually, because that means no matter what happens in the economy, in the world, in business, that you'll always be successful." "Selling is serving, and whatever you perceive and believe, you achieve." "The world is crumbling around us. But you know what? There's opportunity everywhere. And actually, we live in a beautiful world. We've got beautiful opportunities. There are strategies working right now, where you could be making literally tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, millions of pounds every single year." VALUABLE RESOURCES The Dealmaker Podcast - Assets For Life - Instagram - Facebook Page - Facebook Personal - HOST BIO You're listening to The Deal Maker podcast with Property Expert, Property Multi Millionaire and Joint World Record Holder Liam J. Ryan. If you want to become a master negotiator, close more property deals, become a great salesperson and live a better life then The Deal Maker podcast is for you. Liam is a property investor, business owner and Entrepreneur helping people make more money and live a happier life


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Fastest Way To Raise Money For UK Real Estate

This time with Liam, the focus is on the fastest way to raise money for real estate through a step-by-step process. Liam shares his expertise on raising over nine million pounds of joint venture finance and helping his graduates raise even more. He introduces the No Money Down Blueprint, a six-step process that guides listeners on how to use other people's money to build a property portfolio, and provides insights on how to seal the deal and deliver on promises to investors. KEY TAKEAWAYS The fastest way to raise money for real estate is through OPM (Other People's Money). The six-step process of the No Money Down Blueprint includes: Prepare, Network, Fact Find, Build Desire, Seal the Deal, and Deliver and Repeat. Networking is crucial in building relationships with potential investors, and it should be a priority, with 70% of spare time dedicated to it. Building desire involves spending time with potential investors, selling oneself and one's services, and finding common ground to build rapport. Sealing the deal requires framing the meeting from the beginning, presenting a service or solution, and asking closing questions to secure the investor's commitment. BEST MOMENTS "I'm known as the money man in property. I've personally raised over nine million pounds of joint venture finance." "Networking is absolutely fundamental. 70% of your spare time should be focused on building new relationships with the right type of person." "Hang out with investors, build desire. You want to be in a position where people want to work with you." "Do what you say you're going to do. Give them a great experience. Spend time with the investor." VALUABLE RESOURCES The Dealmaker Podcast - Assets For Life - Instagram - Facebook Page - Facebook Personal - HOST BIO You're listening to The Deal Maker podcast with Property Expert, Property Multi Millionaire and Joint World Record Holder Liam J. Ryan. If you want to become a master negotiator, close more property deals, become a great salesperson and live a better life then The Deal Maker podcast is for you. Liam is a property investor, business owner and Entrepreneur helping people make more money and live a happier life


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UK Real Estate Investing For Beginners - Step by Step Guide: Part 2

Liam delves into the seven-step guaranteed system for successful property investing. Building on the previous episode, Ryan focuses on the fourth step, which is understanding the numbers involved in real estate investing. He emphasises the importance of key metrics such as return on investment, net profit, and money left in a deal. Liam also highlights the significance of proper deal analysis and the goal of minimising cash investment while maximising profit. KEY TAKEAWAYS BEST MOMENTS "You can make £15,000 per year per property. Did you know that? What impact would that have on you?" "The aim of the game is that we pull out all of or the majority of the initial investment capital. This typically is the deposit, the legals, investor costs, and then the refurb costs." "I have got multiple seven and eight figure businesses, 28 million pounds worth of property deals, takes up less than five hours a week of my time." "The most important thing is to build relationships... What can you do every day to make the most amount of money in the shortest space of time." "Do it right. Invest in great people. Build something really special for your future. But make sure that you are sticking to the rules and regulations." VALUABLE RESOURCES The Dealmaker Podcast - Assets For Life - Instagram - Facebook Page - Facebook Personal - HOST BIO You're listening to The Deal Maker podcast with Property Expert, Property Multi Millionaire and Joint World Record Holder Liam J. Ryan. If you want to become a master negotiator, close more property deals, become a great salesperson and live a better life then The Deal Maker podcast is for you. Liam is a property investor, business owner and Entrepreneur helping people make more money and live a happier life


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UK Real Estate Investing For Beginners - Step by Step Guide: Part 1

Liam provides a step-by-step guide to UK real estate investing for beginners, beginning with the Property Freedom Formula, a seven-step process that guarantees results for both beginner and seasoned property investors. The episode covers the importance of mindset and how to cultivate a winning mindset for success in property investing. It also delves into funding options, emphasising the use of other people's money (OPM) to accelerate portfolio growth. KEY TAKEAWAYS BEST MOMENTS "You can do the same, even if you're a complete beginner." "Property investing is actually very simple when you understand the laws of property investing." "It is absolutely essential when becoming a property investor or looking to scale a portfolio that you use systems and processes that will help you go and get the guaranteed results." "The most important thing is to make sure it is a win-win." VALUABLE RESOURCES The Dealmaker Podcast - Assets For Life - Instagram - Facebook Page - Facebook Personal - HOST BIO You're listening to The Deal Maker podcast with Property Expert, Property Multi Millionaire and Joint World Record Holder Liam J. Ryan. If you want to become a master negotiator, close more property deals, become a great salesperson and live a better life then The Deal Maker podcast is for you. Liam is a property investor, business owner and Entrepreneur helping people make more money and live a happier life


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How To Get Your First UK Real Estate Investor

Liam shares his personal experience of how he successfully secured his first investor, even without prior experience. He takes the listeners behind the scenes of his journey, from joining a mentoring program to creating his company and utilising social media to generate leads. Liam also looks at the importance of taking action and seizing opportunities in the present moment, providing valuable insights on how to build rapport with potential investors and conduct effective meetings. KEY TAKEAWAYS BEST MOMENTS "I was a very private person. But my mentor said, look, why don't you just give it a test? And start telling people what you do and how you can help and take your audience on a journey." "We'll sit down. You'll suss me out. I'll suss you out. If we can make it work, great. If not, it's going to be lovely meeting you." "I'm very fortunate today that I've got an asset-backed business that pays for all of these trips. Very lucky today that I use an Amex credit card, £150,000 a month on advertising spend that enables me to travel anywhere in the world business class for free." VALUABLE RESOURCES The Dealmaker Podcast - Assets For Life - Instagram - Facebook Page - Facebook Personal - HOST BIO You're listening to The Deal Maker podcast with Property Expert, Property Multi Millionaire and Joint World Record Holder Liam J. Ryan. If you want to become a master negotiator, close more property deals, become a great salesperson and live a better life then The Deal Maker podcast is for you. Liam is a property investor, business owner and Entrepreneur helping people make more money and live a happier life


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How the Dobsons Went from Jobseeker's Allowance to Generating £61,000 a Month

Liam comes direct from a live event, with a specially recorded interview featuring Neil and Jackie Dobson, who have achieved remarkable success in the property investment industry. The Dobsons share their journey from being slaves to their failing business to becoming successful property investors, securing 60 deals in less than four years. They discuss how they overcame challenges and found the missing link that propelled them forward, by focussing on having faith in the process, investing in oneself, and surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals. KEY TAKEAWAYS BEST MOMENTS "We were slaves to our business. The profits were diminishing and it was looking daunting. I started to develop health problems." "We sat the workshop absolutely enthralled by everything we've seen. We were looking for the missing link to pull it all together and propel us forward." "This has been an inspiration" VALUABLE RESOURCES The Dealmaker Podcast - Assets For Life - Instagram - Facebook Page - Facebook Personal - HOST BIO You're listening to The Deal Maker podcast with Property Expert, Property Multi Millionaire and Joint World Record Holder Liam J. Ryan. If you want to become a master negotiator, close more property deals, become a great salesperson and live a better life then The Deal Maker podcast is for you. Liam is a property investor, business owner and Entrepreneur helping people make more money and live a happier life
