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The Shift Series with Kemi Nekvapil


Kemi Nekvapil is an executive and personal coach, speaker and author. The Shift Series is a short form podcast; a collection of 'coaching prods' that allow the listener to tap into their inner resources, create actions and move forward in their lives. Each episode tells a story, which creates space for reflection, exploration and meaningful action. Told in the same format for each episode so as soon as you press play, your heart and brain will know what to do next. Let's shift.






Kemi Nekvapil is an executive and personal coach, speaker and author. The Shift Series is a short form podcast; a collection of 'coaching prods' that allow the listener to tap into their inner resources, create actions and move forward in their lives. Each episode tells a story, which creates space for reflection, exploration and meaningful action. Told in the same format for each episode so as soon as you press play, your heart and brain will know what to do next. Let's shift.




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S3 Episode 10: Focus

Kemi shares her process for finding focus on big projects. What are the boundaries she puts in place to honour her work and build a rhythm with focus and implementation. In this episode, executive and personal coach Kemi Nekvapil will show you how you can shift to a better life through coaching. One shift, one action, at a time. Series 3 - Episode 10: Focus


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S3 Episode 09: Stories

Maya only had one area in her life that was not going well, her job. She knew what she wanted to do, but the stories she had were stopping her from taking the next step. In this episode, executive and personal coach Kemi Nekvapil will show you how you can shift to a better life through coaching. One shift, one action, at a time. Season 3 - Episode 9: Stories


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S3 Episode 08: Self Awareness

Nina owned several childcare centres and was in the process of finding investors so she could open more centres. Pat has a particular habit that she wants to change, but maybe there is nothing to change. In this episode, executive and personal coach Kemi Nekvapil will show you how you can shift to a better life through coaching. One shift, one action, at a time. Series 3 - Episode 8: Self Awareness


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S3 Episode 07: Reverence

Depending on the circles you operate in will depend on how often you hear and use the word reverence. In this episode, Kemi shares an experience of reverence she will remember for the rest of her life. In this episode, executive and personal coach Kemi Nekvapil will show you how you can shift to a better life through coaching. One shift, one action, at a time. Season 3 - Episode 7: Reverence


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S3 Episode 06: Loss

Recently, while attending a briefing meeting for a global travel organisation, Kemi asked the leaders present, "What is the main challenge your leaders are facing right now?" They responded, "Motivation," but there was more to it than motivation. In this episode, executive and personal coach Kemi Nekvapil will show you how you can shift to a better life through coaching. One shift, one action, at a time. Season 3 - Episode 6: Loss


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S3 Episode 05: Joy

Carmen is a great leader and is proud of the business and team she has built, but Carmen's relationship with joy is at risk of undoing everything she has created. In this episode, executive and personal coach Kemi Nekvapil will show you how you can shift to a better life through coaching. One shift, one action, at a time. Season 3 - Episode 5: Joy


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S3 Episode 04: Anger

Dane arrives at her coaching session angry with a family member, but is anger what she is feeling? She is reminded of when she thought she wasn't heard, and she does not want to stay silent this time. In this episode, executive and personal coach Kemi Nekvapil will show you how you can shift to a better life through coaching. One shift, one action, at a time. Season 3 - Episode 4: Anger


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S3 Episode 03: Dreams

After travelling around Australia with her family in a caravan for 387 days, Kemi awakened a dream. A dream that would change her life and birth another dream to create more beauty in the world. In this episode, executive and personal coach Kemi Nekvapil will show you how you can shift to a better life through coaching. One shift, one action, at a time. Season 3 - Episode 3: Dreams


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S3 Episode 02: Expectations

Makena is a woman of colour and has expectations of a colleague. These expectations are at risk of ruining a cherished relationship if Makena can't shift her thinking and let go of her expectations. In this episode, executive and personal coach Kemi Nekvapil will show you how you can shift to a better life through coaching. One shift, one action, at a time. Season 3 - Episode 2: Expectations


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S3 Episode 01: Intention

When Kemi began the practice of setting intentions nearly a decade ago, it gave her a sense of internal guidance and calm expectancy. In this episode, executive and personal coach Kemi Nekvapil will show you how you can shift to a better life through coaching. One shift, one action, at a time. Season 3 - Episode 1: Intention


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Season 3: Trailer

Executive and personal coach Kemi Nekvapil has created another series of mind expanding episodes that will show you how to take meaningful shifts forward in your life, through action. One shift, one action, at a time.


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Embarking on a 104km endurance race with high elevation, Kemi had no idea if she could reach the finish line. What she did know was that motivation would not last the distance it was going to take something else. In this episode, executive and personal coach Kemi will show you how you can shift to a better life, through action. One shift, one action, at a time.


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Sam is highly functional and very independent but when a family member passes, Sam does not want to manage the ensuing tasks alone. But because of Sam's identity, she does not know how to ask, and this leaves her resentful and angry. In this episode, executive and personal coach Kemi will show you how you can shift to a better life, through action. One shift, one action, at a time.


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Growing up, Kemi was the only black person at her school and like most teenagers, Kemi wanted to belong, and this led her to fit into the stereotypes that were acceptable to others. In this episode, executive and personal coach Kemi will show you how you can shift to a better life, through action. One shift, one action, at a time.


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Adora is about to make one of the most significant decisions of her life, but there is one obstacle that stands in her way. She is weighed down with thoughts and views that are not her own and this is stopping her from moving forward. In this episode, executive and personal coach Kemi will show you how you can shift to a better life, through action. One shift, one action, at a time.


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Like many of us, Kemi used to consider herself a good listener, but a situation with a close friend proved that Kemi had a way to go when it came to listening. In this episode, executive and personal coach Kemi will show you how you can shift to a better life, through action. One shift, one action, at a time.


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Jada is a CEO and loves her work, but as a woman of colour, she is dealing with a situation at work that is undermining Jada's view of herself and her worth. It is only when she is able to own her experience that she can own her worth. In this episode, executive and personal coach Kemi will show you how you can shift to a better life, through action. One shift, one action, at a time.


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Morsha began coaching because she wanted a promotion at work and was counting on her colleague Simone to support her application. But after a conversation with another colleague David, everything Simone had been working toward is jeopardised. In this episode, executive and personal coach Kemi will show you how you can shift to a better life, through action. One shift, one action, at a time.


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Letting Go

Kyra is a single mum with two teenage sons and wants to be a better leader at home as well as at work. When one of her sons, Azar stops communicating with her, Kyra, wants to know how to best support him. In this episode, executive and personal coach Kemi will show you how you can shift to a better life, through action. One shift, one action, at a time.


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Self Care

When Chantel began coaching, she knew she needed to look after herself better, but she was struggling with a negative story and was overwhelmed. In this episode, executive and personal coach Kemi will show you how you can shift to a better life, through action. One shift, one action, at a time.
