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Dear Jane


This podcast brings together pro-life leaders and individuals of all stripes to have meaningful conversations about the issue of life. How do we tackle the massive injustice of abortion while keeping the abortion-minded woman at the forefront of our considerations? How do we hold heartbreak, anger, and compassion close to our hearts to minister to everyone impacted by abortion? How do we work with others with whom we differ ideologically on every other issue except the issue of abortion to promote a culture of life? These are just some of the questions we wrestle with on our Dear Jane podcast. The other side only wants to highlight our differences, but we want to talk with people in the movement about what unites us. Dear Jane focuses on the one thing we can all agree on: the sanctity of every human life. Dear Jane will host the hard conversations, ask the tough questions, and acknowledge our differences while always keeping in mind our shared beliefs. Tune in to listen to heartfelt conversations and learn more about what your place in the pro-life movement may be!


United States


This podcast brings together pro-life leaders and individuals of all stripes to have meaningful conversations about the issue of life. How do we tackle the massive injustice of abortion while keeping the abortion-minded woman at the forefront of our considerations? How do we hold heartbreak, anger, and compassion close to our hearts to minister to everyone impacted by abortion? How do we work with others with whom we differ ideologically on every other issue except the issue of abortion to promote a culture of life? These are just some of the questions we wrestle with on our Dear Jane podcast. The other side only wants to highlight our differences, but we want to talk with people in the movement about what unites us. Dear Jane focuses on the one thing we can all agree on: the sanctity of every human life. Dear Jane will host the hard conversations, ask the tough questions, and acknowledge our differences while always keeping in mind our shared beliefs. Tune in to listen to heartfelt conversations and learn more about what your place in the pro-life movement may be!



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Is IVF Compatible with the Pro-Life Position?

If you’re a pro-lifer or Christian who is confused about the ethics and morality of IVF or surrogacy, then you’ve come to the right place. Today we sit down with John Stonestreet, President of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview and Host of Breakpoint. John walks us through the recent debate on IVF and lays out a variety of perspectives on this controversial topic.


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Abortion Hurts Men Too with Greg Mayo

Today we sit down with Greg Mayo to discuss the impact of abortion on men. Greg is a Men’s Healing Strategist and Chair of the Support After Abortion National Men’s Task Force. His book Almost Daddy chronicles the painful journey of a new father losing a child to abortion.


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Civil Rights for the Unborn

As founder of Alveda King Ministries, Alveda C. King, PhD, uses her God-given talents and abilities to glorify God and uphold the sanctity of life from the womb to the tomb, and beyond. She currently serves as a Board Member and Senior Advisor to Priests for Life, and as Chair of the America First Policy Institute’s Center for the American Dream. She is also a voice for the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, sharing her testimony of two abortions, God’s forgiveness, and healing.


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Be Not Afraid: A Story of Choosing Life After a Prenatal Diagnosis

Our special guests today are sharing a story about choosing life amidst a traumatic prenatal diagnosis. Hannah was 20 weeks pregnant when she found out that her baby boy Arrow had Trisomy 13. Hannah’s shock and grief was compounded by doctors' dismissive outlook on Arrow’s chances of survival and repeated offers to discontinue his life. It wasn’t until she began working with the Be Not Afraid Program that Hannah found hope and a path forward for Arrow’s life.


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Does the abortion industry exploit vulnerable populations?

Our guest today is Joyce McCauley-Benner, Director of Public Education at Feminists for Life. For the past 20-plus years, Joyce has worked as an advocate for vulnerable populations, including sex trafficking victims, domestic violence victims, and low-income families. Joyce weaves her personal story of pregnancy after rape along with experiences from her advocacy efforts to help audiences understand the powerful connection between the exploitation of women and the abortion industry.


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Protecting Personhood with Josh Craddock

If the 14th Amendment protects personhood, then why is abortion legal in some states? Josh Craddock sits down with us to explain the history of the 14th Amendment and how constitutional personhood is the next logical step for the rights of unborn children. Josh is an affiliated scholar with the James Wilson Institute on Natural Rights and the American Founding.


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Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn with Mark Lee Dickson

Today we sit down with Mark Lee Dickson, Founder of Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn. Mark is best known for leading 67 cities and seven counties across the United States in the passing of enforceable ordinances outlawing abortion within their city limits. Grab a cup of coffee and join us as we discuss the process of protecting the unborn city by city.


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Is Abortion Victim Imagery Effective and Ethical?

Victim imagery has been used across a variety of social reform movements with stunning effectiveness. But can the same be said for imagery of aborted children? Today we sit down with Trevor Polo, a Pro-Life Strategist from Protect Life Michigan. Trevor lays out a compelling case for the use of victim imagery to humanize the unborn and bring the violence of abortion into the light.


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Having Better Conversations about Abortion with John Bockmann

Today we sit down with John Bockman to talk relationships. In 2020, John and Dr. Stuart Derbyshire published an article in the BMJ’s Journal of Medical Ethics asserting the fetal pain experience. Dr. Derbyshire had written against the existence of fetal pain since 1994 - until he and John started having better conversations.


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Financially Supporting Women to Choose Life with Emily Berning of Let Them Live

Emily Berning and her husband Nathan emptied their savings account to help a woman who was facing financial challenges and considering abortion as a solution. The result of this leap of faith was an empowered new mom and Let Them Live, a non-profit dedicated to removing financial barriers for women who want to choose life. According to the Guttmacher Institute, a staggering 73% of women in the United States choose abortion due in part to financial concerns. Emily joins us today to share how God and his faithful are footing the bill to Let Them Live.


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Men, Speak Out! -With Jacob Tonglet of Men for Life

For far too long men have been told they don’t have a voice in the abortion debate. Men for Life are speaking out and changing that. Today we sit down with Jacob Tonglet, Director of Outreach and External Relations at Men for Life. Jacob shares the importance of men taking leadership roles in the pro-life movement as informed, active, and purposeful defenders of life.


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Empowering Expectant Mothers to Make Pregnancy Decisions with Carrie Murray Nellis of Abiding Love Adoptions

Today we sit down Carrie Murray Nellis, expert advocate on ethical adoption processes. She started Abiding Love Adoption Agency because as an attorney she saw that adoption was becoming more and more transactional. Carrie wanted an agency that focused solely on supporting and empowering expectant mothers to either parent or place for adoption without pressure or coercion.


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It Only Takes One Person to Save A Life from Abortion with Christina Bennett

Christina Bennett was going to be aborted but a miraculous encounter saved her life moments before the scheduled termination. It only took one stranger to encourage her mother to choose life. Join us today as we sit down with Christina to talk about discovering self-worth, investing in relationships, and stopping the abortion industry from harming women and children.


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"I won’t let pro-life Democrats like myself be ignored." -With Terrisa Bukovinac

Have we found a unicorn? Today we sit down to speak with 2024 pro-life Democratic Presidential Candidate, Terrisa Bukovinac. Terrisa is the founder of Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU), a leftist pro-life organization which has become a force to be reckoned with in today’s political activism landscape. The cornerstone of Terrisa’s presidential campaign is to be a voice for pro-life democrats. Are there more progressive pro-lifers out there like Terrisa? Tune in for the surprising answer!


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Can Feminists be Pro-Life? (With Special Guest: Feminists Choosing Life of New York)

Which would be harder? Being a pro-life New Yorker or a pro-life feminist? Today we sit down with Emily Cappello and Michele Sterlace Accorsi from Feminists Choosing Life of New York. Michele and Emily are on a mission to shift the current cultural narrative that equates feminism to abortion rights. They share what it’s like pro-life feminists in New York as they work to create equal opportunities for women and their children, born and unborn.


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Telling the Stories that the Media Won’t with Monica Snyder of Secular Pro-Life

Today we sit down with our friend Monica Snyder to discuss the recent state constitutional battles over abortion. Monica is the Executive Director of Secular Pro-Life and excels in building bridges with pro-choice people. Scott and Monica dive into how the everyday pro-lifer can help shape these state battles, starting with telling pro-life stories that the media won’t.


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Finding Common Ground in the Abortion Debate with Josh Brahm of the Equal Rights Institute

Is it possible to have productive conversations surrounding the abortion debate? Josh Brahm thinks so. Josh is the President of the Equal Rights Institute, and his primary passion is helping pro-life people to be more persuasive when they communicate with pro-choice people. Today Josh shows us how we can engage our pro-choice friends and family with an open posture that begins on common ground.


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The Story of Jane Roe’s Change of Heart with Author and Attorney Allan Parker

The real Jane Roe was a woman named Norma McCorvey, the original plaintiff in the 1973 landmark case of Roe v. Wade that legalized abortion in America. But Norma McCorvey’s story doesn’t end here. The original Jane Roe eventually became pro-life and sought to have her own case reversed. Today we sit down with Allan Parker, Norma McCorvey’s attorney for over a decade and author of Reversing Roe V. Wade: My Journey with Roe, Doe and God. Allan shares the fascinating story of Norma McCorvey’s change of heart and how God called him to represent Norma in an effort overturn Roe v. Wade.


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The Story of Jane Roe’s Change of Heart with Author and Attorney Allan Parker

The real Jane Roe was a woman named Norma McCorvey, the original plaintiff in the 1973 landmark case of Roe v. Wade that legalized abortion in America. But Norma McCorvey’s story doesn’t end here. The original Jane Roe eventually became pro-life and sought to have her own case reversed. Today we sit down with Allan Parker, Norma McCorvey’s attorney for over a decade and author of Reversing Roe V. Wade: My Journey with Roe, Doe and God. Allan shares the fascinating story of Norma McCorvey’s change of heart and how God called him to represent Norma in an effort overturn Roe v. Wade.


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Raising Pro-Life Kids | Bethany Bomberger of the Radiance Foundation

Join us as we sit down with Bethany Bomberger to discuss how parents can teach their children to value life. Bethany is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of The Radiance Foundation, a life-affirming organization that creatively illuminates that life has purpose. She is the author of two groundbreaking (and adorably illustrated) children’s books: PRO-LIFE KIDS! and SHE IS SHE.
