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Who said politics had to be curmudgeonly? We guaran-damn-tee you will hear things you won't hear anywhere else; rarified, gutsy stuff that only Mac has the testicular fortitude to say. A critic raves: "He's a special kind of crazy!😜” Give a quick listen and become a big Mac enthusiast! He's special saucy sassy!


United States


Who said politics had to be curmudgeonly? We guaran-damn-tee you will hear things you won't hear anywhere else; rarified, gutsy stuff that only Mac has the testicular fortitude to say. A critic raves: "He's a special kind of crazy!😜” Give a quick listen and become a big Mac enthusiast! He's special saucy sassy!



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Free Your Inner Viking!

C'mon frat bros--It's just begging to come out--not just on the weekend. All we really want are the simple things.


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Woke vs Honesty: Which Side Will Win? (Part 2 of 2)

The ultimate destination of woke is a totalitarian dystopia. The woke crave what Satan and his demons crave: actual slavery for all, except for the billionaire elites.


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Woke vs Honesty: Which Side Will Win? (Part 1 of 2)

The woke-sick-joke presents a daisy chain of harms; like a long line of cascading dominoes, knocking down everything good in its wake.


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The Law of Attraction: Laws of Action for Conservatives (Part 2 of 2)

Only ALL OUT MASSIVE GRASSROOTS ACTION will save America--absolutely nothing else will suffice.


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The Law of Attraction: The Missing Secret Sauce for Conservatives (Part 1 of 2)

This tool is vastly underrated by our side and will fuel our passions beyond the ionosphere.


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The War on Cash: Just a Disguised War on Your Freedom

They wanna steal your stash and toss you in the trash.


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Leaders and Heroes in America's Kakistocracy

Will America create the cream of the crop or settle for the ream of the crap?


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The Chinese Cyber Threat: Thousands of Hidden Time Bombs Ticking Away...(Part 2 of 2)

America is facing a probable reality that is far worse than even a nuclear bomb exploding on the earth's surface.


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The Chinese Cyber Threat: The Dragon is Crouched for One Last Great Leap Forward (Part 1 of 2)

The Chinese dragon ain't draggin' its feet; it's crouching for one final great leap forward, with fangs bared for America's jugular.


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Those Amazing Robots: It Ain't Over 'till the Fat Android Begs for Mercy (Part 2 of 2)

Despite multi-generational, indoctrinating programming, a robotic takeover should not be seen as a fore-gone conclusion. Their army can be stopped!


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Those Amazing Robots: They can Flip Burgers--and Flip You Off--With the Same Flippin' Motion!! (Part 1 of 2)

Robotics and the minimum wage: Two stupid ideas rapidly converging to wreck your economic future and what you can do to stop it.


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America's Oligarch Created Kakistocracy

We've elevated the worst of the worst; THE MOST incompetent, talent-less, easy-to-control corrupt conformists imaginable, to run the USA, head first into the dirt, just to have America's ass end exposed to China.


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Mass shootings: Mass Deceptions

Outrageous dishonesty drives this heartbreaking trauma. It's time to take the "safety" off this hair trigger topic and hammer down on the Truth.


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Big Pharma's Frankenstein: Out of Control and Roaming the Country

Erased borders, transhumanism, democide, government schools, mass shootings, autism--it's all tied in to tie you up in knots of helplessness. We must cut ourselves free so we can kill the monster!


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Hang 'Em High! Death Penalties for Mayorkas, Garland, Wray and Vice President Brandon (Biden)

Fast-track televised executions for these 4 mid-level deep-state stooges will send their puppet masters hiding in their south seas compounds a very strong message: You can run, but you cannot hide!


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What's Really Behind the Israel-Gaza War?

A tiny strip of land the size of Las Vegas can't be an issue. There is systemic rot everywhere surrounding Israel. Lack of honesty and clarity drives the tortured Islamic psyche.


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Is All Immigration Now Evil?

We are joined by 3 game show contestants to answer this question: Has immigration been weaponized to essentially wipe the USA off the face of the earth?


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As of Today, Trump Can't Win

Don't rely on the polls. In spite of Vice President Brandon's obvious dementia, the system is rigged so thoroughly by the chicom controlled deep state, that Trump's quest is nearly a pipe dream. He has a razor thin chance of winning; therefore, that chance depends on you.


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Let's Just Call the "Fact Checkers" What They Truly are: Fact Chokers!

How fact chokers--use fake facts--to choke the life out of the Truth.


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It's Not Liberal to be Christian

So many Christians are liberal. Why? It makes no sense when viewed through the Bible. Let's look at these fallacies verse by verse.
