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Project DF Podcast: The Mystery

Radio Drama Podcasts

A Fiction Audio Drama Podcast about a family in their home in Indiana where strange things occurred that became a legend.




A Fiction Audio Drama Podcast about a family in their home in Indiana where strange things occurred that became a legend.





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The Dark Fantastic – Finale

As the first pale promise of sunrise touched the waters of Little Raccoon, Richard rode his black horse down the lane and out through the grove to the turnpike... Follow Project DF Podcast Instagram @ Project DF: The Mystery Website @ ProjectDFPodcast CAST for The Final Episode Valerie Moss (Narrator & Producer) Rafe Telsch (Richard Tomlinson) The End... This has been The Dark Fantastic Written by Margaret Echard, Directed, produced and narrated by Valerie Moss and a collection of voice over artists from around the world...thanks for listening.


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Jezebel – e27

Judith thought, "He must be stopped. Else he'll leave tonight" Follow Project DF Podcast Instagram @ Project DF: The Mystery Website @ ProjectDFPodcast CAST for Episode 27 Valerie Moss (Narrator & Producer) Kylee Morgan (Judith Amory) Rafe Telsch (Richard Tomlinson) James Seabrook (Dr. Caxton) Garret Odle (Will Tomlinson) Sam Sprunger (Jessie Moffat)


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Travelling Showman – e26

There was a first and second supper table at Timberley that evening, for among the people who had come out from Woodridge were a number to whom the Tomlinson hospitality was a matter of course. John Barclay, Dr. Caxton, Doc Baird, and the loquacious war veteran, Mitch Rucker, were among those who put their legs under the long table that night. Mitch declared he had not seen anything since Bull Run to equal the day's excitement. Follow Project DF Podcast Instagram @ Project DF: The Mystery Website @ ProjectDFPodcast CAST for Episode 26 Valerie Moss (Narrator & Producer) Kylee Morgan (Judith Amory) Rafe Telsch (Richard Tomlinson) London Moss (Thorne aka Cricket) Carole Senn (Ms. Ann Tomlinson) James Seabrook (Dr. Caxton) Garret Odle (Will Tomlinson) Ava Eames (Pennsylvania Women) Jack Hewson (Mitch Rucker) Sam Sprunger (Jessie Moffat) Matt Senn (Doc Baird) Rod Lechelt (John Barclay)


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Scotch The Snake – e25

The torment of the bricks began again the next day. Judith was seated at her dressing table in nightgown and wrapper, when she heard the unmistakable thud in the room below. She had slept late that morning. The rest of the family were already at breakfast. She hurried downstairs to investigate, and as she passed the open dining-room door she called excitedly, "It's begun again," and sped down the hall to the south bedroom to view the brick. Follow Project DF Podcast Instagram @ Project DF: The Mystery Website @ ProjectDFPodcast CAST for Episode 25 Valerie Moss (Narrator & Producer) Kylee Morgan (Judith Amory) Rafe Telsch (Richard Tomlinson) London Moss (Thorne aka Cricket) Carole Senn (Ms. Ann Tomlinson) James Seabrook (Dr. Caxton) Garret Odle (Will Tomlinson) Ava Eames (Pennsylvania Women) Jack Hewson (Pennsylvania Man)


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The Admittance – e24

Judith's screams brought Richard's mother hurrying down the hall. Follow Project DF Podcast Instagram @ Project DF: The Mystery Website @ ProjectDFPodcast CAST for Episode 24 Valerie Moss (Narrator & Producer) Kylee Morgan (Judith Amory) Rafe Telsch (Richard Tomlinson) London Moss (Thorne aka Cricket) Carole Senn (Ms. Ann Tomlinson) James Seabrook (Dr. Caxton)


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Sharp Scissors Sheared – e23

It was several days later that Richard came upon Thorne dragging a small hair trunk out of the back hall closet. He had been out in the fields all day and his boots were mired with spring mud, so that he entered the house through the kitchen and went straight to the back closet for dry shoes. There he found Thorne shoving and pushing at the trunk. Follow Project DF Podcast Instagram @ Project DF: The Mystery Website @ ProjectDFPodcast CAST for Episode 23 Valerie Moss (Narrator & Producer) Kylee Morgan (Judith Amory) Rafe Telsch (Richard Tomlinson) London Moss (Thorne aka Cricket) Carole Senn (Ms. Ann Tomlinson) Angele Black (Marth Shook)


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Revelations Ensued – e22

From an upstairs window Judith watched Otis Huse drive away and knew that her hope in the quarter had failed. He had spent a night at Timberley; he had witnessed her discomfiture, but he had not come to her support. If this shrewd, not disinterested attorney had failed to see anything on which to base an accusation of Thorne, there was nothing left to Judith but her fear. Follow Project DF Podcast Instagram @ Project DF: The Mystery Website @ ProjectDFPodcast CAST for Episode 22 Valerie Moss (Narrator & Producer) Kylee Morgan (Judith Amory) Rafe Telsch (Richard Tomlinson) London Moss (Thorne aka Cricket) Carole Senn (Ms. Ann Tomlinson) Peggy Davis (Millie) James Seabrook (Dr. Caxton) Matt Senn (Doc Baird)


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The Button Rolled – e21

Prayers were over. The fire was low, the backlog covered with ashes for the night. Candles brought from the kitchen waited in a row upon the table to light the way to bedrooms. In the corner near the alcove a feminine caucus was being held. Follow Project DF Podcast Instagram @ Project DF: The Mystery Website @ ProjectDFPodcast CAST for Episode 21 Valerie Moss (Narrator & Producer) Kylee Morgan (Judith Amory) Rafe Telsch (Richard Tomlinson) London Moss (Thorne aka Cricket) Ava Eames (Cousin Lutie) Carole Senn (Ms. Ann Tomlinson) Jack Rhysider (Otis Huse) Joseph Muranyi Jr. (Henry Shook) David Boisvert (Lucious Goff)


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The Cousin Returns – e20

The Square in Woodridge was a sea of mud. Wagons and buggies, mired to the hub, crept sluggishly. Horses and mules, flat-eared and streaming, stood resignedly at hitching posts. The host spell had broken with an equinoctial storm. It had rained for a week. Follow Project DF Podcast Instagram @ Project DF: The Mystery Website @ ProjectDFPodcast CAST for Episode 20 Valerie Moss (Narrator & Producer) Kylee Morgan (Judith Amory) Rafe Telsch (Richard Tomlinson) London Moss (Thorne aka Cricket) Sam Sprunger (Jesse Moffat) Carole Senn (Ms. Ann Tomlinson) Garret Odle (Will Tomlinson) Jack Rhysider (Otis Huse) Joseph Muranyi Jr. (Henry Shook) David Boisvert (Lucious Goff) Raine Cruz (Abagail)


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Smash – e19

It was the hottest summer in years: the greatest corn weather, the most bountiful harvest since the war. It seemed to Judith that she never saw her husband any more. He was out of doors from daybreak till dark and at night he was asleep, from sheer healthy exhaustion, as soon as he touched the bed. She grew to hate the summer before it was over. Follow Project DF Podcast Instagram @ Project DF: The Mystery Website @ ProjectDFPodcast CAST for Episode 19 Valerie Moss (Narrator & Producer) Kylee Morgan (Judith Amory) Rafe Telsch (Richard Tomlinson) London Moss (Thorne aka Cricket) Sam Sprunger (Jesse Moffat)


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One Hundred & Forty Four Times – e18

The new year was well into February before Judith achieved her purpose of giving a party at Timberley which should be something other than a family reunion. Twice she has postponed her date, first during the holiday season, when an annoying irritation of her throat had prompted Dr. Caxton to prescribe a few days in bed. Follow Project DF Podcast Instagram @ Project DF: The Mystery Website @ ProjectDFPodcast CAST for Episode 18 Valerie Moss (Narrator & Producer) Kylee Morgan (Judith Amory) Rafe Telsch (Richard Tomlinson) London Moss (Thorne aka Cricket) Garret Odle (Will Tomlinson)


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Bonus 300 – Wars and More

One of our main cast, Joseph Muranyi Jr, also runs a podcast, The Wars and More all about Star Wars, celebrating over 200 episodes with his cohost Doug. This short montage left me wanting more from these two guys with their banter, antics and all round great personalities...check them out! Follow Project DF Podcast Instagram @ Project DF: The Mystery Website @ ProjectDFPodcast Follow The Wars and More Facebook @ Joseph Muranyi Podcast Instagram @ thewarsandmore Podcast @ The Wars and More


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Metallic Clink – e17

Thorne was at last reconciled to the passing of summer. Not by anything that had happened, but by the simple change of season that told her it was gone. There had been frost on the ground for a month now, and one or two light shows had fallen. The corn was gathered, the hogs were butchered, the potatoes were dug. In the kitchen houseflies dropped dead from the ceiling and ice crusted the basins in the early mornings. The children had put on their Long underwear, and showed and stockings once more appeared in Timberley schoolhouse. The spicy sweetness of baking pumpkin was in the air, and the big turkey that had strutted so arrogantly all fall was meekly roasting in Millie's huge oven. Follow Project DF Podcast Instagram @ Project DF: The Mystery Website @ ProjectDFPodcast CAST for Episode 17 Valerie Moss (Narrator & Producer) Kylee Morgan (Judith Amory) Rafe Telsch (Richard Tomlinson) London Moss (Thorne aka Cricket) Carole Senn (Ms. Ann Tomlinson) Zane Telsch (Ricky & Rodgie) Peggy Davis (Millie) Adam Abrams (Cast of 3) Sam Springer (Jesse Moffat) Garret Odle (Will Tomlinson)


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Formidable – e16

Seasons were reversed in the country. Winter, the period of greatest activity in town, was the farmer's time of relaxation. Judith had been well aware of this fact when she insisted upon a fall wedding. Follow Project DF Podcast Instagram @ Project DF: The Mystery Website @ ProjectDFPodcast CAST for Episode 16 Valerie Moss (Narrator & Producer) Kylee Morgan (Judith Amory) Rafe Telsch (Richard Tomlinson) London Moss (Thorne aka Cricket) Zane Telsch (Ricky & Rodgie)


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Or Was it Debris – e15

It was the prettiest wedding even seen in Woods County (so the Woodridge Sentinel reported), and the prettiest things in the wedding was Thorne (which the Sentinel did not report). From the moment Judith saw her in the tulle dress she realized it has been a mistake to dress Thorne up. With her curls caught in a band of pink ribbon and a little flower basket on her arm, she looked like one of her own roses. No doubt it was her old training in stagecraft that taught her to walk with that slow poised grace. But as she moved down the stairs ahead of the bridge, the eyes of the guests fastened on the flower girl and went no farther. Judith was in an ill frame of mind by the time she reached the altar. Follow Project DF Podcast Instagram @ Project DF: The Mystery Website @ ProjectDFPodcast CAST for Episode 15 Valerie Moss (Narrator & Producer) Adam Abrams (Cast of 3) Ava Eames (Cousin Lutie) Kylee Morgan (Judith Amory) Carole Senn (Ms. Ann Tomlinson) Dave Boisvert (Lucious Geoff) Garret Odle (Will Tomlinson) James Seabrook (Doc Caxton) Peggy Davis (Millie) Rafe Telsch (Richard Tomlinson) London Moss (Thorne aka Cricket) Sam Springer (Jesse Moffat)


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BONUS 200 – Cryptic Soup Pod

One of our main cast, Kylee Morgan (aka Judith Amory) also runs a podcast, Cryptic Soup, here's a clip! Follow Project DF Podcast Instagram @ Project DF: The Mystery Website @ ProjectDFPodcast Follow Cryptic Soup Pod Website @ Cryptic Soup Pod


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News – e14

The news of Richard's forthcoming marriage was received with shocked relish everywhere but in his immediate family. The Tomlinsons maintained a discreet attitude, taking their cue from Miss Ann, whose only comment was, " You are old enough to know what you are doin, Richard. I hope you are happy." Follow Project DF Podcast Instagram @ Project DF: The Mystery Website @ ProjectDFPodcast CAST for Episode 14 Valerie Moss (Narrator & Producer) Ava Eames (Cousin Lutie) Kylee Morgan (Judith Amory) Carole Senn (Ms. Ann Tomlinson) Rafe Telsch (Richard Tomlinson) London Moss (Thorne aka Cricket)


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Road Trip – e13

Far from being the unsuspecting dolt that Thorne would have had him, Richard was perfectly aware of the purpose in Judith's note. The little strategy by which he was reminded that he has a rendezvous, come autumn, amused him In the security of his resolution he was flattered rather than alarmed, For he had quite made up his mind that he was not going to marry again. Follow Project DF Podcast Instagram @ Project DF: The Mystery Website @ ProjectDFPodcast CAST for Episode 13 Valerie Moss (Narrator & Producer) Angele Black (Bishops Widow) Ava Eames (Cousin Lutie) Kylee Morgan (Judith Amory) Carole Senn (Ms. Ann Tomlinson) Rafe Telsch (Richard Tomlinson) London Moss (Thorne aka Cricket)


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I’ve Thought Of You So Often – e12

The summer following Abigail's death was the happiest Thorne had ever known. She woke each morning, expectantly, to the crow of a very young rooster. Always before she had protested the cockcrow and the enforced early resin of the farm. But now she strange joyously from bed, as though the summer day were not long enough to hold all of the delight it promised. Sometimes she was dressed and roaming the woods before Millie had her breakfast fire started. Berries were ripe now and nothing, to Richard's think, equaled a bow of blackberries fresh with dew to begin the morning meal. Follow Project DF Podcast Instagram @ Project DF: The Mystery Website @ ProjectDFPodcast CAST for Episode 12 Valerie Moss (Narrator & Producer) Jack Hewson (Mitch Rucker) Joseph Muranyi Jr. (Henry Shook) Peggy Davis (Millie) Kylee Morgan (Judith Amory) Rafe Telsch (Richard Tomlinson) London Moss (Thorne aka Cricket)


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Pale Gray Casket – e11

The funeral of Abigail Tomlinson was an event of widespread interest. Every family in the district we represented. School was closed for three days because Richard was a township trustee. Follow Project DF Podcast Instagram @ Project DF: The Mystery Website @ ProjectDFPodcast CAST for Episode 11 Valerie Moss (Narrator & Producer) Ava Eames (Cutie Lutie) David Boisvert (Lucious Goff) Kylee Morgan (Judith Amory) Rafe Telsch (Richard Tomlinson) London Moss (Thorne aka Cricket)
