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Areej's Book Review

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I love reading and listening to books. It's time I share my journey. I will summarize and discuss what I learned and the ways I will be applying it in my life. I look at things from a positive perspective. And I believe there is always room to learn and grow. I will be reading books on various topics such as; relationships, investments, self-improvement, parenting, and health and wellbeing I am a wife, mother of three, registered nurse, investor, and Quran teacher.


United States


I love reading and listening to books. It's time I share my journey. I will summarize and discuss what I learned and the ways I will be applying it in my life. I look at things from a positive perspective. And I believe there is always room to learn and grow. I will be reading books on various topics such as; relationships, investments, self-improvement, parenting, and health and wellbeing I am a wife, mother of three, registered nurse, investor, and Quran teacher.



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The Brave Learner (Julie Bogart, Susan Wise Bauer)

Advice from a homeschooler. There is no one way.


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Courage is calling (Ryan Holaiday)

We all have courage inside of us. We just need to tap into it and show it.


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The checklist manifesto: How to get things right (Atul Gawande)

The author talks about how important it is to keep a checklist and how it can save lives. Avoiding human error can be done avoided if we stick to a checklist. It's a feel good moment too to complete the checklist.


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The wisdom of your cells, how your beliefs control your biology (Dr. Bruce H. Lipton)

He talks about how amazing and powerful our body can be. What we think of ourselves is what our body will prepare to do. Our gene does not determine who we are, we humans, our mind does.


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Why Our Health Matters (Andrew Weil, MD)

Your health matters first, we need to take care of ourselves, we cannot think others well.
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The Alter Ego Effect (Todd Herman)

You can tap to be even better version of yourself, if you just use your imagination to think of the best character you want to be.
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The underdog advantage (Dean Graziosi)

Just because you had a tough/poor past doesn't mean you cannot be successful. Your experience, failure, opportunities can be used to get what you want. Use it as advantage.
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Narcissism (Dr. Rachel Bancroft)

What is Narcissism and how we should deal with someone with this condition is explained. Also to check if you have narcissistic traits.
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Secrets of six-figure women (Barbara Stanny)

You will learn the key characteristics of these women and how they became financially successful
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The Mom Test (Rob Fitzpatrick)

How to find out if what your asking for is actually the truth, or just a mom trying to not hurt your feelings.
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How you learn is how you live (kay peterson & David A.Klob)

Learning is part of our lives. We are learning every day now question is are you embracing it or stopping yourself from it?
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Expert Secrets (Russell Bruson)

How we should do marketing. Its not about what people need but what they want. So sell them what they want but give them what they need.
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Never split the difference negotiate as your life depends on it (chris voss)

How we should negotiate.
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Hustle harder hustle smarter (curtis Jackson)

How he gets things done and gets his fortune. No fear, keep good people around you and keep striving for success
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Thinking Fast and Slow (Daniel Kahneman)

How we think, how we make decisions
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The Productive Muslim (Mohammed Faris)

Things we should focus on to be productive.
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The joy diet (Martha Beck)

Steps to follow and apply daily to be happy
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How to persuade and get paid (Phil M. Jones)

How to sell anything. How you should be thinking when trying to educate or sell products
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Brave not perfect (Reshma Saujani)

Girls tend to be raised to be perfect. Girlals tend to be raise as they are fragile this protecting them even from crisiticism. What we need to teach girls is to be brave and do what they want to do. It's not about portraying to be perfect, or else it becomes exhausting to maintain.
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Mastering Fear (Brandon Webb)

Fear should be looked at as way to reach your goal not stop you. Fear=discovery. FEAR AS: Forget Everything And Run OR Face Everything And Rise