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Relationships Reclaimed

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Join us, certified Life Coach & Therapist Arianne Moore and Registered Therapeutic Counsellor Vicki Wilburn, as we explore and share stories of how we are reclaiming relationships with Body Image, Food, Sex, The Unknown, Fun, Happiness, Trauma and so much more!!! Our conversations are honest, real, raw, and human in hopes YOU can start to reclaim your relationships with anything and everything.*Relationships Reclaimed podcast and the information we deliver is in no way a substitute for one-to-one professional help. If you would like to know more about finding help, you can check out our websites at and


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Join us, certified Life Coach & Therapist Arianne Moore and Registered Therapeutic Counsellor Vicki Wilburn, as we explore and share stories of how we are reclaiming relationships with Body Image, Food, Sex, The Unknown, Fun, Happiness, Trauma and so much more!!! Our conversations are honest, real, raw, and human in hopes YOU can start to reclaim your relationships with anything and everything.*Relationships Reclaimed podcast and the information we deliver is in no way a substitute for one-to-one professional help. If you would like to know more about finding help, you can check out our websites at and



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This episode is very bittersweet as we share some unexpected news and changes for the Relationships Reclaimed podcast. There's really not much more to say other than, please hit play and join us as we share our news. With every beginning there's an ending. With every ending, there's a beginning. Much love, Arianne and Vicki 💞


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Relationship with Our Podcast Journey

It's been two years and three seasons of recording our podcast and much has changed for us. In general, it's quite easy to navigate through life's adversities and challenges without looking at the positive changes, different experiences, and the 'anchoring-in' of wins! As therapists, we feel it's important to reflect on the positive changes that have been made along a journey. And that's what we wanted to do in this episode; we wanted to look at how using the platform of our podcast has changed us and helped us grow and expand further. We wanted to slow things down and name the shifts that we experienced within ourselves and of each other during our time together creating and collaborating on this beautiful project that started two years ago. This episode is for us to celebrate our wins and by doing so, we hope it gives you permission to celebrate yours, too! So, please join us as we share in more detail the fears that we had, and how we've navigated those fears two years after hitting the record button for the first time. Much love to you, Vicki and Arianne 💞


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Relationship with Resources

Resourcing, simply stated is what we tap into and/or use that helps us navigate challenging times. Resources can be a person (or people), a place, a practice, or anything that helps us feel more solid as we navigate through challenging times. Resources are what keep us moving forward vs staying in the depth of darkness. And, if we find ourselves entrenched in the darkness of life challenges, our unique resourcing tools can help move us towards the light. There are so many benefits to knowing what our own resources are, and that's one of the reasons we wanted to talk about this beautiful and supportive relationship. In this episode, we explore our relationship with resourcing and we share many different types of resources. We hope this episode brings a curiosity about what resources you currently have that you might not even know about. Much love, Vicki and Arianne ❣️ Online Resource Building Support Group with Vicki


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Guest Jenn Huber on Relationship with Un-Dieting

Does the word dieting bring up a wave of nausea for you? Or maybe you get flashbacks to a time (maybe, even as recent as last week) when you decided to try a new 'fad diet' and then 'fell off the wagon'? Either way, the diet culture is real, and it's been around for far too long. That's why we were so excited to have Jenn Huber, a non-diet dietician and N.D. share her wealth of information on a new(ish) to the world relationship with un-dieting. The dieting culture impacts more than our relationship with food. Here are just a few keywords that Jen mentions that have NOTHING to do with food and everything to do with how we experience ourselves in relationship to food. Just see if any sound or feel familiar: We then flip the script as Jenn shares how she would like to see us in relationship with food (and therefore ourselves) In this episode, Jenn gently shares her views on being in a flexible and forgiving relationship with food, which you can imagine would create a different relationship with yourself (or maybe it's vice versa). We really feel this episode is worth the listen due to the strong messaging that's been ingrained for far too long. Please, allow yourself time to hear what's desperately in need of being heard as Jenn offers such grace, compassion and understanding towards a relationship that has been plaguing us for decades. Press play. Share it with your friends. Let us know what you think. Much love, Arianne and Vicki ❣️ You can find more out about Jenn Huber: website: IG: @menopause.nutritionist Vicki Wilburn: website: IG: @masterpeacecounselling Arianne Moore website: IG: @ariannemooreofficial


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Relationship with Resiliency

What is resiliency? Why is resiliency important as we travel through life? How do we know what our resiliency is and can we build it? Resiliency help us get through the stickiness of life. It's the qualities that make us who we are, and it's so much more. This is a really interesting relationship to speak about because we found the description to be very ambiguous. So, we just spoke about how we experienced ourselves in resiliency and how we help others, mainly our clients, know their resilience. Close to the end of the episode, we go a bit off track where we have a disagreement (eeek!), and after we 'clean it up,' we tied it back into resiliency! It was a bit uncomfortable for us but we let ourselves be revealed in real-time and kept recording. We think it's important to know resiliency because it's a beautiful relationship to have, hold onto, and build upon. Please be with us as we explore this ever-wonderful relationship and bu curious about your own beautiful resilience. Much love, Vicki and Arianne 💖


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Relationship with the Past Impacting the Present - Part 2 of 2

We followed through! We're so proud! In our last episode, we offered some brief information on attachment style and how our attachments will show up in the 'here and now'. However, we didn't give a lot of examples and share how the past will impact the present based on our own experiences. That's what we did in this episode; after briefly recapping last episode we share memories and tie the impact of those moments to the here and now. We have such passion for this relationship because as therapists, we know how crucial it is to understand our past. We also understand that for some, looking and learning about the past can feel hard. It's our hope to model in this episode (and previous ones), some of the benefits that come with understanding our history. The past might hold some, or a lot of pain, but it also holds beauty, because that's what YOU are and that doesn't ever leave. Please be gentle with yourself, press play and sit with us in this revealing episode. Much love and gratitude, Vicki and Arianne 💖 You can find us here: Vicki Wilburn website: Instagram: @masterpeacecounselling Arianne Moore: website: arianne Instagram: @ariannemooreofficial


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Relationship with the Past Impacting the Present - Part 1 of 2

Okay, it took us a few minutes to actually figure out the topic of this podcast episode but we got it! We wanted to discuss how the past - our past experiences - can and do impact our current lives. Our past tells a story. It holds so much information about who we are and why we are today. Meaning, we will filter life through the lenses of our past and that will dictate quite a bit of how we experience our day to day lives and relationships, including the relationship we have with ourselves. In this episode, we explain a bit about attachment theory, and we share about the attachment styles we have in our current adult relationship based on our infancy experiences. This was a HUGE relationship to discuss in a short period of time, so we actually decided to make this episode Part 1 of 2. And....some can feel really apprehensive about looking at their past, and we get that. We really understand that it might be a daunting and scary place, so we want you to know that we see you. Please know that if you want to explore your past and you feel apprehension, find someone to support you along the way! You deserve to have company on this journey. But one thing that could never be wrong about your past is this: Your past had YOU in it, which means it's already a beautiful story. "Who we are now is largely dictated by our past, but we aren't defined by it." Much love, Vicki and Arianne ❣️


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Relationship with Change

Change happens. We can't deny it. We can't stop it. Change occurs in every moment and in numerous ways. Some thrive when change happens, others fear it, and there's a whole spectrum in the middle. So, why do we differ in our relationship with change? How come some people can step into change with ease, and for others, it can feel paralyzing? In this episode, we look at how our life experiences can develop our relationship with change. We also look at who we are in the middle of change and how does it impact our world when we can step into and embrace this relationship even and especially when it feels hard. Change what you need to change so that you can hit play and join in on this really beautiful conversation ... and stay with us because we get to the meat and potatoes of this relationship, which is after we discuss Arianne's dating life 😬 Much love to you, Vicki and Arianne ❣️


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Relationship with Self-Love

Self-love, is this relationship actually the real pursuit of happiness? It might just be. Self-love is a relationship that can change from one moment to the next, and yet, as a society we make it very black and white. Its our hope this episode helps you, our beautiful listeners, understand that your relationship with self-love can ebb and flow and that love, self-love, is never gone. With this relationship being the most important one, we share how we've grown in this area and what strategies we use when we haven't been able to embody self-love. We also share a few tips on how you can step into this relationship because Lovelies, you deserve to embody self-love more and more. So, press play and let us walk with you, as you explore your relationship with Self-Love. Much love, Vicki and Arianne 💞 ps. sorry-not-sorry for all of the 'love' bombs written above 😉


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Relationship with Planning

Okay, this was a fun one to record and we had NO idea it was possible to have "fun" around planning. Relationship with planning seemed like a really easy one to discuss - but we were surprised at the different types of relationships one can have with "planning". Seriously, we know it might sound ridiculous but this relationship has depth. Who knew!!!!? In this episode, we cover a gamut of topics such as; over-planning, under-planning, how trauma can play a role in this relationship, and how planning can create a feeling of safety or a feeling of restriction to some! We also discuss our own relationship with planning, which makes us laugh... we laugh a lot and swear a lot, too! So, press play and listen to us share, bust, and uncover some awareness in this very profound relationship. Much love, Vicki and Arianne❣️


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Relationship with Compassion, Empath & a bit of Sympathy

Compassion, Empathy, and a bit of Sympathy - these are the relationships we dove into in this episode. We honestly didn't intend to talk about sympathy, which you'll hear at the beginning of the recording, but we couldn't help it.... we just couldn't get through the episode without looking at the differences between all three of these relationships. We googled the definitions, which was somewhat cringeworthy 😬, we pulled layers back and were surprised at where the conversation went. A bit of what we discovered: Empathy has ease. Compassion, well we thought this would be easy to describe but it turned out to be more complex than we had originally thought. However, we came to an understanding that compassion embodies grace and is sprinkled with surrender, acceptance, and more...and Sympathy feels terrible, full-stop. But, you be the judge of it. Hit play, and ride along with us as we are very curious about these three relationships that can bring many different experiences. Much love, Vicki and Arianne ❤️


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Relationship with Boundaries

Boundaries! This is a relationship with we unpacked in real-time of the recording because of it's layered complexity. How do we know what our boundaries are? How are boundaries defined in our lives and what are the consequences of not having boundaries? In this episode, we found ourselves exploring and evaluating our relationship with boundaries to see how far we've come and where we need to still grow. This is such an important relationship to claim and/or to reclaim because without boundaries, we can lack a feeling of safety, integrity and a solid sense of self in the world. So, press play and join us in our conversation as we explore this important and expansive relationship. Much love, Vicki and Arianne ❣️


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Relationship with Mental Health - Guest Jody Francis

What a gift to have Jody Francis back with us to discuss relationship with mental health! Jodys' presence in our Season 3, Episode 3 Relationship with Race had such an impact on us and our listeners that we jumped at the chance to have her back on our show. In this episode, we explore the Relationship with Mental Health. We all agreed this is one of the most important, if not THE most important relationship of all because mental health is everything. There is so much to say about mental health, so instead of writing a bunch about what we spoke about in this relationship, we invite you to push play and join us as we talk about mental health within our society and how mental health has impacted our own personal journeys. Much love, Arianne & Vicki ❣️


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Relationship with Seasons and Cycles

Do seasons impact our experiences or do our experiences impact how we feel about seasons? Or, is there a combination of both and more? In this episode, we needed to talk about a relationship that was short and sweet because we didn't have much time to record. So we landed on Seasons and Cycles ... okay, we mostly spoke about Seasons because we ran out of time. But, there is so much to explore in this rich and beautiful relationship. This episode proved to be quite light and lots of fun, so we hope that you can laugh along with us as we step into this interesting relationship. Much love, Vicki and Arianne 💖


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Relationship with Mindfulness

Mindfulness seems to be a bit of a buzzword that's spewed all over social media over the past few years, but what is it, really? Simply put, mindfulness is being present and being in the moment. It's about noticing yourself and noting how you experience yourself in the moment. But, how much of our waking hours are spent being present and mindful? Is it possible to have a fully functioning life and be mindful at the same time? Does one need to join a convent or meditate in order to be mindful? In this episode, we chat about how and if, we are practicing mindfulness - what it's like to be mindful within each moment and are there any benefits to not being mindful? Join us as we have aha moments and discover and unravel another relationship that felt somewhat 'unknown' when we hit record. Much love, Vicki and Arianne ❤️


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Relationship with Pain

Nobody is immune to experiencing pain. Physical, mental, emotional, psychological pain affects us in so many ways and can impact the way we experience life and can drastically affect how we show up. Do we as a society embrace and feel supported within the different pain points that we face? In this episode, we look at how pain in one area can have a ripple effect on the other (or even all) aspects of our lives and even how pain impacts our relationships. Oh, and Vicki is back as co-host!!!! So sit back and join us as we navigate the conversation and explore this complex relationship. Love, Vicki and Arianne 💞


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Guest Cohost Deedre Statz on Relationship with Intuition

"The true use of the body is actually to be a communication device." In this beautiful episode, I am joined with Deedre Statz as she guest co-hosts and guides us through a conversation on Relationship with Intuition. This episode really blew me away. Not only did Deedre settle into co-hosting like a podcasting pro, but she brought so much insight and gentleness to a relationship that can feel like taboo to some. At the time of this recording Vicki, my cohost and partner in crime, was unable to record due to recovering from surgery. So, instead of flying completely solo - because how boring is that - I followed my intuition and connected with fellow grad and colleague, Deedre Statz. Not only is Deedre a heart-centered therapist for women, but she is also an Intuitive Healer! So, it felt like a no-brainer to have a discussion around intuition. In this episode, we open the conversation up and ask questions like, everyone have intuition? How does one tap into this gift? How comfortable is it to live with our intuition and what happens when we negate or deny this part of ourselves? So lovelies, please let yourself be held in Deedre's expertise and love of this very special relationship. With love, Arianne 💖 P.S. This episode is completely unedited because the magic of Vicki's editing was unavailable. I want to thank you in advance for your understanding of this raw material. 🙏🏻 To find our more about Deedre Stetz or to book an online Angel session, she can be found here: @sacredsessionscounselling


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Guest Jody Francis on Relationship with Race

In this completely unedited episode, we are moved to tears by Jody Francis as she shares what it's like to be a POC (person of colour). Not only is Jody a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion professional, but she is someone that moves through the world with a brave, courageous and generous heart, and we were absolutely thrilled when she said yes to being a guest on our podcast to speak about Relationship with Race. And, as excited as we were, there was a level of anxiety within all of us due to the emotional charge that comes with this topic. So, the three of us leaned into our discomfort, carried on, and what was birthed from this episode was nothing short of amazing. We laughed and we cried. We made mistakes and we are learning. These are the conversations - ones about race and white privilege- that should be happening in households all over the world. These conversations aren't easy, but they are necessary. Join us as Jody Francis gently and beautifully shares her story and what her unique experiences have been and continue to be as a person of colour. Please, we invite you to open your hearts, open your mind, press play and be curious about what you can learn about your own relationship with race. "When we know better, we do better. " ~Maya Angelou Thank you Jody for being so brave! We love you! Arianne and Vicki


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Relationship with Endings

Endings. It’s almost impossible to count how many times in a day something ends. Endings are a constant cycle of every piece of life, but what do we do with the endings that have such a large impact on the way we navigate our daily lives? What happens when someone dies, a relationship dissolves, a job is lost or a health crisis arises. Endings aren’t bad, but they don’t always feel good, and some endings might feel amazing and are full of life. So, hit play and join us as we dive into this never-ending relationship. Much love, Vicki and Arianne 💖


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Relationship with Dreams

In our Season 3 opener episode, we thought it would be appropriate to talk about a relationship that works well with it being a New Year - Relationship with Dreams. Do you allow yourself to dream? What types of dreams do you allow to enter into your thoughts? Do you find it easy to dream or is it hard to let your imagination run wild with the limitless possibilities? In this episode, we talk about how we view dreams. While one of us finds dreaming to be fun and easy, the other finds it hard and challenging. Guess which one is which? You only get two guesses though. In this beautiful chat, we open up and expand what dreams and dreaming can do for one's self and how important it is to allow dreams to enter our lives - but there is a limit to this goodness. So, allow yourself to enter into this dream conversation, sit back, open your hearts and be curious with us as we explore the relationship with dreams. Much love, Vicki and Arianne 💞
