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Align with Ari

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

A place where we marry ancient wisdom and modern science so we dispel the woo-woo of spirituality to help you find authentic health, inner healing, connection and bliss. Join me, Ari, a scientist by training AND modern mystic at heart where I will be having heart-centered conversations with world leading experts to uncover the secrets to healing the mind, body and spirit. Whether you're a seasoned spiritual seeker or just starting out on your wellness journey, this podcast is for YOU! For the one who is ready to live unapologetically and reclaim your birthright to living an expansive, confident and fulfilling life.


United States


A place where we marry ancient wisdom and modern science so we dispel the woo-woo of spirituality to help you find authentic health, inner healing, connection and bliss. Join me, Ari, a scientist by training AND modern mystic at heart where I will be having heart-centered conversations with world leading experts to uncover the secrets to healing the mind, body and spirit. Whether you're a seasoned spiritual seeker or just starting out on your wellness journey, this podcast is for YOU! For the one who is ready to live unapologetically and reclaim your birthright to living an expansive, confident and fulfilling life.



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EPISODE 13 | Healing Trauma with Past Life Regression with Dr. Jennifer Williams

Have you ever wondered about past lives? Or felt like you’ve just clicked with someone instantly? Or perhaps you can’t pinpoint why something triggers you so much? It might be related to a past-life experience! In this episode, Ari speaks to Dr. Jennifer Williams - integrative psychotherapist, professor, EMDR therapist and clinical hypnotherapist on all things past life therapy. Dr. Williams is a licensed clinical social worker, trauma-focused psychotherapist, clinical hypnotherapist, researcher, and university professor with over 25 years of experience. She is trained in EMDR, clinical hypnosis, regression therapy, MBSR, HeartMath, neurofeedback, and integrative medicine and nutrition, and she integrates this knowledge into her clinical practice, teaching, research, and consultation. Episode highlights: Are we connected yet? Instagram YouTube Embodiment Toolkit More support


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EPISODE 12 | Reconnect to your Inner Intuitive through Yoga Nidra with Dr. Uma Dinsmore-Tuli

In this episode, Ari is joined by Dr. Uma Dinsmore-Tuli where they dive into the ancient and resurgent practice of Yoga Nidra. This is one of Ari’s all-time favourite practices to help regulate the nervous system and today they explore the origins, the neuroscience, the benefits, how and when to practice, the imbalance between feminine and masculine energetics, and why now is a more important time than ever to prioritize rest. Uma met yoga in 1969, at the age of four, and fell in love. She’s been practicing ever since, and teaching yoga since 1994. She is a yoga therapist with special expertise in yoga therapy for women’s health, Uma is a mother of three, and has written four books on yoga for women, including the massive Yoni Shakti and two books on Yoga Nidra, including Nidra Shakti, An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Yoga Nidra. Uma is co-founder of the Yoga Nidra Network and has developed Total Yoga Nidra, Wild Nidra and Nidra Shakti: radical creative and intuitive approaches to sharing yoga nidra. Episode Highlights: Links The Yoga Nidra Network Yoga Nidra Made Easy Are we connected yet? Instagram YouTube Free Audio Guide More support


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EPISODE 11 | Getting in touch with yourSelf through self-pleasure and orgasm with Jenna Switzer

In this juicy episode, Ari is joined by Holistic Sex Coach & Orgasm Extraordinaire - Jenna Switzer where they talk about all things sacred sexuality, self-pleasure practice, the importance of pleasure, how to build confidence in the bedroom and what a healthy sex life feels like. Jenna Switzer is a holistic sex coach and orgasm extraordinaire. Her work blends traditional practices from taoist and tantric lineages with a modern understanding of anatomy and physiology. Originally from Canada, she has been a passionate yogi for fifteen years and a teacher for a decade. She has led workshops, trainings, retreats, and classes domestically and internationally. Episode highlights: Links Embodiment Toolkit Work with Jenna Erotic Blueprint Quiz Book: Love Worth Making by Stephen Snyder, M.D Are we connected yet? Instagram YouTube Free Audio Guide More support


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EPISODE 10 | Shifting from mind to heart consciousness with Unangan Elder Ilarion Merculieff

In this week’s episode, Ari is joined by Unangan elder and wisdom keeper - Ilarion Merculieff. Merculieff is the final elder remaining that has had traditional indigenous upbringing and he is here to share Mother Earth’s message to us all. Having won various awards in wildlife conservation and having chaired the Indigenous Knowledge sessions in the UN sponsored Global Summit of Indigenous Peoples on Climate change, close to Merculieff’s heart are issues related to cultural and community wellness, traditional ways of living, Elder wisdom, and the environment. Episode Highlights: Resource Wisdom Keeper by Ilarion Merculieff Wisdom Weavers of the World Documentary Are we connected yet? Instagram YouTube Free Audio Guide More support


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EPISODE 9 | Inner child work to cultivate self-worth

Are you noticing patterns in the types of people you attract in your life, or situations? Maybe it’s your inner child needing a little TLC. In this episode Ari shares with us why inner child work is so important in the healing journey and the most effective practices to help you get started. We all have inner children that are alive within us and want and need to be acknowledged. The question is, how do we re-parent ourselves? Episode Highlights: Resource Inner Child Guided Meditation for Self Worth Get the Embodiment Toolkit Are we connected yet? Instagram YouTube Free Audio Guide More support


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EPISODE 8 | The Science Beyond the Yoga Poses with Angie Tiwari

In today’s episode, Ari is joined by yoga, breath and meditation teacher - Angie Tiwari - globally recognised as an industry leader in wellness known for her boldness and openness to be vocal about issues many experience. Having worked with some of the biggest brands from Instagram, M&S, Dishoom, Dentsu and UberEats, she seeks to break down false and harmful narratives in the wellness industry with a mission to reshape it. Her vision is for more diversity, inclusion and accessibility and South Asian representation within yoga and beyond. Women’s Health Magazine named her as 1 of 8 women breaking the bias in sports, fitness and wellness. Episode highlights: Resources Angie's community: UNEARTHED Work with Angie The Science of Breath book The Autobiography of a Yogi Living with Hamali and Masters Swami Rama Are we connected yet? Instagram YouTube Free Audio Guide More support


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EPISODE 7 | Connecting to your SELF through embodiment work

In this episode, Ari explores all things embodiment work. In a world that emphasizes mind over body, embodiment practices are key to reconnecting to the body’s wisdom, regulating your nervous system and feeling safe in your body once again. This episode invites you to reclaim your birthright to trust and feel home in your body and offers practical ways to get started. Episode highlights Get the Embodiment Toolkit to help you get started Are we connected yet? Instagram YouTube Free Audio Guide More support


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EPISODE 6 | The healing power of cacao plant medicine and ceremony with Florencia Fridman

In today’s episode, Ari is joined by the lovely Florencia Fridman - a self-empowerment artist working with heart opening therapies involving Ceremonial Grade Cacao, yoga, sound journeys, and breath as instruments for transformation. Florencia is passionate about supporting the voices of indigenous nations, wisdom keepers, and guardians of the sacred lands. She has studied under Mayan elders from Guatemala and indigenous communities of the Ecuadorian Amazon. Florencia has opened for Deepak Chopra and facilitated ceremonies for the corporate world at Spotify. She was a ceremony guide resident at The Assemblage in NYC and has shared Cacao at NYU. She is the co-Founder of Cacao Lab, a Ceremonial Cacao brand aiming to bridge the gap between modern culture and indigenous communities. Episode highlights: Links Cacao: Food of the Gods Documentary Cacao Laboratory Shop (Use code: ARIANAR10) Florecer Community Are we connected yet? Instagram YouTube Free Audio Guide More support


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EPISODE 5 | Healing through NeuroDynamic Breathwork with Michael Stone

In this episode, Ari is joined by Michael Stone, BS Chem Eng, MBA, inventor of a new type of breathwork modality called Neurodynamic Breathwork, co-founder of the "Train Your Brain, Master Your Life" Workshop, Certified Holotropic Breathwork Facilitator and founder of Holotropic Breathwork LA was born and currently resides in Los Angeles, California. Because of his research into neuroscience, he understood that to get the maximum benefit from this work it is ideal for breathwork to be done on a regular basis to strengthen that neural pathway. In this conversation, they explore the origins and science of breathwork, the ancient wisdom traditions that have used sound healing for millenia, what to expect in breathwork sessions, how this modality can support healing from trauma, the difference between nostril and mouth breathing and it's impact on the brain, and commonly answered questions are answered to help introduce this healing practice. Episode highlights Find out more about Michael and get access to a FREE breathing workshop. Music composition by Byron Metcalf Are we connected yet? Instagram YouTube Free Audio Guide


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EPISODE 4 | The Number ONE thing I Learnt as a Leading Dietitian

In this episode Ari explores the number one thing she has learnt in her seven years of practice as one of London’s leading specialist dietitians in intuitive eating and eating disorders. She shares with us why she moved away from dietetics and explored various therapies, spiritual practices and psychological modalities to find an approach that gets us what we really want - JOY, pleasure and purpose in life BEYOND your dress size or number you see on the scale. Episode highlights Are we connected yet? Instagram YouTube Free Audio Guide More support


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EPISODE 3 | Where Astrology and Psychology Meet with Dr. Jennifer Freed

In this episode, Ari is in conversation with Dr. Jennifer Freed. A depth psychologist, social-emotional trainer, and astrologer. She is an author and a certified EMDR expert and national consultant who has penned ten books relating to personal growth. She has also been interviewed for her expertise by the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, goop, USA Today, and VOGUE, among others. With a Ph.D. in psychology, in addition to her expertise as an astrologer, Jennifer Freed is here to show you how to decode and tap into your gifts in this practical guide to life. She explains how your astrological birth chart can point you to the life you want and offers self-assessments to pinpoint your most effective strategies. Episode Highlights: Find more about Dr. Jennifer Freed at: Instagram: @drjenniferfreed Twitter: @DrJenFreed Facebook: @JenniferFreedPhD Substack: Links A Map to Your Soul Chani App The Astrology of the Week ahead podcast Are we connected yet? Instagram YouTube Free Audio Guide More support


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EPISODE 2 | The Universal Laws of the Soul and Healing with Dr. Mitchell Saskin

Ari is joined in conversation by Dr. Mitchell Saskin where they explore the universal laws of the soul that underpin his psycho-spiritual practice, attachment theory from a spiritual lens, past lives, karma and how to become a co-creator with life and get out of the victim mentality. Dr. Saskin is a Clinical Psychologist with a practice on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. He has over 30 years experience as a psychotherapist in private practice as well as working and consulting in public, independent and parochial schools throughout NYC. Dr. Saskin received his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the Derner Institute at Adelphi University and has been a member of the core faculty at Spirit Mind Body Institute at Teachers College, Columbia University since its inception in 2014, primarily lecturing on the integration of spirituality into psychotherapy. Episode highlights: Links Are we connected yet? Instagram YouTube Free Audio Guide More support


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EPISODE 1 | What it means to live in alignment

In this episode, Ari defines alignment and what steps you need to take to start living this way. She gives a brief introduction to the nervous system, how to know when you’re out of alignment, what it means to be guided by pleasure & joy, the famous PERMA+ model to happiness and wellbeing in positive psychology, and she leaves you with some journal prompts you can use to recalibrate and come back to your true north. Episode highlights: Are we connected yet? Instagram YouTube Free Audio Guide More support


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Align with Ari | Trailer

A place where we marry ancient wisdom and modern science so we dispel the woo-woo of spirituality to help you find authentic health, inner healing, connection and bliss. Get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and evolution, as we discuss topics ranging from intuitive eating, somatic therapies, sound medicine, energy healing, past lives, yoga, meditation, nutrition, mindfulness, astrology, breathwork, and more! Join me, Ari, a scientist by training AND modern mystic at heart where I will be having heart-centered conversations with world leading experts to uncover the secrets to healing the mind, body and spirit. Whether you're a seasoned spiritual seeker or just starting out on your wellness journey, this podcast is for YOU! For the one who is ready to live unapologetically and reclaim your birthright to living an expansive, confident and fulfilling life. Are we connected yet? Instagram YouTube Free Audio Guide More support
