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Anand Sahib English Translation, Meaning and Explanation - Nanak Naam

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

How do we come to a place in our lives where we start to feel consistently better about everything and life starts to feel peace, joyful and blissful? Journey with us in this Anand Sahib Katha series (English katha) to learn Anand Sahib (English translation and meaning) and explore how the composition of Anand Sahib (in English), written by Guru Amar Das Ji relates to everyday life and gives answers to the meaning of life and how to find purpose in life. We rely on your donations to be able to produce and share Sikh Spirituality content. Please DONATE today at


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How do we come to a place in our lives where we start to feel consistently better about everything and life starts to feel peace, joyful and blissful? Journey with us in this Anand Sahib Katha series (English katha) to learn Anand Sahib (English translation and meaning) and explore how the composition of Anand Sahib (in English), written by Guru Amar Das Ji relates to everyday life and gives answers to the meaning of life and how to find purpose in life. We rely on your donations to be able to produce and share Sikh Spirituality content. Please DONATE today at



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Anand Sahib 40 - How To Be Happier In Life? - Anad Sunhu Vadbhaageeho

In this episode Satpal Singh explores verse 40 of Anand Sahib (meaning): anad sunhu vadbhaageeho sagal manorath pooray. paarbarahm parabh paa-i-aa utray sagal visooray. dookh rog santaap utray sunee sachee banee. sant saajan bha-ay sarsay pooray gur tay jaanee. suntay puneet kahtay pavit satgur rahi-aa bharpooray. binvant naanak gur charan laagay vaajay anhad tooray. ||40|| Watch all episodes of Anand Sahib English Katha here: #AnandSahib #AnandSahibTranslation #AnandSahibEnglish


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Anand Sahib 39 - Who Am I? The Mystery Of Life - Ayhu Saachaa Sohilaa

In this episode Satpal Singh explores verse 39 of Anand Sahib (meaning): ayhu saachaa sohilaa saachai ghar gaavhu. gaavhu ta sohilaa ghar saachai jithai sadaa sach Dhi-aavhay. sacho Dhi-aavahi jaa tuDh bhaaveh gurmukh jinaa bujhaavhay. ih sach sabhnaa kaa khasam hai jis bakhsay so jan paavhay. kahai naanak sach sohilaa sachai ghar gaavhay. ||39|| Satpal covers the following topics: 00:00​ Translation of Anand Sahib 39 02:02​ The power of Kirtan and spiritual songs 08:34​ The importance of a spiritual community | Sadh Sangat 13:32​ Finding your inner home | Shedding skin analogy 18:23​ How to obtain non-dual thinking? | Fog analogy 26:03​ How to realise who you are? 30:46​ The true meaning of service (seva) Employee analogy 36:17​ A meditation practice is very valuable Watch all episodes of Anand Sahib English Katha here: #AnandSahib #AnandSahibTranslation #AnandSahibEnglish #EnglishKatha


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Anand Sahib 38 - How To Find My Spiritual Path? - Har Jee-o Gufa

In this episode Satpal Singh explores verse 38 of Anand Sahib (meaning): har jee-o gufaa andar rakh kai vaajaa pavan vajaa-i-aa. vajaa-i-aa vaajaa pa-un na-o du-aaray pargat kee-ay dasvaa gupat rakhaa-i-aa. gurdu-aarai laa-ay bhaavnee iknaa dasvaa du-aar dikhaa-i-aa. tah anayk roop naa-o nav niDh tis daa ant na jaa-ee paa-i-aa. kahai naanak har pi-aarai jee-o gufaa andar rakh kai vaajaa pavan vajaa-i-aa. ||38|| Satpal covers the following topics: 00:00 Translation of Anand Sahib 38 03:16 Oneness is living through you | God is the flute player 11:35 What are the 'nine gates' of the human body? 19:35 Opening the tenth gate | Chessboard analogy 24:13 Going inwards, being blessed with an awakening | Dasam Dwar 29:20 How do you define success | Nine treasures Watch all episodes of Anand Sahib English Katha here: #AnandSahib #AnandSahibTranslation #AnandSahibEnglish #Gurbanitranslation


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Anand Sahib 37 - Why You Should Stop Listening To Negativity - Ay Sarvanhu Mayriho

In this episode Satpal Singh explores verse 37 of Anand Sahib (meaning): ay sarvanhu mayriho saachai sunnai no pathaa-ay. saachai sunnai no pathaa-ay sareer laa-ay sunhu sat banee. jit sunee man tan hari-aa ho-aa rasnaa ras samaanee. sach alakh vidaanee taa kee gat kahee na jaa-ay. kahai naanak amrit naam sunhu pavitar hovhu saachai sunnai no pathaa-ay. ||37|| Watch all episodes of Anand Sahib English Katha here: #AnandSahib #AnandSahibTranslation #AnandSahibEnglish


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Anand Sahib 36 - How To See The Divine In Everything? - Ay Naytarahu Mayriho

In this episode Satpal Singh explores verse 36 of Anand Sahib (meaning): ay naytarahu mayriho har tum meh jot Dharee har bin avar na daykhhu ko-ee. har bin avar na daykhhu ko-ee nadree har nihaali-aa. ayhu vis sansaar tum daykh-day ayhu har kaa roop hai har roop nadree aa-i-aa. gur parsaadee bujhi-aa jaa vaykhaa har ik hai har bin avar na ko-ee. kahai naanak ayhi naytar anDh say satgur mili-ai dib darisat ho-ee. ||36|| Watch all episodes of Anand Sahib English Katha here: #AnandSahib #AnandSahibTranslation #AnandSahibEnglish


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Anand Sahib 35 - You Have Been Given An Opportunity - Ay Sareeraa Mayri-aa

In this episode Satpal Singh explores verse 35 of Anand Sahib (meaning): ay sareeraa mayri-aa is jag meh aa-ay kai ki-aa tuDh karam kamaa-i-aa. ke karam kamaa-i-aa tuDh sareeraa jaa too jag meh aa-i-aa. jin har tayraa rachan rachi-aa so har man na vasaa-i-aa. gur parsaadee har man vasi-aa poorab likhi-aa paa-i-aa. kahai naanak ayhu sareer parvaan ho-aa jin satgur si-o chit laa-i-aa. ||35|| Watch all episodes of Anand Sahib English Katha here: #AnandSahib #AnandSahibTranslation #AnandSahibEnglish


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Anand Sahib 34 - Are You Ready To Clear Your Mind? - Man Chaa-o Bha-i-aa

In this video Satpal Singh explores verse 34 of Anand Sahib (meaning): man chaa-o bha-i-aa parabh aagam suni-aa. har mangal gaa-o sakhee garihu mandar bani-aa. har gaa-o mangal nit sakhee-ay sog dookh na vi-aapa-ay. gur charan laagay din sabhaagay aapnaa pir jaap-ay. anhat banee gur sabad jaanee har naam har ras bhogo. kahai naanak parabh aap mili-aa karan kaaran jogo. ||34|| In this verse Satpal Singh explores themes around: What can a person gain from a spiritual life? Wedding verse ਉਸਤਤਿ ਨਿੰਦਾ ਨਾਨਕ ਜੀ, ਮੈ ਹਭ ਵਞਾਈ ਛੋੜਿਆ, ਹਭੁ ਕਿਝੁ ਤਿਆਗੀ ॥ I have totally discarded praise and slander, O Nanak; I have forsaken and abandoned everything. ਹਭੇ ਸਾਕ ਕੂੜਾਵੇ ਡਿਠੇ, ਤਉ ਪਲੈ ਤੈਡੈ ਲਾਗੀ ॥੧॥ I have seen that all relationships are false, and so I have grasped hold of the hem of Your robe, Lord. ||1|| Watch all episodes of Anand Sahib English Katha here: #AnandSahib #AnandSahibTranslation #AnandSahibEnglish


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Anand Sahib 33 - How To Change My Perspective On Life? - Ay Sareeraa Mayri-aa

In this episode Satpal Singh explores verse 33 of Anand Sahib (meaning): ay sareeraa mayri-aa har tum meh jot rakhee taa too jag meh aa-i-aa. har jot rakhee tuDh vich taa too jag meh aa-i-aa. har aapay maataa aapay pitaa jin jee-o upaa-ay jagat dikhaa-i-aa. gur parsaadee bujhi-aa taa chalat ho-aa chalat nadree aa-i-aa. kahai naanak sarisat kaa mool rachi-aa jot raakhee taa too jag meh aa-i-aa. ||33|| Watch all episodes of Anand Sahib English Katha here: #AnandSahib #AnandSahibTranslation #AnandSahibEnglish


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Anand Sahib 32 - Create Healthy Habits To Change Your Life - Ay Rasnaa Too An Ras Raach Rahee

In this episode Satpal Singh explores verse 32 of Anand Sahib (meaning): ay rasnaa too an ras raach rahee tayree pi-aas na jaa-ay. pi-aas na jaa-ay horat kitai jichar har ras palai na paa-ay. har ras paa-ay palai pee-ai har ras bahurh na tarisnaa laagai aa-ay. ayhu har ras karmee paa-ee-ai satgur milai jis aa-ay. kahai naanak hor an ras sabh veesray jaa har vasai man aa-ay. ||32|| Watch all episodes of Anand Sahib English Katha here: #AnandSahib #AnandSahibTranslation #AnandSahibEnglish


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Anand Sahib 31 - Mindfulness: How Can I Be Happy? - Har Raas Mayree Man Vanjaaraa

In this episode Satpal Singh explores verse 31 of Anand Sahib (meaning): har raas mayree man vanjaaraa. har raas mayree man vanjaaraa satgur tay raas jaanee. har har nit japihu jee-ahu laahaa khatihu dihaarhee. ayhu Dhan tinaa mili-aa jin har aapay bhaanaa. kahai naanak har raas mayree man ho-aa vanjaaraa. ||31|| Watch all episodes of Anand Sahib English Katha here: #AnandSahib #AnandSahibTranslation #AnandSahibEnglish


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Anand Sahib 30 - What Is Most Valuable In Life? - Har Aap Amulak Hai

In this episode Satpal Singh explores verse 30 of Anand Sahib (meaning): har aap amulak hai mul na paa-i-aa jaa-ay. mul na paa-i-aa jaa-ay kisai vitahu rahay lok villaa-ay. aisaa satgur jay milai tis no sir sa-upee-ai vichahu aap jaa-ay. jis daa jee-o tis mil rahai har vasai man aa-ay. har aap amulak hai bhaag tinaa kay naankaa jin har palai paa-ay. ||30|| Watch all episodes of Anand Sahib English Katha here: #AnandSahib #AnandSahibTranslation #AnandSahibEnglish


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Anand Sahib 28 & 29 - How To Connect With Mother Nature? - Maataa Kay Udar - Jaisee Agan Udar

In this episode Satpal Singh explores verses 28 & 29 of Anand Sahib (meaning): maataa kay udar meh partipaal karay so ki-o manhu visaaree-ai. manhu ki-o visaaree-ai ayvad daataa je agan meh aahaar pahuchaava-ay. os no kihu pohi na sakee jis na-o aapnee liv laav-ay. aapnee liv aapay laa-ay gurmukh sadaa samaalee-ai. kahai naanak ayvad daataa so ki-o manhu visaaree-ai. ||28|| jaisee agan udar meh taisee baahar maa-i-aa. maa-i-aa agan sabh iko jayhee kartai khayl rachaa-i-aa. jaa tis bhaanaa taa jammi-aa parvaar bhalaa bhaa-i-aa. liv chhurhkee lagee tarisnaa maa-i-aa amar vartaa-i-aa. ayh maa-i-aa jit har visrai moh upjai bhaa-o doojaa laa-i-aa. kahai naanak gur parsaadee jinaa liv laagee tinee vichay maa-i-aa paa-i-aa. ||29|| Watch all episodes of Anand Sahib English Katha here: #AnandSahib #AnandSahibTranslation #AnandSahibEnglish


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Anand Sahib 27 - Is Religion Helpful In Our Daily Lives? - Simrit Saastar Punn Paap

In this episode Satpal Singh explores verse 27 of Anand Sahib (meaning): simrit saastar punn paap beechaarday tatai saar na jaanee. tatai saar na jaanee guroo baajhahu tatai saar na jaanee. tihee gunee sansaar bharam sutaa suti-aa rain vihaanee. gur kirpaa tay say jan jaagay jinaa har man vasi-aa boleh amrit banee. kahai naanak so tat paa-ay jis no an-din har liv laagai jaagat rain vihaanee. ||27|| Watch all episodes of Anand Sahib English Katha here: #AnandSahib #AnandSahibTranslation #AnandSahibEnglish


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Anand Sahib 26 - Find Your Balance, Lose Attachments - Siv Sakat Aap Upaa-ay

In this episode Satpal Singh explores verse 26 of Anand Sahib (meaning): siv sakat aap upaa-ay kai kartaa aapay hukam vartaa-ay. hukam vartaa-ay aap vaykhai gurmukh kisai bujhaa-ay. torhay banDhan hovai mukat sabad man vasaa-ay. gurmukh jis no aap karay so hovai aykas si-o liv laa-ay. kahai naanak aap kartaa aapay hukam bujhaa-ay. ||26|| Satpal covers topics such as: - Ying and Yang, Soul & Matter, Creation & Destruction - Pronunciation of Sanskrit words (Rama, Krishna, Dharma, Yoga, Mantra) - Nonduality in Vedanta Mahavakhya, Aham Brahmasmi (Sanskrit: अहम् ब्रह्मास्मि) - Story of Mansur Al-Hallaj and Ana al-Haq (Arabic: أنا الحَقيقة) Watch all episodes of Anand Sahib English Katha here: #AnandSahib #AnandSahibTranslation #AnandSahibEnglish


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Anand Sahib 25 - How To Change Negative Thoughts? - Gur Kaa Sabad Ratann Hai

In this episode Satpal Singh explores verse 25 of Anand Sahib (meaning): gur kaa sabad ratann hai heeray jit jarhaa-o. sabad ratan jit man laagaa ayhu ho-aa samaa-o. sabad saytee man mili-aa sachai laa-i-aa bhaa-o. aapay heeraa ratan aapay jis no day-ay bujhaa-ay. kahai naanak sabad ratan hai heeraa jit jarhaa-o. ||25|| Watch all episodes of Anand Sahib English Katha here: #AnandSahib #AnandSahibTranslation #AnandSahibEnglish


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Anand Sahib 24 - How To Go Deeper Spiritually? - Satguroo Binaa Hor Kachee

In this episode Satpal Singh explores verse 24 of Anand Sahib (meaning): satguroo binaa hor kachee hai banee. banee ta kachee satguroo baajhahu hor kachee banee. kahday kachay sunday kachay kacheeN aakh vakhaanee. har har nit karahi rasnaa kahi-aa kachhoo na jaanee. chit jin kaa hir la-i-aa maa-i-aa bolan pa-ay ravaanee. kahai naanak satguroo baajhahu hor kachee banee. ||24|| Watch all episodes of Anand Sahib English Katha here: #AnandSahib #AnandSahibTranslation #AnandSahibEnglish


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Anand Sahib 23 - Falling In Love With Life - Aavhu Sikh Satguroo Kay

In this episode Satpal Singh explores verse 23 of Anand Sahib (meaning): aavhu sikh satguroo kay pi-aariho gaavhu sachee banee. banee ta gaavhu guroo kayree baanee-aa sir banee. jin ka-o nadar karam hovai hirdai tinaa samaanee. peevhu amrit sadaa rahhu har rang japihu saarigpaanee. kahai naanak sadaa gaavhu ayh sachee banee. ||23|| Watch all episodes of Anand Sahib English Katha here: #AnandSahib #AnandSahibTranslation #AnandSahibEnglish


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Anand Sahib 22 - Reconnecting To Spirituality - Jay Ko Gur Tay Vaimukh Hovai

In this episode Satpal Singh explores verse 22 of Anand Sahib (meaning): jay ko gur tay vaimukh hovai bin satgur mukat na paavai. paavai mukat na hor thai ko-ee puchhahu bibaykee-aa jaa-ay. anayk joonee bharam aavai vin satgur mukat na paa-ay. fir mukat paa-ay laag charnee satguroo sabad sunaa-ay. kahai naanak veechaar daykhhu vin satgur mukat na paa-ay. ||22|| Watch all episodes of Anand Sahib English Katha here: #AnandSahib #AnandSahibTranslation #AnandSahibEnglish
