Awakening Together, Relaxing into Happiness with William Cooper, Master of Theology, Licensed Professional Counselor-logo

Awakening Together, Relaxing into Happiness with William Cooper, Master of Theology, Licensed Professional Counselor

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Experience Awakening....Relaxing into your Being and, therefore, Happiness. William earned a 4 year on campus Master of Theology from Harding Theological Seminary. He was a Unity board president and, later, a Oneness trainer. In 1994 he went into private practice as a Licensed Psychotherapist. He has been to India 14 times averaging 3 months per visit to explore awakening with gurus and awakened beings. Also Bhutan, Brazil, etc. This series explores the hows of awakening and experiencing the flow of your Being, (love, peace, happiness, fulfillment and joy). A practical blending of East and West. Meditation, yoga and Energy meet psychotherapy and awakened Beings...and beyond All. For more info and writings on the subject,


United States


Experience Awakening....Relaxing into your Being and, therefore, Happiness. William earned a 4 year on campus Master of Theology from Harding Theological Seminary. He was a Unity board president and, later, a Oneness trainer. In 1994 he went into private practice as a Licensed Psychotherapist. He has been to India 14 times averaging 3 months per visit to explore awakening with gurus and awakened beings. Also Bhutan, Brazil, etc. This series explores the hows of awakening and experiencing the flow of your Being, (love, peace, happiness, fulfillment and joy). A practical blending of East and West. Meditation, yoga and Energy meet psychotherapy and awakened Beings...and beyond All. For more info and writings on the subject,





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135 Releasing, Tension, Negative Thoughts and Influences, Nothingness - Q&A

This is a recording of a Live Q & A which has been edited for clarity, length, and helpfulness. We discussed how relaxation and tension apply to the process of Awakening and how to release blocks. A participant asked for prespective on experiencing herself as "nothing". Others asked about negative thoughts in meditation, can we be dealing with feelings we have absorbed from others rather than created ourselves, etc. Though I am a psychotherapist and these podcasts are offered to be spiritually helpful, they are not psychotherapy. If psychotherapy is ever needed, please reach out to a psychotherapist.


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134 Restoring Flow, Halting Self Hurt, Broken Relationship Q & A

This is a recording of a Live Q & A which has been edited for clarity, length, and helpfulness. Participants heartfelt questions and experiences guided our discussion. We discuss how to release our blocks and let them melt, stopping hurting ourselves, the importance of "getting out of the pounding surf" as a basic step in our path of awakening, some grief is from biological separation as well as past and present obstacles. Another noticed that he absorbed depression sitting next to a depressed man, etc. Though I am a psychotherapist and these podcasts are offered to be spiritually helpful, they are not psychotherapy. If psychotherapy is ever needed, please reach out to a psychotherapist.


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133 Experiencing What We Are

To a seeker, Ramana said, "Before you ask out 'your life', find out who 'You' are." Good advice. In this podcast we place our attention on what we are. What is always here and remains when everything goes? We place our attention on Awareness or our "Buddha nature". It is like a rainbow and is experienced beyond creation as a full nothing and, in creation, as Light, Love, Peace, Happiness, Joy, etc. We place our attention on Awareness so that we can experience our Selves rather than just understand our Selves. We talk about why some experience them Selves as Peace while others as Love, or Joy or Happiness or All. Though not the focus, we talk briefly about how to release what distracts and blocks us and why. We also note that much more information on releasing and the whole process of awakening is available for free on this platform. All podcasts stand on their own yet each rests on those before. Best to start at number 1 and move forward unless you find a title compelling now. Though I am a psychotherapist and these podcasts are offered to be spiritually helpful, they are not psychotherapy. If psychotherapy is ever needed, please reach out to a psychotherapist.


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132 Seeing What We Are Not

There can be no ultimate joy living a life that is false and deluded. Therefore, let's see clearly what we are not. Knowing what we are not, we can, also, more easily experience what we are. Let's let go of what we are not and enjoy the radiant Peace, Love and Joy of who we are. From contemplation 2 on my website, Though I am a psychotherapist and these podcasts are offered to be spiritually helpful, they are not psychotherapy. If psychotherapy is ever needed, please reach out to a psychotherapist.


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131 Releasing Inner Blocks, Past Lives, Modifying Practices, Fear of Death - Q & A

This is a recording of a Live Q & A which has been edited for clarity, length, and helpfulness. We discuss that so many are suffering these days, how to melt the obstacles that block our happiness, daily consistency in taking baby steps, the fear of death, past lives, and that it's ok to modify spiritual practices. Though I am a psychotherapist and these podcasts are offered to be spiritually helpful, they are not psychotherapy. If psychotherapy is ever needed, please reach out to a psychotherapist.


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130 To See Is To Be Free

Meditation, exercise, nutrition, yoga, psychotherapy, energy work, philosophy, etc all can be important in our awakening process. Yet seeing clearly can melt the delusions that may be causing much of our problems. When I see that the deadly cobra in my room is actually only a rope all of my issues regarding that "deadly" event melt away quickly. No psychotropic drugs or psychotherapy needed for my previous dread and anxiety. No meditation, no philosophy, nothing is needed. All done. While all of the above can be vital at different times, "To See Is To Be Free." From my contemplation number 1 on my website, Though I am a psychotherapist and these podcasts are offered to be spiritually helpful, they are not psychotherapy. If psychotherapy is ever needed, please reach out to a psychotherapist.


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129 Melting Inner Ice, Nonattachment, Opening Chakras - Q & A

This is a recording of a Live Q & A which has been edited for length and clarity. We discuss how we freeze free flowing consciousness into painful inner obstructions and how to melt them. Also, nonattachment, how to open the chakras, how to "Be Here Now", etc. Though I am a psychotherapist and these podcasts are offered to be spiritually helpful, they are not psychotherapy. If psychotherapy is ever needed, please reach out to a psychotherapist.


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128 Be Still And Know

Contemplation and reflection on, "Be Still and Know that I am God", Psalm 46:10 "Trying to understand is like straining through muddy water. Do you have the patience to wait? Be still and allow the mud to settle." , Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching. From my contemplation 26 on my website,


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127 Letting Go, My Healing Heals My Child?, Jesus Appears, Q & A

In this recorded live Q & A we discussed the 3 steps in letting go of That which keeps us from Awakening and enjoying life fully, What happened when Jesus appeared to William, question about Catholic guilt and how to let it go and know Jesus as a friend. A mother asked if her awakening could help her troubled child. Lots more as well. Though I am a psychotherapist and these podcasts are offered to be spiritually helpful, they are not psychotherapy. If psychotherapy is ever needed, please reach out to a psychotherapist.


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126 "Leave It As It Is"

Trying to control life is exhausting. Longchenpa, the ancient Tibetan Dzogchen masters' suggestion? "Leave it as it is and rest the weary heart and mind." Sound good for today? My contemplation 13 on my website. "Leave it as it is and rest the weary heart and mind." Sound good for today? My contemplation 13 on my website,


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125 Let Your Light Shine

If we lived in a dark world that was without light we might try to cope and understand through philosophy, science, relationships, psychotherapy, thinking, emoting, talking, etc. Yet nothing would help us all as much as a single person lighting a candle. My contemplation 14 on my website,


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124 Heart Shining Through

Your heart shines through and around emotional layers and colors. I describe a large painting I did where the white canvas shines through just like your Being shines through. My contemplation 15 on my website,


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123 Non Attachment - "The Great Way"

How is non attachment is possible? Short of repression we only will let go if we trade for something better. Ultimate non attachment, therefore, is only possible in Awakening. In Oneness we are All. Everything has become us. From my contemplation 19 on my website,


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123 Restoring Flow, Tension, Halting Self Hurt, Relations Q & A

We discussed how to restore our Flow, relaxing and letting tension flow through us, Life is us and helping, the only one inside hurting us is us. An incident happened for a moment, now it is gone and no longer exists but we have been hurting ourselves over it for, perhaps, decades. One person called in about the end of her dream marriage. Also, can others' energy affect us? Another asked about depression and tears.


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122 "Why Aren't My Blocks Dissolving? Christianity Fear, Angels, Trust" Q & A

In this Q & A somebody asks why their Blocks are not dissolving in meditation, they are afraid of Christianity, want to talk to angels. We also talk about letting go in general and the importance of trust and how to experience trust. Another asks if they have to experience their negative stories in order to let them go. Etc. Though I am a psychotherapist and these podcasts are offered to be spiritually helpful, they are not psychotherapy. If psychotherapy is ever needed, please reach out to a psychotherapist.


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121 Relaxing Into Happiness

You are Happiness (Being) right now and always. Nothing to do but enjoy. Yet we often feel blocked from our Selves by our troubles. We develop preferences to protect us from being triggered and feeling our repressed pain blockages. Our life becomes small. What to do? Let's do the opposite repression. When we become triggered or feel our tensions or pain in anyway, just relax and let it flow. The pain will come up, release its energy and dissipate....gone. As more and more troubles release you become clearer and can feel and experience your innate Joy once again. Who would you be without your troubles? This "Relaxing into Happiness" Practice may be all you need. It is simple yet profound. If you would like to explore this practice more deeply you can listen to any or all of my previous podcasts, "Awakening Together, Relaxing into Happiness". They are thorough and very good. I recommend starting with number one. Also Michael Singer's books, "Untethered Soul", "The Surrender Experiment", and "Living Untethered" are all fun, easy, deep and so worth your while. His free recorded talks on the Temple of the Universe site are excellent as well.


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120 - Opening to Joy - Q & A

In this dynamic Q & A we discussed the relationship between trust and clarity, meditation, "Do you have the patience to wait until your mud settles and the water is clear?". Another asked, now that she experiences unfathomable joy why does she feel like shutting down as she did when experiencing negative emotions? Another asked how to cope with anger? Though I am a psychotherapist and these podcasts are offered to be spiritually helpful, they are not psychotherapy. If psychotherapy is ever needed, please reach out to a psychotherapist.


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119 How Do I Stop My Thoughts and Stay in the Present? Q & A

A beginning meditator is working her way through these podcasts starting at 1, the introduction, and moving forward. She wrote in asking how to stop her thoughts and her mind from roaming and how to stay in the present? Though I am a psychotherapist and these podcasts are offered to be spiritually helpful, they are not psychotherapy. If psychotherapy is ever needed, please reach out to a psychotherapist.


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118 Release, Awakening, Clarity, Teachers, Addiction, Forgiveness - Q & A

Great Q & A! We discussed Awakening, How to Release into Clarity, Addiction, Forgiveness, What is Source, Some good Teachers and Radiant Beings, Living with and loving Narcissistic family members, etc. Though I am a licensed Psychotherapist, none of these podcasts are psychotherapy or a substitute for psychotherapy. They are meant to be helpful on your spiritual path. If you ever suspect you need a psychotherapist, please reach out to one. Often they offer a free first consultation to see what might be helpful to you.


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117 - You're Shining Always, Living with a Narcissist - Q & A

Great Q & A! Your Being is Always shining as Love, Peace, and Fulfillment. Sometimes we are either too distracted or possibly too blocked by our repressed pain to experience our Selves. "I'm Awakened" and don't want to be entangled by too much information. What to do? "I live with a Narcissist." Etc....
