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CitySites Podcast Network

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Presenting Authors, Business Leaders, Church Leaders, Counselors, Leading Speakers, and Society Leaders ... Using Media to Share the Gospel


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Presenting Authors, Business Leaders, Church Leaders, Counselors, Leading Speakers, and Society Leaders ... Using Media to Share the Gospel



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From Lamb to Lion with Jay Christianson

Jesus is seen in the Scriptures as Creator, Redeemer, and Judge. In this episode, we’ll explore these ideas. In Revelation Chapter 6, there is a phrase, “the wrath of the Lamb,” meaning that the Lamb that was slain on the Cross has now come to judge the world. In other words, from Lamb to Lion. This same Jesus who is the Lamb of God will return as a Lion to bring conclusion to this world, and present to His Father His Kingdom purchased by His Blood. Dr. Jay Christianson of HighBeam Ministry is my guest and we walk through this theme. You will find our conversation enlightening. Challenging the Culture with Truth with Larry Kutzler and Esteemed Guests Listen to the Latest Episode of Challenging the Culture with Truth Podcast! Check out the Latest CitySites Urban Media Podcast Network Episode! Check out Larry’s books! Visit the CitySites Urban Media YouTube Channel Check out It Is That Simple, The Simple Ideas of Profound Truths Check out Monday Morning Mindset with Dr. Nathan Unruh Check out Lenny’s Corner with Dr. Lennard Stoeklen


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Mom Burnout, Tired Dads, & the Soul Care Remedy

For followers of Jesus, soul care isn’t optional. For burned-out or overwhelmed parents, it offers a rare lifeline. In this podcast, Stacy Bellward chats with Connected Families certified parent coaches Taylor Irby and Amy Nyval about the vital importance of spiritual self-care while parenting Connected Families What Makes A Great Parent? It’s the burning question most parents ask at some point in their parenting journey. Is there a secret formula? A magical to-do list? And if those parenting weapons exist, where can you find them? That exact burning question also sparked a desire in Jim and Lynne Jackson, co-founders of Connected Families, to fill a growing need for fresh, biblically sound, and practical parenting resources. With over 50 combined years of professionally helping families, and a love for working in the church, Jim and Lynne have been dedicated to bringing reliable, God centered, parenting resources to all families since 2002. Visit Connected Families


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Is There Hope in the Land? with Walt McFadden

One of the questions Jesus asked about His return is will He find faith on earth when He returns? His question makes one think that faith may be a hard commodity to find when He returns. Hope is the same kind of commodity. Can hope be found in this world without God? Dr. John McArthur opens this episode with some insights on why the church exists, and George Barna tells us about the loss of church attendance since the COVID-19 pandemic. Join me and my guest, Pastor Walt McFadden from Cityview Church in South Minneapolis, as we talk about finding hope in the land. Challenging the Culture with Truth with Larry Kutzler and Esteemed Guests Listen to the Latest Episode of Challenging the Culture with Truth Podcast! Check out the Latest CitySites Urban Media Podcast Network Episode! Check out Larry’s books! Visit the CitySites Urban Media YouTube Channel Check out It Is That Simple, The Simple Ideas of Profound Truths Check out Monday Morning Mindset with Dr. Nathan Unruh Check out Lenny’s Corner with Dr. Lennard Stoeklen


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Honesty, Integrity, and Character with Chris Heeb

In this episode, I talk with a guest who has been on my Podcast in the past, and he is one of my go to people when I want an honest answer on questions of practice in the church today. His honesty about attending church is a wound that I believe needs to be healed, but he is not alone in his story. His story could be told thousands of times from people whose personal wounds have been inflicted by a Christian leader. We present a story of how trust can be eroded by dishonest leaders who present the wrong image of Christ. We leave the Podcast with the message that Honesty, Integrity, and Character are the goals of any ministry whose message is Christ. We are hopeful by talking about what destroys trust in the church helps those who have experienced the pain of disappointment by their trusted leaders. Challenging the Culture with Truth with Larry Kutzler and Esteemed Guests Listen to the Latest Episode of Challenging the Culture with Truth Podcast! Check out the Latest CitySites Urban Media Podcast Network Episode! Check out Larry’s books! Visit the CitySites Urban Media YouTube Channel Check out It Is That Simple, The Simple Ideas of Profound Truths Check out Monday Morning Mindset with Dr. Nathan Unruh Check out Lenny’s Corner with Dr. Lennard Stoeklen


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Creating Unforgettable Experience with Darrin Smith

In this insightful interview, Dr. Nathan Unruh sits down with Darrin Smith, CEO of the Washington Pavilion, to explore the art of creating unforgettable experiences. Discover how the Pavilion transforms lives through arts, science, and entertainment while building a culture of excellence. Beyond Bricks with Dr. Nathan Unruh Dr. Nathan Unruh is an entrepreneur, speaker, business owner, and doctor. The Beyond Bricks podcast focuses on mindset, leadership, and customer experience. Visit Dr. Nathan Unruh


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Barking Dogs, Part 1 with Jay Christianson

This is the second of a two-part series about the silencing of the church on issues we need to be pushing back on. Isaiah 56:10 talks about leaders who aren’t being vocal on moral or cultural issues that are toxic for society as a whole. Those who are silent are like dogs who cannot bark or warn of pending destruction, based upon the ideas and movements we are now facing every day. In this episode, my conversation continues with Dr. Jay Christianson from HighBeam Ministry. Challenging the Culture with Truth with Larry Kutzler and Esteemed Guests Listen to the Latest Episode of Challenging the Culture with Truth Podcast! Check out the Latest CitySites Urban Media Podcast Network Episode! Check out Larry’s books! Visit the CitySites Urban Media YouTube Channel Check out It Is That Simple, The Simple Ideas of Profound Truths Check out Monday Morning Mindset with Dr. Nathan Unruh Check out Lenny’s Corner with Dr. Lennard Stoeklen


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Barking Dogs, Part 1 with Jay Christianson

Today, there are voices in society that are louder than most, and some voices are so soft that they don’t even exist. In this episode, we talk about the Barking Dogs of Isaiah 56:10 that warn on issues that are harmful or dangerous to our culture. Dr. Jay Christianson, the founder and President of HighBeam Ministry. is my guest. Recently, and we had a conversation about the silence of the Church and our lack of barking or warning on issues being promoted perpetually in our society. We would like to bring you into that conversation here and now. Challenging the Culture with Truth with Larry Kutzler and Esteemed Guests Listen to the Latest Episode of Challenging the Culture with Truth Podcast! Check out the Latest CitySites Urban Media Podcast Network Episode! Check out Larry’s books! Visit the CitySites Urban Media YouTube Channel Check out It Is That Simple, The Simple Ideas of Profound Truths Check out Monday Morning Mindset with Dr. Nathan Unruh Check out Lenny’s Corner with Dr. Lennard Stoeklen


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Salvation : God’s Greatest Gift, Part 2

Being “born-again” under the New Covenant is remarkable! It’s more than just converting to Judaism. Under the New Covenant, a complete inner transformation so that both Jews and Gentiles could become a part of God’s eternal kingdom. The Truth Barista and Amazing Larry continue their talk about what being born-again means for salvation. The Truth Barista This creative Podcast uses an imaginary coffeehouse as the setting to talk about the issues facing our day. The Truth Barista is Pastor Jay Christianson, who is fluent in the Hebrew Traditions of the Bible and uses his knowledge to bring clear insights to bear upon the issues that define our day. The Podcast is humorous yet clearly instructive as The Truth Barista tackles tough issues facing Christians today. Visit The Truth Barista


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Salvation : God’s Greatest Gift, Part 1

Do we go to heaven because we attend church? Will we live with God because we live good lives (we think) and do good works (yeah, right)? What does it mean to be “saved” or “born again” and how can we know for sure that we are? The Truth Barista and Amazing Larry share with you God’s Greatest Gift through the story of Nicodemus in John 3. The Truth Barista This creative Podcast uses an imaginary coffeehouse as the setting to talk about the issues facing our day. The Truth Barista is Pastor Jay Christianson, who is fluent in the Hebrew Traditions of the Bible and uses his knowledge to bring clear insights to bear upon the issues that define our day. The Podcast is humorous yet clearly instructive as The Truth Barista tackles tough issues facing Christians today. Visit The Truth Barista


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Blind Spots with Shawn Morrison

Everyone has blind spots. They are hard to identify because they have to be pointed out to us. For some, therapy has been successful because their blind spots are identified and a plan for change is developed. Most of us continue with our lives without identifying our blind spots … even when these blind spots bring us trouble, we continue to ignore their presence. In this episode, I have a conversation with Reverend Shawn Morrison about Blind Spots, and how they manifest themselves in our lives. Listen in and find out how to identify your Blind Spots. Challenging the Culture with Truth with Larry Kutzler and Esteemed Guests Listen to the Latest Episode of Challenging the Culture with Truth Podcast! Check out the Latest CitySites Urban Media Podcast Network Episode! Check out Larry’s books! Visit the CitySites Urban Media YouTube Channel Check out It Is That Simple, The Simple Ideas of Profound Truths Check out Monday Morning Mindset with Dr. Nathan Unruh Check out Lenny’s Corner with Dr. Lennard Stoeklen


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The Change Agent with Damon West and Nathan Unruh

Every once in a while, you run across a story about a person whose future is ruined. Such was the case with Damon West, he was to serve a life sentence for crimes he committed.God got ahold of his life in prison, and we tell the rest of the story in this episode. Damon, Nathan, and myself hope you will pass this along to people you think would benefit from Damon West’s testimony. Listen in as Damon shares his remarkable story … stay with it until the end, you won’t regret it. Challenging the Culture with Truth with Larry Kutzler and Esteemed Guests Listen to the Latest Episode of Challenging the Culture with Truth Podcast! Check out the Latest CitySites Urban Media Podcast Network Episode! Check out Larry’s books! Visit the CitySites Urban Media YouTube Channel Check out It Is That Simple, The Simple Ideas of Profound Truths Check out Monday Morning Mindset with Dr. Nathan Unruh Check out Lenny’s Corner with Dr. Lennard Stoeklen


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Beyond Eden!

In the Book of Ephesians, we learn there was something better than life the Garden of Eden. It went beyond Eden to deeper and better relationships … both vertically and horizontally. But most people have missed this by asking the wrong questions of the text. The Eden Podcast The Eden Podcast is where we think again about the Bible on women and men. We start with a correct understanding of what happened in the Garden of Eden back in the beginning. Bruce C. E. Fleming is founder of the Tru316 Project and a former Academic Dean and Professor of Practical Theology. He presents the research of his wife, Dr. Joy Fleming, on Genesis 3:16 and how her insights help us understand the 7 Key Passages in the Bible on women and men. Visit Tru316


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Omission of Conviction with Chris Heeb

It has been reported that 98% of Christians have never shared their faith with anyone. The late Pastor Adrian Rogers said that if you are not sharing your faith, he questions the reality of a personal salvation. So, in this episode, I talk with Chris Heeb about the reality of sharing our faith, and what prohibits us from freely sharing the Gospel with our close relatives, friends, and co-workers? We have concluded that unless we develop a strong conviction about heaven and hell, we probably won’t share too much with anyone. The big question is simply … are we convinced it is our job to bring people to Christ and if so, how well are we doing? Jesus gave us one assignment: “go into all the world and make disciples.” Listen in and enjoy our conversations. Challenging the Culture with Truth with Larry Kutzler and Esteemed Guests Listen to the Latest Episode of Challenging the Culture with Truth Podcast! Check out the Latest CitySites Urban Media Podcast Network Episode! Check out Larry’s books! Visit the CitySites Urban Media YouTube Channel Check out It Is That Simple, The Simple Ideas of Profound Truths Check out Monday Morning Mindset with Dr. Nathan Unruh Check out Lenny’s Corner with Dr. Lennard Stoeklen


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On Marriage with Tom Parrish

Tom Parrish has counseled hundreds of couples who struggle in their marriages. Tom takes a no-nonsense, simple approach to helping these couples … he turns the conversation back to Jesus. Hear Pastor Tom Parrish’s five simple questions he asks all couples when they come to him for marriage counseling. This is a must listen to episode! Challenging the Culture with Truth with Larry Kutzler and Esteemed Guests Listen to the Latest Episode of Challenging the Culture with Truth Podcast! Check out the Latest CitySites Urban Media Podcast Network Episode! Check out Larry’s books! Visit the CitySites Urban Media YouTube Channel Check out It Is That Simple, The Simple Ideas of Profound Truths Check out Monday Morning Mindset with Dr. Nathan Unruh Check out Lenny’s Corner with Dr. Lennard Stoeklen


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Holiday Boundaries & Expectations with Family

Wondering how you can set holiday boundaries and expectations for family gatherings? Are you looking forward to celebrating holidays with family but dreading unsolicited advice from well-meaning relatives? You are not alone. Changes in your daily routines, travel, lack of sleep, and large gatherings set the stage for parenting challenges. Sometimes, other adults in your family may scrutinize these difficult situations. This may lead to comments or questions that don’t feel supportive. Connected Families What Makes A Great Parent? It’s the burning question most parents ask at some point in their parenting journey. Is there a secret formula? A magical to-do list? And if those parenting weapons exist, where can you find them? That exact burning question also sparked a desire in Jim and Lynne Jackson, co-founders of Connected Families, to fill a growing need for fresh, biblically sound, and practical parenting resources. With over 50 combined years of professionally helping families, and a love for working in the church, Jim and Lynne have been dedicated to bringing reliable, God centered, parenting resources to all families since 2002. Visit Connected Families


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Discernment of Truth with Larry Kutzler

Not everything that is spoken in the name of Christ is from Christ. I have often wondered how easy it is for a persuasive personality to twist the ideas of Scripture into spiritually sounding teachings that are lies. Remember, just a little lie is still a lie, and persuasion is not conviction. Persuasion is a distraction to what is real and is often full of bias and personal intentionally. For example, Bernie Madoff was a persuasive personality who convinced people to invest with him, only to find out he stole over 65 Billion Dollars from the clients who trusted him. Christian teachings are persuasion, and your discernment must be trained to know the difference between persuasion of men and the conviction of God. Our conclusion is to read the Word of God, and stay in fellowship with people we trust who do have a solid Biblical worldview. Listen in as I unpack the Discernment of Truth. Challenging the Culture with Truth with Larry Kutzler and Esteemed Guests Listen to the Latest Episode of Challenging the Culture with Truth Podcast! Check out the Latest CitySites Urban Media Podcast Network Episode! Check out Larry’s books! Visit the CitySites Urban Media YouTube Channel Check out It Is That Simple, The Simple Ideas of Profound Truths Check out Monday Morning Mindset with Dr. Nathan Unruh Check out Lenny’s Corner with Dr. Lennard Stoeklen


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What is the Rhythm of Rest? with David Diers

The Sabbath is designed by God for us to rest from our normal routine, and focus on God’s meaning for life. In this episode, my guest talks about the meaning of rest, and how rest can be a deliberate practice of enhancing your life. David Diers is a telecommunication expert and public speaker on a theme he has developed called, ‘The Rhythm of Rest,’ and he explains his five principles that will bring you a greater sense of meaning … if practiced. Challenging the Culture with Truth with Larry Kutzler and Esteemed Guests Listen to the Latest Episode of Challenging the Culture with Truth Podcast! Check out the Latest CitySites Urban Media Podcast Network Episode! Check out Larry’s books! Visit the CitySites Urban Media YouTube Channel Check out It Is That Simple, The Simple Ideas of Profound Truths Check out Monday Morning Mindset with Dr. Nathan Unruh Check out Lenny’s Corner with Dr. Lennard Stoeklen


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The Routines You Already Have and How to Make Them Better

Do you crave routine? Hate routines? Peggy Osborne joins us to talk about why routines matter, routines you probably already have (whether you know it or not), and how to create intentional routines that build skills in our children. Building Wise Families Alan and Corrie love to help parents gain confidence in navigating the many challenges of parenting. Our greatest desire as parents is to connect with our children’s hearts and share God’s love and mercy with them. When we started parenting, we thought our discipline methods were achieving this goal, but we discovered our approach was actually driving our children further from us and their hearts further from God. We were frustrated, feeling hopeless, and lacking joy in parenting. In desperation, we signed up for parent coaching with a ministry called Connected Families. It brought renewed connection into our parenting and gave us a biblical framework to model God’s grace and truth. Our passion is to help other families experience that same change and restored joy in parenting using the Connected Families framework. We work together with you to make a practical plan to handle your specific parenting challenges in a way that reflects God’s love for you and your children. Visit Building Wise Families


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Rekindling the Church with Stephanie O’Brian and Kale Johnson

It is a statistical fact that more Churches are closing than are opening every year. Congregations are getting older, and most Churches do not have a contingency plan to keep their ministry going, once the congregation gets small enough that it cannot continue. One Church in North East Minneapolis decided to be forward thinking, and decided to find a younger Church to merge with, to keep their ministry legacy alive in their community. In this episode, I talk with the new pastor of this merger and find out their story of rekindling the Church in their neighborhood. Challenging the Culture with Truth with Larry Kutzler and Esteemed Guests Listen to the Latest Episode of Challenging the Culture with Truth Podcast! Check out the Latest CitySites Urban Media Podcast Network Episode! Check out Larry’s books! Visit the CitySites Urban Media YouTube Channel Check out It Is That Simple, The Simple Ideas of Profound Truths Check out Monday Morning Mindset with Dr. Nathan Unruh Check out Lenny’s Corner with Dr. Lennard Stoeklen


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Antioch with Walt McFadden

Pastor Walt McFadden helps us understand the changing face of the city, and how that affects how we develop ministries that meet these changes. In this episode, we look at Antioch, the first city that believers in Jesus were called Christians. We also look at how this city Church was not only multicultural, it also was missional in sending out Paul and Barnabas to plant new Churches. Challenging the Culture with Truth with Larry Kutzler and Esteemed Guests Listen to the Latest Episode of Challenging the Culture with Truth Podcast! Check out the Latest CitySites Urban Media Podcast Network Episode! Check out Larry’s books! Visit the CitySites Urban Media YouTube Channel Check out It Is That Simple, The Simple Ideas of Profound Truths Check out Monday Morning Mindset with Dr. Nathan Unruh Check out Lenny’s Corner with Dr. Lennard Stoeklen
