Cornerstone Chapel - Audio Podcast
Religion & Spirituality Podcas
At Cornerstone Chapel, it is our desire that you see the love of Jesus Christ reflected through the systematic, verse by verse teaching of the Bible and through heart-felt, contemporary worship lifted up to God.
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At Cornerstone Chapel, it is our desire that you see the love of Jesus Christ reflected through the systematic, verse by verse teaching of the Bible and through heart-felt, contemporary worship lifted up to God.
Don’t Disgrace God’s Grace
God’s grace is His unmerited, undeserved favor toward us. We are the recipients of God’s grace in various forms. Someone once defined “GRACE” with the acronym: God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. In 2 Corinthians 6:1, Paul warns us that it’s possible to receive God’s grace “in vain.” In other words, we can treat God’s grace with disgrace or contempt by how we behave. In today’s study, Pastor Gary warns us about the five ways we can receive God’s grace in vain.
An in-depth study of 1 Kings 8.
The word “reconciliation” means “to restore harmony.” We typically use the word in regard to either accounting practices (reconciling financial statements) or, more commonly, in regard to relationships. Whenever a friendship or marriage becomes strained or broken, but then an effort is made to repair the relationship, we say there has been “reconciliation.” Paul used this word to describe God’s pursuit of us in repairing our broken relationship with Him. Jesus died on the cross to bring us to God in the ultimate reconciliation!
Midweek Bible Study
An in-depth study of 1 Kings 20:35-22:8.
Why Women Hurt Twice as Much as Men
An in-depth study of John 8.
Letting God Work in Your Life
An in-depth study of Psalm 127.
Judgement Is Coming
The Bible tells us that there are three occasions of judgment from God. Which one you will face depends on who you are and what you have done (or not done), but the Bible says “we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ” (2 Corinthians 5:10). The three Judgments to come are (1) The Judgment of the Sheep and Goats (also called The Judgment of the Nations), (2) The Great White Throne Judgment, and (3) The Judgment Seat of Christ. In today’s teaching, Pastor Gary breaks down the differences between these three judgments and helps us to be prepared for the one we will each have to face.
China and Bible Prophecy | Isaiah 49:12 | Joel Rosenberg
Best-selling author Joel Rosenberg talks about the potential pivotal rule China has to play in the life of Israel and the End Times, and later sits down with Pastor Gary Hamrick to discuss important matters in the East.
A Conversation with Jonathan Cahn and Pastor Gary Hamrick
Jonathan Cahn and Pastor Gary Hamrick delve into Satan's (The Dragon's) relentless schemes to destroy Israel, from its origins to the End Times.
Trading Up: Earth to Heaven
It’s always important to keep an “eternal perspective” in life. As Christ-followers, we must remember that this life is only temporary. We are only passing through. Our ultimate reward is heaven, where we will trade our earthly bodies for glorified ones, our present sufferings for future glory, and our earthly dwellings for a heavenly home! In today’s study, Pastor Gary takes us through these topics that Paul writes about in 2 Corinthians 4–5.
Midweek Bible Study
An in-depth study of 1 Kings 20.
Step into the Light
There is a lot of metaphorical language in the Bible about “light” and “darkness.” Paul uses that language in 2 Corinthians 4 to describe the Gospel of Christ as light that came to shine in a dark world. Jesus even said about Himself, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life” (John 8:12). But why is it that some people don’t want to come into the light? In today’s study, Pastor Gary shares four reasons why some people are reluctant to step into the light, and what we can do to help them.
A Conversation with Seth Gruber and Pastor Gary Hamrick
Pastor Gary and Seth Gruber sit down to discuss important issues in the pro-life movement.
Donald Trump, the Church, and Israel
From the studio at Cornerstone Chapel, Pastor Gary Hamrick shares a devotional regarding the inauguration of Donald Trump as America’s 47th president and what the impact of that might be for two (1) the role of the Church in America and (2) the war in Gaza between Israel and Hamas. Tune in as Pastor Gary shares his views about current events and reminds us from Psalm 146 to keep our trust in the Lord.
Midweek Bible Study
An in-depth study of 1 Kings 19.
Spreading the Fragrance
In 2 Corinthians 2:14–17, Paul compares our life in Christ to a Roman victory parade honoring a general after a successful military campaign. Such a parade in the first century A.D. would have included priests carrying censors with burning spices to fill the streets with a wonderful fragrance. In this analogy, Paul says Jesus is our general who leads us in triumphal procession, and we are like the ones spreading the fragrance of Him everywhere we go. It’s a reminder that not only is Jesus our Conquering King, but we are to spread the knowledge of Him everywhere we go! Are you spreading the fragrance of Christ? Join us as Pastor Gary shares from 2 Corinthians.
Midweek Q&A
Join us for a special midweek Q&A night where Pastor Gary will do his best to answer your bible questions!
Suffering Well
If you have ever felt so discouraged that you despaired even of life, you are not alone. That’s exactly what Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 1. Hardships had taken a toll on Paul, and he felt despondent. Yet he revealed his secret to “suffering well” and wrote about God’s comfort in the midst of his afflictions. If you are going through some difficult days, tune in to today’s Bible study as Pastor Gary draws out five key factors from Paul’s example in 2 Corinthians 1 that will help us to “suffer well.”
Question And Answer Service
Join us for our 2024 Question and Answer Service where Pastor Gary and sons (Pastor Tyler and Pastor Austin) do their best to answer your Bible questions!
In the Fullness of Time
God brought forth His Son, Jesus Christ, “in the fullness of time” the Bible says in Galatians 4:4-5. That means that everything about the first Christmas was planned and executed by God at just the right time. God orchestrates times and seasons to bring forth His perfect plan—even in our lives too. Perhaps God is calling you into a personal relationship with Him through Jesus. Watch and listen as Pastor Gary shares how the Christmas story might be God’s “right time” for you.