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Confident, Competent, Christianity



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Sexual Boundaries According To Scripture

What does the Bible have to say about sexual boundaries? Pastor Ben teaches from I Conrinthians today and sheds light on a Scriptural approuch to sexual boundaries as Paul advised to the Corinthians facing sexual immorality in their congregation.


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Honoring God With Your Body

Do you struggle with additction, toxic relationships, or other sin? Do you know someone who does? We all do! Check out this eposide of the Disciple Company Church Podcast as Pastor Ben teaches on what it means to honor God with your body.


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The Evil We Can Control

The world is certainly filled with evil. The news and social media parade it in front us every day. And when we see blatant evil, it's easy for us to quickly become angry at the evil. But what if we were able to see all the evil God hates. Would we be more convicted to deal with the evil we have control over, instead of just the evil we don't? This is a don't miss episode of the Disciple Company Church Podcast, so don't miss it!


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Returning To Past Sins - Pauls Admonition

As the Corinthians were embracing the sins that they has been redeemed from, what reminder did Paul give them to change their ways? Find out on today's episode of the Disciple Company Church Podcast.


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The Effects Of Unrepentant Sin In The Church

How does unrepentant sin in the church impact other believers? How does Paul address it? Find out in today's episode of the Disciple Company Church Podcast.


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Suffering As Validation

Does suffering validate, rather than undermine our witness? Find out from Pastor Ben in today's episode of the Disciple Company Church Podcast as we continue in our I Corinthians series. Here, Paul seeks to correct the wealth-based arrogance of the Corinthians by contrasting it with the way he lives his life.


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Believing Without Evidence

Believing without evidence? Find out what Jesus taught Thomas about His resurrection and the signifcance of this teaching to us today in this episode of the Disciple Company Church Podcast. As Pastor Ben explains, there's still lessons for us in this teaching, even today.


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Who Has Stature In The Kingdom Of Heaven?

What is the measure of a man by the standards of the Kingdom of Heaven? Is it knowledge, influence, or strength? Find out in today's episode of the Disciple Company Church Podcast as Pastor Ben shares how Paul mocked the standards the Corinthians used to measure the stature of believers and points out the characteristics of the one they should measure themselves against.


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The Value Of Patience Before Judging Church Leaders

There are benefits to being patient and not jumping to judge or compare a church leader. Find out what these benefits are in today's episode of the Disciple Company Church Podcast, as Pastor Ben continues his sermon series in I Corinthians.


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Dealing With Doubt Or Disappointment With Spiritual Leaders

Have you ever doubted a pastor of been disappointed by one? Today's episode of the Disciple Company Church Podcast is just for you! Pastor Ben continues his sermon series in I Corinthians and explains how Paul advised the Corinthians to judge their leaders.


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Addressing Immature Jealousy

How does Paul address immature Jealousy? Find out on this week's episode of the Disciple Company Church Podcast as Pastor Ben continues his sermon series in I Corninthians where Paul addressed this very issue and shares a truth that serves to correct that temptation.


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How God Reveals Truth To Non Believers

Tune into this weeks episode of the Disciple Company Church Podcast as Pastor Ben continues his series through I Corinthians. and explores why God chose to save the Corinthians and how God chose to use them.


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The Means of Redemption and God's Use For The Redeemed Part II

How does God save? And how does He use that which He has redeemed? Find out on this episode of the Disciple Company Church Podcast as Pastor Ben continues his series through I Corinthians. In this episode, we explore why God chose to save the Corinthians and how God chose to use the them.


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The Means of Redemption and God's Use For The Redeemed

How does God save? And how does He use that which He has redeemed? Find out on this episode of the Disciple Company Church Podcast as Pastor Ben continues his series through I Corinthians. In this episode, we explore why God chose to save the Corinthians and how God chose to use the them.


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The Biblical Secrets To Dealing With The Self-Righteous

We all know them. Sometimes we are one of them. They're the Christians who just know more than anyone else, who can't be reproved or reasoned with. But how do you deal with Christians who believe they have a right to judge? Pastor Ben teaches from I Corinthians in this episode of the Disciple Company Church Podcast and highlights scriptrual truths on how respond to fellow Jesus followers who are convinced they are wiser, better, and have the right to judge.


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The Biblical Secrets of Conflict Resolution

The Apostle Paul was no stranger to conflict. How did he scritpurally resovle conflict and bring peace to those at enimity with God, other believers, and even against himself. Find out on this episode of the Disciple Company Church Podcast as Pastor Ben teaches from the Word and sheds light on the biblical secrets to resolving conflict.


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Sinners Exposed Before Jesus Part II

How did Jesus react to sinners who were exposed before Him? Check out this episode of the Disciple Company Church Podcast as Pastor Ben continues to teach what we can learn from the biblical accounts where sinners were exposed before Jesus.


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Sinners Exposed Before Jesus

How did Jesus react to sinners who were exposed before Him? Check out this episode of the Disciple Company Church Podcast as Pastor Ben teaches what we can learn from the biblical accounts where sinners were exposed before Jesus.


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Prophecies of Christmas | Part 5 : The Context of the Promise Part II

In what context were the prophetic promises for the Messiah's coming made? Why is this context relevant today? Find out in this episode as Pastor Ben teaches the context in which the Promise of the Messiah originated and its significance to us today.


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Prophecies of Christmas | Part 2 : The Context of the Promise

In what context were the prophect promises for the Messiah's coming made? Why is this context relevant today? Find out on this episode as Pastor Ben teaches the context in which the Promise of the Messiah originated and its significance to us today.
