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Dream Church with Joshua Brown

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Welcome to the weekly podcast of Dream Church led by Joshua Brown. For more info, visit www.dreamcolumbia.com.


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Welcome to the weekly podcast of Dream Church led by Joshua Brown. For more info, visit www.dreamcolumbia.com.



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A Prophetic People

Jeremiah was called to prophesy to a people who had lost their way. His message was one of returning to their first love. You can be doing all the right things, but if you aren't becoming the image you were born from/for, you'll never truly be fulfilled. Our culture is crying out for a true expression of God's goodness.


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A Tuned Heart

If you don’t know why you are living your life, you’ll never fully experience what your life was intended to produce.


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The Shepherd and the Gate

Sheep are herd animals. They are natural followers. They will only follow a familiar voice (shepherd). Jesus uses this common understanding to teach the religious leaders about God's prophetic fulfillment in the Son. We must decide what voice is familiar and what is that of a stranger.


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Now I See

You'll only see Jesus clearly when you become blind to what kept you from seeing Jesus before. In John 9, a man born blind is healed, and his sight is restored by Jesus. The religious leaders are furious because Jesus does this on the Sabbath. Religion will always be offended by those who have been given sight to see things for what they really are, but once you leave that system of karma, an angry god, and a weak Jesus, you'll inherit a revelation of the Son you were always designed to have.


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Reimagining Job

The book of Job is not blunt history, but it does communicate a historical truth. What is this truth and why does it matter to us, today?


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Easter Sunday

What did Christ accomplish for us and how do we move forward into resurrection life? Find out in this Easter message from Joshua Brown.


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Palm Sunday

John's telling of the Palm Sunday narrative begins with Mary's radical act of devotion after witnessing her brother Lazarus's resurrection. John 12 contrasts an act of devotion with the offense of religion. An act of the gospel of love will always offend a gospel of works.


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Not Like Egypt

It isn't enough to ask the Lord to move where we are; for the Lord to move as he desires, we must leave what enslaved us behind and venture to a place where we can rest. Where we are going is a land cultivated by the Lord himself, not our best effort.


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If rest and vision go hand in hand, how do you get to proper rest and vision when you aren't there yet? Perseverance. Perseverance is continuing in what you know to be right even though you don't see the expected results. Perseverance is the trust that you will see what the Lord spoke to you as long as you remain rooted in faith.


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Don't Go To Egypt

In Genesis 26, Isaac faces famine with his family. The Lord specifically tells him not to go to Egypt and settle in a place the Lord will show him. Why? And what is this saying to us, today?


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Wine and Temple

In John 2, we see the story of Jesus turning the water for purification into wine and cleansing the temple (which the other gospel accounts put at the end of Jesus' ministry). Why does the author place these together, and what is this saying to us today? Find out in this message.


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The Man Lifted Up

In Numbers 21, we see the people grow impatient with God and, as a result, are bitten by fiery, poisonous snakes that kill them. However, the Lord offers salvation from their own destruction: taking the very thing that was killing them and lifting it up among the people so that as they see it, they are saved. Likewise, Christ becomes the son of humans so that as he is lifted up, we are set free from the bite of our delusions and lies.


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Matthew Brown

Matthew Brown goes deep into Genesis 1.


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The Union of Worlds

Jesus, in John 1, tells Nathanael that he has become the place where movement between earth and heaven (God's space) occurs. The Incarnation isn't just a revelation of who we are but a revelation of the Creation redeemed with us.


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Inner Sight

When we go through disappointment, it creates a way of seeing the world. When that happens, we miss the beauty around us because of the brokenness within us. Jesus calls us to give him the broken pieces and allow him to bring a healing that restores our sight.


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Born Anew

Is everything falling apart or being reborn? Perspective on what lies ahead will determine how you live your life with God.


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Friends of God

When we see ourselves as servants, we live to do what we are told to get spiritually "paid" when we're done. When we see ourselves as friends, we live for union. Jesus calls us now friends and has disclosed all things to us.


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Ways To Live In Rest

This is our seventh year as a church, which we believe is an invitation to rest. What does that mean, and what does that look like? Find out in this episode!


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A Light Shines in the Darkness

Not only is darkness a metaphor for the lies that we create apart from the truth in Christ (light), but it also represents the obscurity that God plants his feet in to bring all of us into the light. Can you see God at work in the hiddenness of your life?


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Do Not Fear

Each of the first three encounters with an angel in the gospel of Luke starts with "Do not be afraid." Why? What were they afraid of? Some context into the Old Testament law will show us that God, in Christ, has come to make all things right. Perfect love drives out fear.
