Emunah La-Paz
Religion & Spirituality Podcas
Emunah La-Paz ( E-Mun-Na) Meaning faith in Hebrew and La- Paz Meaning Peace in Spanish. Is a Podcast about faith geared stories and finding inner peace in spite of the world that we live in.
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Emunah La-Paz ( E-Mun-Na) Meaning faith in Hebrew and La- Paz Meaning Peace in Spanish. Is a Podcast about faith geared stories and finding inner peace in spite of the world that we live in.
King Solomon The Wisest King To Have Ever Lived
King Solomon, one of the richest kings
to have ever lived educates us on how something as valuable
as wisdom can become a double edged sword
in 1 Kings.
Absalom A Son After His Dad’s Own Throne.
How Do You Handle A Child That You Love, That Lacks Respect?
David experienced first hand concerning adult children that overstep their boundaries. As a parent can’t imagine a child that is willing to compromise their parent’s life to secure their own greed, yet it happens. Find out how far an adult
child will go when parent fails set boundaries
in Their life.
Insecurity Can End Life
Saul had all the reasons to be a secure king.
A powerful force bigger than himself, was on his side. What good is all that favor if you don’t faith in yourself. How can you receive energy if you don’t have the faith to plug yourself into the main outlet in life?
Saul's Jealousy
Saul's Jealousy
On this Easter Sunday, we are in the chapters of David. 18-24 Goes into Saul's deep rooted jealousy against David, which was caused by an evil spirit.
Most of us have experienced situations in which we have fallen victim to jealousy. The Green Eyed Monster, can really display undesirable traits within us, or among family members, and so-called friends. Find out what went wrong and how David was able to overcome Saul's hatred against him.
David The Beast Within
David The Beast Within
This portion of our Podcast goes into 1 Samuel. Introducing one of the most recognizable characters in the Bible David, a man after God's own heart.
Join us as we take a look at the young boy that defeated a Giant called Goliath. From here on we will see how David conquered other giants, not all physical some mental such as greed, jealousy, and insecurities. 1 Samuel 16-17 Please keep checking in as we update our Podcast with our more details about this segment on Emunah La-Paz Blog.
It's Samuel Time
Hannah's Prayer
This segment starts of with Hannah praying for a child. Until this day Hannah's Prayer is used among women to have a child. Speaking from experience the prayer works! This chapter introduces the rise and fall Kings and Prophets.
Hannah's Prayer
( If praying this prayer please add favour with the creator and respect for others. It is not worth having a child if they grow up to challenge your faith and disgrace themselves.) Pray for Favour.
Hannah’s Prayer for a Child: 1 Samuel 1:10-11, 20
“In her deep anguish Hannah prayed to the Lord, weeping bitterly. And she made a vow, saying, “Lord Almighty, if you will only look on your servant’s misery and remember me, and not forget your servant but give her a son, then I will give him to the Lord for all the days of his life, and no razor will ever be used on his head… So in the course of time Hannah became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She named him Samuel, saying, “Because I asked the Lord for him.”
The Book of Ruth: A Mother and Daughter In Law Bond
The Book of Ruth
We rarely see or hear about mother and daughter-in-law bonding. However this story is reveals the beauty of loyalty in the Book of Ruth.
Ruth's favour, marked her generational gift into the legacy of the Messiah to come.
Read more on our blog. The Book of Ruth.
Judges, Gideon And Samson
The Israelites end up going back to the same unproductive ways that their ancestors were plagued with.
Regardless of our background we were born into, I believe we all struggle with sins of our past. The Israelites had two leaders
to try to help them with their freedom Gideon and Samson. One used discernment and the other his strength. Stop by our blog, Judges.
Joshua: The Land Of Milk And Honey: Let's Do This
Moses Paved The Way For Joshua's Faith
In the Book of Joshua, the process to move forward through Moses's who was called to lead the Israelites to the Land of Milk And Honey, is now given to Joshua. Joshua is bold in his faith. Joshua was able to learn through the example of Moses. Through bold faith, and assurance Joshua was one of the greatest warriors to have ever lived. Read more on our blog. Joshua.
Deuteronomy: A Time For Change
It's A Time For Change And Joshua Is Ready
,Deuteronomy is all about change due to the value commitment. Moving on with those who support your cause is important. You can't move forward, with the wrong team, or motives. Joshua was the next leader in which Moses was able to give him leadership in human form. This incentive was not offered to Moses as relied on the supernatural. Find out the next steps taken to secure the Land of Milk and Honey.
Numbers: Are We There Yet?
It's all about trying to make it to the Land of Milk And Honey
As frustrated as we all may feel about Moses and his mission, In some ways, I think we've all been there,
or will experience such setbacks due to the wrong people in our lives. In Moses case, he had no choice but dwell among stubborn people.
Sometimes we are in the same situation as well. Even though we may be in a situation caused by the problems of others, does not mean we will stay there. We all
have our own wilderness to escape from in some shape or form.
Leviticus: Law And Ordering
This is a troubling Book To Read Because It Surrounds Rituals And Harsh Consequences
Leviticus stems from the Levi tribe. The Levites were responsible for maintaining God's temple. Arron becomes a High Priest, and Moses
Is the head leader. With much power comes much responsibility. Leviticus cover the protocols needed so serve God. As we look into this book, it is painfully obvious that no one can live up to these standards, not even God's chosen people. We are human and humans make mistakes learning from them and moving on without repeating those mistakes, takes an understanding of love and respect. Some people were not willing to embrace the desire of fairness not back then or in todays time. It becomes more abut status as the books move forward.
Moses: The Struggle Is Real
Well He Tried!
Moses had a lot of responsibilities as some of the Israelites became restless and defiant.
As we learn that not everyone that Moses rescued out of Egypt was worthy to be free due to dangerous behavior, the end of Exodus introduces the need for direction and rules. The 10 Commandments is introduced in segment. Yet, not everyone is willing to follow the rules.
For a more in-depth view please stop by our blog. Emunah La-Paz Blogger.
Moses & Aaron Two Men & A Calling
Exodus Brings Us Moses
I believe Moses had one of the most difficult task in the Bible. Moses was called to lead the Israelites to freedom. The Land of milk and honey was not easy obtain. As Moses had to move through life, he struggled with talking in front of people so much so that when the time came for Moses to fulfill his duty, he requested that someone come with him to help talk on his behalf. So Aaron Moses brother, joined Moses on his mission to free the Israelites. In this podcast we will discover the plagues to overcome and just how much faith was needed to lead the Israelites to the promise Land.
Please stop by our Blog Emunah La-Paz Blogger for more detailed information about Moses and Aaron's journey.
The Hate Is Real: Genesis The story of Isaac, Esu , Israel, and Joseph
The Hate Is Real
IsaacEsu & JacobIsraelJoseph The take away in Genesis is definitely the pain that envy and jealousy will cause among siblings. With enough torment caused by the world one thing that should remain in tact is family. However that is not the case back then and struggle is still real to date. Welcome to Genesis, the hate is real. Stop by our blog, Emunah La-Paz Blogger for more detailed information about Genesis.
In The Beginning: Genesis With Emunah La-Paz
In The Beginning Of The Bible Is Called Genesis
The Bible may seem to be outdated due to the translation written in the King James Version or due to old traditions in different translations, throughout the world. However in life I have found great similarities in many of the stories involving a persons feelings and actions because of negative feelings.
One of the most dangerous emotions which I discovered in the Bible in Genesis is Jealousy or envy. This passionate feeling that evokes toxicity to the point of death, can be found after God produced the world and made man. Take a look at our blog for more in-depth info. Feel free to add your knowledge as well, via our podcast or blog. Emunah La-Paz Blogger.
Getting the Best Out Of Your Life & Relationships
How to enjoy the most out of your life starts with changing your surroundings
A couple years back when we were on vacation and promoting my novel "Memoir of a Jaded Woman" I ran into the ever so faithful and electrifying artist Ciara. My daughter is a huge fan of the artist, and we just happened to see her and her epic superstar husband Russell Wilson on our journey. Marking the events of my trip I realized that our family made a point to enjoy our lives, even though we had to separate ourselves from people and situations that caused harm, we chose to celebrate our life and in the process we were able to meet a powerhouse couple that were doing the same. This couple took time out from their busy schedule to celebrate their marriage. After sometime the Covid outbreak happened along with a series of other heartbreaking events. Sometimes we have to choose joy, whenever we can. We only have one life! Let's make it good!
In Ecclesiastes 4-7 vs. 1-4 it says that it is better never to have been born than to be around a mean spirited or live a life void of enjoyment.
This is scary!
Life is short. Live in the comfort of happiness. Learn how to live with meaning and around people that add joy to you. You deserve the right relationships and the best life! This is your gift! Yet sometimes you have to fight for what you deserve, even your own happiness.
Proverbs The Noble Woman: Not Perfect The End Of Proverbs By King Solomon
The Noble Woman In Proverbs Is Honorable But Not Realistic
It's okay not to be perfect. We all have faults proverbs is just a taste of how wisdom should look. Wisdom is A Desirable Woman.
The Proverbs Woman: Part One
Proverbs Woman in Detail
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What Can Good Friday Do For Me? Proverb 29
Don't Judge Anyone Or Yourselves
Don't Judge! A word from John 3:8 & Diving In To Proverbs 29
It's all about that guilty feeling caused by judgement. How to stray away from judging in order to move forward in peace.
Quarantine Moms Go Crazy
Emunah La-Paz Blogger
Karfreitag (“Sorrowful Friday”).
Memoir of A Jaded Woman: Tainted Love
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Being Happy Without Boasting Or Gossiping
Not boasting abut anything positive going on in life can be difficult for some. Especially for those that are not used to good things happening for them in life. It's also hard to feel truly happy for others when things are not going well in life. There is a balance in knowing or having faith that our time will come. Don't look at what another person has with envy. You don't know what a person had to go through to get where they are. If you found out how much work it took for a person to get what they have you would probably think twice. Be happy for what you have. When you look back you will realize just how far you've come. This podcast was recorded live on Tik Tok. Every Sunday on Modelintelligent click on link below.