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First Pentecostal Church of Buford

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Situated in the heart of beautiful Buford, Georgia, the First Pentecostal Church is an oasis of peace in a troubled time. We hold fast to Biblical truth and strive to represent Christ in all that we do. We have a variety of ministries to meet your family's spiritual needs, from the youngest child to the retired. We look forward to seeing you in service!


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Situated in the heart of beautiful Buford, Georgia, the First Pentecostal Church is an oasis of peace in a troubled time. We hold fast to Biblical truth and strive to represent Christ in all that we do. We have a variety of ministries to meet your family's spiritual needs, from the youngest child to the retired. We look forward to seeing you in service!



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375. 📼 From the Archives - Bishop Timothy Copeland - Misleading Longings

Tap here to send us a message! This message was originally recorded at the First Pentecostal Church of Buford on June 11th, 2009.


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374. Reverend Damian Reyna - The Touch of the Master's Hand

Tap here to send us a message! God designed us so that, in many cases, the natural and spiritual realms reflect one another. Just as a human touch can profoundly affect our emotions and change many aspects of life, the touch of God on our lives is essential for truly living by His will. Each saint of God should be open to His guidance as He leads our lives. 06/13/2024 - Thursday Night Scriptures Used (In Order of Occurrence): Luke 7:11-15 John 14:16-18


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373. Doctor James Hughes - The Jubilee Principle

Tap here to send us a message! It has never been God's intention for His people to live in bondage, pain, or depression. Sometimes, due to life's hardships, we feel justified in clinging to the desire for revenge, but the church must understand that true healing from God comes through surrender and forgiveness. By letting go and forgiving, God will restore what life has taken from us. 06/09/2024 - Sunday Night Scriptures Used (In Order of Occurrence): Luke 4:16-19 Hebrews 4:16


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372. Doctor James Hughes - The Purpose of the Church

Tap here to send us a message! The church, designed by God, is intended to be a sanctuary of healing and deliverance for those who are broken and burdened by life. This precious house of God must be full of a divine power capable of liberating individuals, enabling them to become who God intends them to be. However, for God to work among us and save sinners, the church must first allow Him to heal them, so they can effectively help others. 06/09/2024 - Sunday Morning Scriptures Used (In Order of Occurrence): Luke 4:14-22


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371. 📼 From the Archives - Pastor Steve McMullen - The Must of Worship

Tap here to send us a message! This message was originally recorded at the First Pentecostal Church of Buford on August 4th, 2011.


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370. Pastor Jordan Copeland - The Haggai Series - Lesson 2: A Simple Answer and a Stirred-Up Spirit

Tap here to send us a message! Life for a child of God presents numerous challenges that we often perceive as more complicated than they truly are. In most cases, the straightforward solution to our problems is to submit to God, obey His Word, and allow His Spirit to transform us. This powerfully simplistic answer, as revealed by Haggai, remains available to anyone seeking change today! 06/06/2024 - Thursday Night Scriptures Used (In Order of Occurrence): Haggai 1:5-15


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369. Reverend Michael Duke - Who’s on the Way

Tap here to send us a message! The more one reads God's Word, the more evident the consistent patterns of its pages become. The coming of Jesus was not a random and haphazard response to humanity's sin; it was His plan from the very beginning. All of Scripture was built upon itself to create a picture that would lead us to Christ and, through Him, our salvation. 06/02/2024 - Sunday Night Scriptures Used (In Order of Occurrences): Acts 10:34-35 Joshua 2:9-11 Ruth 1:14-17 Matthew 16:14-18 Luke 18:35-43 Isaiah 53:1, 6


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368. Pastor Jordan Copeland - Properly Motivated Prayers

Tap here to send us a message! Our actions are significant, but equally important are the motivations behind them. Genuine service to God should spring from a deep love for Him rather than simply from a desire to avoid adversity. Let us each diligently examine our hearts and earnestly pray to serve God in the way He truly desires. 06/02/2024 - Sunday Morning Scriptures Used (In Order of Occurrences): Exodus 8:8 I Corinthians 3:13, 4:5 Psalms 34:18, 51:17 James 5:17-18


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367. Evangelist Caden Marks - Entertaining an Exit

Tap here to send us a message! The record of the life of Judas Iscariot stands as one of the most tragic in the entire Bible. It compels us to ask: Why, Judas, did you choose the path you did? It becomes clear that, during his journey of serving God, Judas began to entertain the idea of an exit, ultimately ending in his demise. 05/31/2024 - Friday Night Youth Rally Scriptures Used (In Order of Occurrence): Matthew 26:47-50 Psalm 36:1-4 John 18:2 Mark 15:37-39 Note: Due to an audio malfunction, this sermon was not recorded in its entirety.


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366. 📼 From the Archives - Bishop Timothy Copeland - The Renewing of the Holy Ghost

Tap here to send us a message! This message was originally recorded at the First Pentecostal Church of Buford on September 16th, 2010.


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365. Evangelist Caden Marks - Living in the Overflow

Tap here to send us a message! It is of utmost importance that we seek God's anointing in all aspects of our lives. This divine anointing is not limited to our time in the house of God or among His people; it should accompany us everywhere that we go. As we stay filled with His spirit, it should naturally overflow from us, affecting those around us. 05/30/2024 - Thursday Night Scriptures Used (In Order of Occurrence): Exodus 29:1-8 Exodus 30:23-24 Exodus 32:3-5 I Samuel 16:13 Psalm 23:5 Exodus 30:29 Psalm 92:10 I Peter 2:9 Matthew 7:16 Luke 4:18 Note: Due to an audio malfunction, this sermon was not recorded in its entirety.


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364. Reverend Kevin Bailey - Under the Surface

Tap here to send us a message! It is inherent in human nature to conceal our true pain and emotions behind a facade. Many people, scarred and altered by their past experiences, struggle to cope with their feelings. However, God possesses the power to heal every wound if we trust Him enough to be vulnerable and open to His help. 05/26/2024 - Sunday Night Scriptures Used (In Order of Occurrence): Hebrews 4:12 I Kings 3:16-28 Luke 12:2


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363. Reverend Justin Keyzer - The Opportunity of Now

Tap here to send us a message! The Word instructs us to "number our days," reminding us of the limited time we have on this earth to serve the Lord. While God exists beyond the bounds of time, we are confined by our mortal bodies. It is essential to use the time granted to us wisely and to prepare diligently, so that we may ultimately dwell with Him in eternity. 05/26/2024 - Sunday Morning Scriptures Used (In Order of Occurrence): Psalm 90:1-12 II Peter 3:8 II Corinthians 6:2


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362. 📼 From the Archives - Pastor Jesse Parker - Some Say It's Only Thunder

Tap here to send us a message! This message was originally recorded at the First Pentecostal Church of Buford on September 8th, 2013.


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361. Reverend Brad Mayer - The Benefits of Godly Fear

Tap here to send us a message! It is essential for everyone who reads God's Word to recognize the profound difference between earthly fear and the fear of God. Unchecked earthly fear can paralyze us and hinder our relationship with God. Paradoxically, the fear of God eliminates earthly fear because it is rooted in His love - a love which casts out fear. 05/23/2024 - Thursday Night Scriptures Used (In Order of Occurrence): Psalm 111:10 Proverbs 9:10 Proverbs 1:7 Isaiah 11:3 I John 4:18 II Timothy 1:7 Hebrews 12:28 Revelation 21:8 Psalm 112:1 Psalm 130:3-4 Psalm 103:17 Luke 1:50 Psalm 19:9 Acts 10:35 Psalm 147:11 Psalm 34:9 Proverbs 10:27 Proverbs 14:26 Proverbs 22:4 Psalm 34:7 Proverbs 16:6 Proverbs 8:13 Acts 9:31 Psalm 34:11 Proverbs 1:29 Revelation 19:5


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360. Evangelist Angel Aureoles - It's Not a Party if There's No Wine

Tap here to send us a message! The first miracle of Jesus' earthly ministry—turning water into wine—served as a foreshadowing of what was to come. After His ascension to Heaven, He poured out the "new wine" upon His disciples and many others. This new wine is the Spirit of God within us, the Holy Ghost, which continues to flow abundantly to this day! 05/19/2024 - All Nations Pentecost Sunday Scriptures Used (In Order of Occurrence): John 2:1-7 Ezekiel 36:26 Mark 2:22 Acts 2:12-17 John 14:2


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359. 📼 From the Archives - Bishop Timothy Copeland - Christians First

Tap here to send us a message! This message was originally recorded at the First Pentecostal Church of Buford on January 11th, 2015.


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358. Evangelist Angel Aureoles - My God Can Do Everything

Tap here to send us a message! After enduring the greatest trial of his life, Job declares emphatically that God is able to do all things. This simple revelation is one that every child of God should embrace and live out daily. Understanding God's limitless power will curb our complaints, alleviate our sorrows, and dispel our confusion, leading us to trust Him fully in every situation. 05/16/2024 - Thursday Night Scriptures Used (In Order of Occurrence): Job 42:1-2 Psalm 145:3


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357. Pastor Jordan Copeland - Faithful to the Cause

Tap here to send us a message! In the process of every individual's spiritual walk, there are pivotal moments where the strength of their faith is tested against life's circumstances. In his numerous trials, David consistently exemplified dedication to his faith because his commitment was not merely a reaction but a predetermined decision. His resolve was deeply rooted in his understanding of the righteousness of his cause, thus, despite the challenges he encountered, David remained faithful. 05/12/2024 - Sunday Night Scriptures Used (In Order of Occurrence): I Samuel 17:23-29 John 1:6-7 Matthew 5:14-15 Ecclesiastes 9:14-15 I Samuel 17:28 I Corinthians 15:58 II Peter 3:18 I Peter 2:2 Luke 17:5 I Samuel 2:26 Hebrews 6:1 Colossians 1:10, 2:7 Psalm 92:12-13 I Corinthians 13:10-12 II Peter 1:5-8 Ephesians 4:11-16 Acts 2:47 I Corinthians 3:6 I Corinthians 15:58 Galatians 6:9


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356. Pastor Jordan Copeland - The Unsung Hero

Tap here to send us a message! While the account of Jesus miraculously feeding the 5,000 with just a few loaves and small fish is widely familiar, we often overlook who may have played a crucial role in making this miracle possible - the mother of the young boy who provided the sustenance. Like countless mothers throughout history, her quiet devotion and selflessness behind the scenes laid the groundwork for a divine intervention. Although she probably did not realize the significance of what she was doing, each mother today can look at her example and recognize how vital they are to their family and the kingdom of God. 05/12/2024 - Mother's Day Service Scriptures Used (In Order of Occurrence): John 6:1-11 Matthew 14:14 John 6:10 II Timothy 1:5 Galatians 4:26
