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From Behind the Veil

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Church-planters, pastors, and ministers on the front lines of politics and culture in Washington, DC. Envoy gives a behind-the-scenes look at today's political and cultural theater, and shares the spiritual realities behind the news of our day so the church can pray for Heaven to be revealed on Earth. * Tune in along with viewers and listeners in 195 countries/territories from around the world! * Envoy is a ministry of Kingdom Life Ministries DC ( * Envoy is a member of the Charisma Podcast Network. * All views are our own and cannot be attributed to another party or organization.


United States


Church-planters, pastors, and ministers on the front lines of politics and culture in Washington, DC. Envoy gives a behind-the-scenes look at today's political and cultural theater, and shares the spiritual realities behind the news of our day so the church can pray for Heaven to be revealed on Earth. * Tune in along with viewers and listeners in 195 countries/territories from around the world! * Envoy is a ministry of Kingdom Life Ministries DC ( * Envoy is a member of the Charisma Podcast Network. * All views are our own and cannot be attributed to another party or organization.







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Behind the Veil of the 2022 Midterms

Season 3: Episode 1 Envoy is back! In this season opening episode of From Behind the Veil, the team discusses the 2022 midterm elections. With polls tightening and political rhetoric reaching a peak, we examine the issues shaping the election and the role of the church in politics. Listen to this powerful episode and consider how to walk out your citizenship in the Kingdom while exercising your right to vote.


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Behind the Veil of Uncertainty

In this episode, the team discusses the economic malaise and the episodic tragedies that continue to dominate the news cycle in the USA and around the world. Rising gas prices, baby formula shortages, mass shootings, and concerns of war are leaving many disheartened. Join us as we discuss living in The Kingdom of God through these uncertain times. Envoy is a ministry of Kingdom Life Ministries DC.


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Behind the Veil of Monkeypox

In this episode of Behind the Veil, the team discusses the latest health threat to make international headlines. Monkeypox is a virus of tropical origin that has existed for decades and bears little resemblance to COVID19 in efficacy. Yet, global organizations such as WHO and the UN are issuing statements of concern for both the spread and the “stigmatizing language” around it. The team examines this language and the fear that underpins this latest health scare to make the news cycle. Envoy is a ministry of Kingdom Life Ministries DC.


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Behind the Veil of the Abortion Debate

In this episode of From Behind the Veil, the team discusses the leaked draft of the upcoming Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade. News of the leak and confirmation of the upcoming decision has sparked protests, action from activists and legislative bodies across the nation, and could impact the upcoming midterm election in significant ways. The team explores the meaning of the pending decision, the reaction of those on both sides of the debate and the importance of the church looking beyond the debate and seeing a Kingdom perspective. Don’t miss this episode. Envoy is a ministry of Kingdom Life Ministries DC.


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Behind the Veil of Disney & the Fallout

In this episode of From Behind the Veil, the team discusses the recent passage of a law signed in Florida that repealed the special districts created before 1968. These special districts govern themselves in the same way a county does. Although numerous special districts are affected, this law was passed in response to Disney’s public criticism of and support for the repeal of Florida’s Parental Rights in Education law. The team goes behind the veil of this conflict and explores the idea of self-governance. What is God’s view of self-governance? How many kingdoms are there? Have we as the church carved out areas of our lives that we govern according to our own rules? Don’t miss this impactful episode. Envoy is a ministry of Kingdom Life Ministries DC.


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From Behind the Veil of the Fight for Twitter

In this episode of From Behind the Veil, the team discusses the recent moves by Elon Musk to acquire Twitter and take the company private. We examine the fight over control, the debate over free speech in the virtual public square, and the selective enforcement of policies. The one who controls what is spoken controls what is heard. How has this affected societal shifts in thinking? We discuss how the church can successfully navigate the virtual public square and ensure that we don’t selectively enforce Kingdom principles. Envoy is a ministry of Kingdom Life Ministries DC.


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Behind the Veil of Globalism vs. Nationalism

In this episode From Behind the Veil, we look at the growing friction between globalism, trade treaties, and defensive pacts in light of budding nationalism in countries throughout Europe and the world. The team examines where Christians’ allegiance should lie and how the body of believers addresses this friction in our own walks, giving perspectives of varying cultural and experiential backgrounds. Don’t miss this powerful episode. Envoy is a ministry of Kingdom Life Ministries DC.


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Behind the Veil of Parents’ Rights in Education

In this episode of From Behind the Veil, the team discusses the ongoing fight for control over the education of American children in public schools. The most recent front in this battle is Florida House Bill (HB) 1557 recently signed by Governor Ron DeSantis. The Parental Rights in Education, dubbed the “don’t say gay” bill by opponents, has faced public opposition by Disney and is dividing Americans regardless of political affiliation. The team examines what is actually in the bill and explores what the Bible has to say about responsibility for and control over our children. Envoy is a ministry of Kingdom Life Ministries DC.


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Behind the Veil of the Power of Words

In this episode of From Behind the Veil, the team discusses the unscripted declaration of President Biden that Vladimir Putin “cannot remain in power” during an address to U.S. troops stationed in Poland. The potential impact of his words garnered immediate reaction from concerned world leaders, political leaders at home, and numerous members of his Administration. The team examines why words matter so much and how we, as the church, need to speak words that match the policy of the Kingdom we represent. Don’t miss this powerful and practical episode. Envoy is a ministry Kingdom Life Ministries DC.


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Behind the Veil of Fear

In this episode of From Behind the Veil, the team discusses the strategic use of fear as a weapon and how it factors into national security decisions, foreign policy, politics, and our personal battles. Fear is a tactic used by Vladimir Putin in targeting civilians in Ukraine. It is factored into many national security and foreign policy decisions being made right now, as the world tries to avoid a nuclear conflict or world war. And fear is a familiar tool deployed by the kingdom of darkness against the church. We examine the “survival” mindset that develops when going through difficult circumstances and the power of hope. Don’t miss this inspiring episode. Envoy is a ministry of Kingdom Life Ministries DC.


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Behind the Veil of the Ripple Effects of War

In this episode of From Behind the Veil, the team discusses the global experience of the war in Ukraine and the long term effects the world is and will be dealing with in the months ahead. Social media has enabled the world to watch the devastation and realities of war. This shared experience has brought unprecedented attention and pressure to governments as events unfold in real-time. While much of the focus has been on the state of the conflict itself, the effects of that conflict are already taking shape. The sanctions on Russia and the complete shut down of the Ukraine economy have the world trying to deal with higher fuel prices, increased inflation, and shortages in agriculture. What does it look like when survivor mentality kicks in? What part does hope play in this battle and the personal battles each of us face? Don’t miss this episode. Envoy is a ministry of Kingdom Life Ministries DC.


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Behind the Veil of Russia, Ukraine & the Global Power Struggle

In Part 2 of our talk on the War in Ukraine, the team discusses the civilian targets that have been destroyed, the emergence of questions on war crimes, and Russia’s continued determination despite nearly global opposition. The team explores what led to these tragic events and the global struggle for power. Putin, China, and the West have their own competing visions for what the world should look like. Join us as we look at the Big Picture. A picture that is bigger than this natural realm and is both global and personal. Discover the common strategies used by the enemy of your soul and gain insight to lead and fight as we advance our King’s Vision and His Kingdom. Envoy is a ministry of Kingdom Life Ministries DC.


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Behind the Veil of War in Ukraine

WE'RE BACK FROM OUR BREAK! In this new episode of From Behind the Veil, the team discusses the ongoing invasion of Ukraine by Russia. The world has watched in disbelief as, once again, a dictator attempts to forcefully takeover a sovereign nation in Europe. We examine the unfolding conflict and the new reality the citizens of Ukraine are facing. We look at the perspective the church should have concerning this battle and the ongoing spiritual battle we face. How can we prepare for life in a new reality ourselves and be ready for the most important battle of our lives? Don’t miss this powerful new episode! Envoy is a ministry of Kingdom Life Ministries DC.


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Behind the Veil of Climate Change

In this episode of From Behind the Veil, the team discusses climate change and the global climate summit known as COP26 which just took place in Glasgow. As nations around the world work to address what is being called “the single greatest threat facing humanity”, we examine the genuine concern many share, the science and politics of climate change, and the view from the Kingdom of God. Does the church play a role in an issue that is captivating the world and driving transformative policies...


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Behind the Veil of Inflation

The world is experiencing a rapid rise of inflation where prices are increasing faster than the value of our money. As the cost of living gets more expensive, we are called to tap into a greater measure of faith. The team talks about the cost of living as a follower of Christ in today's ever-changing world. Envoy is a ministry of Kingdom Life Ministries DC. Learn more about us at


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Behind the Veil of Christian Nationalism

In Episode 8 of Season 2 of From Behind the Veil, the team discusses the rise of what has been termed “Christian Nationalism”. What is Christian Nationalism and is it good or bad? How should the church see this American nation? We answer these questions and discuss the important and often misunderstood role of the Church in America. Envoy is a ministry of Kingdom Life Ministries DC. Learn more about us at


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From Behind the Veil of Capitol Hill

On this episode, the team goes Behind the Veil of life on Capitol Hill. Our first special guest, Kimberly Genau from Alabaster House, joins us to talk about ministering to government leaders. We examine the people behind the politics and the reality of a life lived on the national stage and behind closed doors. God is moving in our nation’s capital. Find out how you can make a difference beyond your vote. Envoy is a ministry of Kingdom Life Ministries DC. Learn more about us at


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Behind the Veil of the Great American Worker Shortage

"Help Wanted" signs seem to be posted everywhere while America is seeing longer wait times and delays across several industries. What’s causing the labor shortage? Why are millions of Americans choosing not to return to work? Everything we see in the natural realm reflects what's happening in the spiritual realm. As the church prays for the Great Awakening, is the Lord asking us to cry out for something else? “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in...


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Behind the Veil of the Perfect Storm on the Hill

The team discusses the consequential week ahead as government funding, the debt ceiling, infrastructure, and budget reconciliation legislation come together in a perfect storm in our nation’s capital. The unprecedented 3.5 trillion-dollar reconciliation legislation before Congress has been recognized by both parties as a "cradle to grave" remaking of American economics. As two very different views of what America should be play out on Capitol Hill, the team talks about the future of the...


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Behind the Veil of America's Politics & Debt Ceiling

In this episode of From Behind the Veil, the team discusses the impending deadline to raise the debt ceiling and avoid the U.S. defaulting on its debt for the first time in history. While everyone agrees defaulting on the debt would be nothing short of an economic catastrophe, the partisan battle lines have been drawn with no negotiations or apparent path forward. We talk about the political moves being made, the ramifications for everyday Americans, and the questions this raises for the...
