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Grace in Focus

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

In this unique 13-minute show, Bob Wilkin and guests discuss issues that are vital to justification and sanctification, while keeping those issues distinct. Topics discussed include assurance of salvation, evangelism, eternal rewards, problem passages, perseverance theology, Calvinism and Arminianism, how to interpret Scripture, eschatology, and current issues in Free Grace Theology.


Corinth, TX


In this unique 13-minute show, Bob Wilkin and guests discuss issues that are vital to justification and sanctification, while keeping those issues distinct. Topics discussed include assurance of salvation, evangelism, eternal rewards, problem passages, perseverance theology, Calvinism and Arminianism, how to interpret Scripture, eschatology, and current issues in Free Grace Theology.





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Was Dr. Ryrie Clear on Salvation?

Welcome to Grace in Focus radio. Today, Bob Wilkin and Mike Lii are answering a question about Charles Ryrie’s eternal salvation position concerning James 2. Was (former DTS professor) Ryrie’s salvation message a clear and consistent one? Please listen daily and never miss an episode of the Grace in Focus podcast!


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Did Any Old Testament Believers Reject Christ?

Welcome to Grace in Focus radio. Bob Wilkin and Mike Lii are answering a question about Old Testament believers. How exactly were Old Testament individuals saved? What if a person believed in the promise of everlasting life in the Old Testament dispensation, but did not recognize Jesus as Messiah when He appeared on the scene?


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Are All Believers Led by the Holy Spirit?

Welcome to Grace in Focus radio. Today, Bob Wilkin and Mike Lii are answering a question about how and how much we are led by God. We will first look at Romans 8:14. What is the Holy Spirit’s role, if any, in the daily guidance of a believer’s life? What does it mean to be


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When Was Paul Saved, on the Road to Damascus or Three Days Later?

Welcome to Grace in Focus radio. Today, Bob Wilkin and Mike Lii are talking about Saul’s (who became Paul) interesting and unique experience on the Damascus roadway and three days thereafter. So, when was he actually saved? Was it on the road or in the house three days later? We invite you to listen today


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Interview – GES National Conference 2024 Attendees

Welcome to Grace in Focus radio. Today, Ken Yates is interviewing a family of attendees to our most recent annual national conference (May 2024). The Grace Evangelical Society holds this conference once a year during May and all are invited! It is a great time of fun, learning and fellowship around Focused Free Grace teaching.


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Does God Convict All People of Sinfulness?

Welcome to Grace in Focus radio. Today, Bob Wilkin and Mike Lii are answering another question. Is the whole world really being convicted of sin? What does convict or conviction in the Bible mean? How is this a part of the Holy Spirit’s role or ministry today? How might God even do this through human


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Do We Owe Jesus Anything for the Gift of Eternal Life?

Welcome to Grace in Focus radio. Bob Wilkin and Mike Lii are answering a question about the hymn Jesus Paid It All. So what about the phrase, “All to Him I owe”? As Free Grace people, is this phrase in conflict with our belief about eternal salvation? To what does this phrase refer within the


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Is There Hierarchy in Heaven? Also: What Are the Differences in the Greek Manuscripts of the New Testament?

Welcome to Grace in Focus podcast. Today, Bob Wilkin and Mike Lii are answering a question about the Millennium and beyond. What ruler roles will believers have and what kind of hierarchy will be in place? Then there’s also a question and answer to explain or describe the three major New Testament Greek manuscripts. Please


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What Is Eschatological Salvation?

Welcome to Grace in Focus radio. Today, Bob Wilkin and Mike Lii are talking about one of our journal articles by Paul Tanner and something he called eschatological salvation. So, what would be the difference in this and eternal life? Are there different ways theologians use this term? We invite you to listen today (and


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Do All Free Grace Teachers Teach Truth? Also: What if I Have Trouble Believing That Jesus Saves Me By Faith?

Welcome to Grace in Focus radio. Today, Bob Wilkin and Colin Jackson are answering a question about the meaning of faith, and what is meant by “faith alone.” What are some of the hurdles or struggles with believing the faith alone message? What are some verses that can help in clearing these hurdles? Please listen


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Can Homosexuals Be Saved?

Welcome to Grace in Focus radio. Today, Bob Wilkin and Colin Jackson are answering a question whether homosexual individuals can have eternal salvation. Are there Scriptures that prohibit eternal salvation for some sins or kinds of sins? The so-called vice passages are referring to something other than salvation. To what do they refer? Please listen


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Does John 2:11 Imply That Judas Believed in Christ? Also: Does Acts 13:46 Say the Believer Is in Some Sense Worthy of Everlasting Life?

Welcome to Grace in Focus radio. Bob Wilkin and Colin Jackson are answering two questions today, one about Judas’ salvation and another about believers being worthy of everlasting life. Are there indications in the Gospels that Judas actually was a believer? Does Acts 13:46 point to some sort of self-merit or worthiness of the believer?


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What Are Ten Most Misunderstood Passages in the Bible?

Welcome to Grace in Focus radio. Today, Bob Wilkin and Colin Jackson are talking about misunderstood passages in the Bible. In Bob’s opinion, what are the top ten? How are they possibly related? Are they usually misunderstood for the same reason(s)? How can we keep from misunderstanding the Bible? Please listen to this and every


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How Does the Holy Spirit Lead Believers Today?

Welcome to Grace in Focus radio. Today, Bob Wilkin and Sam Marr are talking guidance by the Holy Spirit of individual believers. What does the Bible say about this? What should we look for? We invite you to listen today (and each weekday) to the Grace in Focus podcast!


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Can We Believe in Jesus Without Believing in His Promise of Everlasting Life?

Welcome to Grace in Focus radio. Today, Bob Wilkin and Sam Marr are answering a question about believing, especially the content or object of belief for eternal salvation. Eternal life is found in Jesus. But can a person believe Him for everlasting life, understand that it is guaranteed, yet not realize that the life is


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If Someone Turns Away From Christ, Does That Person Lose Everlasting Life?

Welcome to Grace in Focus radio. Today, Bob Wilkin and Sam Marr are answering a question about a possible loss of eternal salvation based on some verses in Hebrews. What is the nature or purpose of the book of Hebrews, and what are the issues or the issue the author of Hebrews is targeting? Why


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Should We Call No Man “Pastor”? Also: Does Illness Prove Disobedience?

Welcome to Grace in Focus radio. Bob Wilkin and Mike Lii are answering two interesting questions today from our YouTube audience. What about the title “pastor”? What does the Bible teach about this title or office or gift? Does physical illness in a believer come from disobedience by that believer? If so, is it always


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If God Wants All Saved, Why Isn’t It Easy?

Welcome to Grace in Focus radio. Today, Bob Wilkin and Sam Marr are discussing 1 Timothy 2:4, where it says that God wants all people to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth. God has provided eternal salvation for all, and He has made it simple in concept and simple to receive.


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Is Anxiety Sin?

Welcome to Grace in Focus radio. Today, Bob Wilkin and Sam Marr are talking about anxiety. What level of anxiousness will qualify you to say you have anxiety? Are there different types? If it is a sin to worry, isn’t it also a sin if you have anxiety? Did Jesus ever have anxiety? What would


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Does John 8:12 Teach That We Must Follow Christ to Have Everlasting Life?

Welcome to Grace in Focus radio. Today, Bob Wilkin and Mike Lii are answering a question about following Christ. It seems that some today are equating this term with believing Christ, that being a “follower of Christ” or a “Christ-follower” is the same as being a “believer.” How should we think about this? What Scripture
