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Hart To Heart Podcast

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

There is division in our society today. Man’s laws are legalizing sin, and these sins are going against God. Our recourse is to declare our commitment to God, to draw a line in the sand and stand firm against the evils of sin, to stand in unity with God and with other godly women. Our recourse is to become leaders in our communities and our churches, and to provide our children with examples of God’s love, grace, forgiveness, redemption, and salvation. But how do we do this? We need to go back to the basics of who God uniquely created us to be. Our strength is in God. Our strength is in the unity of God’s Word. We must stand against the deceit of Satan, whose sole mission is to separate us from God. We will be discussing all topics that are impacting our lives. We will be talking about the issues Christians don’t feel comfortable saying in front of their family and friends. We need to remember we serve God. God does not serve us. Our goal is to discover spirit led solutions to secular problems.


United States


There is division in our society today. Man’s laws are legalizing sin, and these sins are going against God. Our recourse is to declare our commitment to God, to draw a line in the sand and stand firm against the evils of sin, to stand in unity with God and with other godly women. Our recourse is to become leaders in our communities and our churches, and to provide our children with examples of God’s love, grace, forgiveness, redemption, and salvation. But how do we do this? We need to go back to the basics of who God uniquely created us to be. Our strength is in God. Our strength is in the unity of God’s Word. We must stand against the deceit of Satan, whose sole mission is to separate us from God. We will be discussing all topics that are impacting our lives. We will be talking about the issues Christians don’t feel comfortable saying in front of their family and friends. We need to remember we serve God. God does not serve us. Our goal is to discover spirit led solutions to secular problems.




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The Abortion Dilemma for Christians

Welcome to our "Overturning Tables" Series. Today's episode, we are going to talk about the abortion dilemma for Christians. Can you lose your salvation if you follow secular world view opinions on abortion? We will go deep into scripture where we find the answer to the question of, "Does Life begin at the time of conception or at the time of birth?" We will then address the question if we could lose our salvation if we follow secular world view opinions. This is a full impact show, so LISTEN to what the Word of God says about this and more. #abortion #salvation #life #jesus #secularculture #biblicalanswers #bible #biblestudy


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The Dark Side of the Bible of Jezebel and the Jezebel Spirit

Welcome to our Christian Women's Series where today we are going to the dark side of the Bible to learn about the-most-evil woman in the Bible and that person is Queen Jezebel. We are going to look at her life, her death, and the demonic spirit of Jezebel and how that spirit is impacting our culture, our families, and the church. We are going to delve into how to recognize this spirit an dhow to overcome it. It is important we understand how the enemy influences behaviors in the mind. These psychologically influenced behaviors are taught and encouraged, leading those who are double-minded or weak-willed into demonically led behaviors. You could look at these as "thought" demons. And what does our secular culture have in common with thought demons? Our current culture depends on the thoughts, experiences, emotions, and intellect of the individual. It is all based within the Mind; it is a perfect place for demonic spirits to thrive. What are the characteristics of a Jezebel spirit? What does it look like in religion today? And how the Jezebel spirit is showing itself through political religious activism. Click now and LISTEN to this special episode. #jezebel #jezebelspirit #abortion #lgbtq #globalhumanrights #reproductivejusticemovements #biblicalsolutions #evil #jesuschrist #god #baal #spiritualwarefare #faith #truth


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Exposing the Truth of the Declining Church

Today, we are going to expose the truth about the declining Church and what we need to do to rebuild it. We are going to talk about the destruction of the church by those who believe that they can walk a gray line between God and political correctness of sin, and that that gray line will still lead to salvation. But that's the deception many Pastors are trying to maneuver around by cherry picking scripture to create a false gospel that does not offend, and that political correctness would applaud. Our culture has placed a significant importance on "My Body My Choice" and LGBTQ narratives, where there is no authority outside of "ME, Myself and I". And these subjective truths are politically promoted, the Church cowers and shies away from the debate. But when the Church acquiesces to these political worldly viewpoints, Truth is lost, science is lost, and conscience is lost. What can the church do to get back on track? We need to kick cultural and political influence out of the church and out of the pulpit. LISTEN to learn how. #church #politics #pulpit #teachers #WordofGod #pastors #elders #bible #greatcommission #disciples


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The Purposeful Role of Mary Magdalene

Christian Women Series Episode 6: The Purposeful Role of Mary Magdalene. Welcome back to our Christian Women Series. With each episode, we have seen how God uses women in leadership roles and we still see how God uses women today in different ministries around the world. Mary Magdalene has been the most reinvented character in the Bible. During the Renaissance Period, artists depicted Mary dressed extravagantly, provocatively, and in one famous painting, Mary is nude and covered by her long blonde hair. Mislabeled as the "sinful woman", the life and role of one of the most significant women in Jesus's earthly ministry has been misrepresented and misinterpreted since the first century. Listen to find out the true purpose of Mary Magdalene's role in Jesus's ministry, and as the first evangelist in the world. You won't want to miss this episode! #marymagdalene #risenchrist #ministry #kingdomofgod #repentance #deliverance #redemption #salvation #jesus #peter #john #fourgospels #biblestudy #womenbiblestudy


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The Untold Story of Ruth

Christian Women Series Episode 5: The Untold Story of Ruth. Welcome back to our Christian Women Series. With each episode, we have seen how God uses women in leadership roles and we still see how God uses women today in different ministries around the world. We need to remember that it is God who calls women into ministry and not man. In the story of Ruth, we see how Ruth overcame challenges to save her mother-in-law and her future family. It is a beautiful story of faith, loyalty, trust, and love. Like Rahab, Ruth's role was significant in God's plan. This shows God can use anyone to accomplish His purpose. No matter who you are in the eyes of man, God can and will use those who are willing to connect with Him through faith. Stay tuned to the end of this podcast where I share a brilliant story of how Benjamin Franklin used the story of Ruth while working in his capacity of the United States Ambassador to France. You are going to love the story of Ruth; deemed as one of the greatest masterpieces of all time. #ruth #brave #obendience #faith #wordofGod #boaz #naomi #biblestory #womenoffaith #christianwomen #biblestudy #storyofruth


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The Untold Story of Rahab

Christian Women Series Episode 4: The Untold Story of Rahab Welcome back to our Women's Series. With each episode, we have seen how God uses women in leadership roles, and we still see how God uses women today in different ministries around the world. We need to remember that it is God who calls women into ministry and not man. In the story of Rahab, we see how she became a warrior to save her family. Like Jael in the story of Deborah, Rahab's role was significant in God's plan. This shows God can use anyone to accomplish His purpose. No matter who you are in the eyes of man, God can and will use those who are willing to connect with Him through faith. At the end of this episode, make sure to listen to the amazing discoveries by Archeologists that have proven the accuracy of the story of Rahab and the City of Jericho. It is through the science of Archeology we know for a fact that the Book of Joshua has been proven to be accurate and true. Although there will always be those who will try to discredit the Word of God by saying the historical accuracies do not prove the spiritual or theological aspects of the Bible, but no one - not even science - can explain the miracles found in and outside of the Bible. We we know the God who knows everything that science will never discover. www.cathyjohart.com #rahab #brave #obedience #faith #WordofGod #joshua #jericho #wallsofjericho #jesus #biblestudy #biblestory #womenofthebible #womenministry #womenoffaith #christianwomen #actoffaith


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The Untold Story of Esther

Christian Women Series Episode 3: The Untold Story of Esther. I admit, I have watched a couple of movies about Esther, so I thought I knew the story fairly well. But movies don't tell the full story. So, when I began studying the Book of Esther, I learned the best parts of the story were hidden in the details. The four characters in this story are King Xerxes, the evil Haman, the beautiful Esther and her father, Mordecai. Learn how the back stories of these characters paved the way to victory for the Jewish people. As the Jewish people prepare for the Festival of Purim in March 2024, listen and learn this incredible story and you will want to join them in this incredible celebration. #purim #jewishfestival #esther #mordecai #kingxerxes #haman


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The Untold Story of Deborah

Women's Christian Series Episode 2: The Untold Story of Deborah. Today, we are going to talk about the story of Deborah found in Judges Chapters 4-5. Deborah was a prophet, a judge, a military warrior and is known as the Mother of Israel. But did you know God chose a woman named Jael to end the reign of a King? This is just one of many stories we will be learning on how God has continually placed women in leadership roles, just as Jesus needed women to share his message, and Paul needed women to help establish the churches and to teach ministers the gospel of Christ. Please join me in this message of hope and strength many women are seeking in their lives today. #womenempowerment #deborah #jael #biblestudy #prophet #judge #warrior #strength #love #jesuschrist


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How God Defines Women

Christian Women Series Episode 1. Today's show is about How God Defines Women and is the first in our Christian Women's Series. Over the past several years, there have been multiple discussions about how culture wants to change what God has created in his image. Whether it is the emasculated ideology that is trying to change the definitions of who we are as a woman, or the false teachings that insists on banning women from the pulpit, neither group has the right to change or limit who God made women to be. We are also going to talk about the bombshell report that was recently made public that involves the Southern Baptist Convention that is going to tie this episode together. Prior to the split of the SBC, the organization allowed women to be ordained ministers. What caused the split and what new doctrine was created that expelled women from the pulpit? How does the bombshell report of the sexual abuse claims and the mistreatment of abuse survivors tie into the SBC Conservative Resurgence doctrine that is responsible for keeping women from ministry leadership in the SBC and should this force a correction regarding this doctrine? There is a lot of talk about, so LISTEN to this episode of How God Defines Women. #sbc #southernbaptistconvention #PaulPressler #sexabusescandal #howgoddefineswomen #adamandeve #1corinthians #1Timothy #womenministers #womenministry #bibleteaching #scripture #jesuschrist #paulsletters #deacon #agape #biblemisperceptions #goddessdiana #gnostic #women #church #teacher #gospel #conservativeresurgence #fundamentalisttakeover #saddlebackchurch #rickwarren #ordainedministers #evangelical #genesis #devil #supernaturalgifts #christian #deborah


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The Humanity Quotient

How do you value the humanity quotient? What happens when the humanity quotient goes to zero? Since 1776, the Constitution has used Christian values in the Bible to determine the humanity quotient. But when secular society wants to eliminate Christian principles and values, then what is left? The U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in 1963 about the separation of church and state, came with a warning. Justice Arthur Goldberg, one of the 5 liberal judges on the Supreme Court warned "against extreme interpretation of government neutrality on religions becoming a brooding and pervasive devotion to the secular and a passive, or even active, hostility to the religions. We now have unprecedented levels of hostility against Christians, Christian values and principles that provide a civil society. How did we get to this point in society? It was through the introduction of the field of Social Psychology, and the manipulation of social peer pressure to fundamentally change American values. As Thomas Sowell said, "You have people making decisions for which they pay no price when they are wrong, no matter how high the price other people pay." LISTEN to learn how the use of Social Psychology has changed the humanity quotient.


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How to Resurrect Christian Values in America

Today, I am going to continue looking at biblical principles and values used to formulate the governing documents of the United States, with a closer look at the 1844 U.S. Supreme Court decision that set the stage for religious liberty, the rise of the anti-God movement, and what we can do as Christians within Constitutional guidelines to bring these biblical principles back into the schools and our society. The Supreme Court Justices rules that Christianity is essential to society. They believed that "the government must have an alliance with religion to some extent and that Christianity is indispensable to the true interests and solid foundations of all free governments and that the Holy Bible is essential in the required teaching of Christian moral principles. They stated the government needed to accommodate religion without violating the rights of conscience. This was the ruling that has guided every ethics and laws since 1844; that is until 1963, when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that daily biblical readings were unconstitutional. But this ruling has been misused for 60 years. It wasn't the U.S. Supreme Court that eliminated the Bible from public schools. Listen to learn who used their unconstitutional authority to remove the Bible from public schools and how what laws we can use to bring back biblical principles and values. #bible #christianity #principles #values #usconstitution #government #schools


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Liberty Preserving Principles: A Guide to Protecting Our Freedoms

In today's show, we are going to identify the problem with the word "religion" and the erosion of our Country's foundational principles and values. We are going to take a look at the biblical principles that have shaped our country, the warning made by the founding fathers of a godless society, the current attempts at unraveling the fabric of our institutions, and what we need to do to regain civility in our country and the world. Those who have read the Bible, have seen what happens to a godless society. All of this that is happening right now, all of it, has happened before. We are not as sophisticated as we would like to believe. It is even predictable if you know history. Same sin. Same destruction. Same enemy. Join the conversation on learning what our founding fathers were most afraid of when they signed the Declaration of Independence, and more importantly, are their fears coming true? We already know what to do to have a good and civil society. But how many are willing to do it?


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Battle Plan of the Enemy

In today's episode, Battle Plan of the Enemy, we are going to take a biblical approach to what we need to do to overcome the enemy and the challenges we are facing within the church to fight it. We have witnessed thousands around the world celebrating Hamas' savagery of rape, murder, the slaughter of innocent men, women and children, and the beheading of infants. There is never justification for this type of demonic evil. Hatred blinds truth. In Romans 12, it is very clear we are not to repay evil with evil. So how do we eliminate this evil? The temptation of fighting evil with evil goes back to the Babylonian times and King David grappled with the same emotions we are experiencing today. Learn what he said, and how God answered with His revenge against Babylon. We know who the enemy is, and we know his tactics, and we know how to defeat him. Listen to this episode to learn how. #fightingtheenemy #satan #evil #kingdavid #godsrevenge #psalm137 #wordofgod #prayer #defeatingevil #christ #unity #spiritualgifts #prophesying #teaching #preaching #churches #actionplan #battleplan #victory #israel #hamas #war


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Preserving Family Alignment with Jesus: 6 Strategies Amidst Threats to Parental Rights

Parental rights are being targeted and parents don't know what to do about it. We are going to take a look at 6 strategies to help Christian Families stay in alignment with God in this secular world. The Bible warns us about trusting human nature. Secularism promotes putting self-first yet refuses to address the true pressures of standing alone and the crippling disappointments when life doesn't work out the way you want or planned. This is why we have to stop looking for secular ways in solving this problem and go directly to the Bible to discover answers. Just as the Bible provides solutions for marriage and parenting problems, the Bible also has stories of similar situations and how these problems were solved through the church. We are going to discuss the Book of Titus and how culture almost destroyed the early churches in Crete. We are going to talk about how Titus revamped the church and how we must do the same. We are in a spiritual warfare, and we know who the enemy is and how to defeat him. But we need the church to lead the way. God does not compromise, even if culture and government demands it. #parents #culture #secularism #parentalrights #solutions #Titus #church #restoration #strategies #truth #faith #selfcontrol #love #joy #patience #kindness #jesus #crete #michigan #california #minors


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My Testimony How God is Still Performing Miracles

When God put on my heart to share my testimony, my first reaction was "NOPE!". But when God wants you to do something, "nope" is not an option. I was born with an anxiety disorder that wasn't discovered by medical science until about 20 years ago. I was not diagnoses until 10 years ago, and I didn't find a doctor who understood my condition until 3 years ago. It was during the pandemic when the lockdowns and the non-stop daily push of fear driven rhetoric sent my anxiety into hyper overdrive. This brought me to the lowest point in my life. I had lost hope. This was in July 2020. I had to get away from the forced isolation and negativity when I found a church that was open. The sermon was about depression, anger and forgiveness. Each week, I felt God's presence, and it was a love I had never experienced before. By September, I was ready to give my life and my will to Jesus. Once I did, my entire body began to heal. LISTEN to hear about my journey, going from years of not being able to communicate due to a disruption during cognitive brain development when I was child, to becoming a Christian Author, Speaker, Bible study teacher and a podcaster 3 years after receiving God's miracles. Learn about the connection between my disorder and the Gender Dysphoria movement. You won't want to miss it. #miracles #mentalhealth #emotions #wellbeing #testimony #communication #cognitivetherapy #braindevelopment #healing


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The Psychological Epidemic of Transgenderism

Transgenderism cannot be identified through physical testing such as MRI's, genetics, or blood tests. There are no trans identity markers within the body at all. It is 100% emotional and is being treated with strong pharmaceuticals, body mutilations, and with fantastical gender terms of mythological make believe. When a chief psychologist of a gender clinic creates a gender menu items from Greek mythological stories such as Gender Prius and Gender Minotaur, then you know transgenderism has gone from a mental health issue to a mythical world of an occult. Today, we are going to dive into who is doing what and why in the psychological epidemic fad of transgender ideology. This podcast focuses on parental success stories of fighting against doctors and schools to save their children and how one mother joined forces with an international parent support group to save her child and what you need to do to keep all children safe. Once you remove politics from the problem, the solutions are pretty clear. Listen to Cathy Jo Hart as she exposes the truth of Transgenderism and a plan of action to protect your family. #transgenderism #psychologicalepidemics #parents #childrenarenotforsale #ourduty #gender #greatreset #WEF #esg #fear #contagions #pubertyblockers #hormones #madscientists #humanity #psychology #gendertheory #genderexpansive #genderprius #gendertootsierollpop #protogay #prototrans #narcissists #mythology #genderminotaurs #man #woman #boy #girl #climatehysteria #climate #elites #wef


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The Real Cost of Human Trafficking and the Grooming Connection the Trans Rights Movement Does Not Want You to Know

Human Trafficking and Child Sex Exploitation is the latest growing epidemic in the World and is currently a $162B industry with over 6MM children currently enslaved, more than any other time in our history. The movie Sound of Freedom has created a great awareness to the Human Trafficking and sex trade industry. We can no longer bury our heads in the sand, hoping to ignore a growing problem around the world. Today, we are going to look at the hero's fighting to save our children. We are going to talk about the solutions found in the Bible that tells us what we need to do to fight against this depraved and evil problem. LISTEN and SHARE this podcast to help fight against the Human Trafficking, Pedophilia, and against the threats against Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Thought, and Free Expression. Find out what we need to do to protect our children, our families, our Religious Freedoms and our Country. If you would like to report suspicious activity of child trafficking or child pornography, call the National Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888. You can text 233733. Missing children hotline is 1-800-THE-LOST. And remember, you can dial 911 in the U.S. #soundoffreedom #humantrafficking #childsextrafficking #transmovement #religiousfreedom #freedomofspeech #freedomofthought #freedom #freeexpression #jesusrevolution #familyvalues #endslavery #christianity #missingchildren #stopsextortion #childrenarenotforsale


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The Power of the People and the Purse to Fight Against ESG, DEI and CEI

They Boycotts are working, but along with the boycotts, Asset Managment Companies such as BlackRock, Blackstone and KKR are encouraging companies to avoid public policy positions until people forget about it and move on. Silence doesn't mean victory, it means secrecy. As Milton Friedman, one of the most respected economists in the world, said, "Economic freedom is an essential requisite for political freedom. The combination of economic and political power in the same hands is a sure recipe for tyranny." (Milton Friedman, Free to Choose). But the political lobbying influence in our government by Wall Street, The World Economic Forum, climate change activists, and the Human Rights Campain is the very recipe for tyranny Milton Friedman warned us about. What can we do? LISTEN to see what we can do to fight against these threats to our political, economic, and religious freedoms. If we don't stand firm now, we won't be able to stand at all.


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How ESG, DEI, CEI and Environmental Social Governance Are Attacking American Values and Institutions

Part 3 of Exposing the Hidden Truth the Transgender Industry Does NOT Want You to Know. Did you notice the sudden push for Transgender and LGBTQ+ ideologies with Anheuser Bush, NIKE, Target and Chick-fil-A and other companies? It isn't a coincidence, but a very calculated World Order plan designed to destabilize American Values and Institutions. Listen as I debunk the social justice ideologies, green deal agendas, and the Wall Street globalists ESG grading scale, who are working around the Constitution to eliminate liberties and freedoms many have sacrificed their lives in protecting. This episode exposes the web of activists who have infiltrated and degraded our institutions, how they are doing this, and what their ultimate goals are. I also show how our world is not as "woke" as society believes, as this is exactly what Daniel experienced when King Nebuchadnezzar conquered other lands. This story parallels what we are experiencing today. Every problem has a solution when God is involved. This solution has a plan of action to combat this evil. LISTEN to learn more.


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Exposing the Hidden Truths, the Transgender Industry Does NOT Want You to Know Part 2

In Part 1, I talked about the untruths about puberty blocking drugs and how the United States is way behind European Countries like Finland, Sweden, and the UK, who have banned this practice. Over the past 10 years, the number of transgender cases has skyrocketed over 1600%, and gender affirming care is being pushed at an alarming rate. But no one is talking about the exorbitant costs to transition, but what about the costs to maintain a transgendered life? Best case scenario, the minimum lifetime investment is between $200,000-$500,000. Worse case? Hundreds of thousands more. What are the RISKS? We break that down too. More importantly, we are going to look at the mental health issues the health care industry is ignoring. There is a disturbing medical research history spanning the past 80 years, that will make you question everything that is happening in the Trans Affirming Care Industry today.
