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Heart Portal

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Welcome to HEART PORTAL. Join me, Laura Murphy we open the portal to our hearts and access infinite potential...no small feat! This is your home for curated stories, practices, lessons and insights from my own lived experience mixed with heart-led conversations with people who inspire me. If you are ready to live life on your own terms, find what makes you feel ALIVE and embody an expanded version of self, keep listening. We'll be talking all things energy, spirituality, truth-seeking, health and wellness, body acceptance, entrepreneurship, self-inquiry and personal development.


United States


Welcome to HEART PORTAL. Join me, Laura Murphy we open the portal to our hearts and access infinite potential...no small feat! This is your home for curated stories, practices, lessons and insights from my own lived experience mixed with heart-led conversations with people who inspire me. If you are ready to live life on your own terms, find what makes you feel ALIVE and embody an expanded version of self, keep listening. We'll be talking all things energy, spirituality, truth-seeking, health and wellness, body acceptance, entrepreneurship, self-inquiry and personal development.



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27. 3 Amplifiers for Your Expansion

Friends, Welcome back to the podcast. Today, we explore 3 amplifiers or requirements for your expansion - all rooted in the idea of being fully present. Your journey of expansion will require you to introduce and explore 3 things, each an amplifier for your journey: 1. Surrender as am Amplifier -- we talked about letting go of reaching for what was or what will be as an amplifier for your expansion. I offered you questions to explore when it comes to surrender. 2. Pleasure as an Amplifier -- yup good old fashion, feel good, joy. What makes you feel good, what gets your heart beating, where do you lose yourself or get inspired by. Kids really were on to something when they would get lost in the pleasures of day to day life. 3. Gratitude as an Amplifier -- gratitude truly is a fast track t the present moment and makes you incredibly magnetic to more to be grateful for! Take a listen. If this is something you want to go deeper on, I invite you to join us inside The Heart Portal Digital Studio. Breathwork has been one of the most powerful tools in my toolkit for meeting, and pushing past the edges that I’ve met on my journey. We meet for live online breathwork sessions 4x per month and can access hundreds of recorded session ranging from 90-seconds to 75 minutes inside the digital portal. If you are unsure if breathwork is for you, I have a free 5 day breathwork challenge to get your feet wet with the practice. If this episode resonated with you, it would mean the world to me if you could subscribe and leave a review as it goes a long way in this podcasting world! Find me on Instagram at @the_heart_portal --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/purpose-possibility/message


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26. Welcome to EXPANSION SZN

Friends, how are you as we turn the corner into September? As the month changes over inside The Heart portal digital studio we change our focus from the energetic theme of Your Edges to Expansion SZN. If you are like wtf are you talking about, each month inside the digital studio we explore an energetic theme, we stay with the theme for the duration of the month so we can deepen into it each week rather than hopping from topic to topic. I’ve decided to play with taking a similar approach to the podcast and see how it feels. September brings with it a new and amplified energy of excitement and activation. Like it’s time to assess how far we’ve come, recalibrate to where we are going and to start making moves in a big way. It’s like the party energy of August is over and now it’s time to get down to business. I almost look at September as an energetic new year. So, let’s explore expansion season and how we can harness the energy to supercharge our desires. When you think about the word expansion, what do you think about? And, when it comes to expanding into your life what does that bring up? Let’s take a step back so we can take one forward. Last month we explored our edges, those sticky moments, actions and reactions that meet us on the edge of what we know, the borders of our comfort zone. The ‘resistance’ we face before we step into something, or make moves in our lives. In the last episode, I invited you to explore what sat beyond your edges, who you were without them, as you moved through them and beyond them. Truthfully, what’s on the other side of your edge is growth – a new path, a new way, a new level, a new perspective, a new life – an expanded version of who you once were and often a version of you that, until the moment you moved beyond your edge, you never knew could exist. If this is something you want to go deeper on, I invite you to join us inside The Heart Portal Digital Studio. Breathwork has been one of the most powerful tools in my toolkit for meeting, and pushing past the edges that I’ve met on my journey. We meet for live online breathwork sessions 4x per month and can access hundreds of recorded session ranging from 90-seconds to 75 minutes inside the digital portal. If you are unsure if breathwork is for you, I have a free 5 day breathwork challenge to get your feet wet with the practice. If this episode resonated with you, it would mean the world to me if you could subscribe and leave a review as it goes a long way in this podcasting world! Find me on Instagram at @the_heart_portal --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/purpose-possibility/message


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25. Beyond Your Edges

As we close out the month of August and we close out one energetic theme and begin the switch to the next, this episode is going to be a short and crispy one. September inside The Heart Portal digital Studio marks the start of EXPANSION SZN. So as we close out the month where we explored our edges, today’s episode focuses on Beyond your edges. Theoretically, sometimes we spend so much time spiraling around, bumping up against and backing away from, repeating the story of our edge that we lose sight of or our bearings with what’s beyond it – the vision of who you are beyond that edge. So my invitation to you in this episode is to explore that. Who you are beyond your edges. And I’m going to offer you some food for thought and some exercises on how to do that. Remember this.. Sometimes we spend so much time in the struggle or the resistance or the chaos that we lose sight of what we want, our desire, the vision, what we are moving for in the first place. The edge provides comfort, because it keeps us safely in the confines of where were are – the known. But you know that’s not where you are heading, that what you desire isn’t in te know because you wouldn’t long for it if it was. So let’s play with exploring who you are beyond your edges. If this is something you want to go deeper on, I invite you to join us inside The Heart Portal Digital Studio. Breathwork has been one of the most powerful tools in my toolkit for meeting, and pushing past the edges that I’ve met on my journey. We meet for live online breathwork sessions 4x per month and can access hundreds of recorded session ranging from 90-seconds to 75 minutes inside the digital portal. If you are unsure if breathwork is for you, I have a free 5 day breathwork challenge to get your feet wet with the practice. If this episode resonated with you, it would mean the world to me if you could subscribe and leave a review as it goes a long way in this podcasting world! Find me on Instagram at @the_heart_portal --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/purpose-possibility/message


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24. How To Push Your Edges

How is your heart today? If you’ve been on this journey with me over the last few weeks, we’ve talked about meeting edges. Those sticky points we bump up against over and over until we are able to shift something to move through them. Edges are laced in fear, deep rooted beliefs that we’ve likely outgrown, old perspectives and all the usual suspects that keep us stuck or spiralling. The first step to moving through an edge is to be aware that what you are facing is an edge. Awareness of your edge. We talked about how to explore your edge and to recognize it for what it is. In last week’s episode we talked about being aware of your edge…now what. I offered you an approach that will create some space so you know what to do to move yourself forward. You create space, you feel what’s meeting you at the edge and you invite yourself deeper through curiosity and you invite a perspective shift. All internal work. This week we deepen into and get into the tangibles on how to begin to pushing past your edges, moving you past the point of being stuck, moving you through the muck of resistance and stuckness. Let’s push these edges babe! Most of the takeaways from today’s episode are what we discussed, meditated on and breathed through in the most recent live session inside The Heart Portal digital studio. Let’s dive in! If this is something you want to go deeper on, I invite you to join us inside The Heart Portal Digital Studio. Breathwork has been one of the most powerful tools in my toolkit for meeting, and pushing past the edges that I’ve met on my journey. We meet for live online breathwork sessions 4x per month and can access hundreds of recorded session ranging from 90-seconds to 75 minutes inside the digital portal. If you are unsure if breathwork is for you, I have a free 5 day breathwork challenge to get your feet wet with the practice. If this episode resonated with you, it would mean the world to me if you could subscribe and leave a review as it goes a long way in this podcasting world! Find me on Instagram at @the_heart_portal --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/purpose-possibility/message


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23. You're at an edge...now what? A perspective shift.

ICYMI last week, I introduced the topic of your edge. The edges inevitably meet on our journey of becoming. What I mean by journey of becoming is this: I believe, we are here, it is our purpose to live fully expressed. To be so fully who we are and honor your you-ness that we couldn’t fathom living any other way.to be this fully expressed, embodied version of self, we will be asked to peel back the layers of who we’ve been taught, conditioned or shamed into being. It’s to move from misaligned to aligned. Good news/bad news – I’m not entirely sure if we ever truly arrive at our most fully-expressed self. That the journey is just that - a journey. One we deepen into and One where we constantly lose our way and find our way back over and over again. On this journey we (every single one of us without exception) inevitably meet edges – they are sharp, prickly and usually indicate we’ve outgrown or become misaligned with something. As human beings, our nature is to grow, to be in motion. Edges guide us and highlight what needs to be looked at for us to proceed. It shows us what we're outgrowing and offers an invitation to move back into alignment. But, for some, edges seem like dead ends. At the edges you are being given a choice – to sit on the edge your whole life, or to allow yourself to go to the depths to move forward into the unknown? Your future self, this version of you you desire to be is waving you into the pool but your dick brain wants you to stay where you are. So what do you do? Do you succumb to the resistance and stay where you are – being thrashed by life or do you step courageously back into alignment? Last week, my invitation to you was to start getting curious about when and where edges arise. You can’t change what you don’t know. I.E. Awareness is the first step to making intentional shifts. I invited you to get acquainted with where the edges in your life are, how they present, what they feel and look like so that you know the resistance or struggle you are feeling is in fact an edge. Now what. What do you do when you are faced with the stickiness of life, an edge that feels so sharp an uncomfortable, when you feel hopelessly stuck - WTF do you do? That is what we explore in today's episode. And I give you some homework (heart work I call it) for the next time you meet an edge. If this is something you want to go deeper on, I invite you to join us inside The Heart Portal Digital Studio. Breathwork has been one of the most powerful tools in my toolkit for meeting, and pushing past the edges that I’ve met on my journey. We meet for live online breathwork sessions 4x per month and can access hundreds of recorded session ranging from 90-seconds to 75 minutes inside the digital portal. If you are unsure if breathwork is for you, I have a free 5 day breathwork challenge to get your feet wet with the practice. If this episode resonated with you, it would mean the world to me if you could subscribe and leave a review as it goes a long way in this podcasting world! Find me on Instagram at @the_heart_portal --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/purpose-possibility/message


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22. Meet Your Edges

Welcome back to the podcast, as you saw last month we explored the energetic theme of Leaning into Self-Trust. Well, as we enter August the energy shifts as does the energetic theme. Before we talk about what we are moving towards and exploring can we talk about August (these two topics tie together I promise!) I am Leo and it is my birthday month. If it isn’t obvious, I think it’s the best month in the entire calendar year. While most people my age start to get funny about birthdays and numbers - not this girl. In my opinion it’s a gift to even see another birthday so why not celebrate! I love my birthday, I’ve always loved my birthday. Over the last 10-15 years, starting at the beginning of August every year I begin to take stock of my life. I look at where I am, what I’m doing, who is surrounding me and where I’m heading and begin to percolate what I want from the year ahead. In effect my birthday becomes my actual New Year where, on the day, I set intentions, place the seeds of desires, declare goals, write my wishes. I cast the vision of who I desire to become or embody in the year ahead. I’ll usually give the year its own energetic theme (which I’ve done podcasts about before – see episode 11 on living boldly). Here’s where the energetic theme for August ties in. On your journey of becoming or embodying the version of self you desire or envision yourself to be you will meet, bump into and be stopped in your tracks by edges – it is inevitable and it is a tale as old as time. So this month, we explore those edges. We will learn how to meet them, hold them, play with them, push them and move beyond them. So, over the next 4 Fridays, we’ll be talking about YOUR EDGES. This topic can get a little prickly because your ego or what I’ve learned to refer to as you d*ck brain is masterful at explaining and justifying why it wants you to stay right where you are, safely inside your comfort zone. So, let’s dive in. Questions to help you meet your edges: Think about where you crave or are being pushed to the borders of your comfort zone, of what you know and are being called to step into something new, an expanded version of self: What is the edge you bump up against the most - and this might be where you always stop short, what you do over and over again, where the prickly-ness and resistance is. What is your edge? What does it look and feel like when you are there? What are the stories your brain is telling you to keep you away from or within the edges? What’s stopping you? What do you fear is on the other side? What do you fear will/won’t happen? Who is it you desire to be beyond this edge? What’s meeting you between where you are and what’s beyond the edge? Spend some time exploring these questions and getting acquainted with your edge. The key is to do this from a place of curiosity and not judgment. I'm looking forward to the journey we will be going on together this month. If this is something you want to go deeper on, I invite you to join us inside The Heart Portal Digital Studio. Breathwork has been one of the most powerful tools in my toolkit for meeting, and pushing past the edges that I’ve met on my journey. We meet for live online breathwork sessions 4x per month and can access hundreds of recorded session ranging from 90-seconds to 75 minutes inside the digital portal. If you are unsure if breathwork is for you, I have a free 5 day breathwork challenge to get your feet wet with the practice. If this episode resonated with you, it would mean the world to me if you could subscribe and leave a review as it goes a long way in this podcasting world! Find me on Instagram at @the_heart_portal --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/purpose-possibility/message


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21. Do You Trust Yourself Unconditionally?

Hey friends, welcome back to the podcast! You may be sensing the theme of the last few episodes have centred around building and strengthening our ability to trust ourselves. Inside The Heart Portal digital studio each month follows an energetic theme and Self-Trust has been the theme for the last 4 weeks. The idea is each week we are deep into the energy of self-trust. With the intention of opening ourselves up to a deeper sense of or relationship to trusting ourselves. And, I’ve been experimenting with sharing that on my podcast here with you and on Instagram (@the_heart_portal). Selfishly, I created THe Heart Portal because I couldn’t find anything else out there quite like the level of support and detail I was looking for and the energetic themes were themes that were presenting themselves in my life, what I was working through most and it was just such a natural fit for the layout of The digital studio. So, what we’ve talked about so far is our RELATIONSHIP with self-trust, how it is an actually 2x way relationship and one of the most important relationships of our lives. In episode 19 I spoke about how self-trust has 2 key components: Our willingness and ability to sit and listen (or create space) Our willingness and ability to respond to what we hear. Then we moved into the idea of moving from head to heart living. Because I believe a heart-led life is one that is rooted in trust and is the journey of our lifetime. Today I want to layer in 2 things before we close out the month of Self-Trust They are: FIRST - Is your relationship with trusting yourself conditional, and how can we start shifting it to unconditional experience? SECOND - What if trusting yourself means going first. Moving before you have the assurances that everything will work out. ~~~ If you are ready to explore who you are here to be and be supported on that journey of becoming, I invite you to join us inside THE HEART PORTAL MEMBERSHIP. This potent space is where I pour my heart, my wisdom and share my gifts. We come together to breathe 4x (live) each month PLUS you have access to a full digital studio of practices to support you. Breathwork truly is the gateway to your heart! Try breathwork free. Find me on Instagram @the_heart_portal --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/purpose-possibility/message


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20. From Head To Heart Living

Welcome back to this week's episode of The Heart Portal podcast! We begin today's practice with a sliver of a meditation (please skip the first 2 minutes if you are driving, for the love of god!). And we do so for 2 reasons: 1. It introduces you to the topic of today’s episode which is moving from head to heart living. 2. To equip you with a short practice that you can come back to when life moves into the ‘too much’ zone and we find ourselves really ‘heady’ . What is heady – completely taken over by the shit storm of overthinking, overanalyzing, overworking. It happens when we flip flop in indecision, we get overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of life, when we wobble on what we stand for or believe in, when we are torn between what we ‘should’ do and what we’re actually being called to do and all the other times you mentally spiral from not honoring ourselves and our true desires. As much as I love living in the spiritual realm, I’m a realist and I believe deeply that our journey to purpose and our highest expression is just that – a journey. One where we constantly lose our way. Practices like this are like little trails back to the path of our journey. And, they help in the real-time moments. As a meditation and breathwork facilitator I will be the first one to tell you that I don’t practice with long-form sessions every day. But I do my best, everyday, to create space and stillness for my heart to speak. That is exactly what this practice is. I will add the snippet of the practice to my instagram profile (@the_heart_portal) so you can save it and come back to it when you need it. So let’s chat a little more about the topic of the day which is moving from head to heart living. For me, that marks the journey to my highest self because I truly believe that being heart led in life is LIVING. (capital L I V I N). ~~~ If you are ready to explore who you are here to be and be supported on that journey of becoming, I invite you to join us inside THE HEART PORTAL MEMBERSHIP. This potent space is where I pour my heart, my wisdom and share my gifts. We come together to breathe 4x (live) each month PLUS you have access to a full digital studio of practices to support you. Breathwork truly is the gateway to your heart! Try breathwork free. Find me on Instagram @the_heart_portal --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/purpose-possibility/message


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19. Building Self-Trust

Friends. It has been a hot minute. Truthfully - it’s been a year..in more ways than one. It’s been a year since I recorded my last episode and it’s been a year of complete transition for me personally. In this episode I give you an update on where I've been and what I've been through over the last year. I share with you why I chose to break up with SOULBODY and transition my business to The Heart Portal and I chat with you about WHY it's called The Heart Portal. Then, we get to the good stuff. As some of you know I operate a digital studio called The Heart Portal Studio (creative, right?!). It’s truly a transformative space rooted in breathwork. It’s where participants (and myself because I walk alongside them) come to explore self – discover, awareness, connection, healing, expansion and transformation. It’s truly something. Anyhow, each month we move through an ‘ENERGETIC THEME’ and this month’s theme is all about leaning into and building the relationship to SELF TRUST. It doesn’t go unnoticed that I’ve been teaching what I need to know most in this space because in this era of my life (my version of an era’s tour) I’m being called to lean into trust more deeply than I ever have. It’s VERY uncomfortable and it’s the only way forward. And, like anything we talk about in this space, the journey begins within. The way I see it is the relationship we have with ourselves (capital S self) is THE most important relationship of our entire lives yet it is often the one we nourish and tend to the least. Funny that. And if you look deeper at the relationship it’s pretty one way - we rely on it to provide for us in the big, challenging moments of life without giving much to it in the small, everyday moments. So if this podcast is anything, let it be an invitation to begin shifting that relationship or, at very least how we see that relationship. ~~~ If you are ready to explore who you are here to be and be supported on that journey of becoming, I invite you to join us inside THE HEART PORTAL MEMBERSHIP. This potent space is where I pour my heart, my wisdom and share my gifts. We come together to breathe 4x (live) each month PLUS you have access to a full digital studio of practices to support you. Breathwork truly is the gateway to your heart! Try breathwork free. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/purpose-possibility/message


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18. What Are You Calibrating To?

Welcome back loves! In this episode of the podcast, I give you a little update on where I've been over the last few weeks and give you a glimpse inside of the ENERGETIC THEME for June that I channel for The Heart Portal, a digital transformation studio rooted in breathwork that I offer monthly. June excites me, it's the midway point of the year and brings us to the doorstep of Summer Solstice...hello, fire season! It's time for this LEO to SHINE! I'm feeling like we are being called to move and to take action and I'm Here. For. It. I talk about what it means to Calibrate and how, with ever action we take, reaction we have, emotion we feel, thought we give energy to we are calibrating ourselves to a version of self. I believe that if you are on any sort of journey of self discovery or expansion, you are on a journey of becoming (and equally unbecoming...which I talk about). The episode is centred around a HEART OPENER or question that is aimed to bring you into the powerful portal that is your heart, the core of your truth, who you are and who you are here to BE when you fully express that truth. That question is: WHAT ARE YOU CALIBRATING TO? And this may open up in a number of ways. The aim is to calibrate to our becoming but often times, when we are on autopilot and if we don't give ourselves breathing room we may find we are calibrating to something else (or nothing at all?!). I also talk about the beautiful opportunity that opens up if you don't 'think' you have clarity on who you are becoming!! ~~~ If you are ready to explore who you are here to be and be supported on that journey of becoming, I invite you to join us inside THE HEART PORTAL MEMBERSHIP. This potent space is where I pour my heart, my wisdom and share my gifts. We come together to breathe 4x (live) each month PLUS you have access to a full digital studio of practices to support you. Breathwork truly is the gateway to your heart! Here is a link to the Future Visioning Session I Spoke about early in the podcast! Plus, I've added a BONUS Online group session for June to open the powerful portal that is Summer Solstice! Sign up Now! Try breathwork free. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/purpose-possibility/message


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17. The Science + Spirituality of Stress, Burnout + Nervous System Regulation w/ Dana Doswell

WHOA! This is a very special episode of THE HEART PORTAL Podcast. When I launched season 2 of the podcast I knew I would be really selective over the guests I had on. Thanks to the TikTok algorithm, I stumbled across Dana and KNEW I had to have her on the podcast. In last week's episode, I spoke briefly about my experience with burnout and what I think caused it. In this episode Dana and I get into both the science and the spirituality of what happens to our body when we are stressed or burned out and tangible ways to regulate your system. Dana tells a familiar story of how the conditioning she received from society and her family and how attaching her inherent value to working hard led her down the path of her own state of burn out. She, like most of us, tried mindset work, traditional talk therapy and many other modalities to shift how she was feeling. It wasn't until she discovered spiritual psychology and opened herself up to new practices such as breathwork (yay!) and somatics, did she open up to a whole new way of being. Dana gives us a crash course in the nervous system. How our bodies (and minds) respond to stress and why, when we are dysregulated we see the entire world through a fear-based lens. She opens us up to what is possible when we move through the world in a state of regulation EVEN WHEN stressful events occur. She gives us practical and spiritual practices on what to do when we find ourselves in stressful situations, the role trauma plays on how our system responds to the situation(and how it can differ from someone else experiencing the exact same thing). We talk timeline jumping, epigenetics, manifestation and so much more. We close by talking about Somatics and why taking a body-first approach can be so potent in healing trauma, mitigating stress, improving performance and living a life fully as you are. This is one of the juiciest episodes I've done to date, you are NOT going to want to miss this! You can find Dana on Instagram: @danddozzyy or on TikTok: @danddozzyy. If you are interested in working with Dana, check out her latest offerings here. If you are interested in diving more into breathwork as a portal into the body and into your intuitive heart, check out THE HEART PORTAL -- A digital transformation studio rooted in breathwork. Founders pricing ends May 31, 2022! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/purpose-possibility/message


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16. Is Burnout Really Just a Sign You Are Living Out of Alignment?

My loves, welcome back! If you follow me on social media you would have seen me offer you a heart opener. A heart opener is a question doesn't to open you up to coming more fully into your heart, to go deeper into yourself and shifting your perspective so that you can see through the eyes of your heart (and not your overthinking mind). Today's solo episode is around this heart opener: COULD IT BE POSSIBLE THAT BURNOUT IS SIMPLY A SIGN THAT YOU ARE LIVING OUT OF ALIGNMENT? Breathe. that. in. Burnout is on the rise and we are currently living through a collective burnout. My invitation to you is to dig deep and see where you may be living out of alignment with your desires, with your core values or with who you are RIGHT IN THIS MOMENT. I share with you my own experience of burning out from my dream job, one that I set out to get 10 years ago. I got it. And, I left it in the height of the 2021 when the world was still riddled with uncertainty. For me, I was living out of alignment with what my heart truly desired. It was what I had wanted at one point in my life but I wasn't that person any more. So, if you are feeling burned out where might you be living out of alignment? It doesn't always mean you have to leave where you are or take big leaps but when you KNOW where you are out of alignment, you can start doing things to bring you back INTO alignment. I close with a reminder and one of my favourite quotes. Here's the thing.. there are no wrong turns or wrong decisions. Like Peter Crone says: "it couldn't have happened any other way, because it didn't". Next week on the podcast we dive deeper into burn out and nervous system regulation with a nervous system expert! You're going to want to stick around for this one. If breathwork is something you want to try, please check out the FREE 5-day challenge that I have created to get your toes wet and start building a practice. If you are ready to go deeper and be supported in an expansive community of like-minded people, check out THE HEART PORTAL digital breathwork studio. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/purpose-possibility/message


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15. Moving Through Fear

In this solo episode of the podcast I jam on moving through fear. I'm not talking the fear that stops us for doing something life harming, I'm talking the fear that rears its ugly head just as we are about to take a bold step in the direction of our expansion, our becoming. The fear that keeps us from speaking up, speaking out, stepping up, stepping out, becoming our fullest expression and living a heart attuned life (hot tip: that's your purpose!). I'm talking the fear that keeps us hiding, keeps us small, keeps us playing safe. So, if you are are on the journey of your becoming (your highest self) and you hit a sticky point, where all the familiar resisting, distracting or self-sabotaging tendencies come up -- this episode is for you! HERE'S THE HIGHLIGHT REEL OF WHAT WE TALKED ABOUT: I also share a snippet of my experience in using breathwork to witness and move through some of the biggest fears that I've had. If breathwork is something you want to try, please check out the FREE 5-day challenge that I have created to get your toes wet and start building a practice. If you are ready to go deeper and be supported in an expansive community of like-minded people, check out THE HEART PORTAL digital breathwork studio. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/purpose-possibility/message


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14. Presence isn't optional, it's a requirement.

In today's episode we go is inspired by the energetic lesson I taught in THE HEART PORTAL -- the digital breathwork studio which launched earlier this year. One of the core tenets of everything I teach both through Soulbody and through corporate wellness sessions is PRESENCE and, essentially this: and one of presence isn't optional, it's a requirement for where we are heading. Only from a place of presence can we open ourselves up to the vastness of possibility. I talk about what presence is -- tl;dr it's YOU in your BEING-NESS. It's your experience of experiencing the world. And in presence our experience just IS, it doesn't mean anything. Meaning-making comes when we view the present moment through the lens of the past or the future. I talk about the ways in which we avoid presence and why we do so -- often times we are so afraid of what we will meet in presence yet what we meet is exactly what we are seeking. I offer you to questions to help you see the beauty in and to anchor into the present moment. We chat about what presence is asking of you and what is on the other side of presence and I think you are going to want to hear this! We do a 30 second activity for presence where I invite you to simply meet what is here. If this episode resonated, please review and share it and, as always reach out on Instagram @soulbody.co to me with your questions or requests for future shows! If you are ready to dive deeper into this work, I invite you to check out THE HEART PORTAL, where we use breathwork to access the wisdom of our energetic and intuitive hearts, where we untether ourselves from anything that has held us back from embodying that wisdom and where we open the door to big possibility...no small feat. We meet live 4x per month for breathwork sessions of various lengths and you have access to a whole digital portal of on-demand breathwork sessions and heart activations. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/purpose-possibility/message


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13. My #1 Piece of Advice: YOUR HEART KNOWS

Welcome back to this week's episode of THE HEART PORTAL. In this JUICY episode, I'm giving away my #1 piece of advice that I have told every single person I have coached, mentored, befriended and that I offer myself. Are you ready? Not gatekeeping here -- YOUR HEART KNOWS. I know, painstakingly simple. In this episode I give you real life examples of what it's like to be in one of those, what I like to call 'heady' moments where you are death gripping a decision, desperate for clarity or answers. The thing is babe, your heart knows. It always does. We talk about why listening to that truth from within can be so challenging: It can mean you have to take action that is uncomfortable, it can mean you don't trust your own truth or you might not WANT to hear that truth (yet). I also talk about the intricacy of deciphering between that truth and the ego trying to keep you small, safe, the same, fearful or in self-sabotage. We'll be doing a whole other episode on that! I give you two of my FAVOURITE practices (30 seconds and under) for coming back into your heart when you are having a heady moment and how to begin developing that relationship with your heart's truth. Hot tip: it's going to take trusting and it will likely be challenging. But, also know that there are no 'wrong' decisions only decisions. So, my hope for you is if you take NOTHING else away from this episode: YOUR HEART KNOWS! Interested in learning more about how to strengthen the relationship between you and your heart and truly hear your heart speak? Check out THE HEART PORTAL - a digital breathwork studio with new live and on-demand breathwork and heart activating practices EVERY month. I'd love to connect with you on Instagram, follow along @soulbody.co and feel free to leave me a question to answer right here on the pod! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/purpose-possibility/message


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12. We're back, we've changed and we are ready to go deep!

We're back loves! We've changed, we've healed, we've expanded, we're ready to go deep and we are ready to EXPAND! In this episode, I chat about what I've been up to, why I've been hiding from sharing my voice with you all and what you can expect in this NEW-ish space moving forward. We begin by taking an intentional and connecting breath together and boy does it feel good! I talk a little bit about growing out of the old version of the podcast...what was called The Purpose + Possibility Podcast is now THE HEART PORTAL podcast. I talk about what THE HEART PORTAL is...hello, a gateway to the intuitive wisdom that sits in your heart, the infinite number of ways you can access that wisdom and WHY I use breathwork as the foundation of my own journey. I get real with you about the lessons I've learned as I've moved through the complexity of the last 6 months and that the root of my own 'suffering' is often when I'm not listing to or living from MY HEART. I also introduce you to THE HEART PORTAL - a new digital breathwork studio that I've opened up with LIVE and ON-DEMAND breathwork sessions, activations and exercises to bring you more fully into your heart and open you up to your next level expansion. Connect with me on Instagram @soulbody.co and let me know what you want to hear more of! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/purpose-possibility/message


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EP 11 - Solo Episode - Living Boldly

Today's episode is a short and sweet one with yours truly! I've been feeling called to come to you with these types of episodes that I call HEARTSPEAK where I get on and do just that – let my heart speak. I will share with you snippets of what I'm processing, learning, seeing, sharing or noodling on as I move through life. Today I'm talking to you about the guiding light that I'm setting for myself to move into my 40th year anchored into LIVING.BOLDLY. Two works that when spoken separately have meaning but when brought together are AMPLIFIED. Here's a recap from today: RESOURCES: WHERE TO FIND UP: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/purpose-possibility/id1562908442https://open.spotify.com/show/4kkGp5cgUye8Z8VqXtyPHd?si=rqe8jiUATaKpOSxUFz3BJAwww.soulbody.co --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/purpose-possibility/message


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EP 10 - Cat Medeiros - Blending Intuition and Graphic Design to Make Magic

In today's episode I had the pleasure of interviewing one of the most special people I have ever met. Cat Medeiros is the founder of Sallua Intuitive Graphic Design and is the creative genius behind the branding of Soulbody. I have never come across anyone who perfectly blends their spiritual and intuitive gifts with their profession quite like Cat, and to be honest I feel like she is really on to something special. In a world where we are often taught to keep the two worlds separate and even to keep our spirituality closeted, Cat mingles them perfectly to tap into the energy of her clients and create beautiful and unique brand expressions. We talk about her journey into both the design world, where she once felt like an oddball and like she had to silence her curiosity to lean more into the mechanics and structure of the work and the spiritual world. She shares the insights she received while on a spiritual retreat on needing to marry her intuitive ability with her graphic design career. We also dig into the idea that each business has its own energy, its own fire and heart beat, which only make sense if you listen to the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza and everything having an energy. Here's a recap of our conversation: RESOURCE https://www.instagram.com/sallua_intuitivedesign/https://www.sallua.com/https://www.sallua.com/work Where to Find Us https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/purpose-possibility/id1562908442https://open.spotify.com/show/4kkGp5cgUye8Z8VqXtyPHd?si=rqe8jiUATaKpOSxUFz3BJAwww.soulbody.co --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/purpose-possibility/message


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Ep 9 - Christine Banno - Moving through Shadow to Embody Light

In today's episode, I chat with the incredible Christine Banno. Christine is an Intuitive Business Mentor. Christine helps entrepreneurs activate and align with their unique energetic blueprint and move the shadow so they can build a business that embodies their magic. I am so inspired by Christine's ability to tap fully into her intuition, her willingness to do the deep and often uncomfortable spiritual 'work' and her tenacity to go after what she feels is most aligned for her. We chat about her journey through the 'chaotic' 20's to living aligned life with the business of her dreams. She shared the road that got her there was bumpy and full of rock bottom moments that propelled her into her 11 year journey with spirituality and personal development. She describes her journey of self discovery as the journey 'home' where she transitioned out of what she calls the 'fog' of living life on other people's terms to one that is fully her own. She talked about 'defrosting' her body and nervous system which she believes became frozen at an early age due to bullying. Christine talks about going into the depths of both shadow work and inner child reparenting, taking radical responsibility for her life, unhooking from the identity of a victim and stepping into her role as the creator of her life. She believes she had to walk this journey so she could help others do the same. Here's what we chatted about: RESOURCE https://www.instagram.com/christinebanno/https://www.christinebanno.com/https://www.christinebanno.com/containers Where to Find Us https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/purpose-possibility/id1562908442https://open.spotify.com/show/4kkGp5cgUye8Z8VqXtyPHd?si=rqe8jiUATaKpOSxUFz3BJAwww.soulbody.co --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/purpose-possibility/message


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Ep 8 - Alex Cantone - Looking at life like an experiment + living in alignment with your Human Design

In today's episode I have the HONOUR of chatting with Alex Cantone. Alex is a Projector in human design, she is a daydreamer, a wanderer and a great life experimenter. We waste NO time in jumping right into the juicy bits of today's episode right from the first questions. I invited Alex on the podcast because I am so inspired by her willingness to share her journey as she experiments her way through life. Her sense of trust in herself and the universe has given me permission to lean more into who I am and to shift my perspective of failure to one of experimentation, giving myself permission to pivot and surrender. Alex talk about how she is easing into the flow and celebration of life and her journey to free herself from a life she was living for someone else and on someone else's terms. She talks of how she felt like in the pursuit of her business she lost the magic for who she was and what life is but has been able to regain that over the last few months by living more fully in the moment. We talk about how to build trust in your intuition to make big moves in your life that may, on the surface seem not to make sense. Alex spoke about how she reached a point in her business journey that, while successful by society's measure, was out of alignment in its approach to business, marketing and sales. She also gave us a real and raw view into where she is with that today. I ask Alex her distinction between making decisions out of fear vs intuition, which is one of the most common questions I get in my coaching business. We scratch the surface on what Human Design is and Alex gives her take on it as a reconditioning and reparenting tool, which was a whole new way for me to think about it. A RECAP OF WHAT WE CHATTED ABOUT RESOURCE https://www.myhumandesign.com/https://www.mybodygraph.com/https://www.instagram.com/alexcantone/https://www.alexcantone.com/https://www.alexcantone.com/youre-invited-podcast Where to Find Us https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/purpose-possibility/id1562908442https://open.spotify.com/show/4kkGp5cgUye8Z8VqXtyPHd?si=rqe8jiUATaKpOSxUFz3BJAwww.soulbody.co --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/purpose-possibility/message
