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In The Valley and Beyond

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

A place where we take your everyday struggles and questions and put them into a Biblical Perspective. Let's discuss faith, family, and ministry in the Okanogan Valley with Pastor Mike McCune and Pastor Matthew Winter


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A place where we take your everyday struggles and questions and put them into a Biblical Perspective. Let's discuss faith, family, and ministry in the Okanogan Valley with Pastor Mike McCune and Pastor Matthew Winter




(509) 826-2061

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ITVAB E014 - Belonging Pt 2

What does it mean to be part of a local body? Is Church Membership necessary? Why should I be tithing and serving in my Church? These questions are asked by so many today. As we journey through this today, we discover biblical concepts that speak into each of these. Join Pastors Mike and Matthew as they explore this crucial aspect of life and being part of the Church and Family of God! We explore the value of being together, the importance of Church, attending Church and serving within the Church. Feel free to let us know if you have any questions or concerns around the discussion today:


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ITVAB E013 - Belonging Pt 1

How do we find belonging? What does it mean to belong? What does the Bible say about Church and being part of a family of believers? This is a crucial step in our Christian walk! Join Pastors Mike and Matthew as they explore this crucial aspect of life and being part of the Church and Family of God! We explore the value of being together, the importance of Church, attending Church and serving within the Church. Feel free to let us know if you have any questions or concerns around the discussion today:


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How do we take the next steps in our devotional life? We should pursue our best life with Jesus daily, we do this by strengthening our communication with Him and seeking Him in prayer and scripture. Continuing our previous conversation we answer these questions and get practical in strengthening our prayer life and the importance of memorizing scripture. Join pastors Mike and Matthew as they journey through the topic in this episode. Feel free to let us know if you have any questions or concerns around the discussion today:


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Restarting your devotional life and pursuit of the Lord can be challenging in the hustle and bustle of a busy World. He calls us to draw deeper into relationship with Him. We answer the two questions, how do we get started on our devotional life and how do we hear from God? Join pastors Mike and Matthew as they journey through the topic in this episode. Feel free to let us know if you have any questions or concerns around the discussion today:


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ITVAB E010 - The Good, The Bad, and The Unruly

Hate and Anger is hard. When it is aimed at us it can be draining and a cause for stress and anxiety. It affects us mentally, spiritually and physically. So how do we respond then to hate and Anger? What should our response be when it is aimed at us personally, and what should our response be when we see hate, anger, and unrest in the news and the world around us? Pastors Mike and Matthew discuss the affects of this unrest on us as people and our response to different types of discord. Feel free to let us know if you have any questions or concerns around the discussion today:


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ITVAB E009 - Christians, The World, and Halloween

Hallowe'en is a seemingly fun exciting and spooky night practiced around the world. Especially in the American culture, a year cannot be complete without a night of Hallowe'en. So, what is the true history behind Hallowe'en? How does Hallowe'en affect the life and values of the Christian, what should the Christian response be to Hallowe'en? Pastors Mike and Matthew explore these questions in this engaging conversation leading up to October 31 and the celebrations of Hallowe'en. Feel free to let us know if you have any questions or concerns around the discussion today:


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ITVAB E008 - Unity in Marriage

What does Unity in Marriage truly look like? How to approach a spouse that doesn't want to come to Church? How to fight good in your marriage? These are questions posted by our listeners that Pastors Mike and Matthew will cover in this episode. Ephesians 4:3, it reminds us to, "Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace." Join us as we take this journey to a healthier marriage! Feel free to let us know if you have any questions or concerns around the discussion today:


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ITVAB E007 - Apologetics 2.0

Our Guest Speaker, Dr Bruce Crider Johnson, shares some simple truths to help you share your faith to those around you. We continue our second series on Apologetics in this Podcast, as we hope to stir your interest in sharing your faith with those around you. Feel free to let us know if you have any questions or concerns around the discussion today:


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ITVAB E006 - Introduction to Apologetics

Looking Outwards we answer our listeners questions, "Please explain Apologetics", and "How to recognize and create opportunities to share your faith in everyday life situations. How do we succeed in these?". Not everyone is gifted in the art of evangelism, however, we are all called to follow the great commission. We are presented with opportunities everyday to we the salt and the light, leading by example and standing for our faith in Christ Jesus! Pastors Mike and Matthew take on this introduction podcast as we deal with fears and concerns that each of us have when sharing the Gospel and some practical applications on how to do so without being an expert in the gifting. Feel free to let us know if you have any questions or concerns around the discussion today:


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ITVAB E005 - Developing Family Devotions

What does family and the Church look like? How do we develop Family Devotionals? Is that even important? How do we guide our kids, especially our teens, to God? Our guests, Pastor Jeffrey Chambers from Young Life and Kyle Joyner for Cornerstone Omak, help us create such a deep conversation around these aspects. Feel free to let us know if you have any questions or concerns around the discussion today:


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ITVAB E004 - Living from the Overflow

How do we understand the Fruits of the Spirit in our lives, and how does that affect us as we live out these fruits within the church as we serve. How do we then know how to live that out as we serve within the body of Christ? These are questions that all deal with living from the overflow of the Spirit in our lives. Join us as we take a journey on understanding the way the Spirit works and overflows from within us. Feel free to let us know if you have any questions or concerns around the discussion today:


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ITVAB E003 - Why Has God Changed?

Why does God seem to change from the Old Testament to the New? Why Does God allow Evil? Why does God send people to Hell? If you are engaging in these questions, we have some great discussion for you! Join Pastors Mike and Matthew as we dig into what scriptures tell us about this! Feel free to let us know if you have any questions or concerns around the discussion today:


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ITVAB E002 - Church Hurt

Pastors Mike and Matthew discuss the hard topic of Church hurt as Matthew shares his journey through Church hurt in the past and how he overcame that journey. Feel free to let us know if you have any questions or concerns around the discussion today:


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ITVAB E001 - Lent

Why do we celebrate Lent? What does lent mean to us as a believer? Is there a Biblical basis to practicing lent? These are all questions that Pastors Mike and Matthew journey through as we discover the value of faith and life with God and how we stand in that daily. Join us for our first Podcast to be launched on "In The Valley & Beyond".
