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Jesus Changes People

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

A weekly podcast that seeks to uncover the real Jesus and what it means to be a modern-day follower of him. Our goal is to help you know Jesus better and to become more like him.


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A weekly podcast that seeks to uncover the real Jesus and what it means to be a modern-day follower of him. Our goal is to help you know Jesus better and to become more like him.





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The Curse, The Polar Opposite, And The Purchase

After using Abraham as a witness against the Judaizers, Paul next shows how those who rely on the law aren’t blessed but are under a curse. They also aren’t living by faith. Their only hope is not through the law, but through Jesus. Ken and Mike discuss the curse which is the law, the polar opposites of law and faith, and finally how we are redeemed, purchased, to be set free from the law. A listener wants to know what books the guys are currently reading. The guys end up down all sorts of rabbit holes from games like Jenga, cafeteria style dining, and games that youth leaders shouldn’t try. And what causes both of them to shout manna? Passage: Galatians 3:10-14


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Father Abraham

Mike and Ken tackle the next section of Galatians 3, where Paul shifts from a subjective argument to an objective one. The Judaizers held up Abraham as the standard for their religion. Paul takes Abraham and uses him as a witness against the Judaizers. Ken and Mike discuss Abraham, his background, and why he’s talked about here. They talk about why Christians are his children not by race but by faith. And how Christians have a right to Abraham’s blessing because they are his spiritual children. A listener wants to know if God has ever made Himself known in a special way to either of the guys. Also, what does the game Apples to Apples and the King James Version of the Bible have in common? Passage: Galatians 3:6-9


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The Two Ways To Live

Ken and Mike are back in the book of Galatians and starting chapter 3. Paul’s attention shifts from relating elements of his story to now dealing directly with the issues that exist in the Galatian churches. Verses 1-5 is a personal argument that Paul makes, challenging the Galatians to remember their personal experience with Jesus. Mike and Ken discuss how in this personal argument the whole trinity is present: Father, Son, and Spirit. Also, they point out there is a different use of the word flesh than what was used in Galatians 2:20. A listener wants to know what people from the Bible would the guys want to have a conversation with and why. And who sewed britches to hide their nakedness? Passage: Galatians 3:1-5


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Mike and Ken conclude their 2 week intermission from Galatians, which has focused on the Ascension and Pentecost. In Acts chapter 2, the gift Jesus promised was being sent from the Father arrives. The Holy Spirit comes with the sound of violent rushing wind, tongues like flames over people’s heads, and people speaking in different languages. There are two different responses to these events, which leads Peter to step forward and deliver a powerful sermon. Ken and Mike discuss characteristics and actions of the Church that are found in Peter’s message and the events that surround it. A listener wants to know what worship music the guys like. And what miracle help have the guys discovered for the excruciating pain of a minor wound? Passage: Acts 2


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Ken and Mike take a 2 week intermission from Galatians to focus on the Ascension and Pentecost. Following His death and resurrection, Jesus spent 40 days with the apostles, as is covered in the opening verses of Acts chapter 1. During this time, Jesus showed them convincing proofs he was alive, told them to wait for the Holy Spirit, and that they would be His witnesses. Then He ascends to heaven and angels tell them Jesus will be back. Mike and Ken discuss the significance of these events and the applications they have for our lives. A listener wants to know if the guys participated in a youth group and if so, what was that like? Also, who are Tommy and Kooky? Passage: Acts 1:1-11


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A Matter Of Life And Death

Mike and Ken wrap up Paul’s confrontation with Peter over his separation from the Gentile Christians in Antioch. In these three remaining verses, Paul repeatedly uses forms of death, life and the personal pronoun I. Ken and Mike discuss what died, what we died to, Jesus living in us, what we’re living for, how we’re living now, living in the body, and living by faith. A listener is wondering what three “dream” sponsors the guys would want for the podcast? Also, what are the guys trying to get out of by disappearing? And Ken learns something new about Mike that may expand their audience. What could it be? Passage: Galatians 2:19-21


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How Are We Right With God?

The confrontation Paul has with Peter continues in these next four verses. Peter had been separating himself from the Gentile Christians, which was to say they weren’t right with God. It also said the Jews were better than the Gentiles. But the truth is, everyone is dead spiritually and does acts of sin and needs the saving of Jesus. Ken and Mike discuss what it means to be saved by faith and to be justified by Jesus. They also explore how, although we are saved and justified, we can still fall back into external measures, motivators, and laws. A listener shares they are a new Christian and are thinking about baptism. They have some questions concerning baptism and ask for the guys’ help. Also, what would a leaning pulpit help us determine about a church? And are the guys marked as safe from the eclipse on social media? Passage: Galatians 2:15-18


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The Confrontation

Paul’s narrative of how his message was approved and everyone was together shifts to a scene where Peter pulls back from associating with the Gentiles. Peter’s actions as a leader draw even Barnabas, Paul’s close friend, to separate from the Gentiles as well. Paul doesn’t stand for it and opposes Peter to his face in front of everyone. His main message: Why is your behavior inconsistent with who you know you are as a Christian? Mike and Ken discuss this powerful confrontation. They look at the fear and peer pressure involved, the fact that Paul says it was hypocrisy, not heresy, and what it means for our actions to be inline with the truth of the Gospel. A listener wants to know about what are some of the best concerts/festivals the guys have ever been to. Also, what Christian history do the guys unearth in Santa Fe, New Mexico? Passage: Galatians 2:11-14


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Same Message To Different Groups

Mike and Ken tackle the next 5 verses of chapter 2. In these verses, Paul continues his narrative, which he started in verse 1, about what happened during the meetings in Jerusalem. In them, we learn that the apostles and leaders in Jerusalem add nothing to Paul’s message and bless him and Barnabas to continue on sharing the message with the Gentiles. They also ask that Paul remember the poor, which he’s eager to do. Ken and Mike discuss how ministry is divvied up, what brings unity between everyone, and what a grace changed life looks like. A listener wants to know if there are Bible names that make the guys chuckle. Also, what causes one of the guys to complain about back pain and the other to commit a blooper? Passage: Galatians 2:6-10


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The Good News At Stake

Ken and Mike are back in the book of Galatians after their Easter intermission. They begin in chapter 2, which in Paul’s account was fourteen years since the end of chapter 1. And Paul is back in Jerusalem, along with Barnabas and Titus. He’s setup a private meaning with the leaders in the Jerusalem church, which then will lead to a public meeting. The question to be settled is, can someone be saved without coming under the Mosaic law? The Judaizers think no, Paul thinks yes. What will the council decide? Mike and Ken discuss the characters, the dispute, and what it means to preserve the gospel, then and now. Also, it’s April Fool’s Day. Will the guys even acknowledge it? And is that the James Bond Theme song? Who’s outed as a secret spy? Passage: Galatians 2:1-5


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Easter: It Is Finished

Mike and Ken finish the last episode in their Easter intermission from Galatians. They focus in on Jesus’ last words “It is finished” recorded in the book of John. They are the 3 most important words in scripture. But what exactly was finished? To understand what was finished requires us to understand the problems that needed to be fixed. Mike and Ken look at the issues that existed because Adam and Eve snacked on fruit from a tree they shouldn’t have. With that background, they discuss what Jesus finished and how that brought a remedy to our situation, changing who we are and how we live. A listener wants to know what Easter traditions the guys enjoy. Also, where are some of the great and not so great places to hide Easter eggs? And Hot Cross Buns banned, say it ain’t so? Is there any hope for these tasty treats to live on? Passages: John 19:1-30, Genesis 1:26-27, Psalm 8:5, Genesis 2:16-17, Genesis 5:1b-3, Romans 5:12-19, 1 Peter 1:20, 1 Corinthians 1:30, Colossians 1:13, Romans 6:3-8, Romans 8:28-29


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Good Friday: At The Cross

Ken and Mike continue their intermission from Galatians to focus on Easter. In this episode, the focus is Jesus’ crucifixion, which is the focus for many churches on the Friday before Easter. Historically, this Friday has been called Good Friday. Mike and Ken recount the events leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion. They also discuss two key elements that Jesus’ death saves us from. And how these elements fit into the communion meal. Their discussion helps us find our place in Jesus’ story. Finding ourselves there changes us in the here and now. A listener wants to know what Holy Week activities have the guys taken part in and what they thought of them. Also, are Hot Cross Buns a cure all and protector from all calamity? Passages: Romans 3:23, 1 Corinthians 15:3b, Ephesians 1:7-8a, Isaiah 53:6a, Galatians 2:20, Colossians 3:3, Romans 6:6a, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26, Luke 22:14-22, Matthew 26:26-29


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Palm Sunday: Setting Things In Motion

Mike and Ken take an intermission from Galatians to focus on Easter. Up first, Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, a week before His crucifixion. This is celebrated by churches on the Sunday before Easter and is called Palm Sunday. During Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, some are confused and others think they are in control. But there is someone who isn’t confused and is in complete control of what’s going on. Ken and Mike discuss Palm Sunday and what applications we can draw from it for ourselves. Also, a listener wants the guys’ advice on a Palm Sunday reenactment at their church. And how in the world does Hot Cross Buns end up in this episode? Passages: Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:28-40, John 12:12-19


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The Impact Of A Changed Life

Following Paul sharing how his life was changed by Jesus, he turns to share how others were affected by his new life. Who were these others? The church in Jerusalem, Peter, James, and the churches of Judea. The churches in Judea had never seen Paul in person, but knew of his changed life. And his story led them to praise God because of his conversion. Ken and Mike discuss Paul’s life change and its impact, and how our changed lives can have an impact as well. Also, a listener asks the guys about the Restoration Movement, which they mentioned a few episodes back. And do you hear all those bells? Where could so many bells be rung all at one time? Passage: Galatians 1:18-24


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The Story Of A Changed Life

Paul continues on in his letter, telling the Galatians how everything was going his way as an unconverted rabbi. But then a sudden change happened. Paul had an encounter with Jesus, which showed him his outward work hadn’t brought inner change. Through this interaction with Jesus, he learned God was pleased to have Jesus dwell in him. From this inner change came a ministry to the Gentiles. Mike and Ken discuss the miraculous story of Paul’s changed life and how that gives us hope in our own stories. Also, does the leap have some linkage to church history? And a listener wants to know what does the word Bible actually mean, and where does it come from? Passage: Galatians 1:13-17


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The End Of People Pleasing

Immediately following his reprimand, Paul wants to know if the Galatians think he’s out to win people’s approval. He quickly answers that popularity is not his goal because that would negate him being a slave of Jesus. He then lets the Galatians know that not only is his ministry from God and Jesus, but also his message. Ken and Mike discuss these transitional verses and how even here in Paul’s writing there’s much for us to learn and apply. Also, a listener wants to know what the guys think Noah and his family did for fun on the ark. And how do the Amish, President’s Day, popularity contests, and pastors stumping for their jobs find their way into this episode? Passage: Galatians 1:10-12


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The Real Thing And The Fake

Paul skips his regular thankfulness for those he’s writing to and launches right into reprimanding the Galatians. He does so because the Galatians are in danger of rejecting the gospel for a phony, knock-off message. Paul loves them too much to let that happen. And he’ll even speak hard words to keep them from fully deserting God and the gospel message. Mike and Ken discuss Paul’s rebuke and how it translates to us today. It’s almost Valentine’s day. Will the guys mention it at all or have they totally forgotten? And what causes them to consult AI for an answer? Passage: Galatians 1:6-9


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The Rescue

Paul shifts from giving his credentials to blessing the Galatians. Every word of his blessing is loaded with meaning. And Paul is sharing it to remind the Galatians they’ve been set free because of what Jesus did and not what they do by living under rules and regulations. Ken and Mike go word by word through Paul’s blessing and help us see what it meant for the Galatians, and what it means for us. A listener asks the guys for ideas on how to celebrate the true meaning of February 2nd. And Candlemas is what made Groundhog Day possible. But did you know it spawned another national holiday? Can you guess what holiday it might be? Passage: Galatians 1:3-5


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The Credentials

Paul opens his letter in a brief, formal, terse, to the point sort of way. He’s concerned for the Galatian churches and he wants to get right to the point. His first matter of business is to give his credentials as to why he’s qualified to write this letter, and that he has support from others to do so. Mike and Ken learned during their season on the book of Colossians not to take too many of Paul’s verses at once, so in this episode, they’re only tackling two. That’s right, only two. Uh oh, a listener asks the guys about an ice breaker question they’ve used. What could it be? And do the guys answer it? Also, what gets the guys derailed into talking about the misuse of scripture? Passage: Galatians 1:1-2


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Intro to Galatians

Ken and Mike wade into another one of Paul’s letters for season 8. The book of Galatians is all about how to be and live free. Before looking at the early verses of the letter, the guys spend some time laying groundwork to help us better understand what we’ll be reading. They discuss the author Paul; the backstory involving Paul and the Galatians; why Paul writes this letter; and what major themes it covers. The guys distinguish between pro and killer tips. A listener wants to know about some verbiage unique to Christians. Also, do you know who holds the record for the longest sentence in the Bible? Passage: Galatians 1-6
