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Keep Moving Forward - Christian Guidance for Living a Life of Perseverance

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

If you're looking for guidance and inspiration, you're in the right place. Life is full of questions and decisions - some big, some small. Pastor Thom O'Leary give practical everyday guidance and inspiration from a Christian faith perspective. Whether you're a Christian, or just curious about a positive way to bring God into your life, you'll find Thom's gentle positive messages helpful. No guilt or fear. Just inspiration and guidance based on a loving God. We all make mistakes in life, and that's okay - God still loves you. All of you is welcome here. Experience how faith can be a positive and inspiring part of your life.To listen to more episodes or to make a donation to help support these podcasts, please visit:


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If you're looking for guidance and inspiration, you're in the right place. Life is full of questions and decisions - some big, some small. Pastor Thom O'Leary give practical everyday guidance and inspiration from a Christian faith perspective. Whether you're a Christian, or just curious about a positive way to bring God into your life, you'll find Thom's gentle positive messages helpful. No guilt or fear. Just inspiration and guidance based on a loving God. We all make mistakes in life, and that's okay - God still loves you. All of you is welcome here. Experience how faith can be a positive and inspiring part of your life.To listen to more episodes or to make a donation to help support these podcasts, please visit:



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SIX questions to ASK when making a BIG decision!

We all are faced with making big decisions in life. Should I take this job? Should I marry this person? Should we move? Join me this week to learn how to get God's guidance in BIG decisions. Big decisions bring big consequences, whether positive or negative. Based on God's Word, I want to offer six questions to ask when making a big decision! Blessings, Thom P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep these going: Click to Donate


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A thankful heart is a happy heart

Life has ups and downs. Life can serve up some massive curveballs that we just didn't see coming. Join me this week for God's word on feeling happy even when life is hard. The key to staying joyful, even in hard times, is to cultivate an attitude of gratitude! Let's find out how God takes a thankful heart and makes it a happy heart. Blessings, Thom P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep these going: Click to Donate


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Your God-given goal

There's nothing like going after a God-given goal. Join me this week to discover the God-given goals in your life. The problem of realizing those goals can come from fatigue, disillusionment, or stress that makes us want to give up. God gives us three important keys from His Word to learn the secret of pressing on toward the goal! Blessings, Thom P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep these going: Click to Donate


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The battle in your mind

There is a battle going on every single day, 24/7. And that battle is happening right between your ears! Want to be more aware of if your thoughts are positive or negative, AND do something about it? Join me for this week's message. The thoughts that we dwell on lead us down a certain path that can be either really great or really destructive. It's time we win the battle for our thought life! Let's find out how. P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep these going: Click to Donate


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Discovering Your Purpose

The truth is God made you on purpose for a purpose. He has a race marked out just for you. Join me this week to discover your God-given purpose! However, it is also true that we need to search out and discover what that purpose is. And his purpose for us can change from season to season. But we need to know that when we discover our purpose with God, there is a deep sense of meaning and fulfillment that we will experience. So let's discover your purpose! Blessings, Thom P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep these going: Click to Donate


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Ignore the Negative

In our day and world we are inundated with negative news, negative gossip, negative television, negative social media, and downright negative people. Join me for today's message on how God helps us to avoid getting wrapped up in all this negativity. How does God want you to navigate through all the negativity? God gives us a strategy from his word to in fact, ignore the negative! So let's find out how to ignore the negative and get on God's positive path. Blessings, Thom P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep these going: Click to Donate


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The power of your words!

How many times have we been there? Words go flying off our lips and we wish we could grab them mid air and suck them back into our bodies! Join me to learn what God tells us about what to say - And what NOT to say. God has a lot to say about the power of our words. God makes it crystal clear that we can use our words for good, or sadly for harm. Let's discover the power of our words and how we can use them powerfully for the good! Blessings, Thom P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep these going: Click to Donate


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When things seem hopeless

We have all heard the expression, "against all odds." Those times in life we feel there is no reason for hope. Did you know God has special instructions for finding strength and answers in times that seem hopeless? Join me to learn what he says. Those seasons we go through when things seem hopeless can be excruciating. The good news is God tells us what to do, when we feel hopeless. Let's find out what He says!" Blessings, Thom P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep these going: Click to Donate


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The Hazies, the Lazies, and the Crazies

There are times in life when we are confused, where it feels like we're living in a haze. There are times in life when we face the temptation of not caring and choosing not to give our best. God knew we would feel this way and tells us how to handle it! Join me this week to get some answers for days like these. There are seasons of intensity where we find ourselves totally stressed out. Welcome to the, "The Hazies, the Lazies, and the Crazies!" Let's find out how God pulls us out of those seasons. For more weekly messages, please visit: Blessings, Thom P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep these going: Click to Donate


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Happy Easter! He's Alive!

The greatest event in the history of mankind is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It turned the world upside down. It cracked history in two. Join me for this week's message as we discover what Easter is REALLY about. Jesus was really really really dead. And Jesus is really really really alive! Let's discover the massive significance of the fact that Jesus is alive! Blessings, Thom P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep these going: Click to Donate


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Don't be Sad

Are you experiencing sadness in your life? When we experience loss or disappointment, we experience the emotional feelings of sadness. There is certainly a time to mourn. But do you struggle with being just plain sad day in and day out? That is not God's will for you. Join me for this week's message to discover how God guides us to let go of sadness and feel more joy. God wants to be the lifter of your head. Let's find out how to NOT be sad! Blessings, Thom P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep these going: Click to Donate


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Do not be afraid...Do not be discouraged.

Ever found yourself daunted by life? Afraid of yet another thing going wrong? Join me this week to learn what The Bible specifically says about dealing with times like this. Two of the most common phrases in The Bible are "Do not be afraid" and "Do not be discouraged." It says this because God knows how hard these things are for us, so He actually gives us lots of details on moving past it. Ready to move forward with your life? Let's go through it together. Blessings, Thom P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep these going: Click to Donate


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Letting go of Anxiety

It seems like anxiety plagues everyone. In fact, it's probably one of the biggest modern day plagues! Join me for this week's message on how to really let go of anxiety. It's so easy to get anxious over the things that are happening in our lives. There's a call in the Bible to "not be anxious." But how do you do that? Because God cares so much about you, He gives us a pathway on HOW to not be anxious! Blessings, Thom P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep these going: Click to Donate


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God Is Listening

Sometimes we feel like our prayers hit the ceiling and bounce back. We wonder if God really hears us. Join me this week to learn how we know God is listening and what he hears. The reality is, not only does God hear you, but he's listening to you, which takes it to a deeper level. Let's be reminded that he is a listening God and cares about you! Blessings, Thom P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep these going: Click to Donate


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Feeling God's love

it is so critically important to know how much God loves you. He loves you with an everlasting love. If you've ever felt alone, click to for this week's message to help move past this. He had you in mind before the creation of the world. He's not mad at you, he's mad about you! He loves you so much. Take a listen and receive God's love. Blessings, Thom P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep these going: Click to Donate


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Finding Friends

The Bible is the source of all wisdom and knowledge. And God cares about you so much that he wants to instruct you and give you life application, even when it comes to finding friends! Join me for this week's message if you've ever struggled to find the RIGHT kind of friends… Or to find friends at all. If you have friends in your life that you want to cultivate deeper relationship with, or you have the opportunity to meet new friends and do it God's way, check this out! Blessings, Thom P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep these going: Click to Donate


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Pursue Your Passion!

God has a plan for you. And he invites us to come to him, pray to him, and get that plan. Join me this week in discovering God's plan for your life. Then we're empowered to pursue our passion and purpose with all our heart! If you need a jolt to pursue your passion , take a listen. Blessings, Thom P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep these going: Click to Donate


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The God of second chances

We've all blown it. We've all made mistakes. No one bats a 1000. And maybe you wonder if God has given up on you. Join me for this week's message if you've ever felt like you really messed things up. What you need to know is that he is the God of second chances. And quite frankly, the God of 5th, 27th, 144th, 326th chances, and so on and so on and so on. Let's take a look at our hearts and the heart of God! Blessings, Thom P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep these going: Click to Donate


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We reap what we sow!

It's so true in life that the seeds we plant produce the fruit in our life! So, it's important to be planting the right seeds. Listen to this week's message to learn what kind of seeds God asks us to plant in our lives. And what's interesting is that we get a bigger harvest than the seeds that we plant. This is a Spiritual principle throughout the Bible. Do you want to make your life better? Take a listen! Blessings, Thom P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep these going: Click to Donate


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Getting through tough times

We all find ourselves from time to time in what I like to call "seasons of intensity." If life has been rough for you recently, please join me for this week's message. Jesus warned us that we would have trouble in this world. It's important that we recognize "tough times" are just a season, a period of time. If you or a loved one is going through a tough time, take a listen! Blessings, Thom P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep these going: Click to Donate
