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Keys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Keys for Kids is a daily storytelling show based on the Keys for Kids children's devotional. Hosted by Zach, this podcast combines Scripture readings with captivating stories that illustrate essential Biblical principles. With Zach's creative voices bringing characters to life, listeners embark on a faith-filled journey. Tune in to discover the keys to growing in faith and understanding God's love. Produced by Keys for Kids Ministries, this podcast is a treasure trove to help young hearts grow closer to God.


Pasco, WA


Keys for Kids is a daily storytelling show based on the Keys for Kids children's devotional. Hosted by Zach, this podcast combines Scripture readings with captivating stories that illustrate essential Biblical principles. With Zach's creative voices bringing characters to life, listeners embark on a faith-filled journey. Tune in to discover the keys to growing in faith and understanding God's love. Produced by Keys for Kids Ministries, this podcast is a treasure trove to help young hearts grow closer to God.




Keys for Kids Ministries 2060 43rd St SE Grand Rapids, MI 49508 (616) 647-4500

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Be an Activator

Bible Reading: Matthew 5:13-16; Luke 8:16; John 5:24 "Help! It's not working! Troooooy!" Troy stepped into the kitchen to see his little sister's hands covered in purple glue. "Crafting again, Emmy? What are you trying to do?" Emma blew a curl off her forehead in frustration. "I'm trying to make slime! I have glue, water, and baking soda. Look at this, it's just a sticky mess! Not slimy at all." "You forgot the activator." Troy pointed to step four of the recipe. "You need contact lens solution--I'll get you some of mine." "What does an activator do?" Emma asked when Troy returned with the missing ingredient. "An activator reacts with the rest of your ingredients and transforms them into something new--in this case, slime! Slime happens when you mix the liquid substance in your glue with the boric acid in an activator. This fun transformation is called cross-linking." Troy added the activator to his sister's bowl and watched her stir it in. "It's so slimy!" Emma held her slime in front of Troy's face with a grin. "Thanks for helping me!" "No problem, sis. Hey, did you know that you helped me?" "I did?" Emma poked her slime. "How?" "Before you called for help, I was thinking about some friends of mine. They don't know Jesus and have started doing some stuff that's not good for them. Instead of talking to them about it, I just stayed away from them. But God used your slime project to remind me that I should do something different." "What's that?" Emma asked. "Since I have God's Spirit in me, I can be an activator to those around me who are in darkness. I have His light, and I need to shine it to others. I don't have to participate in the wrong things my friends are doing, but I can choose to show them a better way. I can tell my friends about a different kind of cross-linking: Jesus died on the cross and rose again so we could cross over from death to life and be transformed!" Emma raised her slime in the air. "Activators make everything better!" –Savannah Coleman How About You? Are you allowing God to use you as an activator to those He has placed in your life? Jesus said that those who trust in Him are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. If we hide the light of Jesus within us, how will those who are lost come to know Him? Trust God for courage to be an activator for Him and shine His light to those around you. Today's Key Verse: In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. (NIV) (Matthew 5:16) Today's Key Thought: Be an activator in the world


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Where Are We?

Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 7:9; Psalm 105:42-45; Romans 8:32 "I'm getting mint chocolate chip!" Peyton said as he climbed into the van. "Two scoops!" Ian was right behind him. "I'm getting orange sherbet with sprinkles!" "And I," said Dad, "am getting the biggest fudge sundae you've ever seen." "Hey!" said Peyton. "You didn't get a good report card." "No, but I promised everybody ice cream after a good first half of the school year," said Dad. "And since I'm driving, that includes me. Now buckle in, we have a few stops to make first." They watched longingly out the window as Dad drove past the ice cream shop. But after the grocery store, gas station, and library, Peyton and Ian grew worried. When Dad drove by the only other ice cream shop in town, Ian frowned and crossed his arms. "He broke his promise," he whispered to Peyton. Peyton swallowed. "Um, Dad? Are you mad at us?" Dad met his eyes in the rearview mirror. "What makes you think that?" "Well, because you changed your mind about ice cream. There are no more ice cream shops." Peyton looked out his window. "Where are we, anyway?" Dad was about to respond when Ian spoke up. "Look, a big sign with a cow on it! Ice cream!" Dad pulled in and parked the car. "Best ice cream for miles. A bit of a drive, but I thought you two deserved something special." "You didn't lie to us!" said Ian. "Of course not," said Dad. "It was just taking so long," said Peyton. "And we've never been this way before." Dad smiled. "I understand. You know, God also takes us places we've never been. When it seems like it's taking a long time, it's easy to forget His promises too." "I did wonder where you were taking us," said Ian, eyeing a big jar of sprinkles behind the counter. "And we might wonder the same thing about God," said Dad. "But God never lies. He fulfilled His promise to save us by sending us His own Son, and He will always keep His promise to love and care for us, even when we struggle to trust Him." Dad led the boys up to the counter. "Now, pick what you want. I promise it'll be some of the best ice cream you've ever had!" –Kelly Carlson How About You? Do you ever feel like God is breaking His promise to take care of you and do what's best for you? In the Bible, God proved He was faithful in His promise to send Jesus to save us from our sins and restore our relationship with Him. His promise for you today is that He will always be with you. No matter what you're going through, you can trust that He will never let you down. Today's Key Verse: He will remember his agreement forever. He will always keep the promises he made to his people. (ERV) (Psalm 105:8 ) Today's Key Thought: God keeps His promises


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Staying in Character

Bible Reading: Romans 5:3-5; Galatians 5:22-25 "You take the sword, Leo, and be ready when I storm the castle," Javier instructed as he slipped on his dragon mask. His little brother nodded, put on his knight helmet, and paced back and forth in front of the tent. Javier ran off and disappeared from Leo's view, crouching behind a bush. Then he crawled back to the tent and quietly entered it from the back, unnoticed by Knight Leo. "RAAAAAAWR!" Javier bellowed. "This is my castle now! Flames! Run for your life, knight!" He continued to yell as loud as he could as he ran at his brother. Leo threw his helmet down and dropped his sword. "That's not fair!" he exclaimed. "You came from behind. I wasn't ready for you!" Javier ripped off his mask. "Oh, come on, Leo! Knights don't throw their helmets down and whine. I hate playing with you, you always wreck everything!" "Whoa, you are a fiery dragon," Mom said as she came over at the yelling. "Calm down, Javier. Don't treat Leo that way." "But he does this every time! When we played astronauts and the aliens came, he threw a fit. When we played superheroes and the villain caught him, he started crying. Superheroes don't cry, Mom!" "I know, Javier," Mom said. "Leo just has some trouble staying in character." She turned to Leo. "Javier has a point, Leo. When you're playing pretend, it's more fun if everyone stays in character." She turned back to Javier. "But you're also acting out of character when you talk to Leo like that." "But he makes me so mad!" said Javier. "All the more reason to stay in character," said Mom. "It's easy to be kind when everything goes smoothly. It's when things don't go our way that we need to remember who we are as followers of Jesus. He defines our true character. He has freed us from sin and given us the Holy Spirit, who lives in us and is helping us become more like Jesus. Remember that the next time you're tempted to do something wrong--like lash out at Leo in anger. Jesus wants us to love others the way He loves us." Javier looked at his brother. "Sorry, Leo," he said. "I didn't mean to be such a dragon." –Kelly Bakshi How About You? Do you ever act out of character? Do you have moments when you treat others poorly or do things you know are wrong? If you're a Christian, you have the Holy Spirit in you so that you can show other people the good, gentle, and gracious character of Jesus. That's who you are--a forgiven child of God who is becoming more like Jesus every day. Trust God to help you stay in character and show His love to others. Today's Key Verse: Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. (NIV) (Galatians 5:25 ) Today's Key Thought: Stay true to who you are in Jesus


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Flying in Formation

Bible Reading: Ephesians 4:1-6 "Well, if that's the way you're going to be, I'll just find someone else to do my science project with!" Will turned and walked away from Torin and Carlos before they had a chance to respond. At dinner, Will was still angry. "Torin and Carlos won't listen to me," he told his dad. "They want to change the whole science project. I don't care what they say. I like the way I planned it." "Sounds like you're having trouble flying in formation," said Dad. "Huh?" Will frowned. "What are you talking about?" "Remember when we saw the Navy's flying team perform at the air show last week? How far apart were those six jets?" "They were really close!" said Will. "I think the announcer said they sometimes were within three feet of each other." He remembered the thrill of watching the shiny blue and yellow jets. "When the leader moved in a certain direction, they all moved that way. If they didn't, they'd be in big trouble." "Right," said Dad. "Flying in formation like that takes real teamwork! But doing a good job on any group project requires teamwork--and that includes your science project. You need to work together as a team." "But they won't listen to me!" said Will. "Well, they should listen to your ideas," said Dad. "But you should also listen to theirs. Have you done that? Have you really thought about whose ideas would work the best?" Will sighed. "I guess not. I'll talk to Carlos and Torin and see if they'll still let me work with them." "Good," said Dad. "You know, this reminds me of how Christians need to fly in formation too. Since you know Jesus, you're part of His team of believers--the church. As Christians, we need to work together to help more people know about Jesus. But we can't do that if we're only thinking of ourselves and what we want." "We need to be like Jesus, right?" asked Will. "Right," said Dad. "We need to show one another the kind of love He shows us, and that includes listening to each other's ideas and being patient and understanding. When we do that, others will see God's love in us and want to know more about Jesus." –Diane Hesselberg How About You? Do you have a hard time working as part of a team? Do you get upset when others don't agree with your ideas? Remember that God wants Christians to work together in unity. Ephesians 4:2 says to be humble, gentle, and patient as we bear with one another in love. Share your ideas, but also listen to other people's suggestions so you can work as a team in love and unity. Today's Key Verse: How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity! (NIV) (Psalm 133:1) Today's Key Thought: Work in unity with others


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A Gift from a Friend

Bible Reading: Mark 12:41-44 Malia jingled the coins in her pocket. She liked the sound they made. She called it her Sunday song because she often jingled coins before Sunday school started each week. Malia earned her own money for offerings, but lately she hadn't been able to find many jobs, so the amount she could give had become smaller and smaller. Antonio, the boy sitting next to her, saw her put the coins into the offering plate and snickered. "Is that all you have?" he asked loudly. "Why even bother?" Malia felt her face grow hot. She put her head down and didn't answer. When Malia got home, she told her mother what Antonio had said. "I guess he was right," she said with a sigh. "I think my offering was the smallest one anybody had today." Mom raised her eyebrows. "I think your first mistake was to compare your offering to what the other kids gave. We should never give just to impress others. Tell me--what does Jesus think about what you gave?" Malia shrugged. Mom was quiet for a moment. "Malia, at your birthday party last month, your friends gave you presents. Were the gifts all the same, or were some smaller than others?" "The gifts? They were all different, of course," said Malia. "Why?" "Well, are the kids who gave you the nicest presents the ones you like best now?" asked Mom. Malia shook her head. "It doesn't matter what they brought. Izzy's dad had been sick a long time, so she couldn't spend much on a present, but who cares? It wouldn't have mattered if she hadn't brought anything at all. She's my best friend!" "I know," said Mom. "And you're Jesus's friend--He loves you so much that He died for your sins and rose from the dead to save you! And He's pleased with any gift you give Him from your heart out of gratitude for what He's done for you." "Just like I'm happy with Izzy's present," Malia said, smiling. "Before the party, Izzy said she didn't know if she should even come. She was afraid of what the other kids would think of her gift. But I told her I would love any gift she brought me because she's my friend." –Brenda K. Good How About You? Are you afraid that your gifts to the Lord aren't good enough? Do they seem small compared to what other people can give? Remember that Jesus sees your heart. Your desire to give to Him out of love and gratitude for what He's done for you is what matters--whether it's through giving money or serving in other ways. God knows your circumstances, and He loves any gift you're able to give Him because you are His friend. Today's Key Verse: According to their ability, they gave. (NKJV) (Ezra 2:69) Today's Key Thought: God accepts your gifts


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Helpful Ants

Bible Reading: 1 John 4:7-11 "How about a break?" said Dad. He stopped pedaling, leaned his bike against a tree, and then plopped onto the park bench beside the bike trail. "Good idea!" said James. "I'm tired and thirsty!" He and Dad took water bottles from their bikes. Dad also pulled two granola bars from his bike bag and handed one to James. As James removed the wrapper, a piece of granola fell to the ground. A tiny ant appeared and tried to whisk it away. James watched as the ant tried again and again, but the piece was just too large for it to handle. A moment later, a mass of scurrying ants appeared. They worked together, lifting and dropping the chunk several times until it fell apart. Then each ant seized a small piece, and they all ran off in the same direction. "Did you see that?" asked James. "That ant needed help--and he got it!" "He sure did," said Dad. "That's a good example of how we should act as Christians." James looked at Dad. "You mean we should help each other, right? Like when that big storm ripped shingles off our garage roof last summer and a bunch of guys from church helped repair it. With all their help, it didn't take very long before it was fixed. A big job became a small one--just like with the ants." Dad nodded. "I'm sure the guys from church didn't think about it at the time, but they were demonstrating to our neighbors the love Christians should have for each other." "But aren't we supposed to show God's love by helping people who don't know Jesus too?" asked James. "Yes," said Dad. "Helping those who don't know Jesus can be a powerful way to show them who He is and what He's like, and helping other Christians can too." Dad and James got up and put on their helmets. "Mr. Locke next door was so impressed by what our church friends did to help with our roof that he wanted to know more about our church," added Dad. "I explained that we love one another because Jesus loves us--so much that He died for our sins and rose again. I'm praying that Mr. Locke will soon know Jesus too." –Eunice C. Matchett How About You? Can people see God's love in your willingness to help others? By having a kind, helpful attitude, you can show others that you belong to Jesus. When people see you do things like help a neighbor rake their yard or show a new kid around school or church, they see the love that Jesus has put in your heart--and some of them might decide they want Jesus in their lives too. Today's Key Verse: As we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith. (NKJV) (Galatians 6:10) Today's Key Thought: Show God's love


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Warning Lights

Bible Reading: Psalm 101:1-8 Callie sat on her bed, so engrossed in her new library book that she didn't even notice her mom enter the room. When Mom sat down next to her, Callie jumped and shoved the book under her, hoping her mom hadn't seen the title. Mom frowned. "You doing okay? I was just wondering why you were so quiet up here." She peered around Callie. "What were you reading?" Callie shot her a thin smile. "Oh, nothing. Just a book I got at the library." She blinked, trying to clear her flustered brain. "So, did Dad finish working on the car?" Mom folded her arms, studying her. "No, he's still trying to figure it out. The check engine light keeps flashing." Callie nodded. "Wow. I hope the car's okay!" "I'm sure it will be fine," said Mom. "Your Dad always takes the car's warning lights very seriously, so I'm sure he'll be able to fix the problem before it causes too much damage." She cleared her throat and scooted closer to her daughter. "Callie, you're twelve, and you're getting to the age when you'll be making some important decisions." Callie swallowed and nodded. "I'm not going to make you show me the book you're hiding. I don't know what it has in it that makes you feel the need to hide it. All I'm going to say is that your conscience is telling you something without me having to say a word." Callie studied her fingernails, and Mom sighed. "The embarrassment I see on your face is a God-given warning light, Callie. It's telling you that something in that book doesn't line up with who you are as a follower of Jesus. Because He has freed you from sin, it doesn't belong in your life anymore. When you're tempted to focus on sinful things, the Holy Spirit uses your conscience to warn you. If you listen to His warning, it can prevent major problems down the road." Callie squirmed. As much as she hated to admit it, she knew Mom was right. She pulled out the book. "I guess I'll need a ride to the library so I can return this." As the weight of the book lifted from her conscience, she smiled. "Let's go see how Dad's coming along on the car!" –Rebekah Dorris How About You? Has a twinge of embarrassment or unease ever made you want to hide what you were doing? God has given each of us a conscience to warn us when we're stepping into danger. When it tells you that what you're doing isn't right, stop immediately! Listen to God's warning and trust Him to help you resist temptation. Today's Key Verse: Whatever is not from faith is sin. (NKJV) (Romans 14:23) Today's Key Thought: Listen to God's warnings


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Bible Reading: Psalm 73:13-28; Proverbs 2:1-9 Kahlil closed the book he was reading and sighed. "You don't look very happy," said his sister, Anisa. "What are you thinking about?" Kahlil hesitated. "God," he admitted. "I've been wondering if God really hears us when we pray." "Of course He does!" said Anisa. "And my teacher at church says God is everywhere," said Kahlil. "How can that be? And how can He have no beginning?" "I can't believe you're questioning God!" said Anisa. "Better not let Mom or Dad hear you do that." "Do what?" asked Dad as he walked in and sat down. Kahlil nervously picked at the corner of his book. "Well, sometimes I don't understand things about God and what the Bible says about Him. I have lots of questions, and Anisa thinks that's wrong." "No, it's not wrong," said Dad. "It's perfectly okay for you to have those kinds of questions." "It is?" asked Anisa. She and Kahlil looked at each other in surprise. Dad nodded. "You learn by asking questions. For example, you made macaroni and cheese yesterday, right? How did you learn to do that?" Anisa chimed in. "I heard him ask Mom a ton of questions. He asked how much water to use and how high to set the burner. And he asked how long it had to boil." She turned to her brother. "You've seen Mom make it a million times, but you didn't know anything when you tried to do it yourself." Kahlil made a face at his sister. "Well, I could do it now!" Dad smiled. "I'm sure you could. Asking questions helped you learn what to do. That's one reason God welcomes our honest questions--He knows they help us learn." "You mean God's not mad?" Anisa asked. Dad shook his head. "The book of Psalms is full of hard questions the writers asked God. Their questions helped them understand more about God and why they could trust Him. So don't be afraid to ask hard questions. Questions can strengthen your faith as you learn more about who God is and how Jesus came to save you and promises to be with you through life's difficulties." Standing up, Dad said, "I'm hungry. Why don't we ask God some questions together over a bowl of Kahlil's mac and cheese?" –Sheri Shaw How About You? What are some things about God you don't understand? It's okay to ask hard questions--they can help you learn and grow in your relationship with Jesus. Ask your parents, teachers at church, or any Christian adult you feel you can talk to. Look to the Bible for answers too, and ask God to help you understand more about who He is and what He's done for you. Today's Key Verse: Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and incomprehensible things you do not know. (CSB) (Jeremiah 33:3) Today's Key Thought: Ask and learn


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The Other Dog

Bible Reading: Luke 12:16-21 Malachi put down the wood for the campfire and hurried to see why Boomer, his puppy, was barking. The little dog stood at the edge of the stream, looking down into the clear water. "What is it, Boomer?" asked Malachi. He looked down to see what was in the water and began to laugh. "What is Boomer barking at, Malachi?" asked Dad. "Himself! He's barking at his own reflection in the water." Malachi shook his head. "Silly dog! Come on, Boomer. I'll get you a treat." The magic word was treat--Boomer immediately left the edge of the water and scurried over to the tent. Soon he had his treat and was stretched out near the stream. Dad smiled as he watched Boomer happily chomp on his treat. "This reminds me of an old fable about a dog and a bone," he said. "As the dog carried his bone across a bridge, he thought he saw another dog in the water below, and he bristled." "That sounds like Boomer, all right!" said Malachi. "Yes, and this dog wasn't going to let that other dog get his bone," continued Dad. "So he began to bark to make the other dog go away. I'm sure you can figure out what happened when he opened his mouth to bark." Malachi laughed. "His bone fell into the water, right?" "Right, and the greedy dog ended up with nothing." Dad added another log to the campfire. "Greed makes us want to get things and hold on to them at all costs, but in the end we lose everything we had and more. True riches and fulfillment come from Jesus, not from anything we own. Money and possessions don't last, but Jesus offers us a gift that lasts forever--forgiveness for our sins and eternal life with Him. To loosen the grip of greed on our hearts, we need to turn to Jesus and trust Him to provide us with everything we need, including joy and contentment." Just then Boomer ran up, looking for another treat. Malachi smiled and got one out. "Here you go, Boomer," he said, holding it out for Boomer to take from his hand. "But it won't last long, so don't get greedy." –Marilyn J. Senterfitt How About You? Do you think having the right things will bring you happiness? Are you so focused on getting and keeping those things that you don't care about anything or anyone else? Lasting joy doesn't come from having lots of money or cool stuff--it comes from knowing Jesus. Having a relationship with Him brings us true riches that last forever. (To learn more, click the "Good News!" button in the right column of this page or go to Today's Key Verse: What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? (NIV) (Mark 8:36) Today's Key Thought: Seek true riches


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Flying Like Eagles

Bible Reading: Isaiah 40:28-31 Kaylee softly sang a song as she zipped her suitcase. "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles…" "Time to go," called Dad. Reluctantly, Kaylee turned and followed her parents to the car. Usually she loved going to church retreats, but this time Lyra, her best friend, wouldn't be there. Lyra had died just a few weeks before. A tear trickled down Kaylee's cheek, and she hastily rubbed it away as she slid into the backseat of the car, closed the door, and fastened her seat belt. "All set?" asked Dad. Kaylee nodded. "I liked the song you were singing," said Mom. Kaylee bit her lip so she wouldn't start crying again. "It was one of Lyra's favorites." "I remember hearing her sing it," said Dad, and as he backed out of the driveway, he began singing the song. Mom and Kaylee joined in. "What exactly does it mean to mount up with wings as eagles?" asked Kaylee when they finished singing. "We can't really fly." Dad smiled. "The eagle is a unique bird. Other birds try to avoid storms, but eagles fly straight into them. They use the violent winds to lift themselves up high above the storm clouds." "Does that help them fly better and be safe?" asked Kaylee. "Yes," Dad said. "With God's strength, you can be like an eagle. You can fly straight into the storms of life instead of running away from them. Even when you face difficult things--like the grief and loneliness you feel because of Lyra's death--you don't have to be afraid, because you know Jesus is with you. He has saved you and given you eternal life, and He can use difficult experiences to help you learn to trust Him and grow in your faith. He is strong, and He promises to give you His strength in life's storms." Brushing away tears, Kaylee nodded. "It still hurts, even though I know Lyra's in heaven, but I want to trust God to give me strength. I want to fly like an eagle." Mom squeezed her hand. "Let's sing that song again." And they all began to sing. –Jean A. Burns How About You? What problems are you facing today? Are you sad because a friend has died or moved away? Because your mom or dad is out of work? Because what's happening in your life makes it seem like your world is falling apart? Remember that Jesus loves you and wants to help you face your problems. He gave His life to save you and promises to always be with you. Trust Him to give you the strength to face life's storms. Today's Key Verse: Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. (NKJV) (Isaiah 40:31) Today's Key Thought: God gives strength to face problems


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Bible Reading: Proverbs 3:1-6; John 18:36 "Uh-oh!" said Mom. "That sign says, 'Detour Ahead.' The ramp to the freeway is closed." She drove on down the street. "But we're going away from the freeway," Maggie said as she looked out the window. "We just need to follow the orange detour signs," said Mom. "See if you can find the next one." After they drove a couple of blocks, Maggie pointed and said, "There! It says to turn right--but we'd have to turn left to go in the direction of the freeway. Someone must have switched the signs!" "Let's just do what the signs say," said Mom, turning to the right. The next sign also said to go right, and the next said to go right again. "We're going in circles," said Maggie. "This can't be right!" "Look ahead," said Mom. "There's the freeway. The signs were correct even though they seemed wrong." She turned onto the ramp. "You know what? Someone has given us directions for our lives too, and we have to trust that His directions are right--even if they sometimes seem backwards. Do you know who I mean?" Maggie thought about it. "Dad?" Mom laughed. "He'd be happy to hear that answer, but I was thinking of God. The Bible says, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive,' and, 'A gentle answer turns away wrath.' Compared to what we want or what others might say, those statements may seem wrong." "How about, 'Love your enemies'?" said Maggie. "That was my memory verse last week." Mom grinned. "Here's a good one for us today. 'Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.'" "I wish I remembered that verse when I was worried about finding the freeway!" said Maggie. Mom nodded. "God's directions go against the messages we often hear in the world that say to think of ourselves and do what we want. That's because, as Christians, we're called to live like Jesus. He came into our world to save us from sin and bring us into God's kingdom. When we follow God's directions, He will lead us to live in a way that shows we belong to Jesus and are part of His kingdom." –Pauline Youd How About You? Do God's directions--the instructions He gives in the Bible for how to live--sometimes seem like they don't make sense? That's because the heavenly kingdom Jesus brought to us when He came to earth is very different from how our world does things. Instead of putting yourself first, Jesus says to love others--even your enemies--the way He loves us. Trust God to help you walk in His way of love as you follow His directions. Today's Key Verse: In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. (NIV) (Proverbs 3:6) Today's Key Thought: Trust God's directions


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Rock-Solid Protection

Bible Reading: Psalm 62:5-8 Landon listened as the woman on TV reported that temperatures had dropped to a record-breaking low with a strong wind. "Can we still go for our breakfast tomorrow?" he asked. For him, the best part of celebrating the new year was having breakfast with his dad on New Year's Day. Each year, they'd get up at dawn, load backpacks with supplies, and walk through the snow to a nearby lake where they would start a fire and cook their food. "It will be an adventure--a really cold one!" said Dad. "But let's do it." Early the next morning, they dressed in several layers of warm clothes and headed for the lake. Wind whipped the snow all around, stinging Landon's cheeks. When they finally made it to the rocky lakeshore, Landon was freezing. "Maybe we shouldn't have come," he yelled to his father over the sound of the wind. "We'll be okay," Dad assured him. "Head for those huge boulders over there." Behind a towering rock, Landon instantly felt warmer. Within minutes, they had a fire going, and he began to warm up even more. "I can hardly feel the wind here," said Landon. "I know," said Dad as he turned bacon in the frying pan. "We can hear it blowing all around us, but the rocks protect us from most of its effects." He cracked some eggs into the pan. "This huge rock is a good picture of what the Bible means when it says God is our Rock. He saved us from sin and gives shelter and protection, and we can trust Him even though there's chaos all around." "My teacher at church said something like that," said Landon. "But I didn't really know what it meant until now." Dad put the bacon and eggs on their plates, and Landon poured hot chocolate out of the thermos. "I'm glad we came," Landon said, "but I'd hate to be out here very long without this rock to shelter us." "Me too," said Dad. "And I'd hate to be in this world without God, our Rock, to shelter me. He sent His own Son to die in our place so we could be His children, and when life's storms are raging, He surrounds us with the protection of His love, hope, and peace." –Lyndel F. Walker How About You? Have you ever stood behind a big rock to get out of the wind? Rocks can protect you in many ways, and the Bible says God is a Rock for His children. Remember that Jesus gave His life for you and is with you during storms in your life--the difficult experiences you sometimes have to face. Trust Him to help you through them as you take shelter in the peace and comfort of His presence. Today's Key Verse: He [God] only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be moved. (NKJV) (Psalm 62:6) Today's Key Thought: God shelters His children


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Skating on Thin Ice

Bible Reading: Romans 6:18-23 At midnight on New Year's Eve, the Wagner family always walked to ice-covered Pine Lake where they would bring in the New Year under the stars as they tossed glow sticks into the air. But this year Aiden was in a grumpy mood. When his dad told him to do something, Aiden put it off as long as he could. "You're skating on thin ice, Aiden," Dad said. He said that whenever Aiden was about to get in big trouble. Now at midnight Aiden dashed onto the frozen lake. "We're here!" "Stay close," Dad warned. "The weather has been unusually warm. The area around the dock is especially unstable because of the heat from the underwater plants growing there." Aiden threw his glow sticks in the air. Immediately the blue one skidded across the ice toward the dock. He knew Dad had warned him about the dock area, but it was so close… Suddenly he heard the ice crack beneath him, and he was in the water. "Help! Help!" Aiden screamed. The water was freezing, and he was sure he was going to drown. "Put your feet down," Dad commanded. "You should be able to touch bottom." Aiden did as Dad said and was surprised to discover the water only came to his waist. Soon he was back on solid ground. They ran back to the house, where Mom wrapped him in blankets. "I'm sorry, Dad," Aiden said once he'd stopped shivering. "If I'd listened to you and not gone on the thin ice…" "You wouldn't have fallen into the lake," Dad finished for him. "But you were on thin ice earlier in the day too, remember?" "You mean when I didn't obey you right away when you told me to do something?" Dad nodded. "Maybe it didn't seem like a big deal to you at the time, but it was a sin. And sin always leads to trouble." He put an arm around Aiden. "The good news is that we can stop our sinful behavior and start doing what's right--much like how you were able to stand up in the water. Because Jesus has saved us from sin, it has no power over us. We can always go to Jesus for forgiveness and trust Him to help us change our ways." –Linda Weddle How About You? Do you like to skate on thin ice? Do you see how close you can get to doing something wrong without getting in trouble? The Bible tells us if we know what the right thing to do is but don't do it, we're sinning--and sin always leads to trouble. Through Jesus we have the power to turn from sin and do what's right. If you're skating on thin ice, confess your sin to Jesus and trust Him to help you choose to do what is right. Today's Key Verse: If you fail to do what you know is right, you are sinning. (ERV) (James 4:17 ) Today's Key Thought: Stay away from sin


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Spare Attitude

Bible Reading: Leviticus 19:18; Matthew 5:43-48 "Let's go get an ice cream cone at the Eskimo Palace, Dad," said Kinsley. "We can be back before Mom gets home from her meeting." "Good idea," said Dad, so they went out to the car. As they drove along, they passed a couple of Kinsley's classmates playing at the park. "Ugh!" said Kinsley. "I can't stand that girl with the long braid!" Dad looked at Kinsley in surprise. "Why's that?" "She's the one who beat me out of a place on the volleyball team," said Kinsley. Just as Dad started to reply, there was a loud bang, and the car veered to the right. "Oh no!" groaned Dad. "Flat tire!" He pulled over to the side of the road and got some tools and the spare tire from the trunk. Soon he had the car jacked up, and he and Kinsley chatted as he worked. "Kinsley," said Dad, "I want to hear more about why you don't like that girl we saw. The fact that she got the place you wanted on the team is not a reason to dislike her. Didn't you beat someone out of a spot when you made the soccer team last fall?" Kinsley kicked at a pebble. "I guess." Dad removed the wheel with the flat tire and replaced it with the spare one. "I'm glad we have this spare to use." He paused, then asked, "Don't you think your attitude needs to be changed--like this flat tire needs changing? Maybe it's time for you to find a spare attitude to replace the grudge you're holding against your friend." "She's not my friend," said Kinsley. "She's…she's an enemy!" "I see," said Dad, putting the flat tire in the trunk. "Well, do you remember what Jesus said about how we should treat our enemies?" "He said we should love them," Kinsley murmured. Dad nodded. "We've all sinned against Him, yet He loved us enough to die for us so we could be forgiven and have eternal life. And He gives us the power to show that same attitude of love and forgiveness toward others." Dad closed the trunk. "Shall we see if those girls are still at the park and invite them to join us for some ice cream?" Kinsley hesitated a moment, then slowly nodded. –Vicki L. Reinhardt How About You? Are you holding a grudge against someone? Stand back and take a good look at the entire situation. Think about your attitude. Remember that God loves everyone--even your enemies--and He will help you love them too. Thank God for His love for you, then trust Him to help you show the same attitude of love toward others that He showed you. Today's Key Verse: May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had. (NIV) (Romans 15:5) Today's Key Thought: Don't hold grudges


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Seeking Treasure

Bible Reading: Matthew 6:33; 13:44-46 "Well, buddy, tomorrow's your last day of vacation with your grandpa. What would you like to do?" Grandpa asked Everett as they sat on the porch together. Everett patted Grandpa's dog, Bexley, while he thought. "I know!" he exclaimed. "Let's get some ice cream. You know, Grandpa--the one with jellybeans in it." "That's certainly special," Grandpa replied. "I haven't seen that in a long time. But we'll try to find it." The next afternoon, after Everett and Grandpa returned from a fishing trip, they set out to search for the special treat. The ice cream shop in town didn't have it. They asked at a shop in the mall, but it no longer served that dessert. As the two returned to Grandpa's truck, Everett said, "Grandpa, I really don't want to give up. Can we please keep trying?" Grandpa smiled. "We're not quitting, buddy. This is important! We'll keep on looking." Finally, Grandpa suggested they check at the grocery store. There in the frozen food aisle, Everett located his favorite flavor of ice cream filled with colorful jellybeans. "We did it!" Everett cried. When they got home, Grandpa served them each a bowl of the sweet treat on the porch while Bexley sat between them. "Our adventure to find this ice cream reminds me of a Bible story," Grandpa said. "The Bible compares the kingdom of heaven to a hidden treasure and a fine pearl. In the story Jesus tells, the men searching for these treasures sold all they had to get them." "Kind of like how we were willing to visit so many places to find special ice cream," Everett added. Grandpa nodded. "Knowing Jesus and being part of His kingdom is a treasure worth more than anything else. Since you've trusted Jesus to forgive your sins, Everett, you have found that treasure. Now you're on a journey for more than ice cream--a journey of growing to know and love Jesus more and more." "A journey? Grandpa, I think you mean a treasure hunt! Now, can I please have more ice cream treasure?" Everett asked with a grin. –Allison Wilson Lee How About You? Have you ever searched for something you truly wanted? God wants us to seek Him that way. We can trust Him to provide what we need as we set our hearts on seeking Him first--getting to know Him through prayer, reading His Word, and fellowship with other Christ followers. Knowing Jesus is the best treasure of all, and as we seek to grow in our relationship with Him, He fills our lives with the richness of who He is. Today's Key Verse: But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. (NIV) (Matthew 6:33 ) Today's Key Thought: Search for God's treasure


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Friendly Conversation

Bible Reading: Luke 11:1-4 "What did you talk about in Sunday school today?" Sienna's dad asked as the family drove home from church. "We learned that Jesus took time out of his busy day to pray," replied Sienna. "Yes, He did, and that's a good thing for all of us to do," said Dad. "Yeah, I know," said Sienna with a sigh. "I'm just so busy these days. I have basketball and gymnastics and Bible club, and I have a lot more homework this year too. I just don't have time to pray very much." Mom smiled at her. "Sienna, what's the first thing you do when you get home from school?" Sienna thought about it. "I call Mariana," she answered. "Unless she calls me first." "And why do you call Mariana?" asked Mom. "Because she's my friend," replied Sienna. "If you're so busy, how do you find time to talk to her every day?" asked Mom. Sienna shrugged. "I don't know--I just do. I make the time. I like talking with her--she's my friend." "Well, Jesus is our friend too," said Dad. "He wants to be our very best friend. We should spend time talking with Jesus because we love Him--just like you spend time talking with Mariana because you care about her." "But I never really know what to say when I pray," said Sienna. "It seems like the stuff I want to talk about wouldn't interest God." "Oh, but it does," said Dad. "Jesus died and rose again so we could have a relationship with Him, and He cares about all our thoughts and feelings. And you can talk to Him anytime and anyplace." Mom nodded. "Mariana doesn't go to your school, so you're not able to talk to her throughout the day, but Jesus is with you all the time. You can ask Him for help whenever you need it. And He wants to hear about all the ordinary things going on in your life too." "Cool!" said Sienna. "I never really thought of prayer as talking with a friend." "God is always available, but don't forget to also make a special time each day to talk with Him for a few minutes," said Dad. "He wants to hear all you have to say." –Anna Somers How About You? Do you like talking with your friends? Did you know that if you're a Christian, Jesus is your friend too? He's always right there with you, and He wants you to tell Him whatever's on your mind--your feelings, problems, questions, joys, and sorrows. Talk to Him throughout the day like you would talk to your best friend, and also set aside a few minutes each day to shut out other things and spend time with Him in prayer. Today's Key Verse: You will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. (NKJV) (Jeremiah 29:12) Today's Key Thought: Prayer is talking with a friend


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Armor of God

Bible Reading: Ephesians 6:10-20 "We have to defeat the monsters!" Max shouted, swinging his imaginary sword. "Let's go get them!" Max and his dad started charging across their backyard toward the imaginary monster lair, swinging their swords and shouting their war cries as they played heroes. "But wait!" Max's dad stopped short. "We have to put on armor first!" "Oh yes, you're right. To protect us!" "Yes! What armor do you think we'll need?" "A helmet!" Max declared. "And a breastplate!" "That's exactly right! And don't forget a shield." Max and his dad started putting on their imaginary armor, making sure their breastplates fit them well and their helmets were securely fastened. "Now we have our full armor on!" Max said when they were ready. "You know," Dad said, "the Bible talks about putting on the full armor of God." "What does that mean?" Max asked. "It means we should protect ourselves against the devil. Satan wants to lead us away from God, but the Bible gives us ways to stand against him. It says to put on the belt of truth and the breastplate of righteousness." "What about our shields and helmets?" asked Max. "Great point. The Bible talks about taking up the shield of faith, which is faith in Jesus, and putting on the helmet of salvation. Our salvation comes from God when we place our faith in Jesus. Because of Jesus's death and resurrection, God forgives our sins and gives us eternal life when we trust Jesus as our Savior, and we receive Jesus's righteousness--His goodness. The Bible also talks about taking up the sword of the Spirit"--Max's dad held up his imaginary sword--"which is the Word of God." "Is that the Bible?" asked Max. "Yes!" said Dad. "Putting on our armor helps us remember the truth and power we have in Jesus so we can stand against the devil's lies." "Well, I want to put on the armor of God!" Max said. "Let's finish defeating these monsters with our pretend swords and then we can go inside and take up the sword of the Spirit by reading the Bible!" "That sounds like a great idea, Max!" Dad smiled as they started charging toward the imaginary monster lair again. –Elizabeth Cooper How About You? Are you wearing the armor of God for protection against the devil? When we place our faith in Jesus, He saves us from sin and Satan and makes us right with God. (To learn more, click the "Good News!" button in the right column of this page or go to Satan has no power over us, but he still tries to get us to stray away from God and His truth. Put on the full armor of God so you can stand firm against Satan's temptations and lies. Today's Key Verse: Put on the full armor of God so that you can stand against the schemes of the devil. (CSB) (Ephesians 6:11) Today's Key Thought: Put on the full armor of God


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All One Team

Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:14-22, 27 Mason's uncle, who raised sled dogs, had harnessed his team, and they were ready for action. "Now, Mason, which dog do you think is most important in getting this sled to the finish line?" asked Uncle Sean. "The one in front," answered Mason. Uncle Sean smiled. "That's Silver. He's called the lead dog. Now, which one do you think is least needed?" "Well, I guess the one way in the back. He probably can't even see where he's going." Without a word, Uncle Sean unbuckled the harness of the last dog. "Now which is least needed?" When Mason pointed to one of the smaller dogs, Uncle Sean unharnessed that one and asked the question again. "You're not going to unharness them all, are you?" asked Mason as he pointed to another dog. Uncle Sean grinned as he went to unharness that one. "I'll certainly leave the lead dog. You already said Silver was important. Now, which is next?" "But Silver needs the other dogs to help pull the sled!" said Mason. "He can't do it alone. The other dogs might not be as important as the leader, but he needs their help." "Yes, he does," said Uncle Sean. "But if the others are needed, doesn't that make them just as important as the lead dog?" "I…I guess so," said Mason thoughtfully. "It seemed like the one in front would be more important than the others, but I guess he really isn't." "He seemed more important because he's in a more prominent position," Uncle Sean explained. "But always remember that the smallest or least noticed member of a team is just as important as the one who gets the most attention. They all work together." Uncle Sean began harnessing the dogs again. "People are a lot like that. Sometimes we think the leaders are the only ones needed, but that's not true." "Our sermon last week was about that," said Mason. "Pastor Donovan said God's church is like a body and every part is needed." "That's right," said Uncle Sean. "In God's sight, what you do for Him is just as important as what anyone else does. We all need to work together as a team to show the world how good it is to know Jesus." –Deborah S. Marett How About You? Do you ever feel like what you do isn't as important as what other people do? Even if the things you're asked to do aren't the things people tend to notice, God notices. He gave you the gifts and talents you have so you can serve Him right where He wants you. Trust Him to help you do your part, knowing that your role is just as important as anyone else's. Today's Key Verse: Those members of the body which seem to be weaker are necessary. (NKJV) (1 Corinthians 12:22) Today's Key Thought: Your role is important


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Kristy’s Christmas

Bible Reading: John 3:16-17; Romans 6:23; Colossians 3:15 Kristy plopped down on the couch. The wintry sky was gray, and it matched her mood perfectly. She kicked away the plastic ball her baby brother had gotten for Christmas and sighed. If only she had gotten the game she'd been hoping for since her birthday in October. It was bad enough the whole world still seemed drenched in the cheerfulness of the season. Now she had to wait ten whole months before she had any chance of getting the one thing she'd wanted for so long. She stared as little Jake balanced on his tiny belly, straining with all his might to reach the plug of the lamp that hung just out of reach. Drool dribbled from his toothless mouth as he concentrated. Kristy reached for the ball and rolled it toward him, but he ignored it, still determined to grasp the dangling cord. "Come on, Jakey," Kristy said, wiggling the ball to distract him. "That cord's not good for you. That heavy lamp could fall." She tried pulling him out of sight of the cord, but he screamed in angry protest. "Shh." She rubbed his back, but it only made him angrier. "You don't understand. You have so many fun things over here in your basket. Why do you cry over the one thing you can't have?" Suddenly a small voice pierced Kristy's heart, and she winced. She'd been acting no different than Baby Jake. Why do I mope over one thing I can't have? she thought. Kristy looked around the room. The Bible Grandma had given her still sat in its box. She tugged it out of the packaging and let it fall open. Her eyes fell on a verse that said, "Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!" Her eyes moistened as she pictured Jesus on the cross, arms open wide, loving her as He gave the gift of His life to pay for her unthankfulness and every other sin. Across the room, Jakey sat watching her, his drooly thumb half sticking out of his mouth. She caught his eye, and he broke into a toothless grin. Suddenly Kristy felt like the world's richest girl. "Thank you, God, for giving me the gift of all gifts--Your Son, Jesus!" –Rebekah Love Dorris How About You? Have you ever been so focused on what you didn't have that you forgot all that God has given you? It's easy for us to compare what we have with what our friends have, but that doesn't make it right. It's always more satisfying to count your blessings than to write a wish list. This Christmas, thank God for giving you the best gift of all--the gift of Jesus. Today's Key Verse: Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift! (NKJV) (2 Corinthians 9:15) Today's Key Thought: Be thankful


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A Muddy Mess

Bible Reading: Isaiah 9:2-7; Matthew 1:18-25 "I can't believe it's almost Christmas and there's no snow!" Alaina looked out the car window as they drove to church and frowned. "It just doesn't feel like Christmas without snow," she grumbled. For weeks the weather had been just above freezing. Instead of snow, storms of rain and sleet left a wet, muddy mess behind. When they pulled into the church parking lot, Alaina hopped out of the car and landed in a mud puddle. Her church shoes and tights were covered in mud. "Ahhhh!" she cried. "It's freezing, and I'm a mess!" "Come on, honey," said her mom. "Let's run to the bathroom and dry you off before church starts." A few minutes later Alaina was dry and warm, but her legs were still speckled with mud and dirt. Before she could complain, her friend Hadley excitedly ran up to her. "Alaina! Have you seen outside? It just started snowing!" The two ran to the window and saw a few flurries starting to fall. Alaina giggled with excitement and forgot her muddy clothes. "Finally! I've been waiting forever!" After church Alaina ran to the window again. The ground was already covered with a sparkling blanket of fresh snow. Her mom came up behind her. "It does look beautiful. Why do you think fresh snow is so exciting?" "Well, it finally covers up all the gross mud!" Alaina exclaimed, looking at the spots on her legs. Mom nodded. "I think that must have been what the first Christmas felt like." "What do you mean?" Alaina asked. Mom smiled. "Just like the muddy mess outside that covered your clothes today, without Jesus our hearts look like a muddy mess full of sin. But just like you were waiting for the snow to cover up the mess, the world waited and waited in anticipation of the Savior God had promised. Can you imagine how exciting it must have been to hear that Jesus was finally here to make our hearts as white as this snow?" Alaina looked surprised. "Wow, I didn't realize the world had to wait so long for Jesus to come." She looked outside. "Now the snow will remind me just how special Christmas is." –Bethany Den Boer How About You? Do you ever feel impatient waiting for something you really want? Perhaps you couldn't wait for Christmas vacation or opening your presents on Christmas morning. How do you feel when the day finally arrives? The world waited in the same way for a Savior to come. This Christmas, think about that first Christmas when baby Jesus finally arrived and how exciting it is that He came to make our hearts as white as snow. Today's Key Verse: Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. (NKJV) (Isaiah 1:18 ) Today's Key Thought: Jesus covers our sins
