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Love God First

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

How do I live in today’s world as a Christian and not only live but thrive in the gifting, calling and love of God? Join me as we journey together through entire books of the Bible, studying with the understanding that the people in the Bible were real people and had minds and emotions like us. We are going to study their stories to find the truths that apply to our lives today. The key is to meet Jesus and encounter Him so we can be changed by Him more and more into our true selves, not hampered by sin and fear. We will occasionally have guest speakers who will expand on the topics we find in our Bible study together, but most of the time we will go verse by verse, chapter by chapter through a book of the Bible to learn, apply and respond to God. Even the tough topics and verses will be explained and discussed!


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How do I live in today’s world as a Christian and not only live but thrive in the gifting, calling and love of God? Join me as we journey together through entire books of the Bible, studying with the understanding that the people in the Bible were real people and had minds and emotions like us. We are going to study their stories to find the truths that apply to our lives today. The key is to meet Jesus and encounter Him so we can be changed by Him more and more into our true selves, not hampered by sin and fear. We will occasionally have guest speakers who will expand on the topics we find in our Bible study together, but most of the time we will go verse by verse, chapter by chapter through a book of the Bible to learn, apply and respond to God. Even the tough topics and verses will be explained and discussed!



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Ep34 Becoming A True Disciple: A Conversation with Dr. Steve Schell

Our very special guest, Dr. Steve Schell, is going to help us in this episode to truly understand how to become a sold out disciple of Jesus. Prepare to be engaged and challenged!


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Ep33 Preparing Our Hearts for Discipleship

We are taking a break from Genesis so that we can talk about a really important topic: the baptism with the Holy Spirit. This episode is a preparation episode to help get listeners ready for our next two episodes which talk about discipleship. On this episode we will be covering three questions: What is the baptism with the Holy Spirit? Why do I want it? How do I get it? And by the end, you will be all prepped for our special guest speaker who will be featured on Episodes 34 and 35 and maybe even 36 too (He is that good)! Excerpts from: Charles Colson. Born Again. Chosen Books, a Division of Baker Publishing Group, 2008, Used with permission.


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Ep32 Going Deeper into Worship

How can we learn to worship God at a higher level? On this episode we are looking at the phrase "to call on the name of the Lord" from Genesis 4. By studying what it looks like to call on the name of the Lord, we can become even deeper worshippers of our Savior. And why does that matter? Listen to this episode to find out!


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Ep31 Learning from Lamech

You have probably never heard of Lamech in your life, but this guy from Genesis has some things to teach us, not because he was some model of upright behavior, but because he was such a violent, vengeful man. What on earth can we learn from a guy like that?! You'd be surprised at how a non-example can be a great teaching tool for us to remember how important it is to forgive and NOT take matters into our own hands.


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Ep30 How Do You Explain That?

How did Cain move to a city after he left his parents? And where did his wife come from? People struggle with these kinds of questions about the Bible, and if we do not deal with the struggle, it can begin to erode our faith level in the Bible and even in God. So let's deal with these questions biblically, and let's arrive together to stand on the mountaintop of a faith that has a firm, secure foundation!


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Ep29 Good Options for Bringing Comfort: A Conversation with Marc Hagman, Pt 2

In this episode my guest (and husband) Marc Hagman reminds us from where evil and hardship truly come. This episode also gives us some good practical tips on how to comfort another believer with our words when tough times hit!


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Ep28 Sovereignty vs. Control: A Conversation w/ Marc Hagman

How much does God control the circumstances of our lives? And why does it even matter to us? We are delving into this huge topic based on our last episode with Cain and Abel, so listen in on the discussion with our guest Marc Hagman as he explains the difference between God's sovereignty and God's control and why we should care about it!


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Ep27 Does God Control Everything?

Cain has just murdered his brother Abel. Have you ever wondered why God didn't stop that from happening? After all, Abel was a good guy! We are talking today about where God is in the midst of circumstances that seem really unfair, even evil, on planet Earth. How do I as a Christian explain and deal with the evil I may see or hear about? And what's my response going to be when it comes into my own life? Find out on this episode.


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Ep26 Quite Tempting...

We all have moments where we struggle with temptation. We really want to give in to doing something even though we know it is wrong. So how do we overcome those strong desires? In this episode, we watch Cain murder his brother, but he could have chosen not to. Learn some practical steps to overcome temptation that really work!


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Ep25 Where is God When We Blow it?

All of us at one time or another have done something wrong. And all of us will do more wrong things in the future too! So how do we deal with that? And where is God when we sin? Does he leave us? Is He disappointed and angry with us, or does He have another response? Today we are looking at God's actions after Adam and Eve have sinned as they get ready to leave the Garden of Eden.


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Ep24 When Life Gets Tough

Our attitude is really the only thing we have control over in life. In this episode, we are going to watch Adam as he deals with the pronouncement God makes to him after Adam and Eve have sinned. What will Adam's attitude be as he deals with the consequences of his wrong choices? And what will our attitude be when we encounter our own hardships in life? Let's learn from Adam's response and figure out what to do beforehand so that in hardship we can stay close to God through it all.


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Ep23 How God Deals with His Kids

We are looking at Eve's consequences in the garden of Eden and what it reveals about God's character. How will the Lord respond to Eve now that she has sinned? Watching His interaction with Eve gives us a glimpse into how God deals with His children. What kind of a father is He truly? Listen to find out!


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Ep22 A Glimpse into God's Character

What can we learn about God from His interaction with Adam, Eve and the serpent after the forbidden fruit has been eaten? In the moment where the Lord is pronouncing judgment over the serpent, we get a glimpse into God's character, and we can see a little bit more of what He is truly like, and what He is willing to do to bring us back to Him.


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Ep21 How to Pray: A Conversation with Nancy Hill, Part 2

We are talking today about the best ways to go about praying and building our prayer life with God. Nancy Hill, Prayer Ministry Leader at Dayspring Community Church in Oklahoma, will give us insight into her own struggles and breakthroughs in prayer and will give some practical tips for those who want to step it up in their prayer times! And make sure to listen all the way to the end when she prays briefly for all of us. It is such a sweet, loving, anointed moment. You will be encouraged!


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Ep20 Why Pray: A Conversation with Nancy Hill, Part 1

Listen in on a conversation with Nancy Hill, Prayer Ministry Leader at Dayspring Community Church in Oklahoma, as we talk about why we pray and what the Lord does in us through prayer. And hear some remarkable stories and prayer answers! If you are a person who struggles with prayer or think God doesn't want to hear from you, please listen to this episode!


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Ep19 Authority and Prayer: What Really Happened in the Garden of Eden

Does prayer really accomplish anything? To answer that question, we have to understand what happened with the temptation of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, and we have to understand how God designed humanity's role on earth. As we look closer, we will discover not only that our prayers matter, but that they are crucial to stopping the devil's plans (and yes, the devil is real and does have plans).


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Ep18 Apples and Repentance

How does a person get right with God? Is it by feeling really sorry for something I did? Is it going to church? Or is it something else entirely? Thankfully, Adam and Eve reveal the answer in the garden of Eden.


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Ep17 How to Marry Well with Shari Kiffe

Have you ever wondered how in the world to choose a future spouse? Where do you find a good candidate? What qualities are you looking for? And how do you know if a person is THE ONE? Join me as we continue our conversation with Shari Kiffe where we discuss the answers to these very important questions!


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Ep16 Discussing Common Marriage Pitfalls and Ways to Improve Our Marriage with Shari Kiffe

Have you ever thought... if only there were someone I knew who had read numerous books on marriage, had lots of experience counseling couples, taught classes on marriage and had a great marriage themselves that I could talk to about my own marriage. Wouldn't that be helpful? Well that's exactly what we have today on this episode! Join me as I learn from Shari Kiffe, a really wise and kind mentor who has loads of experience teaching couples about marriage. And single people, please listen to gather wisdom and prepare yourself for your future!


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Ep15 Marriage vs Living Together: Is There That Much of a Difference?

No one wants to be lonely. So if living together cures loneliness and makes people feel less isolated, what is the big deal? That is the line of thinking that is very common today in our society. So in today's podcast we are going to talk about what the Bible says about marriage vs living together, about having sex before marriage, and about our sex lives as Christians. Prepare for a candid talk!
