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Maldorma TV

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Maldorma TV is a podcast with the aim of spreading spirituality to the world. In our episodes we share our spiritual experiences as well as the spiritual knowledge we have gathered throughout the years. We believe humanity is approaching a spiritual awakening and we invite you to join us on this journey.




Maldorma TV is a podcast with the aim of spreading spirituality to the world. In our episodes we share our spiritual experiences as well as the spiritual knowledge we have gathered throughout the years. We believe humanity is approaching a spiritual awakening and we invite you to join us on this journey.





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Episode 24 - Self Enquiry

Self enquiry is a practice which has been popularized by the great indian saint Ramana Maharshi. It's a direct way of investigating the "I" or the "I AM". In this episode the brothers talk about their own experience with this practice.


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Episode 23 - Interview With Arjun Bruggeman (Part 2 Of 2)

Arjun Bruggeman is the tabla player of world famous kirtan singer Krishna Das. This is the second interview of two with Arjun and in this episode he share a few stories and experiences that has affected his spiritual journey and life. He talk about his experiences with The Divine Life Society, Bhakti Yoga, the Auschwitz-Birkenau Bearing witness retreat, shares stories about Neem Karoli baba and more. Arjun has also released a solo album and you can find it here:


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Episode 22 - Matthew Ryan

Matthew Ryan is the creator of a unique healing modality called Gamma Wave Healing. He preform healing sessions both in person and remotely where he helps identifying and clearing energetic patterns. Matthew travels around the world teaching Gamma Wave Healing through a series of workshops. In this episode he explain how his spiritual journey started and how his healing modality works. You can reach Matthew through his website: Photo by: Jackie Kolbenschlag


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Episode 21 - Interview With Arjun Bruggeman (Part 1 Of 2)

Arjun Bruggeman is the tabla player of world famous kirtan singer Krishna Das. In this interview Arjun talks about his own spiritual journey, how he met and started to play with Krishna Das, meeting Ram Dass, his relationship to Neem Karoli baba and Siddhi Ma and more. Arjun has also released a solo album and you can find it here:


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Episode 20 - Meeting Sri M

In April 2017 we traveled to Villa Unspunnen in Switzerland for a retreat with the yogi Sri M. In this episode we explain how we found out about Sri M and we share our experience of meeting Sri M in person.


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Episode 19 - Satsang With Ram Dass & Kirtan With Krishna Das

 Magnus recently traveled to Hawaii where he attended the Sunday satsang with Ram Dass & Krishna Das. He share his experience from this event and also share what happened when he also attended a kirtan concert with Krishna Das. Last november Tobias traveled to New York to attend a kirtan concert and workshop with Krishna Das. He share what he experienced and learned from this event.


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Episode 18 - Journey To India - Rishikesh And Dharamsala

Magnus and Tobias talk about their travels to Rishikesh and Dharamsala. They share their experiences with visiting The Divine Life Society, Ganga Mira and other places.


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Episode 17 - Journey To India - Haidakhan Ashram

In this episode we talk about our visit to the ashrams of Haidakhan babaji and Hariakhan baba. Followers of these saints claim that they are the very same person. During our visit to these ashrams we received some life changing insights as well as some remarkable experiences. All through the grace of Haidakhan Babaji. Om Namah Shivaya


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Episode 16 - Journey To India - Sombari Baba

On our next stop in India we visited the ashrams of the great saint Sombari Baba. We talk about our visits to Padampuri and Kakrighat where Sombari Baba lived during the later part of his life. He was a saint in high regard who is considered to be one of the greatest saints to walk this earth. Even the great saint Neem Karoli Baba said he was one of the greatest saints to ever bless us with his presence.


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Episode 15 - Journey To India - Kainchi Dham & Hanuman Ghari

In the beginning of 2017 we visited India for three weeks. Our first destination was the famous Neem Karoli Baba ashram called Kainchi Dham. It was a very special moment for the both of us and it showed us that Maharaj-ji is very much alive in spirit. We also made our way to Hanuman Ghari and we're presently surprised how beautiful this ashram was.


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Episode 14 - Psychedelics And Enlightenment

During a spiritual experience Magnus received information about using psychedelics as a tool to attain enlightenment. The brothers then decided to try this out together with a group of people of seven. In the summer of 2016 they would, with the help of psychedelics, experience states of Being unimaginable.


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Episode 13 - Meeting Mother Ayahuasca

In this episode Magnus and Tobias describe their first meeting with mother ayahuasha. A mind blowing experience that would take their spiritual journey to a completely new level. The shaman that held the cermonies was Naysha Silva, an amazing female peruvian shaman. If you wish to come in contact with her and her services you can contact her at her website


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Episode 12 - Meeting Maharajji (Neem Karoli Baba)

Tobias describes an extraordinary experience where he met Neem Karoli Baba, also known as Maharajji. During the experience Maharajji showed Tobias what true divine power really means. Magnus explains why you cannot suffer if you see God in everything.


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Episode 11 - God In Physical Form

Magnus describe when he met God in physical form, and Tobias talk about when he almost lost himself in a very high state of being. A state prior to external experience.


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Episode 10 - Meditation For Manifestation

What is the self? It's something we have been trying to find out since the dawn of man. Many argue that the self is everything and that we're all part of one unified consciousness. If that is true, then why can't we control the world around us. The brothers offer an explanation to this problem. During one of his experiences Magnus received a meditation technique for manifesting what you really desire. The hand hold far more power then we have yet to understand. We can use it to hypnotize our mind to weaken our ego.


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Episode 9 - Rediscovery Of The Self

In beauty you'll find the divinity. It's where you'll find the experiences which will open you up to the spiritual. Magnus share his meeting with higher beings where they explain a mindset you can follow to progress on your spiritual journey. A common concept within spirituality is that you should avoid having attachments. In this episode the brothers talk about attachments and why you should let them go. Negativity is something most people are affected by. The brothers talk about how negativity affects us on the spiritual level and gives insight on how we can rid ourselves from it. We're heading towards an understanding of what we truly are. To realize what the self is. The brothers theorize what happens when you're reaching the great awakening and explain the principles behind it.


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Episode 8 - The Evolution Of Consciousness

The evolution of our consciousness is becoming a more debated subject for each day. One man who offered a detailed explanation on this subject was a spiritual teacher by the name of Martinus Thomsen. In this episode Tobias share one of his spiritual adventures while Magnus explain the spiritual teachings provided by Martinus. Interestingly enough Tobias journey presented an almost identical explanation as Martinus. Please join the brothers as they discuss the evolution of consciousness.


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Episode 7 - The Power Of The Awakening

The brothers share their most powerful experience to date which sent them to the limit of what they could handle. An event which they theorize showed the underlying force of the universe that is ready to awaken humanity into a new state of consciousness. Through personal experiences they share why you should try to avoid the desires of the ego in the presence of the spiritual and why it's better to focus on the teachings. It's when we truly believe that something is possible that we discover the god within us. You are a divine being who create your own reality. The brothers were told what you need to focus on in order to achieve your goals.


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Episode 6 - The First Meeting With Our Spiritual Guides

Is there beings of higher consciousness and can you get in contact with them? The brothers talk about an event that would change their lives in a drastic way. For the very first time in their lives they would start to receive a connection with a higher consciousness that communicate with them. Their explorations within their consciousness would provided them with a theory for the meaning of our existence. An explanation that we're all here on a journey to find our true Self. Having thrown themselves into to the unknown they share what it's like to experience the other side of our reality. A place which will make our physical universe feel alien by comparison.


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Episode 5 - Entering Higher States Of Consciousness

In this episode the brothers talk about what it feels like to be in a blissful state of awareness and how it has changed their perspective on life. It showed them that you're suppose to be in the new. By being fully present you'll find that the food taste better, music is much crisper and you appreciate life in a more fulfilling way. They share some theoretical background to what they have experienced. They theorize that the external would is in fact an illusion and that how we're all connected to the one consciousness.
