The Sermon Podcast of Mayfield Baptist Church.
I Am He - I Am Series (Steve Pickering)
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Have you ever considered the depths hidden beneath the surface of a familiar Bible story? This week, Steve Pickering takes us on a journey into the heart of Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman in John 4:1-26. Focusing on that powerful moment when Jesus declares, 'I Am He,' Steve uses the evocative image of an iceberg. He asks us to consider: what vast, unseen realities lie beneath the surface of Jesus' words? What depths of identity and purpose are we missing?
John 4:1-26, John 4:42
Grace and Truth - I Am Series (Andrew East)
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Ever wondered about the true nature of Jesus? Join us as we launch our "I Am" series, starting with a deep dive into John 1:1. Andrew unpacks the powerful truth that Jesus is the pre-existent Word, existing before all creation; the communing Word, revealing God's triunity; and the controversial Word, challenging the status quo. Prepare to be challenged and enlightened as we begin to discover the depths of Jesus' identity.
John 20:31, John 1:1, John 1:14, Romans 6:1-2
Nepal - From This Hill Service (Lyn Morris, Marsha Ginn, Ana and Steve Pickering)
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This week's message, we delve into our inspiring partnership with Dr. Steve and Dr. Ana, dedicated medical professionals ministering at the Hospital in Tansen, Nepal. Hear their firsthand accounts of providing vital healthcare in a remote and resource-limited setting. We also follow Lyn and Marsha's journey with the Baptist World Aid Team, exploring their impactful projects across the region.
Connect Groups - Focus Series (Grant Watts)
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What if the secret to church growth wasn't about getting bigger, but about getting smaller? Join Grant Watts as he unveils the transformative potential of connect groups in nurturing genuine community and fostering spiritual growth. Join him as he explores the importance of "growing smaller" and how it can transform individual lives and the church as a whole.
Outreach - Focus Series (Nathan Holland)
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Ever feel overwhelmed by the idea of sharing your faith? This Sunday, Nathan tackles this very question, exploring how we're called to share the love of Christ – a love that listens and understands, rather than judges. Drawing powerful insights from the Great Commission, the compassionate example of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:27-30), the practical ministry of the early church (Acts 6:1-7), and Paul's engaging approach in Athens (Acts 17:16-31), Nathan reveals how these timeless passages challenge and equip us for truly effective outreach, one rooted in empathy and understanding. Join us and discover how to make a real difference in the world around you, by truly listening to the stories of those around you.
Matthew 28:19-20, Luke 10:25-37, Acts 6:1-7, Genesis 1:27, Acts 17:16-31
Sunday Services - Focus Series (Andrew East)
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Why is going to church on Sunday so important? Andrew East tackles this question in this episode, exploring the purpose and power of gathering together as a Christian community. He draws inspiration from our commitment to Connect, Grow, and Serve through regular gatherings, and links it directly to the biblical call in Hebrews 10:19-25 to "draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith" and to "consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds." Join Andrew as he discusses how Sunday services provide essential elements for a thriving Christian life: fellowship, worship, teaching, and opportunities to serve.
Hebrews 10:19-25
Message from Sunday the 2nd of February 2025.
What God Taught Me In 2024 - January Series - Week 4 - Part 1 (John Finlay)
This Message is from January 26th. We finish our series, What God Taught Me in 2024. This week we wrapped up our series with an incredible finale! Three special guests from our congregation shared powerful testimonies about what God has been doing in their lives over the past year. Among them was John Finlay, a beloved member of MBC for 20 years. John reflected on God’s overarching plan for our lives, drawing profound insights from the Book of Job and the rich conversations in its final verses.
(Due to technical difficulties we could not upload Barb's testimony).
What God Taught Me In 2024 - January Series - Week 4 - Part 2 (Corey Gregory)
This Message is from January 26th. We finish our series, What God Taught Me in 2024. This week we wrapped up our series with an incredible finale! Three special guests from our congregation shared powerful testimonies about what God has been doing in their lives over the past year. Among them was Corey Gregory, Corey joined our church in September last year and has experienced a profound transformation in his heart and life since passionately committing to following Jesus. In his testimony, Corey shares his journey with God and how he discovered his identity in Christ.
(Due to technical difficulties we could not upload Barb's testimony).
What God Taught Me In 2024 - January Series - Week 3 (Andrew Margetson)
This message is from January 19th. We continue our series What God Taught Me in 2024 with a special guest message from Andrew Margetson sharing his reflections on the lessons God revealed to him last year.
What God Taught Me In 2024 - January Series - Week 2 (Di Ponsen)
This message is from January 12th. We continue our series What God Taught Me in 2024 with a special message from Diane Ponsen sharing her reflections on the lessons God revealed to her last year. Drawing from the rich narratives of Exodus, Diane explores how God's faithfulness, guidance, and provision through the story of His people have deeply shaped her journey of faith. Be encouraged by her insights.
John 15:1-4, Exodus 13:22, Exodus 19:3-6, Exodus 24:3, Exodus 24:17-18, Exodus 32:1-6, Joshua 24:14-15
What God Taught Me In 2024 - January Series - Week 1 (Andrew East)
This message is from January 5th. Andrew kicked off our first series for 2025, What God Taught Me In 2024. Andrew shared an inspiring message from Hebrews 12:1-3, encouraging us to fix our eyes on Jesus as we reflect on the lessons of the past year and step into the new one. Exploring how staying focused on Christ can transform our perspective and strengthen our faith.
Hebrews 12:1-3, Romans 15:4, Galatians 5:16-17
Love For A Change - Advent (Andrew East)
This message is from Christmas Day, December 25th. Andrew shares a Christmas message, finishing our Advent series on Love For A Change and focusing on the christmas carol of O Come All Ye Faithful and changing it. Expressing that the Christmas story of Jesus being born on earth and then sacrificing himself for us is for those who are faithless, inviting us that God is faithful.
Peace For A Change - Advent (Grant Watts)
This message is from Sunday morning, December 22nd. This week Grant reflected on the third word of Advent: Peace. He unpacks the profound difference between the world's view of peace—defined by the absence of conflict—and the Bible's depiction of peace as the active, added Shalom (Hebrew) and Eirene (Greek) of God and His righteousness.
Isaiah 26:3, Isaiah 9:6, John 14:27, Philippians 4:6-7, Matthew 5:44, Isaiah 11:6-9, Amos 9:13, Isaiah 32:15, Matthew 10:34, John 3:19, Colossians 1:19-20
Before Grant shared his message we watched the Bible Project Video on Peace - https://bibleproject.com/explore/video/shalom-peace/
Joy For A Change - Advent (Nathan Holland)
This message is from Sunday morning, December 15th. Nathan dives into the topic of Joy For A Change, exploring its profound message through the carol Joy to the World, insights from the Book of Nehemiah, the Epistles of Paul, and the Story of Christmas. Representing God's Joy as the transformative power in our lives.
Psalm 98:1-4, Nehemiah 8:1-12, Matthew 25:21-23, Romans 15:13, Philippians 3:17-4:9, 1 Corinthains 6:10, Luke 2:1-15, Matthew 1:18-23, John 15:11, Mark 1:14-15, Isaiah 51:11
Hope For A Change - Advent (Andrew East)
This message is from Sunday morning the 1st of December. Andrew East dives into the book of Revelation to unveil the powerful hope we find in Jesus this Christmas. Amidst the busyness of the season, this message reminds us that Christ's coming isn't just a story of the past but a promise for our present and future.
1 Peter 1:3, John 1:14, Revelation 1:12-16, Revelation 5, Revelation 20, Revelation 21
Good And Faithful Servant - Work As Worship (Nathan Holland)
In this message, Nathan unpacks the Parable of the Talents, revealing how our work—and every aspect of our daily lives—can be an act of worship to God. He focuses specifically on what it means to live as a faithful servant, using your God-given gifts to honour Him and build His kingdom.
Matthew 25:14-30, Ephesians 2:8-10, Genesis 1:27-28, Colossians 3:22-24, 1 Timothy 5:8, 1 Peter 4:8-10, Genesis 2:2-3, Colossians 4:2-6
Before this message, Nathan played a video from Saddleback Kids that covered Matthew 25:14-30, this can be found here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkXefIKb5qE
Nehemiah Five & Thirteen - Sin In God's Community (Grant Watts)
This message is from Sunday Morning the 17th of November. Join Grant for the final sermon in our Nehemiah: Renewing God's Community series as he dives into chapters 5 and 13, bringing the story full circle. Specifically Reflecting on Nehemiah's leadership in addressing injustice and his unwavering commitment to God's mission. As we recap the journey through this book, discover how its lessons resonate with renewing God’s community today.
Nehemiah 5; Nehemiah 13
Nehemiah Four & Six - Opposition To God's Community (Nathan Holland)
This message is from Sunday Morning the 10th of November. This week, Nathan dives into Nehemiah chapters 4 and 6, exploring how opposition arises when we pursue God's mission, just as it did for Nehemiah. Despite intense challenges and threats, Nehemiah stayed focused on rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, trusting in God's guidance. Nathan unpacks how, like Nehemiah, we too can face resistance in our calling—but with God's strength and hope, we are equipped to overcome every obstacle and complete the mission He has set before us. Tune in to discover how God's faithfulness empowers us to persevere in fulfilling His purposes.
Nehemiah 2:17-18, Nehemiah 4, Nehemiah 6, Lamentations 2:8-11, Zechariah 8:7-8, Jeremiah 10-14, 1 Peter 5:8-10, Nehemiah 6:15-16
Nehemiah Three - Rebuilding God's Community Together (Marg Livo)
This message is from Sunday Morning the 7th of November. This week, Marg takes us through Nehemiah chapter 3, where we see the incredible effort of diverse people coming together to rebuild both the walls and the community of Jerusalem. From builders to leaders, each person played a vital role in restoring not only the physical structure but also the heart of the community—demonstrating how God uses ordinary people for His extraordinary work.
Nehemiah 3, John 17:4, Ephesians 2:10, John 17:11, John 17:18,
Good Grief - How Do We Grieve Well? (Andrew East)
This message is from Sunday Morning the 27th of October. This week Andrew finishes our series on Grief: Experiencing Grief From A Biblical Perspective, this week diving into the complex emotions of grief from a biblical perspective. Drawing on Scripture, he explores how we can navigate the pain of loss and suffering while holding on to faith and hope. Join us as we learn how to grieve well, trusting in God's promises and finding healing through His grace. Whether you are currently walking through grief or supporting someone who is, this message will bring comfort and encouragement.
1 Thessalonians 4:13