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Mess and Mercy Ministries

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Mess and Mercy is an online ministry and podcast that started in 2017. Founded on a floor of tears of its own, Mess and Mercy Ministries meets you where are regardless of where you have been. In this space, we meet one another in our messes with complete assurance that the Bible is real, God is Lord, and healing is both promised and made possible by the resurrecting power of the Gospel freely offered to us by Jesus Christ, our Savior and our Hope.


United States


Mess and Mercy is an online ministry and podcast that started in 2017. Founded on a floor of tears of its own, Mess and Mercy Ministries meets you where are regardless of where you have been. In this space, we meet one another in our messes with complete assurance that the Bible is real, God is Lord, and healing is both promised and made possible by the resurrecting power of the Gospel freely offered to us by Jesus Christ, our Savior and our Hope.



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Your Shame Is Not Your Name

Shame has no place for those in Christ. We may have many names- some we know about and others we don't, but we determine what we answer to. Romans 5 tells us that we have received reconciliation, that where sin increased, grace abounded all the more, and that while we were still sinners Christ died for us. For you, for me. Revelation 2:17 says To the one who conquers I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, with a new name written on the stone that no one knows except the one who receives it.


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The Wolf Gospel- The One You Feed

Love is the greatest commandment because it is the hardest, but He would love first. The church, the christian, and the call.


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Alter(ED) Testimony: Hosted by RiseUp Ministries Mississippi

This testimony is recorded and hosted by RiseUp Ministries Mississippi, a non-profit organization whose mission is to connect people with the Truth of the Gospel and how to apply Biblical Standards to daily life!


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A Race Without Instructions

When God showed me the book of Jonah after watching my little boy piece together a lego toy, half using the instructions, I was confused. Reading further, though, it made perfect sense. Aren't we all so guilty of assembling things by our own set of rules, pocketing what's left over as extra parts? What about when someone else's box of legos built something completely different than ours? Didn't we buy them at the same place? This episode talks about what it means to follow the instructions piece by piece, being careful to not compare outcomes along our way, trusting that God knows infinitely more, infinitely better, than we do.


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What If The Bible Were Real

What if the Bible were real? Of course it is. Of course the people were here, of course God gave a woman a child in her 90s, of course he spoke to a man about a building a boat for a flood when he had never seen rain, of course he saved three men from a firey furnace, of course he shut the mouth of the lion, of course he healed the blind, made a lot from a little, died and rose again, of course he did Of course it is real. But why don't we live like that? Join me for a lesson from Judges 6 and 7 on belief, faith, and what it is to know God is Lord and live like we believe it.


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Appearances: What We Look Like VS Who We Are

What if we spent less time trying to act like, dress up as good people and actually began putting the time in to be those people? We’ve created a culture that says it’s not okay to be messy, that we have to have it all together, and honestly, who wants help from some one that is perfect? This episode addresses three real problems that we can make big moves towards correcting easily. Lets spend less time decorating our problems and begin fixing them!


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A "My Pleasure" Obedience

We count to three for our kids to obey, but that is really only allowing 2.5 more seconds to do it wrong. God doesnt want to count to three for us, He wants immediate obedience, but what does that look like for you? Are you obeying in spite of how you feel, or is your heart truly chasing the will of God with the my pleasure attitude?


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It Tickles Until It Doesn't

We pray those prayers, "God mold me, make me, transform me, bring me closer to you," and that feels all warm and fuzzy until we've crossed paths with what we're asking for. We want it to be fair, to feel fair. Join me in a peak of 2nd Corinthians 12 and tackle the scripture "My grace is sufficient."


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Why a Sinner's Sin is Different



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Salvation, Sin, and Separation



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Communication is Only 7% Verbal



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Boundaries Part Two: Protection- Cut On, But Not Consumed



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Build Boundaries, Not Walls



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I Don't Know How Much Chips Cost



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Make Room



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What's on Fire?



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What Promise Has God Broken to You?

