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Mind Less

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Mind Less was created by two friends who couldn't stop talking about manifestation, tarot as a coping mechanism, and also... what if we ARE GOD? Join Kelly Niner and Lorena Schuth as they figure out how to consciously create their best lives through conversations that live at the intersection of Neville Goddard, mindfulness, witchy shit and self-love.


United States


Mind Less was created by two friends who couldn't stop talking about manifestation, tarot as a coping mechanism, and also... what if we ARE GOD? Join Kelly Niner and Lorena Schuth as they figure out how to consciously create their best lives through conversations that live at the intersection of Neville Goddard, mindfulness, witchy shit and self-love.



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028 - Honouring The Pause

Sometimes ... you need to tend to your heart first. In this episode, we are sharing where we've been, why you haven't heard from us in so long and what's going to happen going forward. Right now, we are honouring the pause, healing and being self-loving. Find Kelly @pathostarot on Instagram for tarot readings and connect with Lorena on Instagram @lorenaschuth, YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/c/LorenaSchuth) and her website (https://www.lorenaschuth.com) or connect with her directly in her...


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027 - Forgiveness And Finding Peace After Being Hurt

"If you can't let it go, then how is that forgiveness?" What does forgiveness mean to you? Is forgiveness the same as letting go? And how do we stop taking things so damn personally? In this episode, Kelly and Lorena go deep into the topic of forgiveness and healing after being hurt, whilst sharing some RAW and personal stories from their past. If you are ready to hear some hard truths and want some pointers on how to let go of anger and past narratives, then this episode will be the one...


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026 - Nature as Medicine: Grounding, Earthing, and Connection

"On a very biological level, we need vitamin D." - A Human Who Lives in Scotland Happy Belated Earth Day cats, kittens, and everyone in between! This week we find our favourite spirituality siblings getting into what the earth and nature mean to them and how to strengthen that connection that helps loads of us feel safer, more centred, and connected AF to something greater than ourselves. The episode kicks off with Lorena and Kelly reminiscing about growing up seeking out nature even...


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025 - How to Cultivate a Life of (Self-) Pleasure and Sexual Empowerment

“We don’t fuck misogynists” Let’s talk about sex bay-bee! Let’s talk about you and me! No, really, let’s talk about it. When was the first time you ever figured out what sex was, and what was your journey to discovering what sexual pleasure looked like for you and your body? Get your bodies and your minds ready, chickadees, cause this week we’re getting sensual AF and digging into the nitty gritty of what sexual pleasure and pleasure itself means. So grab a drink, grab a partner, get...


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024 - Is Time an Illusion?

“We trust our brains too much.” The understanding of time and how it impacts and affects our understanding of ourselves and each other has been a continued discussion in the fields of physics, quantum mechanics, and sociology - especially as new and, oftentimes, contradictory information is added to the compendium. But what is time, really? Whether it’s a tool, social construct, or a variable in the formula that helps explain the universe, getting at the heart of what we mean when we talk...


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023 - Strengthening Your Intuition - Manifesting & Accessing Your Subconscious

“Intuition: the ability to know or understand something instinctively rather than needing conscious reasoning.” You ever get a gut feeling about something? There’s no rhyme or reason to it but you just know it’s a truth? That’s your intuition, babe, and this week our chopsy co-hosts explore what that knowing really is, how to strengthen it and how we can use it for self-reflection and manifestation. The pair start off the episode with a quick chat on what intuition is and feels like for...


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022 - How To Rewire Your Brain and Change Your Subconscious Beliefs

“You are not your brain, you are not your ego.” Have you ever made a self-deprecating joke about yourself and really wondered where the hell it was coming from? Or perhaps you’ve had a bad habit that has stuck with you like glue since, well, forever? And what does the placebo effect have to do with any of it, anyway? This week join the ever loquacious Lorena and Kelly in picking apart what it really looks like to rewire your brain and, as our dear Dispenza says, break the habit of being...


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021 - Manifest a Romantic Relationship and Lasting Love

“We accept the love we think we deserve.” Just in time for that beloved and hated capitalist holiday that makes some feel squishy and nice and others introspect to the point of depression, this week we sink our teeth into a topic of conversation that, like all relationships, is sometimes sweet and other times salty; ROMANCE! And, of course, we put the Mind Less twist on it by looking into how we can work our own magic to manifest a specific person or romantic someone. Y’all ready to fall in...


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020 - Kundalini Yoga and Spiritual Awakening with Jenny Smith

“Not everybody’s ready to deal with their shit.” This week we’re back with a TREAT for y’all in the form of our very first interview with the loved legend herself, Jenny Smith, who has been teaching the two of us the ways of kundalini yoga for a few years now. First, a quick heads up as we had some technical issues with the sound on this one, so find a quiet space where you can crank the volume and let’s get into it! We start the episode chatting to Jenny about what Kundalini yoga is and...


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019 - A Discussion about Veganism - Part 2

“With the means you have, do the best you can.” Last week our dynamic pair left off in the middle of an excellent, quasi-introductory episode to veganism, where both shared their personal journeys contending with the lifestyle and their reasons for adopting or not adopting it. This week we’re diving right back in to tackle a few more specific topics related to veganism, including veganism for health versus ethics, some societal double standards, veganism as a public health issue, and how...


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018 - A Discussion about Veganism - Part 1

“Veganism is a way of living that seeks to exclude as far as possible and practicable all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to animals for food, clothing or any other purpose.” The number of people who have gone vegan in the US and UK has continued a steady climb in recent years, yet there’s still something about this topic that causes people to shrink back in their seats and quickly become defensive. This week, join Lorena and Kelly for part 1 of a very important and special...


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017 - Body Image, Body Love & Eating Disorders

“We don’t come into this world owing anybody attractiveness. You’re valuable because you’re here. That’s the only precedent.” In a world that's obsessed with emboldening negative body image through diet culture and false media narratives, it’s an uphill battle to figure out how to have a healthy relationship with our bodies that don’t rely on those heavy burdens of guilt and shame. This week Lorena and Kelly discuss what their journeys to body love were like, touching on difficult and...


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016 - Heart vs. Mind - Living From Your Heart

Sometimes the decisions our brains make are to feel safe, but that’s not always what we need. What does your life look like when you make decisions based on how your heart feels versus how your brain feels? This week Lorena and Kelly dig into their personal experiences and perceptions of what it’s like to try and live without the chatter and distraction our minds often rely on to cloud our true desires. What does this white noise look like and how can we tell the difference between our...


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015 - The Sex and Gender Binary and the Spiritual Community

“You’re not a feminist if you deny someone the ability to have agency over their own life.” Last time we left y’all with a dense topic like this we got down and dirty into sexuality, sexual orientations and gender identities - so we figured it was time for a little bit of context! This week Kelly takes us into a brief overview of some history on the sex and gender binary (with loads of help from Alok V Menon's book reports on instagram). The episode starts with some deep-diving into some...


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014 - One Year After Ayahuasca + Lessons from San Pedro Huachuma - A Conversation About Plant Medicine Integration

“You can’t get rid of something that’s buried if you don’t dig it up first” It’s almost been a year since Lorena went to the jungle of Costa Rica to seek guidance from Mama Ayahuasca - now it’s time for a check-in! In this week’s episode we catch up on Lorena’s experience with this this medicine and hear about her experience with another teaching plant; how things have changed, how Ayahuasca different to other medicines, and what advice she has for others who “hear the call” to include...


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013 - Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation and Sexuality

“All of the hot ladies message me.” Did you shop in the “wrong” section for clothes when you were a kid? How about make your Barbies all date each other? Or maybe every now and then you see a very particular person of the same gender and go “…nice” ? *insert Kelly’s laugh here* EXCELLENT. This week we’re talking about all things gender identity and sexuality, so get ready for a journey that’s almost always confusing, a little bit sad, but perfectly genuine. This week’s episode starts...


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012 - From Religion to Atheism to Spirituality - Our Spiritual Journeys

‘Grandma, what’s God? Grandma, what comes after death?’ Raise your hand if you were ALWAYS interested in this spiritual stuff like Lorena was as a small adult (not a child, a small adult). Keep your hand up if your interest stemmed from a disillusionment of organised religion . . . perfect! Because this week we’re diving into how our religious upbringings (or lack thereof) sent us both on very different spiritual (and not-so-spiritual) paths, and yet somehow brought us to very similar...


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011 - Ignoring the Physical Reality When Manifesting Your Desires - Law of Assumption by Neville Goddard

As human beings, a huge part of our experience in this life (or realm, plane, version of the matrix - pick your fave!) is the data we gather from our senses that help us better make sense of the world around us. However, a huge part of Neville Goddard’s teachings on manifestation asks us to “live in the wish fulfilled.” So how, exactly, can we ignore or bypass what we believe we are experiencing in order to manifest our true desires? As requested by our lovely listeners, this is the topic we...


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010 - Vulnerability - Being authentic and feeling your emotions

“You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens.” - Rumi Opening up is terrifying. Why is it that showing folks your insides and asking them to accept them - let alone love all of it the way you do - such a difficult process for us to work through? As humans we all crave connection and yet that connection seems to always come with potential risk. This is what Lorena and Kelly dive into in this weeks episode; what it means to be truly, honestly, 100% vulnerable. The discussion starts...


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009 - Choosing Love Over Fear: Embodying a State of Love

“Because I am love, I deserve to be forgiven.” What happens to us and the world around us when we choose to live from a place of love rather than fear? This is the topic that Lorena and Kelly are tackling this week! The pair kick off the episode by getting back to basics; listen in as they pick apart the differences between living in states of unconditional love versus fear. What are these states, how do they affect us, and what can we learn from them? Lorena defines this state as an absence...
