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Mountainview Church Audio

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Every week we open God's Word to gain Biblical insight on how to encounter Jesus, share the Gospel, and face the challenges of daily life. Our focus is a literal interpretation of Scripture brought into the relevancy of our culture. Mountainview Church is a member of the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches (FEB).




Every week we open God's Word to gain Biblical insight on how to encounter Jesus, share the Gospel, and face the challenges of daily life. Our focus is a literal interpretation of Scripture brought into the relevancy of our culture. Mountainview Church is a member of the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches (FEB).





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Love Your Neighbour As Yourself

That Thing Jesus Said: Understanding Jesus’ Tough Teachings Love it is not a feeling; it is an action. Series: That Thing Jesus Said: Understanding Jesus’ Tough Teachings Series Speaker: Herber Campos Scripture: Matthew 22:34-40 #God #Jesus #Love #Neighbour #LoveYourNeighbour #Feeling #Action Support the show


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Give to Everyone Who Begs (Communion Sunday)

That Thing Jesus Said: Understanding Jesus’ Tough Teachings Practicing Radical Generosity Series: That Thing Jesus Said: Understanding Jesus’ Tough Teachings Series Speaker: Jeremy Norton Scripture: Luke 6:27-34 (ESV) #Jesus #ToughTeachings #ThatThingJesusSaid #Generosity #God #Lord #Give Support the show


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Forgive Others

That Thing Jesus Said: Understanding Jesus’ Tough Teachings Unlocking the Power of Forgiveness Series: That Thing Jesus Said: Understanding Jesus’ Tough Teachings Series Speaker: Byron Binga-An Scripture: Matthew 6:9-15 #Jesus #ToughTeachings #Forgiveness #ForgiveOthers #God #Lord #ThatThingJesusSaid #Forgive Support the show


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Judge Not, that you be Not Judged

That Thing Jesus Said: Understanding Jesus’ Tough Teachings This week we look at a topic that we are all familiar with, judgement. We have all, no doubt, been on the receiving end of other people’s judgement before and it may be very easy for us to remember those times, and how it made us feel. In our passage from Matthew 7 we get a glimpse of how Jesus views it when we turn and judge others instead of attending to our own “stuff” first. Jesus’ warning against judgement isn’t about ignoring wrongdoings but calls us to approach others with compassion and self-awareness, recognizing our own shortcomings, before condemning others. This teaching promotes humility and helps us foster relationships built on understanding and grace. Series: That Thing Jesus Said: Understanding Jesus’ Tough Teachings Series Speaker: Aaron Mones Scripture: Matthew 7:1-5 (ESV) #Jesus #God #ToughTeachings #Judge #Judgement #Compassion Support the show


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Seek First the Kingdom of God

That Thing Jesus Said: Understanding Jesus’ Tough Teachings Prioritizing God Above Else. Series: That Thing Jesus Said: Understanding Jesus’ Tough Teachings Speaker: Herber Campos Scripture: Matthew 6:25-34 (ESV) #Jesus #God #Kingdom #Seek #ToughTeaching #PrioritizeGod Support the show


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Do Not Be Anxious

That Thing Jesus Said: Understanding Jesus’ Tough Teachings Trusting in God's Provision (Communion Sunday) Series: That Thing Jesus Said: Understanding Jesus’ Tough Teachings Speaker: Jeremy Norton Scripture: Matthew 6:25-34 #Jesus #ToughTeachings #ThatThingJesusSaid #Communion #CommunionSunday #Anxious #Trust #God #Provision Support the show


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Be Perfect as Your Heavenly Father

That Thing Jesus Said: Understanding Jesus’ Tough Teachings Pursuing Completeness and Maturity Series: That Thing Jesus Said: Understanding Jesus’ Tough Teachings Speaker: Jeremy Norton Scripture: Matthew 5:43-48 (ESV) #Perfect #Completeness #Maturity #Jesus #ToughTeachings #Father #HeavenlyFather Support the show


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Love Your Enemies

Series: That Thing Jesus Said: Understanding Jesus’ Tough Teachings BOTTOM LINE: Embracing Compassion in a Divided World SCRIPTURE READING: Matthew 5:43-48 (ESV) This week in That Thing Jesus Said, we’re tackling one of Jesus’ toughest teachings: “Love your enemies.” It’s easy to love those who love us back, but Jesus calls us to a deeper, radical love—even for those who oppose or hurt us. Together, we’ll explore what this looks like, why it matters, and how it reflects God’s perfect love. In a world divided by hostility and bitterness, this message is a timely reminder of the transformative power of grace and forgiveness. This Sunday, discover how living out this command can reshape your heart and relationships. Don’t miss this powerful message—it could inspire lasting change in your life and the world around you. #LoveYourEnemies #Love #Enemies #Jesus #ToughTeachings #Compassion Support the show


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Turn the Other Cheek

That Thing Jesus Said: Understanding Jesus’ Tough Teachings Finding Strength in Forgiveness Series: That Thing Jesus Said: Understanding Jesus’ Tough Teachings Speaker: Jeremy Norton Scripture: Matthew 5:38-42 #Forgiveness #Jesus #Lord #God #ThatThingJesusSaid #Teachings #TurnTheOtherCheek Support the show


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Sabbath Sunday: Rest In His Kingship (Communion, In Home Gatherings)

Advent: The Newborn King The Lamb who was slain became the King who will reign. Series: Advent: The Newborn King Speaker: Jeremy Norton Scripture: Exodus 12:1-13 #Sabbath #SabbathSunday #Sunday #Jesus #Communion #God #Lord #King #Lamb Support the show


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Christmas Eve: The Newborn King

Advent: The Newborn King The Newborn King, Salvation He'll Bring Series: Advent: The Newborn King Speaker: Jeremy Norton Scripture: Isaiah 7:14 #God #Advent #Christmas #Salvation #NewbornKing #King #Newborn #Jesus #Lord Support the show


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4th Advent: Love of God

Advent: The Newborn King We can know the Love of God through Jesus Series: Advent: The Newborn King Speaker: Aaron Mones Scripture: Isaiah 53:1-6 #Advent #Love #God #Jesus #Lord #Redeeming #LoveRedeeming #TheNewbornKing #King Support the show


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3rd Advent: Joy Overflowing

Joy Is Found When Jesus Is Crowned Series: Advent: The Newborn King Speaker: Jeremy Norton Scripture: Luke 1:39-56 #God #Lord #Jesus #NewBornKing #King #Joy #Advent #Crowned #JoyOverflowing Support the show


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2nd Advent: Prince of Peace

Advent: The Newborn King Peace With God, Peace Within, Peace Forever Series: Advent: The Newborn King Speaker: Jeremy Norton Scripture: Micah 5:2-5 #God #Jesus #Lord #Advent #Peace #PrinceOfPeace #Christmas #Forever Support the show


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1st Advent: Hope Fulfilled

Advent: The Newborn King Worldly Hope Fades, Jesus’ Hope Endures Series: Advent: The Newborn King Speaker: Jeremy Norton Scripture: Isaiah 9:6-7 #Jesus #God #Lord #Advent #Hope #HopeFulfilled Support the show


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Daniel: Called to Stand Up

Stand for God, and He’ll stand with you. Series: Called by God Speaker: Jeremy Norton Scripture: Daniel 6:1-13 #Daniel #God #Lord #Jesus #StandUp #Stand #Called #CalledbyGod Support the show


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Esther: Called to Move Up

Upward movement requires calling and courage. Series: Called by God Speaker: Jeremy Norton Scripture: Esther 3:12-4:9 #God #Lord #Jesus #Called #CalledbyGod #Esther #MoveUp Mountainview Church carries the necessary Christian Copyright Licensing International (CCLI) license to play and perform the contained Christian worship songs. And all track recordings have been purchased with the coinciding public performance permissions. Background music was acquired royalty-free and available for public use at, listed below. Alternate video content not filmed by Mountainview Church is open-source, and listed below for reference. Support the show


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David: Called to Lift Up

Lift God up in reverence, be lifted up in joy. Series: Called by God Speaker: Jeremy Norton Scripture: 2 Samuel 6:5-15 (ESV) #God #Lord #Jesus #Reverence #Joy #David #Called #CalledbyGod Mountainview Church carries the necessary Christian Copyright Licensing International (CCLI) license to play and perform the contained Christian worship songs. And all track recordings have been purchased with the coinciding public performance permissions. Background music was acquired royalty-free and available for public use at, listed below. Alternate video content not filmed by Mountainview Church is open-source, and listed below for reference. Support the show


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Hannah: Called to Look Up

When life pulls you down, look up to God. Series: Called by God Speaker: Jeremy Norton Scripture: 1 Samuel 1:1-11 ESV #Jesus #Lord #God #Hannah #CalledbyGod #Called #LookUp Mountainview Church carries the necessary Christian Copyright Licensing International (CCLI) license to play and perform the contained Christian worship songs. And all track recordings have been purchased with the coinciding public performance permissions. Background music was acquired royalty-free and available for public use at, listed below. Alternate video content not filmed by Mountainview Church is open-source, and listed below for reference. Support the show


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Ruth: Called to Rise Up

In whom does your hope for the future reside when you reach the end of yourself? Series: Called by God Speaker: Aaron Mones Scripture: Ruth 1:1-22 #God #Lord #Jesus #Ruth #Future #Yourself #Called #CalledbyGod Mountainview Church carries the necessary Christian Copyright Licensing International (CCLI) license to play and perform the contained Christian worship songs. And all track recordings have been purchased with the coinciding public performance permissions. Background music was acquired royalty-free and available for public use at, listed below. Alternate video content not filmed by Mountainview Church is open-source, and listed below for reference. Support the show
