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Musleh Khan

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Sheikh Musleh Khan, born in Medina Saudi Arabia is currently serving as one of North America’s youngest Imams at the renowned Sakinah Community Center in Toronto, Canada. He is also the host of Ask Musleh, which is a never ending online video series devoted to answering Islam’s most frequently asked questions in a practical and simplified manner. He has completed a decade of intensive studies at the University of Medina along side some of Islam’s most prominent scholars. In 10 years, Sheikh Musleh has acquired a broad understanding of various Islamic sciences making him one of Toronto’s most active Islamic advisers. He is well-known for his unique analysis of Quranic text along with his wisdom in simplifying some of Islam’s most complicated matters.


United States


Sheikh Musleh Khan, born in Medina Saudi Arabia is currently serving as one of North America’s youngest Imams at the renowned Sakinah Community Center in Toronto, Canada. He is also the host of Ask Musleh, which is a never ending online video series devoted to answering Islam’s most frequently asked questions in a practical and simplified manner. He has completed a decade of intensive studies at the University of Medina along side some of Islam’s most prominent scholars. In 10 years, Sheikh Musleh has acquired a broad understanding of various Islamic sciences making him one of Toronto’s most active Islamic advisers. He is well-known for his unique analysis of Quranic text along with his wisdom in simplifying some of Islam’s most complicated matters.



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Quranic Reflections #02 Verses to Shape your Spiritual Path



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950 Years - How Did He Do It



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Quranic Reflections #01 Verses to Shape your Spiritual Path



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Guidance From The Qur'An And The Prophetic Example

>> TRIGGER WARNING! Summmary was AI Generated!: The speakers discuss the holy grail of the Quran and the importance of practicing the guidance of the Quran. They share a verse from the Prophet Alaihi sallahu alaihi wa sallam that advises attendees to be mindful of their hearts. The speakers emphasize the importance of learning one's unique strength and maximizing space in Islam. They also offer prayer services and celebratory events at Momentum Institute, emphasizing attendees to attend and not block the driveways of others.


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Life #26 Religion - Do I really need it

>> TRIGGER WARNING! Summmary was AI Generated!: The speaker discusses the importance of following religion and not just following rules and guidelines. They give examples of how religion can be a comforting and rewarding way of life. The speaker also emphasizes the need for people to trust and be present with Jesus Christ, even in difficult situations.


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Life #25 Oh Allah, are you actually there

>> AI Generated: The speaker discusses the complexity of Islam and how it is impossible to determine if Allah is present. They also mention the importance of the title title of the book in which multiple people claim to be the author of the book. The speaker concludes by reminding listeners to be confident in knowing that Allah is present and to be mindful of his presence.


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Life #25 Oh Allah, are you actually there

>> TRIGGER WARNING! Summmary was AI Generated!: The speaker discusses the complexity of Islam and how it is impossible to determine who is there. They also mention the importance of the title "Art of Allah" and the use of the word "Art of Allah" to reinforce the existence of Allah. The speaker also discusses the importance of the title "Art of Allah" and how it puts the speaker in a place of comfort and faith.


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Life #24 How do I build consistency with Allah

>> TRIGGER WARNING! Summmary was AI Generated!: The speaker discusses the importance of consistency in Islam, including building a relationship with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and creating a routine. They stress the need for repetition and finding one's surroundings as part of one's success. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of developing a positive habit and finding one's faith in oneself.


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Life #23 Gender interaction - What's the limit

>> TRIGGER WARNING! Summmary was AI Generated!: The speaker discusses the importance of avoiding fitna in sex conversations, and advises to avoid causing unnecessary embarrassment by being too busy talking about personal issues. The speaker also emphasizes the need to protect one's identity by limiting interactions and being respectful of their deeds.


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Life #22 How can I tell if I'm spiritually possessed

>> TRIGGER WARNING! Summmary was AI Generated!: The speaker explains the signs of possession and black magic in a house, including sudden mood swings, unusual behavior, and the potential of a qualified Ruati or ex LO. They also explain that the third way to know if someone is possessionary is to have someone who is a qualified Ruati, ex LO, and well-equipped to use a ball of fire. The speaker emphasizes the importance of finding someone who is familiar with the Quran and its power.


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Life #21 How to use the Quran for healing

>> TRIGGER WARNING! Summmary was AI Generated!: The speaker discusses the benefits of using the Quran for healing, including a connection with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and a focus on the importance of having a steady and consistent faith. The speaker also discusses the two groups of believers that receive the Quran, Al Adhina Aminu and Mu'min. The importance of having a consistent faith for Islam is emphasized, and recipes for the Quran are discussed for healing.


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Life #20 Music - I love it. Is that a problem

>> TRIGGER WARNING! Summmary was AI Generated!: The speaker discusses the importance of music in shaping one's life and how it can impact their emotions. They explain that music can be a connection between oneself and the creator, and that it is important to avoid feeling sad or sad about a song. The speaker also emphasizes the need for a connection between music and one's emotions to avoid feeling sad and remind them of their creator's words.


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Life #19 Loneliness - I feel it all the time

>> TRIGGER WARNING! Summmary was AI Generated!: The speaker discusses the feeling of loneliness and isolation that many people experience when feeling alone. They suggest that it is important to take advantage of isolation and use it to uplift one'sfeel and achieve goals. The speaker also encourages individuals to use their isolation to make their needs and desires rewarded and honored by Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.


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Life #18 Finding peace in Allahs Qadr

>> TRIGGER WARNING! Summmary was AI Generated!: The speaker discusses the importance of finding peace in a situation where one is diagnosed with cancer. They suggest finding peace through worship, devotion, and spending time alone worshiping. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of learning the deen and finding comfort in Allah's will. They encourage listeners to pray for peace and find peace in their will.


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Life #17 My friends aren't perfect, but how do I help them become better

>> TRIGGER WARNING! Summmary was AI Generated!: The speaker discusses the negative effects of negative relationships with Allah Subhanahu wacentala on one's faith and relationship with their family. They suggest finding new friends and finding a way to encourage others to live the right way. The speaker also advises finding courage and strength to have honest conversations with friends, even if they may not agree.


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Life #16 My mental health is overwhelming. Can Islam help

>> TRIGGER WARNING! Summmary was AI Generated!: In this segment, the speaker discusses the importance of Islam's reassurance and healing process for mental health struggles. The speaker explains that Islam provides guidance on how to handle mental health struggles, including the importance of not being in a mental state or causing fear and tension. The speaker also emphasizes the need to be mindful of words and messages when talking to someone in mental health, as it is a vulnerable state.


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Life #15 So many opinions, what should I do

>> TRIGGER WARNING! Summmary was AI Generated!: The speaker discusses the importance of finding the right option for one's deduction from Islam, especially when it comes to actions like foldings and positions. They stress that finding the right option is a crucial step in finding the right option and respecting others' opinions. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of respecting one's sheikh and advises against wasting one's time trying to change one's opinion.


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Life #14 Parenting is hard - HELP ME

>> TRIGGER WARNING! Summmary was AI Generated!: The speaker advises parents to navigate the conflict of parenting and integrating children into a culture that is foreign to their own. They suggest ways to counter the exposure of children to certain topics, including learning about Islamic values and balancing exposure with value. The speaker also advises parents to be mindful of mood swings and impressions and to use the message of Islam to teach children to handle stress and carry on legacy.


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Life #13 The older I become, the weaker my Emaan

>> TRIGGER WARNING! Summmary was AI Generated!: The speaker discusses the benefits of aging to gain more experience and knowledge. They explain that aging is a sign of gradually but surely closer to death, and that older individuals should be at least at least getting stronger and closer to Allah. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of reaffirming one's faith and trusting oneself to achieve progress.


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Life #12 Why did Allah put me in such a marriage

>> TRIGGER WARNING! Summmary was AI Generated!: In this transcript, a speaker discusses the importance of marriage in building a relationship with Islam. The speaker explains that while marriage is not a complete complete complete relationship, it is a part of our life and can be adjusted. The speaker also emphasizes the need for effort and focus in marriage to manage challenges and maintain a healthy relationship with Islam.
