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My Friend the Friar

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

A podcast where we learn about our faith and share what it takes to live a Catholic Christian life through conversations and contemplations with my friend the friar, a Discalced Carmelite Priest.


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A podcast where we learn about our faith and share what it takes to live a Catholic Christian life through conversations and contemplations with my friend the friar, a Discalced Carmelite Priest.



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Fleeting Joy, Our Salvation, and Healing with Chris Colleps

Send us a Text Message. In this episode, John and Chris talk about finding joy in good times, difficult times, and trusting in God to provide comfort. We open up about healing and redemption through Christ, drawing parallels between personal struggles and the suffering of Jesus on the cross. This episode is a heartfelt exploration of finding profound transformation through faith. Have something you'd love to hear Fr. Stephen and John talk about? Email us at or click here!


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The Fear of Loss with Chris Colleps

Send us a Text Message. In this episode, John and Chris explore a compelling examination of the fine line between the fear of the Lord—a reverence that shapes our purpose—against the fear of losing earthly roles and relationships that often define us. This intricate tapestry of discussion leads us to question our own priorities and the true source of our fears. Closing on a contemplative note, we probe the depths of how pain and suffering, when faced with faith, can become beacons of freedom and carriers of grace. Reflecting on the eternal peace that awaits beyond our worldly fears, we invite listeners to journey with us as we navigate the pursuit of true fulfillment in God and weigh the transient nature of our material desires. Join us for a heartfelt exploration that promises to challenge, inspire, and offer new perspectives on the fears that seek to hold sway over our lives. Have something you'd love to hear Fr. Stephen and John talk about? Email us at or click here!


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The Link Between Jewish Marriage Customs and The Last Supper

Send us a Text Message. In this episode, we discover the profound connections between ancient Jewish wedding customs and the Christian faith. Our fascinating discussion takes us on a journey through time, exploring the historical significance of wine, the ceremonial cup in betrothal rituals, and the manner in which a Jewish groom traditionally 'acquires' a bride. From the wedding at Cana to the four cups of the Passover meal at the last supper, these symbols find a deep echo in Christian beliefs, painting a vivid picture of covenant and unity that transcends the ages. Join us as we contemplate the theological richness of marriage underscoring the sacrament of marriage and Communion as the ultimate expressions of divine covenant. Fun Catholic T-Shirts! Sources for Reference: The Mystery of the Passover Wine Revealed 13 Facts about Judaism and Wine Wine at the Jewish Wedding Why is Kiddish Said Over Wine? Have something you'd love to hear Fr. Stephen and John talk about? Email us at or click here!


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Exploring the Symbolism of Wine and Marriage in Jewish and Catholic Tradition

Send us a Text Message. In this episode, Father Stephen Sanchez helps us explore the intricate symbolism of wine in the sacred context of Jewish marriage. From the Talmud we uncover the cultural and theological significance of Jewish nuptial customs and their parallels in Catholic theology. This episode isn't just an exchange of ideas; it's a celebration of the sacred union that mirrors the church as the bride of Christ, inviting you to savor the theological nuances and ancient customs that have shaped the Church's theology. Have something you'd love to hear Fr. Stephen and John talk about? Email us at or click here!


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Unveiling the Mystery of Jesus: Son of God, Son of Man

Send us a Text Message. Are the titles "Son of God" and "Son of Man" simply echoes of ancient scripture, or do they offer a gateway to the profound mystery of Jesus Christ? Step into a captivating conversation with Father Stephen Sanchez, a Discalced Carmelite Priest, as we navigate the historical and theological landscapes that these enigmatic titles inhabit. We delve into the complexity of Jesus' identity, examining the duel between divine proclamation and diabolic temptation in the wilderness. Father Sanchez brings a refreshing perspective to the discussion, as we sift through layers of biblical language and centuries-old theological discourse, challenging conventional interpretations within Trinitarian theology. The episode further unravels these mysteries by probing the encounters between Jesus and demonic forces, contemplating the limits of angelic knowledge and the cosmic implications of their recognition of Jesus as the "Son of God." What secrets of the celestial rebellion do these confrontations reveal? In this episode we confront the hypostatic union—the union of Jesus’ humanity with His divinity. The insights of saints and the faithful remind us that comprehending Christ is an ongoing voyage, one that beckons us to explore the nature of our own relationship with the divine through prayer and reflection. Join us as we seek to unearth the enduring mystery that is Jesus Christ. Have something you'd love to hear Fr. Stephen and John talk about? Email us at or click here!


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Divine Empowerment Over Satan and the Fallen Angels

Send us a Text Message. Join us in the third and final part our conversation on the reality of Satan. Discover the divine authority that pulses within you as we reflect on quotes from St. Teresa of Avila, a Carmelite nun who commanded power over darkness through her identity in Christ. Our exploration brings her timeless revelations to light, offering you a fresh perspective on spiritual empowerment. This episode is a mosaic of theological reflection, inviting you to appreciate the angelic order and to recognize the freely given gifts of God's mercy. Embrace the lessons of honor, delight, and repose through the experiences of saints, as we guide you towards a more profound realization of the divine order that orchestrates our spiritual lives. Have something you'd love to hear Fr. Stephen and John talk about? Email us at or click here!


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Angelic Essence and Demonic Destinies

Send us a Text Message. Discover the profound triumphs of the divine as we navigate the enigmatic realm of spiritual beings with Father Stephen Sanchez. Our journey into the essence of angels and demons reveals their shared origins, despite their starkly contrasting destinies. We dissect the intricate roles these ethereal entities play in the grand tapestry of creation, salvation, and damnation, free from the constraints of our physical world. Father Sanchez guides us through the complexities of these spiritual creatures, drawing from the rich narratives of Tolkien's "Silmarillion" to shed further light on their existence beyond our mortal comprehension. Grasp the true nature of angelic perfection, where the complete knowledge and will of these celestial beings align flawlessly with their essence, and delve into the enigmatic function of the 'angel of the Lord'—God's messenger, whose duties extend to the fallen angels. Father Sanchez offers an enlightening perspective on the nuanced understanding of free will within both spiritual beings and humanity, and how the fall disrupted the cosmic harmony. By the episode's end, we are left with the empowering realization that a solid foundation in faith and our identity in Christ can strip the devil of his might, echoing the wisdom of St. Teresa of Avila in the face of spiritual warfare. Have something you'd love to hear Fr. Stephen and John talk about? Email us at or click here!


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The Fall from Grace and the Reality of Satan

Send us a Text Message. Embark on a journey into the heart of spiritual doctrine with Father Stephen Sanchez, a Discalced Carmelite Priest, as we confront the truths about Satan, the reality of angels, and their pivotal place in Catholic Christian faith. As we explore these profound teachings, you're promised an awakening to the deeper layers of our creed. By acknowledging the existence of spiritual beings, we not only adhere to the scriptures but also preserve the integrity of our beliefs, encompassing God, heaven, and the soul. In a compelling narrative that mirrors the dramatic fall of Anakin Skywalker, we dissect the origins of Satan, his role as both accuser and tempter, and the intricacies of good and evil in theological discourse. Father Sanchez guides us through the theological landscape, where we examine the misuse of free will that spurred the rebellion of angels, leading to the concept of evil as a finite choice, rather than an absolute force. This episode is an invitation to understand the profound implications of pride, free will, and the power of God's love even for the fallen, an exploration that promises to enlighten and challenge the faithful and curious alike. Have something you'd love to hear Fr. Stephen and John talk about? Email us at or click here!


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Final Judgment and the Promise of Eternal Life: A Catholic Perspective

Send us a Text Message. Have you ever pondered what it means to stand before the God at life's end? Join us as we explore this mystery with Father Stephen Sanchez, a Discalced Carmelite priest, whose insights into the Catholic tradition's views on the afterlife and final judgment are nothing short of illuminating. We scrutinize the intimate moment of personal judgment, where the sum of our earthly lives is unveiled before God's eyes. Delving into the depths of Matthew's sheep and goats parable, we reveal how our choices resonate into eternity. Lent's culmination in Easter is cast in a new light as we discuss the 'transitus'—our soul's passage from death to eternal life with God, and the profound contrast between the fates of the redeemed and the condemned. Embrace a transformative journey through the lens of eschatology, as we discuss the anticipation of encountering Christ in His full glory. Our conversation turns to the mystical communion awaiting believers, drawing upon the wisdom of Colossians 3 and Lumen Gentium to unwrap the sublime union between Christ and His Church. The communion of saints emerges as a transcendent bond uniting us in spirit and love, as we navigate through the Church's earthly mission. As our epoch edges closer to its ultimate renewal, we examine the present sanctity of the Church and the Holy Spirit's guiding presence in leading us toward the heavenly kingdom's promise. This episode is a profound reflection on our existence's final chapters and the anticipation of the life to come. Have something you'd love to hear Fr. Stephen and John talk about? Email us at or click here!


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Good Friday: Contemplating the Cross

Send us a Text Message. As we approach the solemnity of Good Friday, Father Stephen Sanchez joins us to navigate the depths of emotion and tradition that shroud this holy day. Together, we grapple with the weighty acknowledgment of our own roles in Christ's crucifixion, teetering between the heartache of remorse and the solace of gratitude for His sacrifice. The quietude of Good Friday brings a stark reflection as we explore the symbolism behind an empty church and a stripped altar. These rituals echo Mary's profound sorrow, and through customs such as the Stations of the Cross, we find space for shared mourning and intimate contemplation. Good Friday is a poignant reminder that our personal trials often reflect Christ's sacrifice on the cross, offering both comfort and an opportunity for deeper connection. Concluding our journey this episode, we ponder the vast expanse of God's love and its significance as we traverse from Good Friday through Easter. We invite you to join us and meditate on the goodness of the Father and let it permeate your Easter celebrations. Have something you'd love to hear Fr. Stephen and John talk about? Email us at or click here!


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The Easter Triduum: Reflections on Good Friday

Send us a Text Message. Step inside the solemnity of the Good Friday Liturgy with Father Stephen Sanchez and witness how the Church's traditions invite us into a journey of reflection and profound understanding. Together, we unveil the mystagogical significance of the Good Friday liturgy and discover how this sacred day bears the weight of our salvation history. Examine this particular day of the Triduum, where sometimes silence speaks louder than words, and traditional aspects of the liturgy are notably absent. Father Sanchez guides us through the liturgy's powerful themes, including the passion narrative from John's Gospel, the symbolism of blood and water, and the birth of the Church. Feel the gravity of Christ's sacrifice anew as we delve into the depth of the passion narrative and reflect on the absence which would have followed his death. The transformative power of the Holy Spirit comes alive as we discuss the personal spiritual encounters clergy and laity have during these intimate celebrations. Join us and enrich your faith with the timeless wisdom of these pivotal moments in the Catholic tradition. Have something you'd love to hear Fr. Stephen and John talk about? Email us at or click here!


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The Christian Eschaton: Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell

Send us a Text Message. Journey with us as we grapple with the profound mysteries of the four last things: death, judgment, heaven, and hell. Father Stephen provides an enlightening perspective on these eschatological themes. Literature and Christian teachings intersect as we navigate the rich tapestry of eschatology, with insights from C.S. Lewis's "The Great Divorce" illustrating the eternal consequences of moral choices. Father Sanchez leads us through varied eschatological views, from the cosmic to the apocalyptic, and their significance for our daily lives. We weave scripture and the Catholic Catechism into our conversation, drawing a line from the Gospels to our modern existence, and stressing the unbreakable link between our actions today and our final destiny. This episode doesn't just explore doctrinal concepts; it challenges us to live with a purpose guided by the foresight of eternity. In the quietude of prayer, there lies the potential for immense spiritual growth, as testified by saints like Teresa of Jesus and John of the Cross. This episode delves into the theme of spiritual 'capacity for,' where Father Sanchez shares the transformative power of self-awareness and openness to the Holy Spirit's influence on our hearts. Our dialogue culminates in the call to love as the ultimate motivator for serving and expanding our capacity to engage with the divine. We leave you inspired to carry the essence of our exchange into your communities, enriching your faith, and nurturing connections with an eternal perspective. Join us in this episode for an experience that promises to deepen your spiritual life and understanding of Christianity's ultimate truths. Have something you'd love to hear Fr. Stephen and John talk about? Email us at or click here!


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Confronting Doctrine and Division in Christianity

Send us a Text Message. Embark on a spiritual expedition with Fr. Stephen Sanchez as we traverse the terrain of Christian schisms, seeking the unity once envisioned by the ecumenical council fathers. Our heartfelt discussion navigates the rich diversity of Christian thought, encouraging a blend of intellectual curiosity and compassionate outreach. As you join us, you'll gain a nuanced appreciation for the varied doctrines and histories that have both united and divided the followers of Christ. Fr. Stephen illuminates the paths that have led believers to both conflict and communion, emphasizing the call to live authentically in our everyday faith journeys. Listen closely and discover the profound impact of humility and love in bridging ecclesiastical divides, as we explore the significance of theological disputes like the procession of the Holy Spirit, the challenging dynamics of individualism, and Christian nationalism. This episode isn't just a history lesson; it's an invitation to engage in self-reflection and to foster a more unified Christian community. With Fr. Stephen's guidance, we contemplate the transformative potential of extending grace beyond our personal circles and living our faith in a way that genuinely reflects the teachings of Christ. Join us for a conversation that aspires not only to educate but to resonate deeply with your own spiritual walk. Have something you'd love to hear Fr. Stephen and John talk about? Email us at or click here!


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The Tumultuous Origins of Modern Christian Sects

Send us a Text Message. Embark on a riveting journey back to the tempestuous days of the Reformation in Germany, where Fr. Stephen Sanchez offers his profound insights into the religious and political whirlwind that reshaped the Christian faith. Prepare to unearth the roots of denominationalism and discover the painstakingly woven influences of figures like Wycliffe and Huss, pivotal moments such as the Avignon Papacy and the Great Western Schism, and the Renaissance's nurturing of individualism—all setting the stage for Martin Luther's indelible impact on history and theology. This episode paints a vivid tableau of the aftermath of Luther's defiance, from the Peasant Revolt to the rise of the Anabaptists and the intricate denominational splits that followed. Immerse yourself in the narratives of Zwingli, Calvin, and the English Reformation under Henry VIII, as we explore how these leaders and their controversial decisions led to an array of new religious movements and sects. Father Sanchez helps us grapple with the enduring legacy of these tumultuous times, assessing how they continue to influence our contemporary struggle between personal significance and the common good. Join us for an enlightening exploration of the events that forever changed the course of Christian history. Have something you'd love to hear Fr. Stephen and John talk about? Email us at or click here!


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The Renaissance and Its Impact on Church-State Dynamics

Send us a Text Message. Prepare to be transported through time as we uncover the historical tapestry of church and state separation. Our episode may kick off with a chuckle over tortillas and feline antics, but the conversation soon picks up where we left off in our previous episode and sails into the profound ocean of the past, where the power struggles and political intricacies that led to the modern-day relationship between church and state unravel. Fr. Stephen guides us from the era of the French crown's defiance against Papal authority to the religious upheavals that heralded the rise of denominations. The journey doesn't stop there, as we navigate through the tumultuous waters of the Western Schism and the historic resolutions borne from the Council of Constance. The Renaissance, sparked by the influx of Byzantine Christians into the West, brought forth an intellectual reawakening that reshaped the very fabric of society. We traverse the philosophical and cultural shifts that arose from this pivotal moment in history, exploring how the recognition of individual dignity challenged the medieval societal structures and influenced the modern Western world. This episode is a feast for the mind, layered with tales of ecclesiastical authority, schisms, and the quest for unity that continues to influence the church and state dynamic to this day. Have something you'd love to hear Fr. Stephen and John talk about? Email us at or click here!


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Exploring Schisms and the Fabric of Modern Christianity

Send us a Text Message. Uncover the deep-rooted connections and divisions that have sculpted Christianity into the diverse tapestry we see today. We navigate the historical and theological nuances that differentiate the Catholic Church from other Christian traditions. Unpacking the significance of the Second Vatican Council, we confront how Catholicism stands as the one holy and apostolic Church, distinct from the broader category of denominations. Diving into the contentious topics of scripture interpretation and the Sola Scriptura principle, we strive to foster a dialogue that stretches beyond mere labels, encouraging a broader perspective on what it means to identify as Christian within varying cultural contexts. Navigating the once inseparable realms of church and state, we traverse the historical landscape that saw the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church split amidst a whirlwind of politics and theology. We dissect the complex ecclesiastical relationships and the concept of schism, revealing how such religious rifts birthed modern sovereign states. As the discussion unfolds, we reflect on the resilience of faith through human imperfection and the transformative evolution that led to the current secularism. Join us on this enlightening episode as we examine the profound influence of Christendom on politics and the enduring legacy of the church in shaping nations. Have something you'd love to hear Fr. Stephen and John talk about? Email us at or click here!


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Necessary for Christianity: The New Testament Sacrifice

Send us a Text Message. In this episode, John explores how an understanding of the New Testament transformed his understanding of Christian faith. From the blood of the lamb in Exodus to the transformative sacrifice of Christ, John breaks down how Jesus's new perpetual Passover is a necessary part of Christianity. Contemplate with us what it all truly means, confronting the profound implications of the New Covenant. Through a tapestry of scriptural wisdom and the intimacy of the Eucharist, we come to understand the indispensable aspect of this sacrament in our daily walk with God. Join us as we share in the revelations that have reaffirmed John's faith within the Catholic Church, and potentially, could fortify yours. Article on Passover: Have something you'd love to hear Fr. Stephen and John talk about? Email us at or click here!


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Are You Really a Christian?

Send us a Text Message. In this episode, John unravels the threads of apostolic authority that anchor the Church in divinely ordained leadership, a concept as pivotal today as it was in Jesus' time. He casts light on the 'binding and loosing' entrusted to the apostles, an indisputable authority that continues to shape God's will through the Church's teachings. The echoes of the early Church ring true in the wisdom of Ignatius of Antioch, guiding us through a reflection on the steadfast church hierarchy and its continuity into present times. He probes the legitimacy of apostolic succession and its implications for church leadership, encouraging you to contemplate the structural foundations of your own faith community. This paves the way for future dialogues about the essence of Jesus' teachings, including the significance of the Eucharist, and so the invitation stands: to question, to learn, and to live out the faith with authenticity and conviction. Have something you'd love to hear Fr. Stephen and John talk about? Email us at or click here!


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Contemplating the Epiphany of the Lord

Send us a Text Message. In this episode, Fr. Stephen and John reflect on the oft-overlooked Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord. They shed light on the intricacies of this feast, which is rich in history and spiritual significance but frequently finds itself overshadowed by the preceding Christmas festivities. Their dialogue traverses the liturgical complexities stemming from Christmas's fixed date to the profound implications of the Epiphany of the Lord in January, a day brimming with divine revelations. Have something you'd love to hear Fr. Stephen and John talk about? Email us at or click here!


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The Eschatological Heartbeat of Advent

Send us a Text Message. In this episode, John and Father Stephen uncover the profound anticipation of the Nativity and the second coming of Christ. Feel the pulse of ancient traditions come alive in our present, binding the sacred with the rhythm of our daily lives. Their conversation offers a unique perspective on the dual focus of Advent, delving into the liturgical practices that bring the mystery of salvation into the now and illuminate the eschatological longing embedded within the Church's history. As the Advent season reaches its crescendo, they traverse the rich tapestry of the O Antiphons, which beautifully encapsulate the Old Testament's prophecies and the collective longing for the Messiah. Father Stephen guides us through the enigmatic verses, each one a stepping stone toward the celebration of Jesus' birth. The purpose of ritual and prayer invites you to transcend the mechanics of religious observance, engaging with the deeper relational aspects of these practices. They reflect on the significance of prayer as not just a routine but a heartfelt communion with God. Concluding with poignant reflections from 2 Peter, they underscore the power of steadfast faith in the face of darkness. The Advent hymns and scriptures stir a deep yearning for renewal and restoration, offering a glimpse into our innate desire for divine intervention. Join us on this enlightening expedition as we journey towards the light of Epiphany, carrying the spirit of Christmas rejuvenation well into the New Year. This episode is an invitation to deepen your understanding of Advent, not just as a historical event but as a living promise of hope and transformation. Have something you'd love to hear Fr. Stephen and John talk about? Email us at or click here!
