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My Humanity Is Showing

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Ever struggled with fear, depression, anger, or any other emotional pain (maybe even as recently as a few minutes ago)? I have. Actually, I still do. My Humanity is Showing is the story of how I navigate a life of imperfection and find hope by embracing my humanity, surrounding myself with caring people, and being vulnerable. This podcast is for broken humans like me who are looking for hope beyond the clouds. My prayer is that you find something in my shares that is not of me but rather through me. Feel free to reach me at


United States


Ever struggled with fear, depression, anger, or any other emotional pain (maybe even as recently as a few minutes ago)? I have. Actually, I still do. My Humanity is Showing is the story of how I navigate a life of imperfection and find hope by embracing my humanity, surrounding myself with caring people, and being vulnerable. This podcast is for broken humans like me who are looking for hope beyond the clouds. My prayer is that you find something in my shares that is not of me but rather through me. Feel free to reach me at



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Stories I tell myself

Stranded on the side of the road with a flat tire, I was faced with a choice that could either escalate my stress or redefine the moment into an unexpected life lesson. It’s experiences like these that I unpack in our latest episode, where we navigate the emotional terrain of our personal narratives and discover the transformative power of reframing our internal dialogues. From the tension of work deadlines to the complexities of teamwork, join me as I share intimate stories that illustrate how the tales we tell ourselves can either imprison us in anxiety or liberate us with a sense of calm and purpose. Embarking on a quest for clarity, we dissect the nuances between objective truth and personal perception, pondering how empathy and humility enrich our worldview. I recount a workplace blunder that could have spelled disaster but instead became a testament to the strength found in vulnerability and the synergy of collaboration. Later, we shift focus to the mirrors of self-reflection and gratitude, where spiritual connections and the candor of a trusted friend offer unvarnished truths that guide us toward personal growth. Prepare to be inspired and perhaps even find solace as we explore these heartfelt themes together. NOTE: as an experiment, I am using the AI-produced description (paragraphs above). Definitely NOT something I would write: just curious what would happen if I use it…


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Courage to Face New Beginnings

Have you ever stood on the brink of a new endeavor feeling both invigorated and terrified? That's where I find myself as I return from my hiatus, inviting you to join me on a journey of authenticity and new beginnings. Today, we strip away the glossy facades to embrace the raw and real challenges of life's transitions. As we share this space, I'll talk about my aspirations of transforming our heartfelt conversations into a livelihood, and together, we'll contemplate how to keep the essence of our exchange intact. Sometimes, the idea of monetizing a passion can seem like a betrayal of authenticity, but what if it could fuel dreams like starting an orphanage or a school? In this episode, I ponder the delicate balance between nurturing our community and exploring avenues to support my family's dreams. We'll also consider how to sprinkle structure into our discussions without compromising their core, and I muse over the prospect of expanding our connection through a video podcast. Additionally, I'll reveal the strategic, timeline-driven approach that may just rescue us from the graveyard of forgotten New Year's resolutions. Confronting fear is a part of every journey, including my own through 54 episodes and the management of attention deficits. This episode reflects on the importance of routines and how they've supported my consistency, punctuated by thoughtful pauses to reassess our direction. Lastly, we wrap things up with a reminder of the power of empathy and compassion in our shared human experiences. It's not just about understanding ourselves but also recognizing that everyone is fighting their own battles with bravery. Join me as we navigate these waters, and if my musings resonate, I hope you'll feel inspired to share this episode with someone who might find a kindred spirit in our conversations. NOTE: as an experiment, I am using the AI-produced description (paragraphs above). Definitely NOT something I would write: just curious what would happen if I use it…


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Gratitude and Connection

Have you ever found yourself enveloped in the seemingly mundane, like a traffic jam, only to discover a hidden gem of beauty and calm within the chaos? I've had such an epiphany, and it's a tale I'm eager to share with you, one that dives into the surprisingly transformative power of gratitude. This episode of "My Humanity is Showing" is a heartfelt recounting of personal stories where gratitude became my North Star, guiding me through life's tumultuous seas to a place of serenity and connection. As a podcaster, I walk the tightrope of sharing my narrative without turning the microphone into a pulpit. I'm not here to preach; rather, I'm opening the curtain to the struggles I face behind the scenes, from the vacuum of feedback to the fear of my words becoming mere echoes in a void. My aim? To resonate with you through raw, unfiltered reflections on human connection, mental health, and the potent combo of both during times when darkness seems to stretch its fingers a bit too far, like the holiday season. This conversation is not just about the beauty of gratitude but the critical role it plays in our approach to life's runways—the angle of gratitude, if you will. By sharing my transition from the brink of despair to a place teeming with thankfulness, I invite you to consider opening your own windows, letting the light and air of connection disperse the shadows that might lurk within. No matter where your journey may take you, there's a seat for you here, where we find courage in our shared humanity and turn our collective gaze towards the horizon of hope. NOTE: as an experiment, I am using the AI-produced description (paragraphs above). Definitely NOT something I would write: just curious what would happen if I use it…


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Embracing the Present

“Have you ever pondered over the real essence of aging and what it means to grow older? Picture a young boy, mind full of curiosity, innocently fascinated with the ritual of shaving - fast forward to that same boy, now a man, staring at the mirror with a different type of fascination, one that comes with the stark reality of aging. Join me, Amjad, as we navigate this complex yet beautiful journey of life, and the changing priorities that come with aging. This episode offers an insightful discussion where I share my reflections on the dreams that have fueled my motivation - getting married, becoming a father, and the importance of being a good son, brother, and friend. Through it all, I underline the significant role personal relationships play in our lives. Imagine a life where every moment is savored, not as a stepping stone to the future, but as a precious present moment. In this hurried world, we often find ourselves constantly looking forward to what's coming next, which can sometimes rob us of the joy of the now. With humor and honesty, I share my journey of living in the present and the challenges of breaking free from inherent biases. We take a deep dive into the connection between inspiration and hard work, discussing the importance of finding calmness, letting go of control, and connecting with a higher power. This episode stands as a reminder to us all to slow down, enjoy the moment, and be open to the wisdom and creativity that comes from within.” NOTE: as an experiment, I am using the AI-produced title and description (two paragraphs above). Definitely not something I would write: just curious what would happen…


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Just little ol’ me

This is episode 52 and marks “one year” of episodes (although I missed a few weeks along the way). In this episode I share more on the topic of acceptance and fame.


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I dream about a simple life

As I watched a fascinating documentary about longevity, I couldn't help but begin reflecting on my own life. I often find myself longing for a simple rural life and close-knit communities.


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Can I choose gratitude? - Thanksgiving episode

Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on gratitude. In this episode, I share my experiences with and without gratitude.


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Surprisingly, I adapt to change

In this episode, I share times when I have unknowingly adapted to changes. In the process of reflecting on my experiences with change, I may have stumbled across some hope…


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When I was about 10 years old

This episode is a trip down memory lane to visit 10-year-old me. That was a particularly difficult time for me and may have significantly impacted who I am today. Trigger warning: bullying via name calling


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Drowning in a sea of me

I’m this episode I share my experiences with self-obsession. Specifically, what does that look like for me? In what ways have I been self-obsessive? What happens when I self-obsess? What does it look like now?


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The hand I was dealt

Apologies in advances for the sound of my voice in this episode; I’m recovering from a cold (my excuse for posting later than usual). In this week’s episode, I reflect on how my brain has historically internalized “failure” and my latest encounter with negative self-talk.


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Damaged car resembles me

In this episode, I share about how I relate to a damaged car: broken, imperfect, yet somehow moving forward and serving a purpose.


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Why do I have a bad case of FOMO?

My hunger for seizing every opportunity often feels overpowering, much like the main character in John Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress. i often deal with an irresistible urge to seize every opportunity which makes me forget to take out time for myself. This was an interesting episode for me as I had a clear visual image pop into my head early in the share and decided to follow it. I’ll let the listeners decide if it was worth the risk to follow a new concept while recording.


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Don’t exclude me

There have been many things I have done and not done while trying to “fit in.” In this episode, I reflect on the impact of inclusion on my life.


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Beautifully broken me

I work hard to remind myself to not only embrace my imperfections, but that through them I can be a better version of myself just as the gold-filled cracks of the Japanese tradition of Kintsugi adds to the beauty and resilience of once broken pottery. In this episode, I share a recent challenge I had with self-criticism and how I worked through it.


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I need help… (examining self-talk)

I often find myself repeating words and phrases I heard growing up, without even realizing it. In many cases, these phrases are negative self-talk. I call these the “old tapes” I play. In this episode, I reflect on some recent challenges with negative self-talk and examples of implicit bias that are hidden in my lexicon, and some ways I can work to “re-record” those internal messages. Note: I mention a book I read in my youth. Unfortunately, I cannot remember or find the name of the book.


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I am worthy to live (988 episode)

I dedicate this episode to to World Suicide Prevention Day, and share my own experiences with suicidal ideation and attempts. My aim is to remove the stigma and foster a dialogue about mental health struggles. The last time I seriously considered ending my life was in February 2007, when I finally found the courage to ask for help. As a result, I have gradually learned a new way of life, replacing self-annihilation thoughts with self-care and respect. Please help share the new suicide and crisis hotline number 988… Trigger warning: suicidal thoughts and attempts discussed


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What labor means to me…

As Labor Day nears, I find myself drawn into contemplating the essence of work and labor in my life. Join me as I share some reflections on “what labor means to me.”


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Special Note: Episode 34 “Fear drives my dysfunction…” re-recorded

This is a special note about episode 34, “Fear drives my dysfunction…” A dedicated listener (and dear friend) highlighted an issue with the audio file, leading me to learn that the original recording was a garbled mess, followed by silence. Fortunately, I was able to re-record and replace the faulty file. Sadly, the original recording is lost in the ether, but the new version should cover some of the key points and even features the same random message. If you had attempted the listen before or are intrigued by the title, I invite you to download/re-download and listen. If you’ve previously downloaded, you may need to delete the original download and refresh it with the new one.


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My survival depends on letting go…

In this episode, I share about the powerful tool of surrender as a way to find peace and accept my own imperfections…
