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Netarts Friends Church Podcast

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Netarts Friends Church in Netarts, OR is a welcoming family of ministering servants of Jesus Christ who yearn to know the heart of God and share it with others. Additional resources are available on our church website.


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Netarts Friends Church in Netarts, OR is a welcoming family of ministering servants of Jesus Christ who yearn to know the heart of God and share it with others. Additional resources are available on our church website.



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When We Come to God We Come as Far as We* Can (Luke Series Pt. 22)

Notice, there's an asterisk on the title. We come as far as we think we can come, as far as we want to come, as far as we were told we could come, as far as we are able to come. This is where all of the real story telling happens. When we come, we show up with a history, a mess, with very human problems, and with everything that makes us human: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Credits and Sources: Dale Allison Jr., Moises Silva, A.J. Swoboda, Scot McKnight, Frederick Dale Bruner, Greg Boyd, Alan Culpepper, Justo Gonzalez, Bruce Malina, Richard Rorhbaugh, Tim Geddert, Eugene Lowry, David Garland, Fred Craddock, Donald Kraybill, Martin Luther King, Josephus, Ambrose of Milan, Jelly Roll. For more information or to support this podcast visit (05/18/24)


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Prayer & Choosing (Luke Series Pt. 21)

Life is full of forks in the road and choices. We pray and we choose. Sometimes it seems crystal clear what we should do, and sometimes it doesn't. What do you do when you pray your head off, and then make a choice, you invest, you love, you risk everything; and then everything that could go wrong-does go wrong? What do you do then? What do you tell yourself? Credits & Sources: Vern Hyndman, Frederick Dale Bruner, Augustine, Josephus, Dan White, Debra Hirsh, William Steuart McBirnie, Richard Bauckham, E.J. Schnabel, Megan DeFranza, GerhardLohfink, Alan Culpepper, Joel Green, Tim Geddert, David Garland, Fred Craddock, Justo Gonzalez, Donald Kraybill, C. David Jones, Nils von Kalm. For more information or to support this podcast visit (05/04/24)


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Who Gets to Say What Scripture Means? (Luke Series Part 20)

Everyone wants their interpretation of Scripture to be THE interpretation of Scripture? It's a human tendency that is centuries, even millennia old. Who gets to interpret Scripture and actually has authority to say, "This is what this story means!" Credits and Sources: Edwin M. Yamauchi. D. Instone-Brewer, Ambrose of Milan, Mishnah, Richard Rohrbaugh,Bruce Malina, Justo Gonzalez, Greg Boyd, Fred Craddock, Alan Culpepper, Joel Green, Craig Keener, David Garland, J. Ellsworth Kalas, Brian Zahnd, Brad Jersak, Donald Kraybill, BDAG, Louw and Nida. For more information or to support this podcast visit (05/04/24)


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The Riddle of the Gardener, the Ghost, the Distant Observer, & the Foreigner???

What do a gardener, a ghost, a distant observer, and a foreigner all have in common? And what does this silly little riddle have to do with the nitty gritty of real life? In what way do we find ourselves living in this silly little riddle all the time? For more information or to support this podcast visit (04/18/24)


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Doing What Feels Inevitable...Unless... (Luke Series Pt. 19)

What do you do when things feel too far gone? When you feel blocked from what your heart is thirsting for? When it feels like the snowball has rolled to far down the wrong side of the mountain? When you are just trying to survive, cope, and self-soothe? Credits & Sources: Mark D. Baker, Eric Miller, Robert Linthicum, Sherri Nozik, Moises Silva, Louw and Nida, Brian Ross, Eugene Lowry, Alan Culpepper, N.T. Wright, Tim Geddert, Bruce Malina, Richard Rohrbaugh, Scot McKnight, Donald Kraybill, Justo Gonzalez, Greg Boyd, Fred Craddock, Tim Chester, Joel Green, BDAG. For more information or to support this podcast visit (04/18/24)


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Which Story Is the Better Story?

This Easter episode explores the different kinds of stories that people tell about what's going on in the world. Credits & Sources: Brian Ross, Justo Gonzalez, Francis Spufford, N.T. Wright, Bessl Van Der Kolk, ACE Study, OHCHR,IDMC, The World Bank, World Poverty Clock, Lisa Cron, Kenneth Tanner, Jacopo Pasotti, Elisabetta Zavoli,, International Labour Organization. For more information or to support this podcast visit (03/31/24)


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What You Believe About Suffering Changes Your Experience of Suffering

Easter mini-series Part Two. We all have blind spots. We can't conceive of anything different. This episode walks you through the ideas about suffering that the disciples of Jesus could not begin to imagine differently, and also invites you to reflect on what you believe about suffering, and how that might be impacting your experiences of suffering. Credits & Sources: Moises Silva, David Steinmetz, Brian Ross, N.T. Wright, Ellen David, Brad Jersak, Richard Hays. For more information or to support this podcast visit (03/24/24)


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Sherlock Holmes & Jesus (Easter Series Part 1)

This one includes an Easter challenge/experiment that I hope you will engage. It has been the practice that has opened many people's eyes to see Jesus, reality, Scripture, and this entire world in a whole new way. If you feel like your life story or this world's story isn't going where you wish it was going, this short series and the experiments suggested are worth your time. Credits & Sources: David C. Steinmetz, Ellen F. Davis, Richard Hays, Matt Vincent, Tim Chester, Carlos A. Rodriguez, Alan Culpepper, Robert Karris, Richard Rohrbaugh, Bruce Malina, Donald Kraybill. For more information or to support this podcast visit (03/17/24)


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Meaning Well, but Making a Complete Mess (Luke Series Pt. 18)

Have you ever done something with the very best of intentions, but most people think you made a complete mess? Part of the human experience is feeling misunderstood and misinterpreted. Like nobody really gets you. If you have a friend who's super intelligent, but they can't interpret you, how deep can that friendship go? We all long for someone who interprets us, and can see what's under the surface, our deeper intent, our true meaning. We long for relationships that run deeper than data. We long for someone to interpret us. Credits & Sources: Nijay Gupta, N.T. Wright, Leonard Sweet, Craig Keener, David Garland, Eugene Peterson, Fred Craddock, Joel Green, Justo Gonzalez, Tim Geddert, Alan Culpepper, Brian Zahnd, Johannes Louw, Eugene Nida, Brad Jersak, Moises Silva, Mark Baker, Greg Boyd. For more information or to support this podcast visit (02/25/24)


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"Lepers" in My Neighborhood??? (Luke Series Pt. 17)

This episode explores many dimensions of the experience of ancient lepers. It also explores the ways that we think of "lepers" similarly to how we think of "leopards" or other zoo animals (as something exotic, endangered, or extinct) rather than thinking of them as the kind of person we will probably see every day of the week. In what way does this way of seeing the Gospels and the world cause the teaching of Jesus not to gain the traction it is meant to have in our lives? Credits & Sources: Alan Culpepper, Tim Geddert, Justo Gonzalez, Bruce Malina, Richard Rohrbaugh, Joel Green, Fred Craddock, David Garland, Darrell Bock, Leonard Sweet, Ben Witherington, Mark Strauss, Frederick Dale Bruner, Moises Silva, Donald Kraybill, Nicole McNichols, Greg Boyd, David DeSilva. For more information or to support this podcast visit (02/18/24)


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Jesus says, "Follow Me." We say, "What do you mean?" (Luke Series Pt. 16)

This isn't only Simon Peter's story. Your story is wrapped up in this story. Over and over in a hundred different ways the Spirit of Jesus beckons you: "Follow me." What does this mean to you? This episode isn't meant to "tell you what to do." It is intended to help you find your place in this story and listen to Jesus calling you to follow him today. Whatever happens next is up to you. Credits & Sources: Gerhard Lohfink, Scot McKnight, Moises Silva, C.S. Lewis, Leonard Sweet, Brian Ross, Bill Wilson, Tim Geddert, Justo Gonzalez, Richard Rohr, Thomas Merton, Craig Keener, David Garland, Kenneth Bailey, Alan Culpepper, Joel Green, Anthony Blair. For more information or to support this podcast visit (02/11/24)


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Escape Reality or Control Reality??? (Luke Series Pt. 15)

We all assess threats. We all have a limbic system. We all struggle to regulate our emotions and our bodies at times. We move into attempts to escape reality, or control reality. Either way we chose, the farther we go into these tendencies, the more our life happens at the expense of others. What way does Jesus show us out of this vicious cycle? Credits & Sources: Kenneth Tanner, Leonard Sweet, Tim Jennings, Robert Fryling, David Garland, Louw and Nida, Tim Geddert, Alan Culpepper, Joel Green, Craig Keener, Scot McKnight, Nicole Specter, Ashley Olivine, and Brian Zahnd. For more information or to support this podcast visit (02/04/24)


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When You Can’t Find the Help That You Need in Yourself (Luke Series Pt. 14)

Our world can explain almost anything. It doesn't matter whether you are wrestling with an addiction, a parenting struggle, financial struggle, weight loss, relationship struggle, or something else; you hear in a million different sound bites every day that whatever help you need can be found in yourself. "Just access these tools. You just need this information." Information is so important, and so necessary and good.....AND... sometimes we still don't find the help we need. What then? Credits & Sources: Alan Culpepper, Tim Geddert, Craig Keener, Bruce Malina, Richard Rohrbaugh, Bill Wilson, Justo Gonzalez, Thomas Merton, Mark Baker, Joel Green, Christian Miller, David Garland, Brian Ross, Brad Jersak, Richard Rohr, Brian Zahnd, Gordon Fee, Paul Eddy, and James Beiby. For more information or to support this podcast visit (01/21/24)


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Apologies You Need but Might Not Ever Receive (Luke Series Pt. 13)

If you could receive a heartfelt apology, an expression of genuine remorse, and real efforts to repair the situation from anyone; who would you choose? What happens when you long for that apology, but there is no apology? How do you cope, and does it help? Credits and Sources: Brian Zahnd, Brennan Manning, Jean Anouih, R.B. Chisholm Jr., Joel Green, Craig Keener, John Delahouse, Alan Culpepper, Tim Geddert, Justo Gonzalez, Bruce Malina, Richard Rohrbaugh, Darrell Bock, Kenneth Bailey, Greg Boyd, Kate Murphy, Mario Gollwitzer, Milena Meder, Manfred Schmitt, Kevin Carlsmith,Timothy Wilson, Daniel T. Gilbert. For more information or to support this podcast visit (01/07/24)


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The Illusion of Security Is What Makes You the Most Gullible (Luke Series Pt. 12)

Nobody wants to think of themselves as gullible. But what if the most difficult temptation to face and often the most destructive, is the temptation that you don't recognize as a temptation at all? This episode explores the final temptation of Jesus in the wilderness, and how we encounter aspects of this same temptation in everyday life. Credits & Sources: Donald Kraybill, Tim Geddert, Alan Culpepper, David Garland, Craig Keener, Joel Green, Justo Gonzalez, Darrell Bock, Frederick Dale Bruner, Henri Nouwen, N.T. Wright. Music Credits: Tyler Chester, Michael Gungor. For more information or to support this podcast visit (12/17/23)


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Wishing You Could Change People (Luke Series Pt. 11)

What if there was a magic button you could push and suddenly people saw things your way? Everyone has people they wish they could change. Their goals for change can be "oh so good" and they fail to even realize that their method of pursuing those good goals is "oh so diabolical." This is the temptation on the mountain that Jesus encountered and rejected. Credits & Sources: William R. Herzog II, Gerhard Lenski, Marva Dawn, Philip Zimbardo, Josh Schneider, Ed Grabianowski, Saul Mcleod, Robert Sutton, Greg Boyd, Vicki Haddock, Jonathan Becker, Deborah Gruenfeld, David Fitch, Donald Kraybill, Richard Beck, Tim Geddert, N.T. Wright, David Garland, Justo Gonzalez, Lee Camp, Allan R. Bevere, Dacher Keltner, G. Ward. For more information or to support this podcast visit (12/10/23)


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Testing, Temptation, Or Natural Causes? (Luke Series Pt. 10)

Life is full of difficult, bizarre, and dark experiences and we wonder, "Is God testing me? Is this a temptation or dark attack? Or is this just all happening because of natural causes?" This episode explores your experience, and Jesus' experience of all three of these. Credits & Sources: Ilene Strauss Cohen, Marva Dawn, William Stringfellow, N.T. Wright, Greg Boyd, Joel Green, Alan Culpepper, Tim Geddert, Justo Gonzalez, Darrell Bock, David Garland, Henry Louis Gates Jr. For more information or to support this podcast visit (12/3/23)


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The Question Underneath Every Identity Question (Luke Series Pt. 9)

This episode asks how Jesus was able to endure the amount of rejection he endured while staying true to his sense of identity. It explores what happens to our sense of identity when we experience rejection. Underneath every identity question there is another question that every person is ultimately trying to find the answer to. Listen to explore further. Credits & Sources: Sanjana Gupta, Henri Nouwen, James Bryan Smith, Alan Culpepper, Tim Geddert, Joel Green, David Garland. For more information or to support this podcast visit (11/19/23)


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Rethinking Your Entitlement (Luke Series Part 8)

Nobody wants to admit that they might be entitled. But how good are we at recognizing when we are thinking or acting in entitled ways? This episode explores the ways we might not be aware of our own entitlement. It traces ancient paths of staying open to God and not giving entitlement a place to root in our hearts. Credits and Sources: Aine Doris, Stephane Stéphane Côté, Jennifer E. Stellar, Robb Willer, Rachel C. Forbes, Sean R. Martin, Emily C. Bianchi, Elizabeth Renter, Devon Frye, Arlin Cuncic, David Susman, Tim Geddert, Justo Gonzalez, Joel Green, J. Rowling, Craig Keener, Richard Rohrbaugh, Bruce Malina, Alan Culpepper, Briah Zahnd, Mark Baker, David Garland, Eric Miller, N.T. Wright, Dan Brennan, Geralidine K. Piorkowski, G.M. Fisk, J.B. Grubbs, J.J. Exline. For more information or to support this podcast visit (11/4/23)


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Missing Person: Jesus (Luke Series Pt. 7)

What happens when you are doing your routine, doing the same old, same old but you come to a dawning realization: somehow you have lost touch with the sacred, with the Divine, with your Creator? You've lost Jesus. How do you regain connection, restart, rekindle? Credits & Sources: Eldon Fry, Scot McKnight, Brian Zahnd, Thomas Kelly, Elizabeth Barret Browning, Justo Gonzalez, Tim Geddert, David Garland, N.T. Wright, Joel Green, Alan Culpepper, Darrell Bock, Richard Rohrbaugh, Bruce Malina, Shira Gabriel, Jill Suttie, Saul Levine, Nell Irvin Painter. For more information or to support this podcast visit (10/22/23)
