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NWM Assemblies of God

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Created with women pastors, ministry leaders, and future ministers in mind, the NWM Podcast is designed with leadership competencies that can be directly applied at every level of ministerial leadership.


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Created with women pastors, ministry leaders, and future ministers in mind, the NWM Podcast is designed with leadership competencies that can be directly applied at every level of ministerial leadership.



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Grow Together 508: College Edition (feat. SEU)

Join Rev. Linsey Croston from Southeastern University (SEU) as she discusses the theme "restore" with two alumni and one current student: Hope, Callie, and Karissa. Their conversation is timely for the back-to-school season. Grab a notebook and enjoy the conversation.


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NWM Grow Together 507: College Edition (feat. Trinity Bible College and Graduate School)

Grow Together 507, College Edition (feat. Trinity Bible College and Graduate School) In this episode, Rev. Savanna Emmanuel interviews two incredible female students called to vocational ministry, Brooklynn Hendrickson and Alcista Dion, to explore what restoring looks like in their season of life. Enjoy another fresh look into God's divine call and work among His daughters at our AG school!


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NWM Grow Together 506: College Edition (feat. North Central University)

Join Kristie Kerr, NWM rep on campus as she conversates with two incredible students called to vocational ministry: Kaylie Crabtree & Skylar Schroeder around the theme of "restore." Take a listen, like, and share!


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NWM Grow Together 505: College Edition (feat. NorthPoint)

🧡NWM Grow Together 505: College Edition (feat. NorthPoint) 🧡NorthPoint University and Seminary is a featured Assemblies of God college of the month! Join Rev. Monica Hall, NWM Rep, as she discusses how to cultivate our call to vocational ministry with an amazing student, Zoe Noah, who's called to vocational ministry!


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NWM Grow Together 504: College Edition (feat. UVF)

đź’šGrow Together Campus Edition: University of Valley Forgeđź’š Join Carrie Brooks, NWM rep at UVF, as she chats with two amazing students called to ministry around the theme of CULTIVATE!


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NWM Grow Together 503: College Edition (feat. Northwest University)

🩵NWM College Edition: Northwest University🩵Join Jamie Shores, a campus pastor at Northwest, as she has an important conversation around the theme of CULTIVATE with two female students called to vocational ministry: Tobi Guisinger and Mia Gamez!!


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NWM Grow Together 502: College Edition (feat. SAGU)

đź’śNWM Campus Edition: SAGUđź’ś This month, we are visiting Southwestern Assemblies of God University in Waxahachie, TX. Join Rev. Rennae deFreitas, Director of World Ministries, as she interviews two amazing students, Chloe and Alejandra, to explore their stories of "taking risks" as a beauty queen and a child of an immigrant parent. Comment below and share what you learned from these wise young women called to vocational ministry.


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NWM Grow Together 501: College Edition (feat. Trinity Bible College and Graduate School)

Being in college brings unique opportunities, joys, and challenges as part of transitioning into adulthood. How would young college women take calculated risks to juggle their busy lives while remaining true to their vocational call to ministry? Take a listen as Mariah and Maddie share their journeys with us!


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NWM Grow Together 412: Season 5 College Edition Sneak-peek

✨Why should we listen to & invest in young women called to vocational ministry?✨ Join Anna McGuire as she unpacks the why and introduces some of the NWM reps in the Assemblies of God colleges and universities that will be part of Season 5 Grow Together podcasts! Six AG schools will be represented in 2024, and four of them are revealed today! Can you take a guess which other two might be?


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NWM Grow Together 411 - Pivot, Persevere, or Stop

In ministry, there can come a time when we need to understand if we are to pivot, persevere, or stop. Leading this challenging conversation is our guest host, Mary Lyons Brown, who is the Pioneer Director at Clark Atlanta University with Chi Alpha Campus Ministries. She is joined with two guest: Dionne Lester, Lead Pastor at Glad Tidings Church in Columbus, Georgia, and Kelly Delp, Discipleship Pastor at Evangel Kelowna in Canada.


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NWM - Grow Together 409 - Knowing When To Pivot, Persevere, or Stop

In ministry, there can come a time when we need to understand if we should pivot, persevere, or stop. Leading this challenging conversation is our guest host, Mary Lyons Brown, who is the Pioneering Director at Clark Atlanta University with Chi Alpha Campus Ministries. She is joined with two guests: Dionne Lester, Lead Pastor at Glad Tidings Church in Columbus, Georgia, and Kelly Delp, Discipleship Pastor at Evangel Kelowna in Canada.


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NWM Grow Together 408 - Navigating Grief While Serving in Ministry

If you’ve been in ministry for any amount of time, you’ve experienced walking with people through grief and loss, and if you’re human…more than likely you’ve experienced grief and loss firsthand. How do we navigate through our own grief while still stewarding the ministry well? That’s the question Anna and her guests tackle today. Listen in to hear their amazing stories and heartfelt discussion on today’s episode of the Grow Together NWM Podcast. Featuring: Angelia Carpenter Lexa Pope Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @ag.nwm or visit our website nwm.ag.org


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NWM Grow Together 407 - Raising Up New Leaders in Ministry

As we continue in our calling, we need to look ahead for future leaders in ministry. Jesus worked with a small group of men over the course of three short years, and yet they went on to change the world for generations! Today, Mary Brown leads this conversation with her guests as they discuss some practical ways to raise up new leaders in ministry, and some of the challenges they’ve met along the way. Grab a pen and get ready to take notes—and leave a comment below with your favorite tips! Featuring: Kelsy Chalko-Mique Kayla Countryman Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @ag.nwm or visit our website nwm.ag.org


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NWM Grow Together 406 - Thriving Through Stretching Seasons

In today’s episode, Letty Garcia and her guests discuss what it looks like to thrive through life and ministry in the midst of leadership growth, learning curves, and being busy to the point of being overwhelmed. How do we know the difference between a season when God is challenging us to grow and seasons when we’re doing too much? Grab a coffee and join the conversation in the comments below! Featuring: George & Rocio Carballo Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @agwomenministers or visit our website womenministers.ag.org


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NWM Grow Together 404 - Overcoming a Savior Complex

We’ve all been there: struggling to do more because we somehow feel selfish if we don’t. On today’s episode of Grow Together, Mary Brown and her guests discuss the trap of doing ministry alone and how to overcome having “Savior Complex”. Share this with a friend and listen in on this conversation together! Featuring: Sir James Offord | @pvchialpha Shannon Arreola | @sharreola Special Shoutout to Bria Johnson! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @agwomenministers or visit our website womenministers.ag.org


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NWM Better Together 103 - Removing Barriers for Women in Ministry

We believe the image of God is best reflected, and the Church of Jesus Christ is healthiest, when both men and women are empowered to fulfill their calling at every level of ministerial leadership. NWM Better Together aims to bring men and women to the table for conversations about ministry and leadership. Saehee Duran kicks off this new season with a four-part series on becoming a male champion, airing on the 4th Tuesday of every month. In the spring, Crystal Martin will join the host chair and invite guests for a roundtable conversation. Share this episode with your male and female ministry colleagues, and subscribe to join us on this journey! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @agwomenministers or visit our website womenministers.ag.org


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NWM Grow Together 403 - Business as Mission

This month on Grow Together, we dive into marketplace ministry! How do you navigate a co-vocational calling, balance it well, and shine a light outside of the four walls of the church? Join Anna McGuire and her guest for today’s conversation, and tag a friend who could use some practical wisdom! Featuring: Ben Peters Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @agwomenministers or visit our website womenministers.ag.org


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NWM Better Together 102 - Combatting the Stereotypes of Women in Ministry

We believe the image of God is best reflected, and the Church of Jesus Christ is healthiest, when both men and women are empowered to fulfill their calling at every level of ministerial leadership. NWM Better Together aims to bring men and women to the table for conversations about ministry and leadership. Saehee Duran kicks off this new season with a four-part series on becoming a male champion, airing on the 4th Tuesday of every month. In the spring, Crystal Martin will join the host chair and invite guests for a roundtable conversation. Share this episode with your male and female ministry colleagues, and subscribe to join us on this journey! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @agwomenministers or visit our website womenministers.ag.org


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NWM Grow Together 402 - Self Sabotage

In today’s episode Letty Garcia and her guests talk about one thing that really gets in the way of following the call to ministry: self sabotage. They discuss what it is, how it sneaks in to prevent us from moving forward, and how we can stop it. If this resonates with you, like, subscribe, and share it with a friend! Featuring: Jose Portillo Char Blair Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @agwomenministers or visit our website womenministers.ag.org


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NWM Better Together 101 - Becoming a Male Champion

We believe the image of God is best reflected, and the Church of Jesus Christ is healthiest, when both men and women are empowered to fulfill their calling at every level of ministerial leadership. NWM Better Together aims to bring men and women to the table for conversations about ministry and leadership. Saehee Duran kicks off this new season with a four-part series on becoming a male champion, airing on the 4th Tuesday of every month. In the spring, Crystal Martin will join the host chair and invite guests for a roundtable conversation. Share this episode with your male and female ministry colleagues, and subscribe to join us on this journey! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @agwomenministers or visit our website womenministers.ag.org
