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Nourishing the Feminine Soul

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Pamela Wasabi, author and coach on the psychology of eating, invites us to tune in to her show Nourishing the Feminine Soul. Her radio show is an invitation to understand relationships with self, others, and food from the archetype of the Wild Woman. The show offers solutions we can apply to live a more purposeful and radiant life by unveiling the power of our Divine Feminine. We will expand on themes such as wellness, the psychology of eating and food, relationship with self and the constant dance between our internal feminine and masculine energies. The radio show addresses food issues and eating disorders but also embraces themes of self-love and urges a radical sense of self-responsibility. Join us every Wednesday at 8 AM Pacific Time/11 AM Eastern Time on the VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness Channel.


United States


Pamela Wasabi, author and coach on the psychology of eating, invites us to tune in to her show Nourishing the Feminine Soul. Her radio show is an invitation to understand relationships with self, others, and food from the archetype of the Wild Woman. The show offers solutions we can apply to live a more purposeful and radiant life by unveiling the power of our Divine Feminine. We will expand on themes such as wellness, the psychology of eating and food, relationship with self and the constant dance between our internal feminine and masculine energies. The radio show addresses food issues and eating disorders but also embraces themes of self-love and urges a radical sense of self-responsibility. Join us every Wednesday at 8 AM Pacific Time/11 AM Eastern Time on the VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness Channel.



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Feminine Energy with Male Corona

Returning to the Wild Woman is an immediate call. We must return to our feminine energy, to our mother energy. That energy that is best understood as the creator energy of all things. Why? Because when we can see ourselves from the inside out life looks different. Life might not make sense, but we are taking a courageous step to listen to our soul calling, our purpose -- and we are being kind, and loving ourselves unconditionally. Once we return to our creative energy we can make the impossible happen. We can lead the life we choose, we can safely fall back into a web spun by our own happiness. Our Divine Feminine holds the key to our liberation. Let's discuss this and more with Divine Energies mastery, Male Corona.


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Changing Perspectives with Daci Iglesias

Daci, a reiki master and tarot reader, and I have more in common than just the ability to read the cards. We both have dealt with thyroid issues in the past; in actuality, we both have our thyroid issues to thank for shifting our perspective about life and how we deal with deeper emotions and past trauma. In this last episode of the year, we discuss thyroid issues, their energetic component, and we also play around with our cards and take a turn at revisiting what 2020 was, and what the perspective should be to receive 2021 according to our Oracle and Tarot decks.


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Sacred Medicine with Patti Gallo

How intricately connected are the mind and body! Everything changes when we understand we are energy channeled through physical bodies; resources for guidance and nourishment fall from the skies. We become aware of our interconnectedness with Nature and its wisdom. We go one step deeper and open up to the understanding that interconnectedness is due to the fact that we are that same wisdom. On our next show, I'm sitting down with Patricia Gallo, integrative holistic and bioenergetic practitioner, to discuss sacred medicine, movement, energy, and the process of purification.


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Mother Wisdom with Eleni Skrekou

Mother wisdom can be understood as unconditional love. Love like this comes built-in, in our mechanism for existing. It's part of our soul substance, of our human make-up, of our innate nature. Nature is around us and within us, and it’s always teaching us. Life, and nature, teaches us about the archetype of the Mother, whose message is: to honor life, respect our visceral body and the home that houses us, and to love unconditionally. I'm extremely excited to have Eleni Skrekou on my next radio show. She's a health coach specializing in merging psychology, medicine, neuroscience, new physics, quantum biophysics and archaeology to honor the most fragile and wonderful state of life. She also uses empirical data, spiritual teachings, and intuition in her work, which focuses on the importance of discovering life's teaching principles by studying life within the womb.


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Intuition: Your Superpower with Alex Anzalone

Probably the most powerful tool that we all have access to is our intuition. A tool so powerful that heals, strengthens and hones our best qualities. It also can help us discern and deviate from oppressing forces. Intuition is a superpower, our best friend, our cheerleader, our Wild Woman. One cannot talk about success and not bring up that little voice inside of us that guides us through the way. One cannot talk about happiness without mentioning being loyal to that best friend of ours. Intuition might be a silent voice that speaks louder than words, or it can be an invisible picture, however it is that you connect with it, one cannot deny that it exists. Join me, and author Alex Anzalone, as we discuss her methods and books to help her clients and readers connect through gemstones with our magical and human superpower.


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Self-Compassion with Brianna Rose

The Wild Woman will initiate her arrival into one's life the moment we decide to surrender to our circumstances. It takes self-compassion to transform our perspective. Sometimes, that is all it takes: understanding not all has been learned, that we must also unlearn, and always walk holding our own hand. In this episode, Pamela Wasabi sits with Brianna Rose, mental health counselor, to discuss healing, mind-and-body connection, dealing with stress, and the alternative roads we can take to become our true best friend. Having this type of relationship with oneself is the true embodiment of the Wild Woman archetype, thus, living the life you want!


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Returning to the Wild Woman

Pamela Wasabi invites life coach Isabelle Loeb once again to her show to take a deep dive into the conversation where they left off on their previous episode, Speaking your Voice. In this deep dive, they discuss extreme cases of self-abuse, perfectionism, and the amnesia of the feminine soul as it manifests through cases of eating disorders and depression. They share their pain and trauma, but also the strength and curiosity that aligned their paths into one of healing and empowerment.


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Finding Purpose with Daniela Garcia

No life is fulfilled by living in somebody else's shoes. Happiness cannot be savored when our dreams and desires remain unclaimed. There is a mystical quality to who we are and seeking our purpose. When a person finds their purpose, they shine, vibrate—they make a difference. Everyone has a unique purpose in this world, it's part of our webbed existence, but it definitely takes embracing ourselves radically, removing the dirty shoes, and stepping into our power. Let's chat with Daniela Garcia, a holistic life coach, better known as the Joy Alchemist, to learn from her guidance and 25 years of experience.


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Divine Energies with Male Corona

How important it is to understand that life is dance! Our bodies; our existence is composed of two complementary forces that need to be dancing, syncing, balancing each other, and playing at all times. That force is best known as energy expressed through our masculinity and femininity. On this upcoming episode, I sit with Male Corona, mentor, and speaker at Male Wholeness to discuss the light, the dark and the Divine of the masculine and the feminine. These Divine Energies help us develop our emotional intelligence and claim our own divine path in this world.


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Nourishment with Valentina Cordero

Eating is a fundamental part of our lives. It involves celebrations, festivities, happy moments and not-so-happy ones. Eating is transmitted culturally. Eating also is a reflection of how we see ourselves. Food becomes a part of who we are. Whatever food we put into our bodies becomes information that can nourish us or destroy us. Food can transform us. Let's discuss food, and our understanding of it, with vegan chef and acclaimed pastry expert Valentina Cordero.


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Understanding Wholeness with Tara Mixon

Food, collectively speaking, is a symbol of love. We often turn to food to fill emotional vacuums that require our attention. Sometimes, feeling empty prevails. Facing the everyday thinking that you are not enough, or not lovable, or alone can wreak havoc on our existential stability. We unconsciously seek to fill that void at any cost. We will try to attach ourselves to concepts that we can touch and see and quantify, like food, in order to proclaim an ounce of sanity. So, we binge or overeat. But what if food issues and eating disorders are doorways to a higher calling? In this next episode, I sit down with Tara Mixon, a food freedom health coach who believes the only way we truly heal is from the inside out.


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Speaking your Voice with Isabelle Loeb

Inviting the Wild Woman archetype into your life might be one of the hardest decisions you can make for yourself. Embodying her presence, speaking her voice, and loving yourself irrevocably is one of the toughest challenges in life. It requires unlearning the conditioned mentality you have been exposed to and it pushes you to dig deep into your soul to find and speak your truth. In our next episode, life coach, bulimia, and anorexia survivor, Isabelle Loeb, will share her path, her recovery journey, and how she claimed back her very own Wild Woman.


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Sacred Sexuality with Michelle Alva

Sexuality is a theme that suffers the judgment of the western mind. We turn shy, angry, secretively happy, or cocky according to our understanding of this subject. But what if sexuality could be understood as a Divine Feminine attribute, and key for our liberation, abundance, and financial success? In our next episode, our guest, sexuality coach, healer, and therapist Michelle Alva will expand on Sacred Sexuality as a necessity to embrace who we are and how we show up in life!


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Gratitude with Rebecca Eseinmann

In this opening episode, Pamela Wasabi takes us through her healing journey. This conversation is a trip back to her first love affair with food and the beginning stages of leading a healthy lifestyle. She discusses what changes occurred on her plate and in every aspect of her life. Guest, author, and leader in holistic living, Rebecca Eseinmann, joins her to discuss the key Divine Feminine element for transformation: Gratitude.
