Religion & Spirituality Podcas

A podcast that goes beyond Sunday Morning Church. Led by Pastor Ron Vietti, Pastor Tom Touchstone, Josh Vietti, and Vince Sierra.


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A podcast that goes beyond Sunday Morning Church. Led by Pastor Ron Vietti, Pastor Tom Touchstone, Josh Vietti, and Vince Sierra.



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We are taking a break from Off The Mountain Podcast. There are seasons when you feel like you need to just pull back and rest. The ministry that all three of us work in can be very demanding and time-consuming. There are so many needs and not enough hours sometimes to get it all done. We hope you understand our need to take a break for at least 10-12 weeks. We will miss you guys and will give you an update in August. Until then maybe you can catch up on some of the old podcasts. Blessings!


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The Value of Honesty

Sometimes not being completely truthful can become a bad habit in people's lives. It can creep in over a period of time. Honesty is a virtue that we need to value. In this podcast, we will discuss some of the benefits of honesty in our lives.


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Have We Found The Ancient Ark of the Covenant?

Ron Wyatt says that he found the Ark of the Covenant near Jeremiah’s Cave, and he found remnants of the blood of Jesus with 24 chromosomes on the mercy seat. Is it all a lie? Is it even possible? We will talk about this and more on today’s podcast.


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Living Under the Bondage of Expectations

We live in a world today where sometimes we have to cope with various expectations from others and even ourselves. There can be some value in this as long as it doesn’t turn into bondage. Today, we are talking about the pressure of unhealthy expectations.


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Preparing for the Future

Sometimes, we are tempted to live our lives in the now. In this podcast, we will challenge our listeners to reevaluate the different areas of their lives with the long view in mind.


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The Importance of Vulnerability and Transparency

In our culture today, many people are apprehensive or intimidated to be vulnerable or transparent. Once they see that there are times when the value of that outweighs the cost, they might have a change of mind. In this podcast, we will look at some of the positive aspects of vulnerability and transparency.


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Let's Talk About Freedom of Speech, Gun Rights, and Mental Health

In this podcast, we move through three topics on our minds. We opened up the microphones and started talking as if we were on a road trip. Join us as we again share our opinions on subjects we have strong convictions about.


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What's Worth Fighting For In Life

Life is busy. We don't have time to do everything. If we get too busy and start expending energy on things God has not called us to do, we will soon burn out, and the significant things will get ignored. In this podcast, we will be challenged to re-examine our priorities in life.


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Super Bowl “He Gets Us” Advertisement.”

Sometimes, we need to think more about how we communicate the gospel to a non-believing world. While we share our opinions concerning the commercial in this podcast, we must also keep in mind that although the message conveyed may be a little convoluted, God can still use it.


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How to Deal With a Complaining Spirit

Becoming a chronic complainer is a bad habit that can affect your life in many ways. It can distort how you see life and even cause people not to enjoy being around you. Why do we complain so much? Maybe it’s time to take a fresh look at this destructive habit.


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RFI’S and Spirits

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Are demons real, and are they active in the world today? If they were active in biblical days, where did they go after the completion of the Bible? In this podcast, we will talk about the need to acknowledge their existence and be prepared to limit their potential damage in our lives.


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Choosing To Be Healthy Pt.2

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Choosing To Be Healthy

Having a healthy life is a choice everyone has to make. Many small, good choices make a massive difference in a person's quality of life. So many people wait until they are diagnosed with a major illness before they give much consideration to making changes in the way they live. In this podcast, we will give you many healthy things to consider.


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The Season of Giving and Receiving

It is the season for us to both give and receive. Most people give but never really think about their reason for giving. Others struggle with receiving and never consider the reason why. In this podcast, we will explore some of the reasons behind our giving and receiving.


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Angels Among Us?

It’s difficult to believe in things that we cannot see with our physical eyes. We cannot see the wind, but we know it exists because we see its effects. The Bible speaks of Angels in such a normal way as if it should be common knowledge that they exist. In this podcast, we will share our thoughts about Angels.


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The idea of Heaven is a hard thing to wrap our minds around. We have nothing to relate it to. Our belief in Heaven should radically affect almost every area of our life. Knowing that we are only visitors on the earth for a short time and our real home is in Heaven will give us peace in times of turmoil and pain. To know that the death of our loved ones does not have to be a permanent separation is one of the greatest blessings in our lives. In this podcast, we will discuss issues pertaining to the afterlife.


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New Chapters

There will come occasions in our lives when it may be best for us to close old chapters and open new ones. These are the seasons in life when we feel stuck and need a change. In this podcast, we will discuss some of the details that go into those decisions.


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Thanksgiving Special

In this podcast, we will talk about the “why” behind giving thanks. When we see life through the right lens, thankfulness should become an organic quality in our lives. We should live as thankful people.


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That's What Works For Me

There are things in life that we do and put our faith in that work for us but not for others. Some people expect everyone in society to be like them, believe like them, and have the same convictions. Now, this can apply to both physical habits as well as spiritual beliefs. Way too often, we fail to "agree to disagree" and let others have their own convictions in relation to things that are outside of established moral values.
