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Rabbi E in 3

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Get ready for a short burst of Jewish wisdom! My name is Rabbi Yosef Edelstein ("Rabbi E" for short), and I have been a Jewish educator for many years. I share insights from Jewish sources that help can help us become better people (and Jews) in our daily lives. I grew up the son of two doctors, and while I didn't choose that path professionally, I do hope that these short episodes (from 3 to 8 minutes roughly) will administer a safe and powerful dose of "spiritual medicine," in a friendly and casual way! Currently, I am the Director of MEOR DC, that brings Jewish inspiration to university campuses in the nation's capital. (Check out the MEOR DC Facebook and Instagram page.) You can be in touch with me at yosef.edelstein@gmail.com, or through Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/rabbi.edelstein, or Instagram: https://instagram.com/rabbiedelstein or https://instagram.com/rabbiein3. You can also connect with me via MEOR DC, the organization I direct DC: https://www.facebook.com/MEORDC and www.meordconline.org.


United States


Get ready for a short burst of Jewish wisdom! My name is Rabbi Yosef Edelstein ("Rabbi E" for short), and I have been a Jewish educator for many years. I share insights from Jewish sources that help can help us become better people (and Jews) in our daily lives. I grew up the son of two doctors, and while I didn't choose that path professionally, I do hope that these short episodes (from 3 to 8 minutes roughly) will administer a safe and powerful dose of "spiritual medicine," in a friendly and casual way! Currently, I am the Director of MEOR DC, that brings Jewish inspiration to university campuses in the nation's capital. (Check out the MEOR DC Facebook and Instagram page.) You can be in touch with me at yosef.edelstein@gmail.com, or through Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/rabbi.edelstein, or Instagram: https://instagram.com/rabbiedelstein or https://instagram.com/rabbiein3. You can also connect with me via MEOR DC, the organization I direct DC: https://www.facebook.com/MEORDC and www.meordconline.org.





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Our Journeys are Spiritual!

We go on lots of journeys in this world--small and big, to the mountains and to the beach...and sometime to far-off lands. But we learn from this week's Torah portion, Massei, which describes the Jewish people traveling and encamping in the Sinai desert--that the true purpose of all the journeys that Hashem leads us on in our lifetimes (and He IS leading us) is spiritual: to serve G-d, wherever and however we are--battling our negative traits, and expressing our positive ones, to elevate ourselves and all of Creation!


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Focusing on the...NEGATIVE!? The (POSITIVE) Goal of the "Three Weeks!"

Today is a fast day, the 17th of Tammuz, and it ushers in a period of sadness in the Jewish calendar year, culminating in the Fast of the 9th of Av (Tisha b'Av)--the day on which both Temples were destroyed (not to mention other calamities). Is this about wallowing in the sufferings of the past? No, rather, we are truthfully acknowledging that the world is NOT where we want it to be, and coming to terms with how we Jewish people-chiefly through the transgression of sinat chinam (baseless hatred)--brought about the destruction of the Second Temple! In these three weeks, we mourn the dimming of that divine light in the world...so we can LONG for its return, and take personal responsibility to lead better and more righteous lives that will bring that about.


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We are INTERCONNECTED: Lesson from the Canada Smoke!

There is much to learn from the disruptive effects of the Canadian wildfires on the lives of people (including me, Rabbi E) hundreds and thousands of miles away. One main lesson is that we are profoundly interconnected on a physical (and environmental) level. But Judaism teaches that we are SPIRITUALLY interconnected as well. Every good deed we do (or word we say) helps to create a purer, more illuminated and holy spiritual "atmosphere" throughout all of Creation! And the opposite, G-d forbid, is true as well: the negative and hurtful deeds we do (or words we say) create--as it were--a foul, light-blocking SMOKE that negatively affects all of Creation, reducing the spiritual light that G-d intends for us to bring into this world...and polluting the atmosphere for everyone. Let's try to make wise and good choices, and choose mitzvot and deeds/words of righteousness and kindness, so that we all can breathe better!


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Shavuos: Celebrating THE PURPOSE OF LIFE!!

Is there a Jewish holiday that celebrates the very PURPOSE of existence? I'm glad you asked...The answer is YES. (And it begins in a few hours.) Shavuos, the time of the giving of the Torah. We Jewish people relive the awesome and utterly unique event of the Revelation at Mt. Sinai. Our entire nation was elevated to a level of prophecy, hearing the 10 Commandments directly from Hashem (or at least the first two--that's a discussion), and perceiving with absolute clarity that Hashem is the One and Only true Being, source and sustainer of all existence. AND author of the holy Torah, which He lovingly GAVE to us in order to instruct us on how to elevate ourselves and all of Creation...and connect it back to Him. "For the sake of the Torah, Hashem created the heavens and the earth." Yes, indeed, Shavuos celebrates the true PURPOSE of Jewish existence...and of all Creation. SO, get your cheesecake ready and enjoy this somewhat RAW and loose episode of Rabbi E in 3, recorded live in the Great Outdoors--though not in the Wilderness of Sinai! (Note: the custom to eat dairy foods on Shavuos has many beautiful ideas associated with it, some discussed in this episode, including that Torah is the quintessential nourishment for our souls, to keep them growing and glowing...just as mother's milk does for our young bodies.)


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4 Days Until REVELATION! (Shavuos Prep, Part 2)

Shavuos is the most underappreciated Jewish holiday, for sure. It's even completely unknown to many Jewish people. TUNE IN to Rabbi E in 3, as we make the final countdown (or count up) to the festival of the giving of the Torah...the (national) Revelation at Mt. Sinai.


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10 Days and Counting!! (Shavuos Prep, Part 1)

Shalom, everybody. Are you READY to GET READY for what is arguably the most important Jewish (holi)day in the Jewish calendar? It's 10 days from now...that's right...and it's the Jewish holiday you might never have even heard of (I didn't as a kid), or perhaps only have some vague idea about....But it's the holiday that really defines who we are as a Jewish people. We have 10 days to get ready for SHAVUOS: the holiday when we re-experience receiving the Torah at Mt Sinai, the day when we collectively as a nation heard Hashem utter the 10 Commandments. Pesach is the festival of our national LIBERATION, but SHAVUOS--the true culmination of the Exodus--is the holiday of REVELATION. So here'smy idea: let's get ready TOGETHER for this incredible holiday! Stay tuned for some more podcast episodes from me, Rabbi E, that I hope can help inspire us TOGETHER to prepare for this unbelievable (and unsung) Jewish festival.


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Why So Many RULES on the Night of our FREEDOM?? (Happy Pesach!)

We have more rules on Seder night than any other night of the year. Is that "freedom?" Absolutely. Tune in as we discuss the deeper meaning of the freedom Hashem granted us when He took us out of Egypt more than 3300 years ago...and allowed us to become His servants


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A New Start, and a New Season!

I'm Rabbi E, and I have not put out a podcast episode for weeks and weeks. But today is a new day, the first of the month of Nisan in the Jewish calendar: a day infused with the energy and power of renewal like none other in the calendar year. SO HERE IS A NEW START. A new sound, a new approach, a new commitment to this podcast and its original vision and conception. ENJOY....and may this beca month of renewal and redemption for you!


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Message from Poland!

Why a trip to Poland for a Jew is so important and meaningful, and INSPIRING! Recorded on my phone, live in Poland, while staffing a trip for Jewish students.


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Rabbi E Turns 60: Happy Birthday, WISE GUY!

Join old Rabbi E, as I share insights, reflections and blessings on reaching halfway till 120. The Rabbis tell us that the age of 60 brings "seniority," (older age, if you will), but MUCH more importantly, WISDOM! And the foundation of all wisdom, Judaism teaches, is realizing that we, and the world, have a Creator and that He gave us a life full of so many blessings...in order to BE a blessing in this world! Tune in as I, the now "old(er)" and I hope, "wise(r)" Rabbi E, get into an expansive, blessing-bestowing birthday mode. Or hear as a Rabbi E in 3 podcast, on Apple, Spotify...or click here: https://player.captivate.fm/show/b4ed503c-3cf8-457a-8a52-2a8822a45ff4


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Won't You STAY A Little Bit Longer???

Won't you stay just a little bit longer?? Tune in for this MUSICAL episode of Rabbi E in 3, as I melodically introduce you to the festival of Shemini Atzeres, the "8th Day of staying back," which takes place at the end of the Sukkot holiday (begins in an hour or two). APOLOGIES TO JACKSON BROWNE, but the very essence of this holiday is about staying in Hashem's presence just a little bit longer...rejoicing with Him and with the Torah (as we complete the yearly cycle of our reading). Chag Sameach!


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Holy Living: Thoughts to Begin Sukkot!

A few thoughts to start the week of Sukkot, recorded live from the Sukkah of Rabbi E!


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Yom Kippur: Day of DEEP CLEANING (all coffee stains gone)!

Yom Kippur is an aweome day of return: returning to healthy relationships with others, and returning to the real, pure spiritual essence of who we are. And what makes that possible is both the forgiveness that Hashem (and other people!) lovingly grants us,and the PURIFICATION that we experience. All the "stains" on our souls, so to speak (from the hurtful and negative words, deeds and thoughts we all--as human beings--fell into), are utterly washed away. We are purified through the observances of Yom Kippur, as we are purified by the waters of a holy mikveh! And it gets out EVEN the coffee stains!


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Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur: DAYS OF RETURN!

We all know that Rosh Hashanah is a special time, and that Yom Kippur is a special time....but we may not be aware that the days BETWEEN Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are also a very special and elevated time! A time when the Jewish people have always tried to multiply their good deeds and mitzvot, their prayer and acts of charity...so that we may be judged favorably by G-d, and inscribed for a good year of life on Yom Kippur. They are days of when the spiritual ice is smoother (Zamboni days!), the spiritual air is cleaner (low pollution index days??!), and the opportunity and facility to do TESHUVA ("return") is greater than at any other time!! To return to a deeper connection to ourselves, to our fellow human beings, to the Torah and its wisdom, and to Hashem Himself. "Seek out Hashem when He is near," the prophet Isaiah tells us...and our Sages explain that this special nearness of G-d refers to NOW, the days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur!


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Rosh Hashanah: CHOOSING LIFE!

Recorded on the last day of the Jewish year, 5782, hours before Rosh Hashnah, I discuss some of the beautiful ideas connected to this magnificent holiday of the new year...and the powerful 10 Days of Return (the first ten days of the year)--ZAMBONI DAYS, smooth and powerful "spiritual skating" days--that culminate in Yom Kippur. The focus is on OUR thoughts, OUR will and OUR desire for the completely new year ahead, and the kind of people we want to strive to be during this completely new year ahead. It's a time to dip an apple in honey, yes, and enjoy family and friends.... but it is also a time to clarify for ourselves what is truly most important in life, and what in life is worth "CHOOSING." Shana tova!!


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Hashem Took Us OUT of Slavery, Right? That's Shabbos!

We are NOT supposed to be slaves...that is why Hashem took us OUT of slavery. Yet, we all still suffer in 2022 (myself, Rabbi E, very much included!) under a cruel and harsh team of taskmasters. "Work," "Work Mentality," "Cell Phone," "Social Media,"....these are some of the "head honchos" of that group of modern slavedrivers that rob us of our outer AND inner freedom! But, wait, we are meant to be FREE, and we Jews have an unbelievably precious and beautiful key to attaining that freedom from slavery: Shabbos, or Shabbat! (She answers to both.) Tune in to this epidsode to learn more. But more importantly, Grab back your freedom...Good Shabbos!


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Tisha b'Av (9th of Av): A LONG Day of Mourning....and LONGING!

A long day of fasting and mourning is approaching (after Shabbos, August 6th-7th), the fast of the Ninth of Av (Tisha b'Av), commemorating the many, many tragedies that befell the Jewish people throughout the ages on this day. But this day of mourning is NOT about wallowing in our past suffering, but rather, about looking at (and FEELING) what we are missing right NOW. And about LONGING for the time--may it be speedily, in our days--when we WILL get it a1l back (and more). Please tune in, whether or not you observe the fast day: I discuss important concepts in Judaism in genera1!


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LEADING with your WORDS!

The word for "word," in Hebrew (davar)is the same as the word for "thing" (with different vowels). Why? Because words have a real weight to them, they are not just so much air. That same word is a1so one of the words in Hebrew for, "leader!" Why? Because our leadership position as human beings in G-d's Creation is demonstrated and expressed largely through our power of speech. (Yes, Judaism teaches that ADAM, humanity, is meant to LEAD this whole huge operation towards holiness and completion.) SO: Mean what you say...strive to DO what you say...and lead your life by (and through) your words. That's the basic topic of this latest episode of Rabbi E in 3!.


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Feeling VERY ALIVE in Israel...Land of the Living!

Rabbi Edelstein (Rabbi E), of MEOR DC here, and join me as I share my excitement at being in the amazing Land of Israel, after three uninterupted Covid-ravaged years outside! Come visit, whoever you are,--whatever your religion, beliefs or politics. You will be inspired, awakened, excited, stuffed (with amazing food), challenged....and exhausted! I LOVE IT! BARUCH HASHEM!


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Jealousy May...WILL...Destroy You! (Based on Parshas Korach)

Jealousy, rebellion, a misguided yearning for (spiritual) INDEPENDENCE....and ultimately, tragedy! Rabbi E. discusses some of the amazing lessons of this week's Torah portion, Korach (Book of Bamidbar/Numbers). Tune in, and may we all appreciate and celebrate our OWN portion--talents, gifts, mission--in this world, and not be SWALLOWED up by jealousy and craving/coveting what really belongs to someone else.
