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Encouraging and equipping women to be confident in God’s promises.



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She Is Going To Make It

She Is Going To Make It Support the Show.


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She Is Growing In Faith

She Is Growing In Faith Support the Show.


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She Is Safe

She Is Safe Support the Show.


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She Is Known By God

She Is Known By God Support the Show.


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She Is Fighting For Her Relationship

She Is Fighting For Her Relationship Support the Show.


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She Is Answered By Fire

She Is Answered By Fire Support the Show.


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She Is Finding Rest

She Is Finding Rest Support the Show.


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She Is Preserving Life

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She Is On The Mission Field

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She Is Loved, Even In Consequences

“The Wilderness reveals the condition of our hearts…” This week we have the honor and privilege to hear from Pastor Cheri. We are going to be studying the life of Moses, the prophet whom God himself said was unlike any other. He shared a close friendship with God, and yet he still made mistakes—one that cost him being able to enter the Promised Land. Yet in our unfaithfulness, God is still faithful. Let’s dive into this amazing episode. Show Notes: Hebrews 11:24-29 Exodus 12-2 Exodus 40:17 Numbers 1:1 Exodus 17:1-7 Numbers 20:1-13 1 Corinthians 10:1-4 Numbers 20:12 Deuteronomy 32:51-52 Deuteronomy 34:1-12 sheispodcast@refugecity.church @she_is_podcast https://www.facebook.com/sheispodcastrcc/ (https://www.facebook.com/sheispodcastrcc/) Support the Show.


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She Is Spiritually Growing

Amanda has an awesome word for us this week! We know that spiritual growth is important, but what does it actually look like to put into practice? Amanda is going to be breaking down what it looks, giving practical along with spiritual, so get ready to dig into the Word this week! Show Notes: @ashley.morgan.jackson Luke 12:2-3 Proverbs 17:27 James 1:19-20 Matthew 5:23-26 Philippians 4:8 Romans 12:2 Luke 6:27-36 Hebrews 12:7-13 2 Samuel 22:31-33 Colossians 2:6-7 John 8:9-11 John 5:11 - 14 sheispodcast@refugecity.church @she_is_podcast https://www.facebook.com/sheispodcastrcc/ (https://www.facebook.com/sheispodcastrcc/) Support the Show.


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She Is Tasting Heavenly Manna

This week, Nicole is sharing with us about manna from heaven—this is the bread that God gave the children of Israel when he brought them out of Egypt, but they failed to appreciate the miracle. They longed for captivity back in Egypt, “where they at least had good food to eat.” Manna was a representation of Jesus, the Bread of Life that some down from heaven. How long do we get bored with the Word, or fail to see the miracle standing right in front of us? Let’s dive into the deeper meaning of the manna and let us never take for granted God's faithfulness. Show Notes: Exodus 16:3-10, 12-31 NIV 1 Samuel 8:7 NIV Numbers 11:4-10 NIV John 1:14 NIV Psalms 119:97 NIV Psalms 19:9-10 NIV Luke 9:13-17 NIVhttps://youtu.be/hkBh297b-Fw?si=qHEX3f3Eg906_RO5 (https://youtu.be/hkBh297b-Fw?si=qHEX3f3Eg906_RO5) sheispodcast@refugecity.church @she_is_podcast https://www.facebook.com/sheispodcastrcc/ (https://www.facebook.com/sheispodcastrcc/) Support the Show.


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She Is Receiving Her Manasseh

Get ready for an awesome episode this week, everyone! Hannah has such a powerful word about forgiveness, how walking through trials is never in vain when we walk with the Lord. When Joseph was sold into slavery, he probably never imagined his life would end up the way it did. He was in a position of leadership over Egypt that allowed him to save countless people when the famine came, including the brothers who had rejected him. And God gave him a son who he named Manasseh, “cause to forget”. That blessing allowed him to forget the trouble he had endured, and receive a blessing. If you’re walking through a trial right now; just know that your Manasseh might just be on the way. Show Notes: Genesis 37 Genesis 41:51-52https://youtu.be/I5T1b4xAvXU?si=W0c6cxhrkjXGInAS (https://youtu.be/I5T1b4xAvXU?si=W0c6cxhrkjXGInAS) sheispodcast@refugecity.church @she_is_podcast https://www.facebook.com/sheispodcastrcc/ (https://www.facebook.com/sheispodcastrcc/) Support the Show.


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She Is Dwelling In The Presence of God

She Is Dwelling In The Presence of God“Can you see God moving in your life? If not, move closer.” Jaime is bringing the fire down with her word this week, and we are so excited to share it with you. Jaime is talking to us about Samuel and how he positioned himself to hear God. Don’t miss an opportunity to hear from God because of distraction or being in a place that makes it difficult to hear. We want to always be sure our hearts are tuned to His leading and His voice, and Jaime is sharing a powerful word about positioning — physically and spiritually. Show Notes: 1 Samuel 3 1 Samuel 28:15 Daniel 3:13-18 sheispodcast@refugecity.church @she_is_podcast https://www.facebook.com/sheispodcastrcc/(https://www.facebook.com/sheispodcastrcc/) Support the Show.


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She Is Walking In Bravery

She Is Walking In Bravery“Has not the LORD gone ahead of you?” Hello lovelies! This week we get to hear from the amazing and wonderful Pastor Cheri. Recently the Lord has been showing some pretty mind-blowing things about two ladies in the Bible that sometimes get passed over: Deborah and Jael. God used these women powerfully to bring about a deliverance for the people of Israel and there is so much we can learn from their lives of surrender, courage, and obedience. Show Notes: Judges 4:1-24 sheispodcast@refugecity.church @she_is_podcast https://www.facebook.com/sheispodcastrcc/(https://www.facebook.com/sheispodcastrcc/) Support the Show.


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She Is Unraveling

She Is Unraveling“We are not doubting God will do the best for us, we are wondering how painful the best will be.” - C.S. Lewis We are in for a treat this week, you guys! Amanda is bringing an amazing word, and so timely we feel for this season and where a lot of us are. Amanda is sharing about a song that she recently heard and how God has been using it to work through h er life. We all go through difficult circumstances and hard seasons. It seems counterintuitive to say to God, “Unravel me!” That’s an uncomfortable place to be and we love Amanda’s vulnerability in this. It’s not fun to feel like your whole life is unraveling around you. But perhaps God is wanting to weave a new story of victory around your life? We pray you are encouraged and challenged by this episode and that your faith is built up even in a season of unraveling. Show notes: Jeremiah 7:5-18 Ezekiel 26:36 Psalm 30 sheispodcast@refugecity.church @she_is_podcast https://www.facebook.com/sheispodcastrcc/ (https://www.facebook.com/sheispodcastrcc/) Support the Show.


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She Is Starting Fresh

“God isn’t going to call you into a wilderness and just leave you there!” This week we get to hear from Nicole and she is going to be sharing what it looks like to get a fresh start. Now as we are getting into the new year it can seem like everyone and their dog is trying to work on starting fresh—new workout and dieting plans, trying to get more rest—the list goes on and on. But what does it look like to get a fresh start from the LORD? That’s what we are going to be diving into for this episode, and we can give you a hint: it all comes down to repentance. Sometimes we hold onto things longer than God even intended. Don’t take the things that have held you back into the past into your NEW SEASON! Allow God to cleanse you and work on your behalf and see what He will do! Show Notes: Psalm 51 (especially verse 10) sheispodcast@refugecity.church @she_is_podcast https://www.facebook.com/sheispodcastrcc/ (https://www.facebook.com/sheispodcastrcc/)She Is Starting Fresh Support the Show.


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She Is Always Receiving

“It doesn’t have to be planned or polished, just get in your Word.” We are doing something a little different this week. We usually have a schedule and take turns studying and sharing the Word, but we thought it would be fun to do something a little more off the cuff. Our episode this week and have each brought one verse that God has laced on our hearts. You don’t have to always plan things out. God can speak and move even when we only have a few minutes. It’s not about quantity, it’s about quality—about turning our attention to Him. We pray you are blessed this week and encouraged to dig into your Word and spend time with Jesus—whether you have an hour or five minutes! Show Notes: Song of Songs 1:2 Zechariah 4:6, 9 Psalm 33 sheispodcast@refugecity.church @she_is_podcas t https://www.facebook.com/sheispodcastrcc/ (https://www.facebook.com/sheispodcastrcc/) Support the Show.


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She Is Changing the World

“How do you change the world? One Act of Random Kindness at a time.” This week we have the pleasure of hearing from Hannah! She was recently watching a movie called Evan Almighty, and while it is a comedy, it also has some powerful truths sprinkled throughout. Hannah is going to be talking with us about what God showed her through this. It just goes to show, the Lord can speak to us through anything, even a movie! What does it look like to show kindness to others? Let’s dive in and see what God has for us this week! Show notes: Acts 20:35 Proverbs 19:17 Luke 10:25-37 Colossians 3:12 sheispodcast@refugecity.church @she_is_podcast https://www.facebook.com/sheispodcastrcc/ (https://www.facebook.com/sheispodcastrcc/) Support the Show.


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She Is Seeking Messiah

Merry Christmas! This week we are doing a re-run of our Christmas show from last year. Nicole will be sharing about some of the aspects around Jesus’ birth, taking a deeper dive into scripture, the Hebrew word “Emmanuel”, and much more! Ezekiel 29:1,4-9; 19:21; 35-37 sheispodcast@refugecity.church @she_is_podcast https://www.facebook.com/sheispodcastrcc/ (https://www.facebook.com/sheispodcastrcc/) Support the Show.
