

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Shelby Carino, The Queen of Total Wellness, takes women on the journey of spiritual awakening & self-discovery. As a spiritual enthusiast, teacher and storyteller, Shelby provides a unique blend of personal anecdotes, wisdom, and spiritual training that resonate with women who are seeking inspiration and guidance on their own ascension journey. Through her raw and relatable storytelling teaching process, Shelby shares her triumphs and mishaps along the way, giving her students a front-row seat to her own awakening process. Her authenticity and vulnerability make the experience feel like a conversation with a trusted friend, creating a safe space for those ready to explore their own spiritual growth. Whether you are a seasoned spiritual seeker or new to the journey, Shelby Carino offers a refreshing perspective on awakening and invites women to join her in exploring the limitless potential of the human spirit. Experience the magic of Shelby's energy as she shares her unique perspective on the world and the spiritual journey we are all on.


United States


Shelby Carino, The Queen of Total Wellness, takes women on the journey of spiritual awakening & self-discovery. As a spiritual enthusiast, teacher and storyteller, Shelby provides a unique blend of personal anecdotes, wisdom, and spiritual training that resonate with women who are seeking inspiration and guidance on their own ascension journey. Through her raw and relatable storytelling teaching process, Shelby shares her triumphs and mishaps along the way, giving her students a front-row seat to her own awakening process. Her authenticity and vulnerability make the experience feel like a conversation with a trusted friend, creating a safe space for those ready to explore their own spiritual growth. Whether you are a seasoned spiritual seeker or new to the journey, Shelby Carino offers a refreshing perspective on awakening and invites women to join her in exploring the limitless potential of the human spirit. Experience the magic of Shelby's energy as she shares her unique perspective on the world and the spiritual journey we are all on.



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Stairway to Heaven

Howdy! In today's episode on ShelbyRADIO I move through the completion of the 'death' energies that many of us on planet right now are moving through. Whether we are moving through physical deaths, financial deaths, spiritual deaths, mental deaths or outdated belief system deaths we are ALL letting go of something at this time. As we let go we make space for the new energy of what's next to show up. However, sometimes at the 'end' of this letting go process we go through some of the most interesting of times in our spiritual awakening. I know this is true for me so how true is it for you? I share some of my personal story about how I am ending this next level of my letting go process and I also share how amused I am by what is showing up in my world to show that I am ready to be 'chased' or 'pursued' by the intentional 'things' I have built over the last several years. Now we are all about to shoot out of the holding pen and run into our new energies, our new outcomes and our new successes. I strongly encourage anyone who has yet to take my 5th Dimension course that you DO IT NOW, TODAY. The energies of 5D are NOW and it is also a lot of how we are in this letting go process so quickly. Frontload your life with the information of vibration in the course NOW so you can continue to navigate these changes as easily and as ethically as possible. Click here for information on 5D Course I will catch you in the next episode! Shelby


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Death s Embrace: The Departure of Energy

This is a very sacred episode dealing with the energies of death and what happens when a soul is beginning to leave the physical body. Energy is real. Energy is what makes the avatar of the body 'exist.' When that energy begins to leave the body there are many magical 'things' that begin to happen. It is only when we begin to see, hear and feel with our spiritual eyes that we can walk alongside those who are departing and truly experience 'heaven on Earth.' Thank you for sharing this episode to anyone whom may benefit from the information at this time. Official Website


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Substitute Teaching

Howdy! Substitute teaching is a 'job' I never thought I would do because after all, I am a certified teacher who taught in the public school system for 11 years. Throughout my spiritual journey I have revisited energies on my timeline that I may have 'missed' or things I needed to fulfill in my spiritual destiny. Teaching PE apparently was one of those 'things' I had to go back and fulfill and I began doing that through substitute teaching. However... I never imagined that by moving through the process of substitute teaching that it would open my eyes to something way more critical in the teaching world. I share that today in this episode. If you are a teacher or if you have ever been a substitute teacher in the education system then this episode is for you! Shelby Official Website Click here to watch the episode on YouTube


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My Dad s Death Brought Me To Myself

Hello! In today's episode I pay homage to my dad, the man who taught me some of the best energies in life and some of the not so good energies in life. Through those 'energies' I gained invaluable experiences that brought me to the most intricate healings of myself so I could emerge into the WOMAN I am today. If you have lost a loved one or even your own father; my hope for this episode is that you find your own nugget of healing, compassion and wisdom from my story. If it were not for the seed that my dad 'shot' I would not be here today and I am grateful for my spiritual journey through the energies of my dad that brought me to the biggest and best parts of myself. Shelby Official Website


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Daughters & Sexual Abuse

WARNING: Content may be sensitive for some individuals. In today's episode I open up about something so intimate and personal to me that happened as a young child. The story I am about to share is not meant to accuse, blame or harm anyone. This is a memory of inappropriate touching that became a cornerstone to how I dug deep into my own energy, my own spirit and my own desire to face the truth of a memory that haunted me for so long. Today I share this story so if anyone who is listening can relate to something that I share then my hope is you find a piece of information that will heal a space in you that is long overdue for healing. I share this story from the highest space of love, respect and truth for HEALING and sometimes the road to recovery is ugly; however it is in those moments that the true love of ourselves has a chance to finally come forward and claim our true power. Shelby Official Website


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Breaking The Generational Curse

Hello! I am back speaking about breaking generational curses that comes from my own personal story from the death of my dad which exposed more 'curses' in the generational line. Generational curses are basically programs of energy that have been passed on through the generations that until someone in the generational line takes on the 'curse' to stop it then it keeps moving through each generation. I came into the world with my specific family to be the one to stop the depth of some of the most panful generational curses that came from the lineage. The death of my dad took me on a deeper journey to see what 'curses' I was actually clearing and how this led to me exposing the hidden family secrets which banished me from my own family. I speak about having to go up against the one parent, my mom, in order to face some of the most vile betrayal from my own mother when it came to the death of my dad. Join me now as I share a deeply intimate part of my story with you as I hope that you will gain some wisdoms that will help you along your journey. Shelby Official Website


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Losing A Parent

Hello! There is nothing more awakening than the loss of a parent; especially when you have been blind sided by another parent about the death of that parent. This is my story... Join me on my journey that I will unpack over the next 4 show episodes about the death of my dad, the role my mom played in that death & how it affected me in a deeper journey of healing and compassion. If you have ever been close to a parent, lost that parent, and then had the other parent turn against you and used that parents death as a 'punishment' towards you, then welcome to this episode of my experience. If you have been lucky enough to never have experienced what I am about to share with you then consider yourself lucky and enjoy grabbing the wisdoms from my experience for future knowledge. Shelby Official Website


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What s Going On Out Here?

Howdy! The inspiration has hit and I have a week and a half of ENERGY that just 'hit' in the form of inspiration so I can now do this episode. I have been getting a lot of questions asking 'what is going on out here?' There is so much shifting as a collective consciousness in the higher energies which is affecting how we are walking out our human world in the physical; however this is also taking a huge toll on the spiritual energy within us. Relationships are breaking up, relationships are forming, family is falling apart, family is falling together, careers are changing, lifestyles are shifting and so much more. Why is all this happening? Simple answer: the elevation of higher frequency called 5th dimension. In this episode I am going through so many energetic reframes based on the last week and a half that have transpired from numerous client sessions and daily interactions with people in random places. Nothing 'out here' is making much sense as we shift into new energetic spaces of ourselves so hopefully in this episode it will help you balance some of the confusion. To learn more about my 5th Dimension course click here. To learn more about my Relationship Reset course click here


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What Does It Mean To Throw A Fireball?

Howdy! It is time for me to discuss what a 'fireball' is and why it is so important to have this information as you ascend through your emotional body and spiritual journey. If you allow yourself to sit back and receive the energy from this episode then it will download into your unconscious parts so when you throw a 'mini' fireball or a 'big' fireball you will have a more ethical approach to what you send. I highly suggest my Spiritual Ethics course as you learn more about you, your energy and how your emotions affect others as you move your energy. Click here now for Spiritual Ethics Course information Talk to you later! Shelby


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My Bathroom Camping Experience

Howdy! Ok, so if you have been listening to me recently you will know that Joe and I bought a camper; specifically an R-pod which is a brand of camper. Well, we have already taken a weekend trip to a State Park just to learn the camper. This past weekend, we went and did boon-docking which I explain in the episode. We went out to our land and I have an entire experience with how I was going to do my bathroom. In this episode I begin my back story of what bathrooms mean to me and my fascination. I further evolve into explaining why bathrooms became even more important when my kundalini energy took off and activated. I then finally go through my evolution of the past two weekends and how I did the human bodily releasing two different ways two different weekends. All I have to say is YOU ARE information may serve a purpose later on for you or at least provide an hour of entertainment! lol Now, I have no actual idea of what my unconscious parts were working through that I put into my camping bathroom experience; however I can say I have achieved that outcome so maybe I will recognize the outcome now when it appears! lol Enjoy! Shelby


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Taking Pressure Off Myself To Do Things 'Right'

Howdy! Here I am again today in this episode working through my mental mindset of allowing myself permission to take the pressure off of me to do things 'right.' Who says you have to do things exactly the way someone says to do them and then they guarantee the results. What if the results don't come and you follow everything to a 't?' Well that is how I feel in the business world of everything marketing. Today I am going on and on about my insights into this idea of mine to take pressure off myself as I work my way through to giving myself permission to go back to what I am good at and that is flowing with no pressure simply because I want to enjoy my passion that has become entrepreneurial. I hope you can relate to this and take away some golden nuggets of information! Speak soon! Shelby Official Website:


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We Bought A Camper!

Howdy! We bought a camper! I had to Google the difference between an RV and a Camper so I can make sure I am referring to the right 'thing.' Lol I will say that I go into the WHOLE story about how this camper purchase came about and I didn't even know that this would actually become an outcome that would forever change my energy, my perspective and ultimately my LIFE. I am so grateful for the experience as Joe and I embark on a whole new level of our gypsy travel. Sit back and enjoy this story because who knows where it may resonate with you in your unconscious parts. You will learn what an R-pod is in case you haven't heard of it before! Talk to you later! Shelby Official Website:


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The Universe Made Me Do This Over

Howdy! Well there is nothing like recording an episode only to have it disappear into the abyss of nothingness which means I could not find the episode anywhere in the system where I record it. It literally just 'poof' disappeared so here I am recording another episode for today and well, I'm glad the Universe made me do this again because this message is ON POINT! I am pulling a card from Izzy Ivy's oracle deck called Beyond Lemuria. I am not going to tell you which cards got pulled because it is a 'secret' only being told inside the episode, lol! However, I will say that the cards were ON POINT with what is happening right now in our lives and in our energies within this societal structure. I had some of my own aha moments in my own energetic alignment just by speaking about it. Remember we are moving through an 'energetic sovereignty' which is all about the 5th dimension. Don't worry, I speak about a little about this 5th dimension; however I highly suggest checking out my 5th dimension course to get your frequencies in alignment. Now get listening and I will talk to you later. Here is the link to my 5D course: Here is my website if you want to snoop: Talk to you later! Shelby


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The Hardest Part Is To Begin

Hello! It has been almost a year since I have published another episode because I went on a very 'expensive' ride with myself as to why I stepped away from ShelbyRADIO only to learn the biggest lesson of my life which I share in this episode. If you have ever waivered on who you are or have waivered on your confidence to know yourself, then this is the episode for you. I am tired of living by the 'man' in the way of podcasting, speaking, marketing and even production. I am a gypsy traveler and always have been in the way I teach. This experience I share in today's episode is filled with a truth that had long since been hidden from me that through this experience resurrected as to why I will always follow my own way from now on and have the confidence to truly see if 'others' are meant to be in the space that I reside in. Does this sound kind of general? Well it is because all of my inspiration falls into the episode as I 'spill the tea' so to speak about what has been happening over the last year of my life of this journey into a greater wisdom. Enough of that...enjoy listening to it now. Shelby


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I'm Coming Back...SOON!

Hey y'all! Oh.My.Gosh. it has been a JOURNEY! I will fill you in later; however I AM COMING BACK HOME TO SHELBYRADIO! Stay tuned and stay excited for the FALL of 2023 when I resurface full throttle! Shelby :)


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ShelbyRADIO Says Goodbye

In today's episode I speak candidly about why I created ShelbyRADIO & how it is bittersweet to now say goodbye to ShelbyRADIO as I move onto an entirely new podcast. I had a specific reason why I began this podcast which I share in this episode; however now that the energy of that reason has been attained then it is now time for me to 'grow up' bigger & truly step into the radio voice with a message for my listeners that I know will be the next best step for those who will find the new podcast. Thank you for your loyalty, for your shares, for your downloads, for your reviews & all of the support through the last 2 1/2 years of ShelbyRADIO. As of this podcast episode releasing I am still in creation of the new podcast so I will release the information for the new podcast soon. A good way to keep up with the latest information of the new podcast is to fill out the contact form on my website so you can get the email updates of when the new podcast will launch. Click here to fill out the contact form for new podcast updates I will hear you on the other side of my new podcast! Thank you for supporting me through the transition! Shelby :) Mentioned in this episode: Welcome to The Relationship Reset Thank you for tuning into Shelby Radio. I want you to know I have a new podcast called The Relationship Reset. And it's about embarking on a journey that seeks to heal our maternal wounds, so that we can resolve our generational trauma and embark on our spiritual ascension to a life where we carry a lighter load. You can find it on Apple, iTunes, Spotify, or any major podcast platform.


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Retiring The Empath

Summary In today's episode we take a deep dive into the word & the world of EMPATH. If you have been on your spiritual awakening journey for 1 day, 1 month, 1 year or many years then this is the episode for you! You Don't Want To Miss: 1. The definition of empath 2. Signs of an empath 3. How to move from retiring the empath to being in recovery of an empath 4. My personal empath story of my dad's death & how I processed the energies Links & Resources Official Website Make sure you FOLLOW so you never miss an episode of my spiritual teachings. If you learned something from this episode, please leave it a 5 star rating & review! Thank you! Also, thank you for sharing this episode in your social circle. Mentioned in this episode: Welcome to The Relationship Reset Thank you for tuning into Shelby Radio. I want you to know I have a new podcast called The Relationship Reset. And it's about embarking on a journey that seeks to heal our maternal wounds, so that we can resolve our generational trauma and embark on our spiritual ascension to a life where we carry a lighter load. You can find it on Apple, iTunes, Spotify, or any major podcast platform.


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Spiritual Tests

Summary In today's episode we take a deep dive into defining what a spiritual test is & how they affect the course of our awakening path. You Don't Want To Miss 1. The definition of a spiritual test 2. Why the spiritual tests are important 3. How to link your tests from the past, present & future 4. My personal story of a spiritual test that I was determined to pass Links & Resources Official Website Sentence Writing Book - The Art of Process Make sure you hit FOLLOW so you never miss an episode of my spiritual teachings. If you learned something from this episode, please leave it a 5 star rating & review! Thank you! Also, thank you for sharing this episode in your social circle! Mentioned in this episode: Welcome to The Relationship Reset Thank you for tuning into Shelby Radio. I want you to know I have a new podcast called The Relationship Reset. And it's about embarking on a journey that seeks to heal our maternal wounds, so that we can resolve our generational trauma and embark on our spiritual ascension to a life where we carry a lighter load. You can find it on Apple, iTunes, Spotify, or any major podcast platform.


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Time To See The Real You

Summary: Have you been struggling with who you truly are? Have you been battling relationships in your life because you are seeing aspects of yourself in those people? Are you ready for a new perspective of your 'Annie get your gun' bolting moments? In this episode I am going to share with you a timeline of a congruent story which will help align how you do your next level of 'seeing who you truly are.' You Don't Want To Miss: 1. Congruent story telling 2. A path to test your movement process 3. The ability to receive in new energy for a new you 4. A new way to hear a newer version of yourself Links & Resources: Official Website Make sure you hit FOLLOW so you never miss an episode of my spiritual teachings. If you learned something from this episode, please leave it a 5 star review. Thank you! Also, thank you for sharing this episode in your social circle. Mentioned in this episode: Welcome to The Relationship Reset Thank you for tuning into Shelby Radio. I want you to know I have a new podcast called The Relationship Reset. And it's about embarking on a journey that seeks to heal our maternal wounds, so that we can resolve our generational trauma and embark on our spiritual ascension to a life where we carry a lighter load. You can find it on Apple, iTunes, Spotify, or any major podcast platform.


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Begin Something New

Summary: 2022 has just left & here it is 2023. The new year is always an opportunity to 'begin something new.' In this episode I am going to share with you a personal story of the 'big shift' that happened in my life at Christmas and how it catapulted me into beginning something new in several different areas of my life. You don't want to miss: 1. My personal Christmas story Links & Resources 1. Official Website Make sure you hit FOLLOW so you never miss an episode of my spiritual teachings. If you learned something from this episode, please leave it a 5 star rating and review. Thank you! Also, thank you for sharing this episode in your social circle. Mentioned in this episode: Welcome to The Relationship Reset Thank you for tuning into Shelby Radio. I want you to know I have a new podcast called The Relationship Reset. And it's about embarking on a journey that seeks to heal our maternal wounds, so that we can resolve our generational trauma and embark on our spiritual ascension to a life where we carry a lighter load. You can find it on Apple, iTunes, Spotify, or any major podcast platform.
