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Sounds True: Insights at the Edge

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Tami Simon, Founder and Publisher of Sounds True interviews spiritual teachers, visionary writers, and living luminaries about their newest work and current challenges—the growing edge of their inner inquiry and outer contribution to the world.


United States


Tami Simon, Founder and Publisher of Sounds True interviews spiritual teachers, visionary writers, and living luminaries about their newest work and current challenges—the growing edge of their inner inquiry and outer contribution to the world.



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Chianti Lomax: Evolving While Black: Happy, Authentic, and Free



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Amy B. Scher: Releasing Emotional Blockages

How do we effectively devote ourselves to our own health and healing? Whether it's a physical challenge, a mental health concern, or some combination, how do we take responsibility for the things we should and free ourselves from the burden of what we're not really accountable for? For Amy B. Scher, it all starts with removing the emotional, energetic blockages that prevent our truest self-expression. In this podcast, Tami Simon speaks with Amy about her own journey, her life-saving books, and her latest offering, the How to Heal Yourself Oracle Deck. Enjoy this experiential conversation exploring: how to identify the ways in which we hold ourselves back from our authenticity, relieving the unnecessary pressure we put on ourselves, perfectionism, the debilitating consequences of unresolved emotional blocks, energy psychology and EFT, using your intuition, the tapping technique, the role of the thymus gland, releasing stored nervousness, installing positive emotions as an adjunct to self-healing, avoiding the pitfall of toxic positivity, having patience with the process, the power of levity on the healing journey, and more. Note: This episode originally aired on Sounds True One, where these special episodes of Insights at the Edge are available to watch live on video and with exclusive access to Q&As with our guests. Learn more at


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Frederic Laloux: The Adventure of Remaking Our World

The modern workplace is a source of so much pain in so many peoples' lives. And with the extreme challenges facing humanity, it's easy to understand the gloom-and-doom perspective that has become prevalent today. Frederic Laloux sees things differently. "I look at it from a place of adventure," he tells us. "If we don't have a lens of 'these are times that are confusing and difficult' we can see them instead as extraordinary times for us to learn and to grow as individuals." In this podcast, Tami Simon speaks with the renowned author of Reinventing Organizations about his life's mission to transform our approach to business. Give a listen as Tami and Frederic discuss: becoming change makers at the systemic level; applying Ken Wilber's Integral Model to the way we organize businesses; the "inner angle," or the mindset and beliefs that we bring to any problem; societal leaps and the people who drive them; a polycrisis or a great adventure: how do you see it?; three cornerstones for the future of business: self-management, wholeness, and evolutionary purpose; creating fluid hierarchies at work; leadership that inspires and connects; the fundamental shift from predict and control to sense and respond (especially in these uncertain times); to budget or not to budget…; finding support and community during a "dark night of the soul"; bringing joy, pride, and courage to our social change activism; climate change and the concept of pluralistic ignorance; and more. Note: This episode originally aired on Sounds True One, where these special episodes of Insights at the Edge are available to watch live on video and with exclusive access to Q&As with our guests. Learn more at


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Stefanie Iris Weiss: The Liberatory Power of Sex and Your Stars

Stefanie Iris Weiss is illuminating the mysterious ways that our bodies, the natural world, and the cosmos intersect and comingle. With her book Sex and Your Stars: A Sexologist's Guide to the Erotic Energy of the Zodiac, she brings readers an approach "to truly know ourselves, to shed our shame, and to explore our erotic energy with others." In this podcast, Sounds True founder Tami Simon speaks with Stefanie about the inspiration and intention for the book, and her unique perspective on the astrology renaissance of the last 20 years. Tami and Stefanie discuss the Saturn return; the prerequisites for becoming a professional astrologer; what the charts tell us about the chaos of our times; the American Pluto return; embodiment in a tech-obsessed world; sex as a liberating force; Erotic Energy Mapping; natal charts and transits; empowerment through the Black Moon Lilith; the benefits of working with your sun sign; coming back to our sensuality; pleasure activism; tikkun olam: healing and repairing the world; and more.


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Kamilah Majied: Joyfully Just

The painful injustices we see across society may seem insurmountable. Yet as therapist and author Dr. Kamilah Majied teaches, “Undoing some of the injustice that we do to ourselves and others is actually one of the most joyful things we can do.” Instilling joy into our social change work is the theme of Dr. Majied’s new book, Joyfully Just, and the subject of this inspiring conversation hosted by Tami Simon. Give a listen to this energizing and infectious discussion of: the power of literacy; exploring the roots of suffering; uncovering and healing our unconscious biases; the destructive limitations of our “isms”; releasing the song that wants to burst forth; using our creativity to transmute suffering into joy; making a genuine resolution to be joyful; an enlightened experience of grief; a daily mantra—“let me manifest my highest self, my greater self, my most wise, courageous self”; gratitude and growth; the freedom to create value out of suffering; living with courage; honest conversations; the concept of Black joy; resilience; the contagious nature of “undefeated joy”; respect as the act of looking again; connecting with our heritage and appreciating our interdependence; language as a meditative practice; the shift from cultural appropriation to reparative relationality; resisting despair and “suffering with determination”; self-worth; overcoming the bias of ableism; the practice of “a new moment resolution”; and more. Note: This episode originally aired on Sounds True One, where these special episodes of Insights at the Edge are available to watch live on video and with exclusive access to Q&As with our guests. Learn more at


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Sean Lawlor: Psychedelic Revival: An Evolution in Healing

We need an updated and broader narrative with respect to the field of psychedelics. While legitimate clinical research and societal openness to these remedies may be on the rise, so too is the confusion and misinformation. Therapist and researcher Sean Lawlor has emerged as a leading voice in articulating a new understanding of this long-maligned field of therapy and healing. Here, Tami Simon speaks with Sean about his new book, Psychedelic Revival: Toward a New Paradigm of Healing, in a nuanced conversation on: the various categories of plant medicines and psychedelics; the risk of destabilization or “psychotic break” through overdosing; ketamine; working with the body to process challenging emotions, memories, and experiences; the differences between MDMA, ketamine, DMT, psilocybin, ayahuasca, and other substances; meeting trauma from a place of love; personal responsibility in the use of psychedelic-supported therapy; turning toward and meeting as fully as possible whatever we experience; overcoming shame; factors and approaches that support lasting transformation via psychedelic-assisted therapy; psychedelics and the brain’s neuroplasticity; discernment and reasonable expectations; intuition and the healer within; microdosing; and more. Note: This episode originally aired on Sounds True One, where these special episodes of Insights at the Edge are available to watch live on video and with exclusive access to Q&As with our guests. Learn more at


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Henry Shukman: Allowing, Welcoming, and Loving

There is a boundless goodness at the heart of this and every moment. And the path to realizing this goodness directly and more continuously is often what we would least expect. In this podcast, Tami Simon speaks with poet, author, and Zen meditation teacher Henry Shukman about his personal journey and the insights he shares in his latest book, Original Love. In a conversation that will appeal to both meditators and non-meditators alike, Tami and Henry discuss: suffering, love, and the awakening of the world; being simultaneously broken-hearted, open-hearted, and wholehearted; the practice of allowing; how our most difficult feeling states become portals to higher awareness; Buddhism's Five Hindrances; the discovery of emptiness; the four faces of awakening and what Henry calls, "no way but through" and "blazing forth"; finding the spiritual practice that fits you best; the meditative state known as absorption; choosing to love oneself; and more. Note: This episode originally aired on Sounds True One, where these special episodes of Insights at the Edge are available to watch live on video and with exclusive access to Q&As with our guests. Learn more at


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Christina Rasmussen: Life Reentry: Exiting the Waiting Room

There are certain experiences that are completely and utterly devastating, yet seemingly impossible to articulate and share. Grief educator and author Christina Rasmussen calls these our “invisible losses”—and they are often more perplexing and difficult to navigate than the overt tragedies we all endure in life. In this podcast, join Sounds True’s founder, Tami Simon, in conversation with Christina Rasmussen about her new book, Invisible Loss: Recognizing and Healing the Unacknowledged Heartbreak of Everyday Grief. Filled with unique perspective and compassionate insight, this dialogue explores the place of uncertainty and stagnation known as “the waiting room”; the original self, and how we get disconnected from it; the impacts of an “us vs. them” experience; how to identify your primary invisible loss; three inner narrators—the survivor, the watcher, and the thriver; reclaiming our forgotten “thriver memories”; the cost of seeking approval; saying yes to what you’ve always wanted to do; cleansing our patterns of fear; the practice of mental stacking; the Life Reentry model; reframing our experiences and taking action from our wisdom; why the place of death is also the place of creation; and more.


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Otto Scharmer: What Future Is Wanting to Emerge Through You?

Looking at the state of our world, says Dr. Otto Scharmer, it’s plain to see that there’s something wrong with our collective decision-making. How, then, do we move from just reacting against the issues of the past, toward sensing and actualizing the future that is wanting to emerge? That is the profound question at the heart of this podcast featuring the renowned MIT lecturer, author of Theory U, and contributing faculty member to Sounds True’s Inner MBA® program. In a bold conversation that speaks directly to both our individual empowerment and the larger societal changes that are becoming increasingly urgent, Tami Simon and Otto Scharmer discuss: the collective sense of depression and disillusion at this time; reframing a fearful cultural narrative to one of hope and possibility; bridging today’s ecological, social, and spiritual divides; ego-system awareness vs. ecosystem awareness; big changes through small steps; the subtle shift of “opening the will”; letting go of what’s not essential; moving from certainties to not knowing; Social Presencing; courage; why transformational work and activating our potential is easier than we think; creating a “holding space” and allowing generative forces to come forth; attention, intention, and agency; the invisible yet vital part of our social field—the quality of our relationships; deep listening; the awakening of the human spirit; and more. Note: This episode originally aired on Sounds True One, where these special episodes of Insights at the Edge are available to watch live on video and with exclusive access to Q&As with our guests. Learn more at


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Margaret J. Wheatley, EdD: Beyond Hope and Fear

Are we in the midst of a civilizational collapse? There are some definitive signs, says Margaret (Meg) Wheatley, who has spent a lifetime as an activist and educator seeking to create a more caring, compassionate, and connected world. In this podcast, Tami Simon speaks with the renowned organizational and systems expert about how she maintains faith in humanity and a tireless commitment to her life’s work, even as she approaches 80 years old. Tune in for an inspiring call to become a “spiritual warrior” at this precarious time in history, with profound insights on how life exists in cycles—and why this is important to understand; putting our energy and desire to contribute in the right places; compassion and insight; seeing clearly so we can act wisely; removing the filters of hope and fear; grace, synchronicity, and serving your purpose; being faithful to the work you’re called to; the dark night of the soul; working for change at the local level; joy and togetherness; the antidote to despair; the practice of “I’m not lost, I’m right here”; and more. Note: This episode originally aired on Sounds True One, where these special episodes of Insights at the Edge are available to watch live on video and with exclusive access to Q&As with our guests. Learn more at


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Sam Harris, PhD: Cutting Through to Consciousness Without a Center

How do meditation and mindfulness accelerate moral progress? Is spiritual insight alone sufficient to solve today’s problems? Dr. Sam Harris is a five-time New York Times bestselling author, philosopher, neuroscientist, and host of the popular podcast Making Sense. He is also someone who has practiced meditation for more than 30 years, having studied with teachers in Tibetan, Burmese, Indian, and Western traditions. Here, Tami Simon sits down with Sam Harris for a deep conversation on the nature of consciousness and the implications of spiritual realization. Tune in for this “aha moment”–filled podcast exploring: the illusion of the self and the default state of identity; advaita and nonduality; two different types of mystery; the future of AI; psychic phenomena; synchronicity, superstition, and skepticism; a new perspective on how to be happy; the superpower of noticing; tantra; Dzogchen and “the goal as the path”; looking for what is looking; resolving the view; becoming mindful of “the glimpse”; meditating from the neck down; and more. Note: This episode originally aired on Sounds True One, where these special episodes of Insights at the Edge are available to watch live on video with exclusive access to Q&As with our guests. Learn more at


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Jeff Karp, PhD: LIT: Resensitizing Our Aliveness

The natural world has provided inspiration to poets, artists, and creatives of every ilk. And that includes inventors and innovators like Dr. Jeff Karp. In this podcast, Tami Simon speaks with the renowned biomedical engineer and founder of The Karp Lab about his new book, LIT (Life Ignition Tools): Use Nature's Playbook to Energize Your Brain, Spark Ideas, and Ignite Action, and how you yourself can turn to the natural world as an ally for problem-solving, unexpected insight, and profound transformation on a daily basis. Enjoy this incredibly inspiring conversation exploring: The work of the "bioinspirationalist"; how sandcastle worms inspired a new approach to vascular reconstruction in humans; the LIT state and how we can open ourselves up to limitless possibilities in any situation; the pendulum swing between "dull moments" and the times we are totally lit up; the life force within everything; the importance of changing up our routines; LEB (low energy brain); the "press pause" tool of LIT; working with intention; elevating your baseline feeling of wellness and fulfillment; viewing the world through the lens of energy transfer; how we are all contributing to evolution; the practice of cycling through your senses; appreciating our interconnectedness; creating space; aligning your thoughts and actions with your core values; turning negatives into positives; finding rituals and practices to enter into the LIT state; mining the treasures of neurodiversity; and more. Note: This episode originally aired on Sounds True One, where these special episodes of Insights at the Edge are available to watch live on video with exclusive access to Q&As with our guests. Learn more at


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Tammy Mastroberte: Asking for Higher Help

The universe has a dream for you. Are you ready to become its partner on the path toward your highest good? In this podcast, Tami Simon speaks with Tammy Mastroberte about her new book, The Higher Help Method: Stop Trying to Manifest and Let the Universe Guide You. Here, Tami and Tammy discuss how to work with the benevolent figures and supporting energies that you can call upon in any time of need. Give a listen to this exciting, perspective-opening podcast exploring: working with mediums; the “assign a sign” exercise; “Please bring me what I want” vs. “Please show me where I need to go”; the benefits of putting the universe in the driver’s seat; divine timing and the obstacle of impatience; overcoming skepticism and proving it to yourself; trust, surrender, and “certainty in the uncertainty”; clarifying your intentions; a simple five-step prayer for help; staying in the present moment; the mantra “All is well, I am safe”; taking action; using the Higher Help Method at this junction in human evolution; and more. Note: This episode originally aired on Sounds True One, where these special episodes of Insights at the Edge are available to watch live on video with exclusive access to Q&As with our guests. Learn more at


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Nanci Danison: Messages from Deep Afterlife Experience

Spiritual teacher and former attorney Nanci Danison has a truly amazing story. When she was 43 years old and a highly successful lawyer in health care, she had the first of a remarkable series of beyond-death experiences that completely altered her understanding of herself and her relationship with the divine. In her popular Backwards book series, Nanci writes about the empowering insights and lessons she learned through these fascinating events. In this podcast, Tami Simon speaks with the intriguing author and "messenger" about the wisdom she has been called to share at this time on Earth. Settle in for a mind-blowing conversation on past-life memories and the nature of perception in realms beyond the physical, the phenomenon of the afterlife life review, a new perspective on what we call "Source," unconditional love and unconditional acceptance, our dual nature as physical and non-physical beings, the Third Epoch of our planet and the evolution of humanity, the findings of NDE (near-death experience) research, our eternal friends in the non-physical dimension, the choices and commitments our souls make prior to human incarnation, and more. Note: This episode originally aired on Sounds True One, where these special episodes of Insights at the Edge are available to watch live on video with exclusive access to Q&As with our guests. Learn more at


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Sara Avant Stover: The Portal of Heartbreak

Heartbreak is a universal human experience. Yet we often lack the vocabulary and the skills needed to move through heartbreak wisely. This was certainly the case for Sara Avant Stover, whose decades of spiritual practice and deep inner work could not prepare her for the “serial heartbreaks” that upended her life. In this podcast, Tami Simon speaks with the author of Handbook for the Heartbroken about the challenges of navigating loss in a “heartbreak-illiterate” society. Discover how our most painful experiences can become a gateway to personal empowerment and healing, in this practical conversation on: taking on a disposition of tenderness; the impacts of cascading losses; entering the depths of our pain; the metaphor of the tightrope over the chasm; moving from self-judgment to self-acceptance; how Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy helps us during heartbreak; the quiet “soul” powers our pain can open us to; grief; supporting the heartbroken; rituals for letting go; the midlife initiation; and more. Note: This episode originally aired on Sounds True One, where these special episodes of Insights at the Edge are available to watch live on video with exclusive access to Q&As with our guests. Learn more at


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Anna Goldfarb: Wholehearted Friendship

Friendships aren’t always easy and fun. Like all meaningful relationships, they require work. They require nurturing and a willingness to grow. And in today’s world, explains author and journalist Anna Goldfarb, many friendships are being pushed to the brink and painfully ending. In this podcast, Tami Simon speaks with Anna about her new book, Modern Friendship, an empowering guide to creating what she calls “wholehearted friendships.” Enjoy this conversation that’s filled with insights and strategies you’ll find especially helpful in our isolated, hyper-fluid society. Tami and Anna discuss: the increasing ambiguity of 21st-century friendships; the false promise of social media; the core elements of a successful friendship strategy; memorial friendships vs. active friendships; Jacuzzi friends, bathtub friends, and pool friends; three main causes of friendship breakups; the three requirements—consistency, positivity, and vulnerability; choosing people with whom you can share meaning; the characteristics of wholehearted friendship; and more.


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Donna Eden and David Feinstein, PhD: The Power—and Proof—Behind Tapping

Tapping is a simple form of energy psychology that can help you transform difficult emotions; overcome addiction, anxiety, or depression; change self-defeating habits; and more. Today, there are more than 175 peer-reviewed scientific studies supporting its efficacy. Yet despite 20 years of growing evidence, many people remain skeptical. In this podcast, Tami Simon speaks with the authors of the new book Tapping—Donna Eden and Dr. David Feinstein—about why the technique works and how to practice it successfully. Listen in to this exciting, illuminating conversation on: energy medicine and the subfield of energy psychology; Thought Field Therapy and Emotional Freedom Techniques; how tapping produces such incredibly fast results; auras and chakras; acupressure points and piezoelectricity; the acceptance statement and other tapping protocols; breaking the cycle of inner judgment and negativity; the deep and authentic personal work tapping requires; subjective units of distress (SUDs) and the affect bridge; obstacles to change and psychological reversals; tapping as a tool for trauma healing; and more. Note: This episode originally aired on Sounds True One, where these special episodes of Insights at the Edge are available to watch live on video with exclusive access to Q&As with our guests. Learn more at


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James McCrae: Why We Need the Art of YOU

Where does creativity come from? How do we uncover our authenticity and deepest expression in a society that would have us cover it up to fit in? What is the connection between creativity and healing? Join Tami Simon in conversation with poet, artist, and author James McCrae as they discuss these questions, the role of the artist today, and his new book, The Art of You: The Essential Guidebook for Reclaiming Your Creativity. A wonderful listen for creatives of every type and anyone who's ever had the thought, "I'm not creative," Tami and James talk about the courage to choose authenticity; the magnetic nature of vulnerability; creativity as a spiritual path; intuition as a portal to the invisible dimensions; emotion: the energy that fuels creativity; shadow work and the "creative purge"; the yin and yang of creativity; cultivating the soil; giving your ego the appropriate job; the metaphor of the sunflower; listening: the first stage of creativity; social media, art, and technology; viral ideas and the origination of the term meme; curiosity and the spirit of exploration; and more. Note: This episode originally aired on Sounds True One, where these special episodes of Insights at the Edge are available to watch live on video and with exclusive access to Q&As with our guests. Learn more at


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Erica Djossa: Releasing the Mother Load

What have we done to our mothers? Sociologists call our times “the era of intensive mothering,” a period in which moms must be it all and do it all for their children and families. Psychotherapist and maternal mental health specialist Erica Djossa has made it her mission to teach today’s mothers how to take care of their well-being in a sustainable way. In this podcast, Tami Simon speaks with Erica about her much-needed new book, Releasing the Mother Load, and the steps we can take to challenge the norms and change the culture around mothering. Enjoy this empowering discussion of: values-centered mothering; mothers as martyrs; the pressures facing a generation of “overinformed, overeducated, and overwhelmed” moms; equally sharing our household duties; the cost of cognitive or invisible labor; boundaries; using the “load map” to redistribute the work; “mom rage,” its roots, and the unique nature of anger in motherhood; identifying the “red light and green light” times for difficult conversations with partners (and sticking to them); overcoming perfectionism; self-compassion; re-parenting yourself while you’re parenting your children; the disempowering belief that I’m failing as a mom; effective self-care for moms (it’s not just bubble baths!); advice for making changes—start small; and more. Note: This episode originally aired on Sounds True One, where these special episodes of Insights at the Edge are available to watch live on video and with exclusive access to Q&As with our guests. Learn more at


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Rupert Spira: The Quiet Joy of Being

What is the treasure that we all seek? What is it that we are looking for above all else? Contemporary spiritual teacher and author Rupert Spira believes that it's the feeling of sufficiency, of ease, of peace—or the realization of our innermost nature as being. In this podcast that is at once expansive and experiential, Tami Simon speaks with Rupert about his book You Are the Happiness You Seek and the insights he has gleaned through a lifetime of spiritual exploration and practice. Tune in for a liberating conversation covering the practice of pausing or "going back to being"; letting go of resistance and turning toward our unhappiness; bringing a complete "yes" to your current experience; the inquiry, who is the one that's experiencing?; the pure "I Am"; the original ADD: Awareness Deficit Disorder; the problem with the word "enlightenment"; recognizing the gaps between our thoughts and feelings; why what happens to the body doesn't happen to our being; the absolute level and the relative level; the practical implications of deepening our recognition of being; love: the felt sense of our shared being; freedom from "the tyranny of ego"; and more. Note: This episode originally aired on Sounds True One, where these special episodes of Insights at the Edge are available to watch live on video and with exclusive access to Q&As with our guests. Learn more at
