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South Hills Corona

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Entertaining & inspiring conversational talks on God, life, scripture & what it means to be human, recorded weekly in front of a live audience of seekers, sinners & maybe even a few saints-in-the-making at the original South Hills Church location in Corona, CA.


United States


Entertaining & inspiring conversational talks on God, life, scripture & what it means to be human, recorded weekly in front of a live audience of seekers, sinners & maybe even a few saints-in-the-making at the original South Hills Church location in Corona, CA.



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Trust Issues - Adam Smith “Tailgate, Skiing & Trust Essentials“ - 6.9.24

We all know what it feels like not to trust someone. But is that all trust is—a feeling? Where do these feelings even come from? Are they ever wrong? What is it that makes someone trustworthy? Is it a matter or faith or proof? How transferable is trust? If we trust someone with one thing, does that mean we should trust them with everything? Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to map trust & objectively measure how trustworthy someone is in any given circumstance, including yourself? We think there is. And so does God, it seems. If you're new with us, let us know how we can be praying for you, we invite you to fill out an online Connect Card by visiting — If you are looking for what is next for you, we invite you to fill out an online “Next Steps” card by visiting To give with us select the Give tab on the Church Center App or visit and select the Corona Fund or Corona BOW Fund — Visit our Linktree to find out more about everything mentioned in today’s message or follow along with the message slides: — To RSVP for On-Campus Events select the Events tab on the Church Center App or visit
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Trust Issues - Adam Smith “Trust Me“ - 6.2.24

We’ve all heard someone say, “I don’t trust people.” And they probably have pretty good reasons for it. Maybe when someone says, “Trust me”, there’s part of you that bristles. When someone violates our trust, instead of just seeing them as untrustworthy, we can assume—maybe everyone is untrustworthy. We become suspicious of the motives & actions of everyone around us. Which is understandable, but not all that functional. Life requires trust because it involves other people—they prepare our food, handle our money, and build our freeways. Without trust we’d live alone in a bunker. The question is—why did God make us so dependent on one another? And why is making an effort to try and trust again ultimately worth it? If you're new with us, let us know how we can be praying for you, we invite you to fill out an online Connect Card by visiting — If you are looking for what is next for you, we invite you to fill out an online “Next Steps” card by visiting To give with us select the Give tab on the Church Center App or visit and select the Corona Fund or Corona BOW Fund — Visit our Linktree to find out more about everything mentioned in today’s message or follow along with the message slides: — To RSVP for On-Campus Events select the Events tab on the Church Center App or visit


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God’s Got Questions - Adam Smith “I’m Sure of It“ - 5.26.24

Ever wonder why other people just don’t get it? The truth is so obvious. And you know what you’re talking about. You’ve looked into it. You’ve done the research. You’ve analyzed what’s out there. And you’re pretty sure you see things clearly. Why can’t everybody else just get on board? It’s up to you to show them where they’re wrong and tell them how to make things right. Have you gotten a little heated, aggressive, condescending at times? Sure. But it’s ok. You’re right. The truth hurts and it’s supposed to. If you're new with us, let us know how we can be praying for you, we invite you to fill out an online Connect Card by visiting — If you are looking for what is next for you, we invite you to fill out an online “Next Steps” card by visiting To give with us select the Give tab on the Church Center App or visit and select the Corona Fund or Corona BOW Fund — Visit our Linktree to find out more about everything mentioned in today’s message or follow along with the message slides: — To RSVP for On-Campus Events select the Events tab on the Church Center App or visit


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God’s Got Questions - Adam Smith “Hey, While You’re Up“ - 5.19.24

Ever had an issue you just couldn’t seem to escape? Maybe it was a bad habit, negative thought process, destructive impulse, or unhealthy relationship pattern. Whatever it is, you don’t like that you do it. At times you thought you were over it, but reluctantly crawled back to it. Is this just the way you are? Is there nothing you can do? Are there other options or are you doomed to stay stuck? If you're new with us, let us know how we can be praying for you, we invite you to fill out an online Connect Card by visiting — If you are looking for what is next for you, we invite you to fill out an online “Next Steps” card by visiting To give with us select the Give tab on the Church Center App or visit and select the Corona Fund or Corona BOW Fund — Visit our Linktree to find out more about everything mentioned in today’s message or follow along with the message slides: — To RSVP for On-Campus Events select the Events tab on the Church Center App or visit


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God’s Got Questions - Adam Smith “Moms, Meltdowns & Madness“ - 5.12.24

Do you find yourself feeling annoyed a lot—about all sorts of things, large and small? You’re not a hateful person, you just want things to be right. And when they’re not, you can’t help but see it and be frustrated by it. Sometimes it feels like other people aren’t even trying. And the more you think about it, the more upset you get. People have started walking on eggshells around you. That’s not what you want, but you also don’t want to lower your standards. What do you do with all the frustration you feel and how do you keep it from ruining your relationships with others? If you're new with us, let us know how we can be praying for you, we invite you to fill out an online Connect Card by visiting — If you are looking for what is next for you, we invite you to fill out an online “Next Steps” card by visiting To give with us select the Give tab on the Church Center App or visit and select the Corona Fund or Corona BOW Fund — Visit our Linktree to find out more about everything mentioned in today’s message or follow along with the message slides: — To RSVP for On-Campus Events select the Events tab on the Church Center App or visit


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God’s God Questions - Adam Smith “They Said What?“ - 5.5.24

Ever been told you’re hard on yourself? Ever have trouble believing the nice things people say about you? When something doesn’t go as planned, do you assume it’s probably your fault? Is part of you always wondering when it’s all going to fall apart? Ever realize that not everyone else thinks this way? Why is that? How do we come to believe the things we do? And what do you do if the way you think seems to be hurting you more than helping? If you're new with us, let us know how we can be praying for you, we invite you to fill out an online Connect Card by visiting — If you are looking for what is next for you, we invite you to fill out an online “Next Steps” card by visiting To give with us select the Give tab on the Church Center App or visit and select the Corona Fund or Corona BOW Fund — Visit our Linktree to find out more about everything mentioned in today’s message or follow along with the message slides: — To RSVP for On-Campus Events select the Events tab on the Church Center App or visit


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Losing My Religion - Adam Smith “Fruit Check“ - 4.28.24

It’s easy to assume Christian maturity is following the strictest rules, memorizing the most verses, and meeting the highest standards. We can tend to think the less joy we exude, the more spiritual we are. But Jesus didn’t seem to share this perception. He was less concerned with the rules people followed then the health of the relationships they were a part of. He believed if God was truly working in you, it would positively impact everyone around you. He was convinced that if your life wasn’t becoming more peaceful, patient, kind, and self-controlled, then you weren’t really living life His way. What would it look like to take Jesus’ definition of spiritual maturity seriously? And how would we implement it? If you're new with us, let us know how we can be praying for you, we invite you to fill out an online Connect Card by visiting — If you are looking for what is next for you, we invite you to fill out an online “Next Steps” card by visiting To give with us select the Give tab on the Church Center App or visit and select the Corona Fund or Corona BOW Fund — Visit our Linktree to find out more about everything mentioned in today’s message or follow along with the message slides: — To RSVP for On-Campus Events select the Events tab on the Church Center App or visit
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Losing My Religion - Adam Smith “Boycotts & BBQs“ - 4.21.24

Christians have a reputation of acting as if the world is doomed and their main objective is to complain about it, survive it, and eventually escape it. They seem to believe hope is reserved for heaven, and the only thing available on earth is pessimism. Jesus called His followers the “light of the world”, but many people experience them as a dark cloud of discouragement. But what if hope wasn’t something reserved for later, but something we can access here and now? What if God’s expectation isn’t that we escape the earth, but that we bring heaven to earth? If we could, how would we do it? What would that look like? And how might it change our outlook on life if we truly believed it were possible? If you're new with us, let us know how we can be praying for you, we invite you to fill out an online Connect Card by visiting — If you are looking for what is next for you, we invite you to fill out an online “Next Steps” card by visiting To give with us select the Give tab on the Church Center App or visit and select the Corona Fund or Corona BOW Fund — Visit our Linktree to find out more about everything mentioned in today’s message or follow along with the message slides: — To RSVP for On-Campus Events select the Events tab on the Church Center App or visit


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Losing My Religion - Guest Speaker: Jeff Fernandez - 4.14.24

Many people walk away from church because they felt as if they were surrounded by hypocrites—people who said one thing but did another. And honestly, they’re not wrong. The church IS full of hypocrites because it’s full of people, and people are often inconsistent. The problem we have is not that people make mistakes, it’s that they won’t admit to and own their mistakes, while coming down on others for theirs. That’s what we can’t stand. And as it turns out, Jesus couldn’t stand it either. But His solution wasn’t to lower God’s expectations, but to invite people to look in the mirror and start with themselves. But to do this, they’d need more than willpower. They’d need the power of the Holy Spirit to help them face the worst parts of themselves, something many of us still aren’t willing to do. If you're new with us, let us know how we can be praying for you, we invite you to fill out an online Connect Card by visiting — If you are looking for what is next for you, we invite you to fill out an online “Next Steps” card by visiting To give with us select the Give tab on the Church Center App or visit and select the Corona Fund or Corona BOW Fund — Visit our Linktree to find out more about everything mentioned in today’s message or follow along with the message slides: — To RSVP for On-Campus Events select the Events tab on the Church Center App or visit


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Losing My Religion - Adam Smith “From Food Court Faux Pas to Park Bench Prayers” - 4.7.24

If you ask an outsider what they think of Christians, they’re likely to say, “They’re judgmental and think they’re better than everyone else.” And there’s a good chance their answer is based on personal experience. Some won’t set foot inside a church because they’re convinced all eyes will be on them, staring them down as if they don’t belong. They’re convinced the only way to fit in is to fix everything about themselves first. Interestingly, this isn’t the experience people had with Jesus at all. The most notorious sinners felt comfortable sitting, eating, talking, and laughing with Jesus. And many of these people made radical changes to their lives without being called out, condemned, or shamed for their sin. Jesus was focused on building real relationship, not getting people to behave according to the rules. What would it look like to make His way our way? If you're new with us, let us know how we can be praying for you, we invite you to fill out an online Connect Card by visiting — If you are looking for what is next for you, we invite you to fill out an online “Next Steps” card by visiting To give with us select the Give tab on the Church Center App or visit and select the Corona Fund or Corona BOW Fund — Visit our Linktree to find out more about everything mentioned in today’s message or follow along with the message slides: — To RSVP for On-Campus Events select the Events tab on the Church Center App or visit


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Easter 2024 - Adam Smith “Slip n’ Slides, Suckers, & Cynics” - 3.31.24

If you're new with us, let us know how we can be praying for you, we invite you to fill out an online Connect Card by visiting — If you are looking for what is next for you, we invite you to fill out an online “Next Steps” card by visiting To give with us select the Give tab on the Church Center App or visit and select the Corona Fund or Corona BOW Fund — Visit our Linktree to find out more about everything mentioned in today’s message or follow along with the message slides: — To RSVP for On-Campus Events select the Events tab on the Church Center App or visit


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Good Friday 2024 - Adam Smith “Landslide Pt. 2” - 3.29.24

If you're new with us, let us know how we can be praying for you, we invite you to fill out an online Connect Card by visiting — If you are looking for what is next for you, we invite you to fill out an online “Next Steps” card by visiting To give with us select the Give tab on the Church Center App or visit and select the Corona Fund or Corona BOW Fund — Visit our Linktree to find out more about everything mentioned in today’s message or follow along with the message slides: — To RSVP for On-Campus Events select the Events tab on the Church Center App or visit


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Good Friday 2024 - Adam Smith “Landslide Pt. 1” - 3.29.24

If you're new with us, let us know how we can be praying for you, we invite you to fill out an online Connect Card by visiting — If you are looking for what is next for you, we invite you to fill out an online “Next Steps” card by visiting To give with us select the Give tab on the Church Center App or visit and select the Corona Fund or Corona BOW Fund — Visit our Linktree to find out more about everything mentioned in today’s message or follow along with the message slides: — To RSVP for On-Campus Events select the Events tab on the Church Center App or visit


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Carpool - Week 4 - Mariah Wells “Spare Parts” - 3.24.24

We’re told that what God wants to do in the world is for everyone everywhere and we’re all part of His plan. But, ever feel like that can’t be true of you? Ever feel like you have nothing worthwhile to offer or contribute? Ever feel like when God built the kit to rescue the world, He threw in a couple of spare parts for good measure…and that’s you? We all have moments where we feel this way? Why is that? What is it that God wants YOU to do to build His Kingdom here on earth? What does that even mean? And why is it so essential that we understand and act on what He’s asked us to do? If you're new with us, let us know how we can be praying for you, we invite you to fill out an online Connect Card by visiting — If you are looking for what is next for you, we invite you to fill out an online “Next Steps” card by visiting To give with us select the Give tab on the Church Center App or visit and select the Corona Fund or Corona BOW Fund — Visit our Linktree to find out more about everything mentioned in today’s message or follow along with the message slides: — To RSVP for On-Campus Events select the Events tab on the Church Center App or visit


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Carpool - Week 3 - Adam Smith “I Can’t Let You Go; Your Handprint’s on My Soul” - 3.17.24

Everybody knows that just like a road trip isn’t complete without music, a church service isn’t complete without worship. We may not know why that is. But we know that it is. It’s obvious there’s something powerful about music, but why do we need to huddle together and sing love songs in the dark to someone who’s invisible. It’s weird. Why has this been a staple of religious gatherings since humans started having them? Does God require it? Are we obligated to do it? Is it how we prove our worth and earn His blessing? Or is it about something else altogether? How might knowing what God intends it to be change how we approach it and how fulfilling we find it? If you're new with us, let us know how we can be praying for you, we invite you to fill out an online Connect Card by visiting — If you are looking for what is next for you, we invite you to fill out an online “Next Steps” card by visiting To give with us select the Give tab on the Church Center App or visit and select the Corona Fund or Corona BOW Fund — Visit our Linktree to find out more about everything mentioned in today’s message or follow along with the message slides: — To RSVP for On-Campus Events select the Events tab on the Church Center App or visit


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Carpool - Week 2 - Adam Smith “Cafeteria Chasms” - 3.10.24

Life is busy and shows no signs of slowing down. That means doing a lot of our life on-the-go: looking over a proposal while in another meeting, taking a phone call at your kid’s soccer practice, eating alone in your car. A lot of us have a hard time being fully present with the people in front of us—not multitasking, thinking about what’s next, or wishing we were somewhere else. We get a lot done but end up feeling disconnected from ourselves and others. If there was one thing Jesus was famous for during His life, it was slowing down, sitting down, and sharing meals with people. So many stories in the gospels are just Him eating. Then He tells His followers to carry on His tradition. What’s going on here? And what do long, meandering meals with others have to do with faith? If you're new with us, let us know how we can be praying for you, we invite you to fill out an online Connect Card by visiting — If you are looking for what is next for you, we invite you to fill out an online “Next Steps” card by visiting To give with us select the Give tab on the Church Center App or visit and select the Corona Fund or Corona BOW Fund — Visit our Linktree to find out more about everything mentioned in today’s message or follow along with the message slides: — To RSVP for On-Campus Events select the Events tab on the Church Center App or visit


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Carpool - Week 1 - Adam Smith “Custom Settings” - 3.3.24

If you're new with us, let us know how we can be praying for you, we invite you to fill out an online Connect Card by visiting — If you are looking for what is next for you, we invite you to fill out an online “Next Steps” card by visiting To give with us select the Give tab on the Church Center App or visit and select the Corona Fund or Corona BOW Fund — Visit our Linktree to find out more about everything mentioned in today’s message or follow along with the message slides: — To RSVP for On-Campus Events select the Events tab on the Church Center App or visit


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The Opposite of Spoiled - Week 4 - Adam Smith “Underwhelmed & Unimpressed” - 2.25.24

The last thing any parent wants their kid to be is a spoiled brat. But, in today’s culture, that’s tricky to avoid. It’s hard enough for adults not to become preoccupied with their own wants and desires. Especially when we’re all told that we deserve better. We’re entitled. How do we keep from being demanding and dissatisfied? Is it something we can sustain long-term? The early New Testament church seemed to have found a hack. What was it? And is there any proof it’ll still work today? If you're new with us, let us know how we can be praying for you, we invite you to fill out an online Connect Card by visiting — If you are looking for what is next for you, we invite you to fill out an online “Next Steps” card by visiting To give with us select the Give tab on the Church Center App or visit and select the Corona Fund or Corona BOW Fund — Visit our Linktree to find out more about everything mentioned in today’s message or follow along with the message slides: — To RSVP for On-Campus Events select the Events tab on the Church Center App or visit


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The Opposite of Spoiled - Week 3 - Adam Smith “Little Princess” - 2.18.24

So much of what we think we need is dictated by what those around us have. We feel the pressure to keep up with and occasionally one-up our neighbors. But social media has expanded our community of comparison to everyone in existence. Which is a little overwhelming. Why is so much of our self-worth tied to what we have, and why do even those who have a lot often feel worthless? How do we break our addiction to more? And how do we teach our kids there’s more to life than having the best stuff? If you're new with us, let us know how we can be praying for you, we invite you to fill out an online Connect Card by visiting — If you are looking for what is next for you, we invite you to fill out an online “Next Steps” card by visiting To give with us select the Give tab on the Church Center App or visit and select the Corona Fund or Corona BOW Fund — Visit our Linktree to find out more about everything mentioned in today’s message or follow along with the message slides: — To RSVP for On-Campus Events select the Events tab on the Church Center App or visit
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The Opposite of Spoiled - Week 2 - Adam Smith “What’s The Plan with That” - 2.11.24

Statistically, most Americans live paycheck to paycheck, barely making ends meet regardless of how much they make. It’s easier to make money than to make a plan for your money. We tend to just spend what we get on whatever we need in the moment, not realizing that some of our needs may just be wants in disguise. How can you tell the difference? Is it the same for everybody? Is it even realistic to stick to a budget in a modern age? If so, how? If you're new with us, let us know how we can be praying for you, we invite you to fill out an online Connect Card by visiting — If you are looking for what is next for you, we invite you to fill out an online “Next Steps” card by visiting To give with us select the Give tab on the Church Center App or visit and select the Corona Fund or Corona BOW Fund — Visit our Linktree to find out more about everything mentioned in today’s message or follow along with the message slides: — To RSVP for On-Campus Events select the Events tab on the Church Center App or visit
