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Spiritually Inspired

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Claudiu Murgan, author, speaker, and life coach, interviews individuals that have started on a spiritual path a long time ago. They share their turning point, their struggle, and spiritual or metaphysical experiences. Claudiu creates a podcast where people open up, vibrating with love, gratitude, and compassion.




Claudiu Murgan, author, speaker, and life coach, interviews individuals that have started on a spiritual path a long time ago. They share their turning point, their struggle, and spiritual or metaphysical experiences. Claudiu creates a podcast where people open up, vibrating with love, gratitude, and compassion.





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A glimpse into Claudiu's Akashic records - Kathy Mason | Spiritually Inspired #166

Send us a Text Message. Kathy's personal life vision is a world where one deals with themselves and others in love and affection…where people courageously and successfully contribute to society with meaningful, noble work…and where all actions and thoughts are done with integrity. www.masonworksmarketing.com Resources: The Decadence of Our Soul https://www.amazon.com/Decadence-Our-Soul-Claudiu-Murgan/dp/164085326X/ Water Entanglement https://www.amazon.com/Water-Entanglement-Mr-Claudiu-Murgan/dp/1640852905/ Crystal Cloud https://www.amazon.com/Crystal-Cloud-Mr-Claudiu-Murgan/dp/1647464153 Love Letters to Water: An Anthology https://www.amazon.com/Love-Letters-Water-Claudiu-Murgan/dp/1988058880/ www.ClaudiuMurgan.com www.SpirituallyInspired.ca www.LoveLettersToWater.ca Email: claudiu@claudiumurgan.com https://spirituallyinspired.buzzsprout.com https://www.buzzsprout.com/1651807/support Facebook: www.facebook.com/ClaudiuMurganAuthor Subscribe for more videos! youtube.com/channel/UC6RlLkzUK_LdyRSV7DE6obQ Support the Show.


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Anger troubles me the most - Faust Ruggiero | Spiritually Inspired #167

Send us a Text Message. Faust Ruggiero is a psychologist who has been in private practice for over thirty-five years. Before entering private practice, he worked in clinics for deaf children, prisons, nursing homes, substance abuse centers, inpatient facilities, and is a consultant for major national and international corporations. He is a published research author and a professional clinical trainer. In the summer of 2016, he began to develop The Fix Yourself Empowerment Series based on the Process Life Program to help readers address difficult situations in their lives. The series currently includes The Fix Yourself Handbook, The Fix Your Anxiety Handbook, The Fix Your Depression Handbook, and The Fix Your Anger Handbook. https://www.faustruggiero.com/ Resources: www.ClaudiuMurgan.com www.SpirituallyInspired.ca www.LoveLettersToWater.ca YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/channel/UC6RlLkzUK_LdyRSV7DE6obQ Email: claudiu@claudiumurgan.com https://spirituallyinspired.buzzsprout.com https://www.buzzsprout.com/1651807/support Facebook: www.facebook.com/ClaudiuMurganAuthor Subscribe for more videos! youtube.com/channel/UC6RlLkzUK_LdyRSV7DE6obQ Support the Show.


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The Earth is Ascending to a new level of Consciousness - Suzanna Kennedy | Spiritually Inspired #165

Send us a Text Message. Suzanna Kennedy is an experienced Ascension Coach and the proud creator of Reality Crafting 5.0 consciousness technology. She has dedicated her life to helping individuals on their path to self-discovery, healing, conscious manifesting and ascension. Her mission is to pave the way to Pathway To Paradise for humanity and Gaia, Blessed Mother Earth. Reality Crafting 5.0 helps humans awaken and liberate themselves from the Illusion of Separation, embody their divinity and consciously co-create a new reality of unity, love, freedom, health and abundance for all. Her global team joyfully offers training, coaching, alchemical products and services, plus community support to gracefully ascend into New Paradise Earth. https://www.suzannakennedy.com/ Resources: The Decadence of Our Soul https://www.amazon.com/Decadence-Our-Soul-Claudiu-Murgan/dp/164085326X/ Water Entanglement https://www.amazon.com/Water-Entanglement-Mr-Claudiu-Murgan/dp/1640852905/ Crystal Cloud https://www.amazon.com/Crystal-Cloud-Mr-Claudiu-Murgan/dp/1647464153 Love Letters to Water: An Anthology https://www.amazon.com/Love-Letters-Water-Claudiu-Murgan/dp/1988058880/ www.ClaudiuMurgan.com www.SpirituallyInspired.ca www.LoveLettersToWater.ca Email: claudiu@claudiumurgan.com https://spirituallyinspired.buzzsprout.com https://www.buzzsprout.com/1651807/support Facebook: www.facebook.com/ClaudiuMurganAuthor Subscribe for more videos! youtube.com/channel/UC6RlLkzUK_LdyRSV7DE6obQ Support the Show.


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We have to remember that we are whole - Fran Bailey | Spiritually Inspired #164

Send us a Text Message. As a child, Fran’s world was surrounded in music, dance, singing and believing in positive thought and philosophy. Her connection with the metaphysical world was a natural state of being. She started at the age of 4 dancing in a barn with a ballet barre she could never reach, but it didn’t matter ~ she was hooked. There was something about expressing emotions, moving energy with her body that fits like a glove. Fran went on to receive a BFA in dance, and for many years performed, choreographed, and taught children, adults, private and group classes. Fran still performs when she gets the chance. Her interest and training in energy healing started about 16 years ago, with world–renowned energy healer, Rosalyn L. Bruyere, thus connecting with the metaphysical aspect of her life. For twelve years Fran worked as an energy healer for the Alliance Institute for Integrative Medicine under Drs. Steve and Sandi Amoils in Cincinnati, Ohio. Subsequently, Fran began developing her meditation and psychic skills with noted psychic healers John Friedlander and Gloria Hemsher, authors of the definitive books Basic Psychic Development and Psychic Psychology. https://franbaileyhealer.com/ Resources: The Decadence of Our Soul https://www.amazon.com/Decadence-Our-Soul-Claudiu-Murgan/dp/164085326X/ Water Entanglement https://www.amazon.com/Water-Entanglement-Mr-Claudiu-Murgan/dp/1640852905/ Crystal Cloud https://www.amazon.com/Crystal-Cloud-Mr-Claudiu-Murgan/dp/1647464153 Love Letters to Water: An Anthology https://www.amazon.com/Love-Letters-Water-Claudiu-Murgan/dp/1988058880/ www.ClaudiuMurgan.com www.SpirituallyInspired.ca www.LoveLettersToWater.ca Email: claudiu@claudiumurgan.com https://spirituallyinspired.buzzsprout.com https://www.buzzsprout.com/1651807/support Facebook: www.facebook.com/ClaudiuMurganAuthor Subscribe for more videos! youtube.com/channel/UC6RlLkzUK_LdyRSV7DE6obQ Support the Show.


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The mind cannot comprehend the void - David Maria & Viivika Kalma | Spiritually Inspired #163

Send us a Text Message. David Maria - For decades, David struggled emotionally and financially as he worked to overcome the effects of the horrific abuse he experienced in childhood. His wealth of psychic gifts offered glimmers of hope and small breakthroughs that encouraged him. Unfortunately, addiction and toxicity pulled him back into the roiling waters of daily life. While David always had lucid, prophetic dreams, he was surprised when, at the age of 72, he began dreaming of Africa. Those lucid dreams ignited his soul and set the stage for the incredible journey that continues to unfold today. Against the odds, and through multiple miracles and prophetic dreams, in December of 2018, David made the pilgrimage to Mount Kenya for the annual prayer walk. After a series of initiations and energetic jolts that felt like lightning, The Eden Template had been transmitted to David. Once he experienced his own original soul blueprint and purpose through this powerful activation, he returned home to begin the work he came for. Upon his return to Kenya in 2020, David was recognized by the Gikuyu elders as the 13th Seer of Mount Kenya and in 2022 he was inducted / initiated as an elder and the first ever 13th Seer in the Gikuyu society. Viivika Kalma - Like many light workers, Viivika was born into a family filled with drama and disharmony, which left deep wounds in her sensitive heart. Viivika was born as a highly sensitive empath and because of her very open body consciousness, she felt and experienced the feelings of others, different energies, the pain of others in her physical body, and also everything in the collective. She did not realize at the time that her strong empathy for all beings was due to a stronger connection with the heart of all Creation and the heart of the Cosmic Mother. On December 27. 2018, she experienced a spontaneous full body Kundalini awakening at the exact same moment that David was being initiated in Kenya. After this experience, she started getting different downloads, transmissions, and activations every night. Today, she is one of the conscious conduits of the Cosmic Mother. "My role is to be a Holy mirror. If you experience others through the prism of Holy love, others will also experience themselves as you experience them, as Holy love.” The Eden Template www.theedentemplate.com Resources: www.ClaudiuMurgan.com www.SpirituallyInspired.ca www.LoveLettersToWater.ca Email: claudiu@claudiumurgan.com https://spirituallyinspired.buzzsprout.com https://www.buzzsprout.com/1651807/support Facebook: www.facebook.com/ClaudiuMurganAuthor Subscribe for more videos! youtube.com/channel/UC6RlLkzUK_LdyRSV7DE6obQ Support the Show.


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The Mayan tradition had a similar Reading deck - Marv Machura | Spiritually Inspired #162

Send us a Text Message. Marv is an author, psychic, Tarot Card expert and reader, and have recently published a self-help guide to the Tarot. Marv is also a talented singing guitarist who published more than 20 songs in Nashville, Tennessee. And above all this, he is a fellow Canadian living on the West Coast. The Tarot is composed of five parts that reflect the nature of being human: spirit, health, emotion, mind, money aspects related to the Tarot such as the Kabbalah, Tree of Life, Bible, and Hermetic-Platonic-Pythagorean wisdom. https://universe-pyschic.com/ Resources: The Decadence of Our Soul https://www.amazon.com/Decadence-Our-Soul-Claudiu-Murgan/dp/164085326X/ Water Entanglement https://www.amazon.com/Water-Entanglement-Mr-Claudiu-Murgan/dp/1640852905/ Crystal Cloud https://www.amazon.com/Crystal-Cloud-Mr-Claudiu-Murgan/dp/1647464153 Love Letters to Water: An Anthology https://www.amazon.com/Love-Letters-Water-Claudiu-Murgan/dp/1988058880/ www.ClaudiuMurgan.com www.SpirituallyInspired.ca www.LoveLettersToWater.ca Email: claudiu@claudiumurgan.com https://spirituallyinspired.buzzsprout.com https://www.buzzsprout.com/1651807/support Facebook: www.facebook.com/ClaudiuMurganAuthor Subscribe for more videos! youtube.com/channel/UC6RlLkzUK_LdyRSV7DE6obQ Support the Show.


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The system is about illness and medication | Spiritually Inspired #160

Send us a Text Message. Katie Deming is a Duke-trained radiation oncologist, former leader in one of the country’s largest healthcare systems, inventor, and TEDx speaker who left conventional medicine at the height of her career, following a near-death experience that changed everything for her personally and professionally. She is now on a mission to create an entirely new approach to healing, called Conscious Medicine, which considers the myriad roots of disease and the role of water as the unifying connector of mind, body, emotion and spirit. She is also the host of the Born to Heal podcast. https://www.katiedeming.com/ Resources: The Decadence of Our Soul https://www.amazon.com/Decadence-Our-Soul-Claudiu-Murgan/dp/164085326X/ Water Entanglement https://www.amazon.com/Water-Entanglement-Mr-Claudiu-Murgan/dp/1640852905/ Crystal Cloud https://www.amazon.com/Crystal-Cloud-Mr-Claudiu-Murgan/dp/1647464153 Love Letters to Water: An Anthology https://www.amazon.com/Love-Letters-Water-Claudiu-Murgan/dp/1988058880/ www.ClaudiuMurgan.com www.SpirituallyInspired.ca www.LoveLettersToWater.ca Email: claudiu@claudiumurgan.com https://spirituallyinspired.buzzsprout.com https://www.buzzsprout.com/1651807/support Facebook: www.facebook.com/ClaudiuMurganAuthor Subscribe for more videos! youtube.com/channel/UC6RlLkzUK_LdyRSV7DE6obQ Support the Show.


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I feel that I'm not in my body | Spiritually Inspired #161

Send us a Text Message. Susanne is a certified professional hypnotist, with a degree in kinesiology and psychology. "Personal connection is what I love most about the work that I do. Holding space for you is an incredible honor that requires your confidence & trust. Together we will decide upon goals for your session so that you can let go of whatever it is that has been weighing you down. During the entire session, you will be awake, aware and in-control which allows you to ask me questions, to indicate if you would like to explore something more or to redirect the focus." https://www.journeyshypnosis.com/ Resources: The Decadence of Our Soul https://www.amazon.com/Decadence-Our-Soul-Claudiu-Murgan/dp/164085326X/ Water Entanglement https://www.amazon.com/Water-Entanglement-Mr-Claudiu-Murgan/dp/1640852905/ Crystal Cloud https://www.amazon.com/Crystal-Cloud-Mr-Claudiu-Murgan/dp/1647464153 Love Letters to Water: An Anthology https://www.amazon.com/Love-Letters-Water-Claudiu-Murgan/dp/1988058880/ www.ClaudiuMurgan.com www.SpirituallyInspired.ca www.LoveLettersToWater.ca Email: claudiu@claudiumurgan.com https://spirituallyinspired.buzzsprout.com https://www.buzzsprout.com/1651807/support Facebook: www.facebook.com/ClaudiuMurganAuthor Subscribe for more videos! youtube.com/channel/UC6RlLkzUK_LdyRSV7DE6obQ Support the Show.


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I sold everything and bought a one-way ticket to Thailand - Ania Halama | Spiritually Inspired #158

Send us a Text Message. Ania is the founder and the CEO of Xpansion Alchemy company, a Spiritual Mentor, a best-selling author, a healer, and an intuitive brand designer. Her two books are ‘Rebel’s Guide to Spirituality’ and ‘Women Gone Wild the Wealth Edition’. https://aniahalama.com/ Resources: The Decadence of Our Soul https://www.amazon.com/Decadence-Our-Soul-Claudiu-Murgan/dp/164085326X/ Water Entanglement https://www.amazon.com/Water-Entanglement-Mr-Claudiu-Murgan/dp/1640852905/ Crystal Cloud https://www.amazon.com/Crystal-Cloud-Mr-Claudiu-Murgan/dp/1647464153 Love Letters to Water: An Anthology https://www.amazon.com/Love-Letters-Water-Claudiu-Murgan/dp/1988058880/ www.ClaudiuMurgan.com www.SpirituallyInspired.ca www.LoveLettersToWater.ca Email: claudiu@claudiumurgan.com https://spirituallyinspired.buzzsprout.com https://www.buzzsprout.com/1651807/support Facebook: www.facebook.com/ClaudiuMurganAuthor Subscribe for more videos! youtube.com/channel/UC6RlLkzUK_LdyRSV7DE6obQ Support the Show.


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I didn't agree that only Catholics go to Heaven - Lynne McTaggart | Spiritually Inspired #159

Send us a Text Message. Lynne McTaggart is an award-winning journalist and the author of seven books, including the worldwide international bestsellers The Power of Eight, The Field, The Intention Experiment and The Bond, all considered seminal books of the New Science and now translated into some 30 languages. She’s consistently voted one of the world’s top 100 spiritual leaders for her ground-breaking work with consciousness and the power of intention. Lynne is known for the quality of her writing and in-depth research, her inspirational speaking style and her uncompromising role as New Thought leader and spiritual change agent. She’s also the architect of the Intention Experiment, a global ‘laboratory’ involving thousands of readers around the world testing the power of group thoughts to heal the world. https://lynnemctaggart.com/ Resources: The Decadence of Our Soul https://www.amazon.com/Decadence-Our-Soul-Claudiu-Murgan/dp/164085326X/ Water Entanglement https://www.amazon.com/Water-Entanglement-Mr-Claudiu-Murgan/dp/1640852905/ Crystal Cloud https://www.amazon.com/Crystal-Cloud-Mr-Claudiu-Murgan/dp/1647464153 Love Letters to Water: An Anthology https://www.amazon.com/Love-Letters-Water-Claudiu-Murgan/dp/1988058880/ www.ClaudiuMurgan.com www.SpirituallyInspired.ca www.LoveLettersToWater.ca Email: claudiu@claudiumurgan.com https://spirituallyinspired.buzzsprout.com https://www.buzzsprout.com/1651807/support Facebook: www.facebook.com/ClaudiuMurganAuthor Subscribe for more videos! youtube.com/channel/UC6RlLkzUK_LdyRSV7DE6obQ Support the Show.


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"My mom caught me glowing in the dark" Michele Blood | Spiritually Inspired #157

Send us a Text Message. Michele was a successful songwriter and rock singer in Australia and after a near-fatal car accident, while in the hospital with many serious injuries, she created positive Affirmation Songs which not only healed her body but also took her to worldwide success. She has shared the stage and worked with Bob Proctor, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Jack Canfield, and many other transformational Authors and Teachers. Her latest book is The Magic Of Affirmation Power and her latest album is Create Miracles: Positive Affirmation Songs To Harmonize your Mind and Life. www.MicheleBlood.com Resources: The Decadence of Our Soul https://www.amazon.com/Decadence-Our-Soul-Claudiu-Murgan/dp/164085326X/ Water Entanglement https://www.amazon.com/Water-Entanglement-Mr-Claudiu-Murgan/dp/1640852905/ Crystal Cloud https://www.amazon.com/Crystal-Cloud-Mr-Claudiu-Murgan/dp/1647464153 Love Letters to Water: An Anthology https://www.amazon.com/Love-Letters-Water-Claudiu-Murgan/dp/1988058880/ www.ClaudiuMurgan.com www.SpirituallyInspired.ca www.LoveLettersToWater.ca Email: claudiu@claudiumurgan.com https://spirituallyinspired.buzzsprout.com https://www.buzzsprout.com/1651807/support Facebook: www.facebook.com/ClaudiuMurganAuthor Support the Show.


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Garifuna Spirituality is the jewel of Belize

Send us a Text Message. Garifuna Duchess is taking the Garifuna nation by storm as a risk-taker and exceptional model of resilience. She is on the path to becoming a pioneer and household name for those on a spiritual journey, Both in and outside her community. "My Spiritual Journey, A Symbiotic Relationship with My Ancestors" and "My Spiritual Journey, Knowledge & Guidance Vol. II" are the first books to arrive, with the first published in 2021 and the second due in March of 2024. In these books, she invites her readers to take a ride on the spiritual side of becoming and functioning as a medium for loved ones no longer in the physical realm. Garifuna Duchess is expanding her reach with book signings, interviews, speaking engagements, and more. Resources: www.claudiumurgan.com claudiu@claudiumurgan.com www.SpirituallyInspired.ca https://spirituallyinspired.buzzsprout.com Subscribe for more videos! youtube.com/channel/UC6RlLkzUK_LdyRSV7DE6obQ Support the Show.


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Dolores Cannon's hypnosis course gave me the guidance I needed.

Send us a Text Message. Alba is a certified hypnotherapist and along with Jill Cole, she co-authored The Discourse, a book of 12 channelled hypnosis sessions to prepare humanity for ascension. In 2013, Alba was guided to Dolores Cannon's videos on YouTube and saw that the next logical step from life coaching was to use hypnosis to access a person's soul. She took her QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) class and became a QHHT practitioner. Since the work she was doing was so spiritual, she became a Minister of the Universal Life Church and am officially recognized as a member of the monastery with all rights and privileges to perform all duties of the ministry. In 2016, she was mentored by the world-renowned hypnotherapist, Aurelio Mejia, in Medellin, Colombia, and expanded her practice using Forgiveness Therapy and spirit assistance techniques. www.albaweinman.com Resources: www.ClaudiuMurgan.com www.SpirituallyInspired.ca www.LoveLettersToWater.ca YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/channel/UC6RlLkzUK_LdyRSV7DE6obQ Email: claudiu@claudiumurgan.com https://spirituallyinspired.buzzsprout.com https://www.buzzsprout.com/1651807/support Facebook: www.facebook.com/ClaudiuMurganAuthor Support the Show.


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Tesla's Scalar Energy is taking humanity to the next level of evolution.

Send us a Text Message. Tom Paladino is a researcher and humanitarian seeking to make a difference in the world by providing people with the education and tools to restore optimal health, and by helping enhance their quality of life. Tom began research with Scalar Energy during his undergraduate years after developing a deep admiration for the father of Scalar Energy research or knowledge, Nikola Tesla. Tom Paladino has focused a significant portion of his humanitarian efforts upon helping organizations in Uganda and India. www.scalarlight.com Resources: www.claudiumurgan.com claudiu@claudiumurgan.com www.SpirituallyInspired.ca https://spirituallyinspired.buzzsprout.com Subscribe for more videos! youtube.com/channel/UC6RlLkzUK_LdyRSV7DE6obQ Support the Show.


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The Gurus never stopped helping me from the other side.

Send us a Text Message. Indra have been a seeker and devotee on the spiritual path for more than 50 years. During his travels he observed his human brothers and sisters from all cultures and reached the conclusion that we are not so different. www.indrarinzler.com Resources: www.claudiumurgan.com claudiu@claudiumurgan.com www.SpirituallyInspired.ca https://spirituallyinspired.buzzsprout.com Subscribe for more videos! youtube.com/channel/UC6RlLkzUK_LdyRSV7DE6obQ Support the Show.


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I faced death daily while taking care of the elephants.

Send us a Text Message. Marlin is a Dark Sky ambassador for the International Astronomical Union and International Dark-Sky Association. He is a public speaker on the solutions to light pollution and astrotourism for tourism boards, city councils, utility companies, educational institutions and science-centers, and his TEDx talk, Embracing Darkness, can be found online. He is the author of the books: The Contemplative Navel and Astrotourism. mindofmarlin.com Resources: www.claudiumurgan.com claudiu@claudiumurgan.com www.SpirituallyInspired.ca https://spirituallyinspired.buzzsprou... Subscribe for more videos! / @claudiumurgan8394 Support the Show.


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How spirituality could remove financial blockages.

Send us a Text Message. Elizabeth, also known, as The Spiritual Investor, is a high-level wealth strategist with over two decades of industry experience as a former financial executive and energy trader. She retired at the age of 39, ten years after a life-changing encounter with a kangaroo on a beach in Australia. She awoke to the knowledge that she could 'feel' what the market was about to do. Elizabeth's spot-on intuition paired with her financial acumen propelled her to early retirement and evolved into the core principles she now illuminates for others. You can listen to Elizabeth on The Spiritual Investor Podcast. https://www.elizabethralph.com/podcast Resources: www.claudiumurgan.com claudiu@claudiumurgan.com www.SpirituallyInspired.ca https://spirituallyinspired.buzzsprou... Subscribe for more videos! / @claudiumurgan8394 Support the Show.


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NUMEROUS DOCUMENTED ILLNESSES WERE HEALED when my soul 'walked-in' into this body.

Send us a Text Message. Sheila is a Celebrated author, international speaker, multidimensional life coach, healer, regression therapist, shamanic practitioner, and spiritual teacher. She is a soul exchange walk-in. She entered the body of a 38-year-old mother with three children and was instantaneously healed from documented illnesses and took on a new personality with spiritual gifts and memories she didn’t even believe in. Her life was immediately transformed, and she has never been the same. She is the Founder of the Conscious Awakening Network, The Galactic Alliance, Spirit Way Ministries, and podcast host for Conscious Awakening Series with Sheila Seppi, and Cosmic Conversations. SheilaSeppi.com www.claudiumurgan.com claudiu@claudiumurgan.com www.SpirituallyInspired.ca https://spirituallyinspired.buzzsprout.com Subscribe for more videos! youtube.com/channel/UC6RlLkzUK_LdyRSV7DE6obQ Support the Show.


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Send us a Text Message. Rebecca is an Energetic Alignment Coach, an Intuitive Guide and a Spiritual Mentor. She is founder of the Intuitive Life Academy, the premium learning establishment to help you open your heart to love and your soul to the infinite power you really are. An international speaker, writer, and mentor she has empowered thousands of people to break free from their limitations to live a life deep down they know is possible, one filled with opportunities, fulfilment and pleasure. She has her own podcast, named Intuitive Abundance and she has been published in Brainz magazine, Style magazine and The Beauty Book. https://rebeccadavison.life www.rebeccadavison.life/ideal-future-self-activation www.claudiumurgan.com claudiu@claudiumurgan.com www.SpirituallyInspired.ca https://spirituallyinspired.buzzsprout.com Subscribe for more videos! youtube.com/channel/UC6RlLkzUK_LdyRSV7DE6obQ Support the Show.


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The spiritual practice is the DAILY RESET we need!

Send us a Text Message. Label: author, blogger, spiritual seeker Tom Rapsas is a spirituality blogger whose Wake Up Call column at Patheos.com has drawn more than 5 million views over the past ten years. A long-time spiritual seeker, his major influences include Thomas Moore, John Templeton, and Mirabai Starr. Tom's previous two books are a spiritual fable called Thaddeus Squirrel and Life Tweets, a book of inspirational quotes. He worked in the advertising industry as a writer and creative director for over thirty years, primarily in New York City. He is also the author of the book “Wake Up Call." www.TomRapsas.com www.claudiumurgan.com claudiu@claudiumurgan.com www.SpirituallyInspired.ca https://spirituallyinspired.buzzsprout.com Subscribe for more videos! youtube.com/channel/UC6RlLkzUK_LdyRSV7DE6obQ Support the Show.
