St George’s Podcast
Religion & Spirituality Podcas
Talking about current life issues and church from the team at St George Maple Ridge.
Talking about current life issues and church from the team at St George Maple Ridge.
Summer Podcast - Meeting Dylan
We chat with Dylan Wong, Children and Youth Worker at St George's.
Hear about how Zoom Sunday school worked during Covid over the past year or so, how Dylan ended up at Bible School and what the experience was like coming to work and worship at an Anglican Church.
Please note that the episode mentions Residential Schools and Asian Hate Crime.
The Indian Residential School Survivors Society
https://www.irsss.ca or toll-free 1 (800) 721-0066 or 24hr Crisis Line 1 (866) 925-4419 if you require emotional support or assistance.Resilience BC Anti-Racism Network
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Conversation with MLA Bob D'Eith
David and Roxanne chat with Maple Ridge Mission MLA Bob D'Eith.
Bob shares about how he ended up in politics, shares something of how the Legislative Assembly works in Victoria and how that fits with other levels of government.
We talk about how Covid has impacted the Arts, the local community and faith groups.
Bob's website is https://bobdeith.ca
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Meeting Bishop John
We catch up with Bishop John Stephens, the new bishop of the Anglican Diocese of New Westminster, as he starts this new chapter of ministry.
John shares his background story and why and how he stepped up for election as bishop. We discuss the future hopes and vision for the Anglican Church, from parishes to diocese to a national level.
Diocese of New Westminster website - information about Bishop John
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Reflecting on Ministry with Archbishop Melissa
We chat with Archbishop Melissa Skelton just as she retires from 7 years of leadership and ministry in the Diocese of New Westminster.
Archbishop Melissa shares the ways in which God has enticed and lead her into a variety of roles in her adult life. She speaks of the barriers she has faced as a woman in leadership and she shares some of the highlights and challenges she has experienced in her role as Archbishop.
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Looking at Lent
We chat with The Revd Jessica Schaap about the origins, purpose and practice of Lent.
Jessica is the Missioner for Christian Formation at the Diocese of New Westminster in Vancouver. She describes Lent as the Springtime for the Soul.
We talk about a few different questions...
What is Lent? What does it mean? How did it all start?
Isn’t it kind of depressing?
Do I have to give something up?
How do I decide what to do?
Can my kids do Lent?
Whats the significance of the colour purple in lent?
Resources mentioned in this podcast episode
Lent 2021 Resources | Diocesan Resources | Anglican Diocese of New Westminster
Pinterest Boards
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Resolutions, Hopes and Dreams for 2021
In this first episode of 2021 David Edgerton and Roxanne Bruendl chat about resolutions, goals, hopes and dreams for this year.
They talk about how to set manageable goals particularly around Health and Fitness, Money Mental Health and our Spiritual lives.
Resources mentioned in the podcast:
7 Habits of Highly Effective People - book by Stephen R. Covey - Link on our Resources page
The Bible in One Year App
Helplines for those in Crisis or needing to talk to someone:
Healthlink BC Crisis Services CanadaSuicide Prevention Lifeline The SamaritansContact us at St George's via our website.
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Looking Back at 2020
David and Roxanne take a look back at 2020 and talk about how Christmas may look for churches this year.
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Chiropractic Conversations
We chat with Dr Angela Macdonald, about health, wellbeing and faith.
Angela is a member of St George's, local business owner and chiropractor.
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Eco Friendly Christianity
Our special guest this month is the Reverend Alecia Greenfield, chair of the diocesan climate emergency committee and friend of St George Maple Ridge.
We catch up with what she's been up to since her time at St G's, discuss how to tackle the subject of climate change with skeptics, and look at what we can do as individuals, as well as what the church can do, when it comes to our environmental impact.
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Connecting During the Disconnect
David Edgerton and Roxanne Bruendl discuss how St George Maple Ridge has tackled the switch to live streaming, the importance of connecting with community and how they plan on continuing during this unpredictable season.
Follow the St George's Podcast on Instagram : @stgeorgespodcast
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Processing Grief
Our special guest this week is Susanne Lamb, who is the Coordinator of Bereavement Services for Ridge Meadows Hospice Society.
We discuss how one processes grief, holidays after loss, celebrations of life, and how the pandemic has changed the emotional roller coaster of handling death.
Ridge Meadows Hospice Society
Bereavement Hotline
Center for Loss & Life Transition
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Interview With The Primate: Anglican Church present and future
Our special guest is The Most Reverend Linda Nicholls, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada!
We talk about her experiences of leading the national church through the Covid-19 lockdown. We discuss the future of the church, and how we will need to adapt and change.
Anglican Church of Canada page
Primate's webpages
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How Can We Grow in Our Faith?
David Edgerton and Roxanne Bruendl are in conversation with The Revd. Dr Kyle Norman. Kyle is the Rector of Holy Cross Anglican Church in Calgary, Alberta and has recently completed his doctorate in Spiritual Formation.
We examine the intentional process by which we grow in faith and try to live like Jesus. The conversation includes discussing spiritual practices, including the practice of morning prayer as part of the daily office.
Links mentioned in the episode
Kyle's Website
Kyle's Youtube Channel
Holy Cross Anglican Church Calgary
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Injustice and Racism with Tellison Glover
In this week's conversation we chat with Tellison Glover, Director of Mission and Ministry in the Diocese of New Westminster.
Tellison shares his own story, and we discuss injustice and racism.
Links mentioned in the episode:
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Where are the Younger People? A 21-year-old's perspective
David Edgerton and Roxanne Bruendl are in conversation with Andrew Thiessen about why young people are struggling to connect with church. Andrew is a recent graduate from Columbia Bible College and features as a guest speaker at services at St George's.
We discuss the decline of Christendom, and the cultural shift in the younger generations, influenced by secularism, which is advanced by social media and access to information. We talk about how in a smaller church we can start ministry that connects with young people.
Links mentioned in the episode
TED talk - The danger of a single story by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.
Anglican Journal article Gone by 2040? Published January 2020.
Pro Church Tools - Brady Shearer speaking about Social Media
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Reopening Church and the New Normal
David Edgerton and Roxanne Bruendl in conversation once again from St George Maple Ridge. In this second episode the discussion includes news of the new Reopening Churches document from the Diocese of New Westminster, asking whether people will want to come back to church in person or if online worship will become a preference for some. With Pentecost approaching the discussion turns to ask what that may look like this year as we can't yet gather in one place.
Get in touch through our website or send us an email podcast [at] stgeorgemapleridge.ca
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Church during Covid-19
In the first episode David Edgerton and Roxanne Bruendl are in conversation about Church during Covid-19. They discuss a variety of topics including Daily Prayer on Facebook Live, Sunday Youtube services, pastoral contact, when church building might be reopened, what it means to be Anglican and how to stay in contact and encourage one another.
We’d love to know what you’d like to hear about on the podcast so please send us a message with your questions and ideas. We plan to release a new episode every Wednesday.
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St George’s Podcast Intro
Subscribe for the new St George’s Podcast - launches May 2020
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