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St Helen's Sunday talks podcast

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One thing matters; taking the time to listen to Jesus. Every week we gather together on Sundays to hear God speak through the Bible. This podcast is a feed of our three English speaking talks from our Sunday services. We are a church based in the heart of the City of London. Visit or download our apps on iOS and Android, to access thousands of talks and other resources.


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One thing matters; taking the time to listen to Jesus. Every week we gather together on Sundays to hear God speak through the Bible. This podcast is a feed of our three English speaking talks from our Sunday services. We are a church based in the heart of the City of London. Visit or download our apps on iOS and Android, to access thousands of talks and other resources.



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Leadership training

Tim Sheppard - Given the role the church has to speak and live out God’s truth in the world, it is essential that we grow in godliness. However, there are popular ideas about godliness that the Spirit describes as demonic. It is crucial, then, that we listen to God’s word, where we find a godliness of everlasting value: rooted in this world, but looking forward to the next.


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Leadership training

Aneirin Glyn - What is it to live the good life? In this passage Paul shows us how knowing the living God as Creator and Saviour leads to an enjoyment of his gifts and a striving towards what is of true value.


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The king will return: final judgement

Phil Hudson - In these final words of Jesus' teaching about his return we learn about final judgement. Jesus will return to judge and there will be only two outcomes. And, as Jesus explains, the basis for his judgement is assurance for his people and encouragement to press on as faithful disciples. Meanwhile false assumptions about what it means to be ready for judgement are exposed.


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The king will return: final judgement

Drew Balch - Jesus speaks so plainly about the end of the world. But there are two surprises to us which change how we might read Matthew 25 on first glance.


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The head of the household

Tim Sheppard - At this high point in Paul’s letter to Timothy, he lays out the remarkable role God has given to his church, and the glorious truth that we have been given to proclaim. That truth is that ‘the mystery of godliness’ has been ‘manifested in the flesh’—and it has the potential to transform the way we see the good news of the gospel.


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The head of the household

Aneirin Glyn - What is the church? In these verses the apostle Paul shows how a right understanding of who we are as God’s people will transform the way that we live, and how this change plays a vital role in the world coming to know the truth about Jesus.


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Living ready: invest wisely! (with Q&A)

Phil Hudson - The parable of the talents shows us what it looks like to live as faithful and fruitful disciples as we wait for Jesus' return, by fixing our eyes on the privileged commission he has given us; the generosity of king Jesus, and the joy that awaits his people when he returns.


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Leadership essentials

Tim Sheppard - If we let worldly criteria dictate the kind of leaders we choose for God's church, we set ourselves up for disaster. 1 Timothy 3 shows us why, and provides God's job specification for leaders in his church. It challenges our contemporary view of leadership, and calls us to step towards Christ.


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Leadership essentials

Aneirin Glyn - What does the world need? According to Paul: overseers for the church. In this passage Paul outlines the qualities needed for this vital role, if God’s people are to be taken care of and the world is to come to know the truth.


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Living ready: be prepared!

Gwilym Davies - Is staying awake as we wait for Jesus just about being hyper-vigilant? In the parable of the ten virgins, Jesus teaches us that there is another way to be unprepared. Jesus might come sooner than we expect – but we also need to be wise enough to prepare for a longer delay.


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Living ready: be prepared!

Gwilym Davies - Is staying awake as we wait for Jesus just about being hyper-vigilant? In the parable of the ten virgins, Jesus teaches us that there is another way to be unprepared. Jesus might come sooner than we expect – but we also need to be wise enough to prepare for a longer delay.


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Salvation structure (with Q&A)

William Taylor - In a world where confusion over diversity and equality reigns, Paul outlines a revolutionary alternative. The diversity and equality that God enables through the gospel should be embraced unashamedly – for the sake of a lost world.


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Salvation structure (with Q&A)

William Taylor - In a world where confusion over diversity and equality reigns, Paul outlines a revolutionary alternative. The diversity and equality that God enables through the gospel should be embraced unashamedly – for the sake of a lost world.


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Living ready: live responsibly!

Gwilym Davies - What does it mean for disciples of the Lord Jesus to stay awake? In this week’s passage, Jesus teaches us that to stay awake is to be faithfully getting on with the task that he has given us. And he warns us not to be caught abusing our position of trust.


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Living ready: live responsibly!

Gwilym Davies - What does it mean for disciples of the Lord Jesus to stay awake? In this week’s passage, Jesus teaches us that to stay awake is to be faithfully getting on with the task that he has given us. And he warns us not to be caught abusing our position of trust.


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Salvation strategy

William Taylor - Paul is adamant that the church that is fit for purpose must be outward focused – the gospel demands it! His strategy for curing unhealthy inward-looking tendencies should be adopted by all churches.


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Salvation strategy

William Taylor - Paul is adamant that the church that is fit for purpose must be outward focused – the gospel demands it! His strategy for curing unhealthy inward-looking tendencies should be adopted by all churches.


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Living ready: stay awake!

Gwilym Davies - How much of the future do we need to know to be faithful and fruitful disciples of Jesus now? In Matthew 24:36–44, Jesus makes it clear that one key to faithful discipleship is to understand what we don't know. We don't know when Jesus will come back, so we need to stay awake.


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Living ready: stay awake!

Gwilym Davies - How much of the future do we need to know to be faithful and fruitful disciples of Jesus now? In Matthew 24:36–44, Jesus makes it clear that one key to faithful discipleship is to understand what we don't know. We don't know when Jesus will come back, so we need to stay awake.


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Salvation servants

William Taylor - Good branding serves as a constant reminder of core business and what we are passionate about. A fit for purpose church should have the salvation of sinners as its branding!
