The Catholic Experience
Religion & Spirituality Podcas
Championing Truth, one hard-hitting episode at a time. Straight talk and interviews, taking you on a deep dive into the Catholic faith and revealing the treasures of the lived Catholic experience. A podcast that forms the saints-in-the-making.
United States
Championing Truth, one hard-hitting episode at a time. Straight talk and interviews, taking you on a deep dive into the Catholic faith and revealing the treasures of the lived Catholic experience. A podcast that forms the saints-in-the-making.
Biblical Proportions Realness
'Come follow me' at my new podcast, "The Catholic Adventurer" available as video or audio on most podcast apps.
Here are links to everywhere you can find the new podcast.
Check out the podcast's profile to learn more about it
This is a special delivery of an episode of the new "Catholic Experience Podcast"
Talking about the secularizing of the faith in Europe, particularly in Ireland on St. Brigid's Day. And is the faith worth standing up for, even in our own lives? Then I have a few words to share about "the business is in the mess" when it comes to our progression in the Catholic faith toward holiness.
Freemasonry, Humanism, Satanism: They're the same things!
With Joe Biden recently joining the Freemasons, I decided to re-publish this classic episode on Freemasonry.
We're starting off with a riveting conversation that explores the intriguing intersections of Catholicism with Freemasonry, Satanism, and Humanism. Listen in as we unpack the complexities of these topics, peppered with some of the latest unusual news stories that mirror the current state of our society. You won't want to miss the insights from today's Mass reading from the book of Maccabees and the significance it holds within our faith and historical context.
Then we examine the concept of unity and its potential parallels to communism and Freemasonry, discussing the Catholic Church's stance against the latter. With a keen eye on the growing popularity of Freemasonry
Hear my take on the establishment of a Satanic Temple's after-school club in Connecticut and how it ties into broader philosophical movements. We'll also reflect on the unfortunate news of an Ohio priest's sentencing, shedding light on the dark undercurrents in modern culture, and revisit Pope Leo XIII's historical perspective on Freemasonry.
Finally, wrap up this episode with a profound reminder of the importance of keeping our faith alive through prayer and Mass. I share with you the power of communion with the divine, and how frequent encounters can bring restoration and truth into our chaotic world.
Satanic Temple announces launch of ‘After School Satan Club’ at Connecticut elementary school
Why Can't Catholics Be Freemasons?
Vatican doctrine office reaffirms that Catholics cannot be Freemasons
What's Wrong in the Church?
This one is heated, so brace yourselves! I discuss three major issues facing the Church today: theology, holiness, and the sacraments. I share personal experiences, including an encounter with a young man at confession, and provide my thoughts on the Cardinal Blaise Cupich's recent letter advising Catholics to receive Holy Communion standing. I emphasize the importance of authentic catechesis, the damaging effects of the 'hippie gospel,' and 'Teddy Bear Jesus,' and the need for personal holiness to transform the Church and the world.
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Battle for Objective Truth
Diving way-down into a complex discussion of truth, justice, and gender from a Catholic perspective. In this insightful episode, I react to a conversation between Candace Owens and Nick Cannon about objective truth and societal beliefs. The episode explores the distinctions between knowledge, belief, and whether emotion is how we discern truth. I also emphasizes the importance of aligning with Truth, Reality and God's revelation. From tackling controversial subjects like gender identity to critiquing secular thinking, this video provides a thorough commentary on contemporary issues while maintaining a faithful Catholic viewpoint. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and follow for more enlightening discussions.
Bio Link (Socials, latest works, podcast, etc) http://linktr.ee/catholicadventurer
Notes From the Field (newsletter) https://catholicadventurer.com/newsletter
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Restoration vs. Renewal (or Ruin-ovation!)
Five years after being devastated by fire, Notre Dame was recently reopened after a massive renovation project. But can we call this a "restoration" of what once was? And how does this symbolize what we see all over the Church, and even in our own lives as Catholics?
Ultimately in this episode I emphasize the point that God is actively renewing the Church that was ravaged by the "fire" of modernistic and secularistic culture and ideas.
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Episodes Mentioned here
The Trouble with Tradition:
The Importance of Tradition:
01:16 Notre Dame's Reopening: A Prophetic Sign
07:18 Modernism in the Church: A Critical Analysis
23:47 The End of the Loosey Goosey Era
26:49 The Importance of Catholic Culture
37:57 Renewal and Restoration in the Church
Jesus Cancels the Debt
Hello Adventurers! Today, I'm going deep into a throw[way]back episode called "Jesus Cancels the Debt" where I talk about the awe-inspiring sacrament of confession. Ever wondered why confession is so crucial for Catholics? How Jesus, with his eternal sacrifice, continues to cancel our sins debt every time we confess? Join me as I unravel the significance of confession through a captivating analogy you might not have heard before.
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel, because I'll be using that a lot more starting immediately.
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Myths & Mystery #1
In this premier episode of Myths & Mystery I tackle three prevalent myths about the Catholic faith—The Eucharist, the Immaculate Conception, and doctrinal consistency. This is an extended version, with about two extra minutes of details that are not present in the YouTube version!
As a bonus, I conclude the episode surprising true or false questions about God. The last one will definitely shock you. I know this because it shocks everyone I tell it to in person.
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Advent Message: Prepare for the END?
Advent: More Than Letting Jesus’ Light In – Prepare for the End Times!
In this video, we dive into the true meaning of Advent, a season of anticipation not just for Christmas but for the second coming of Jesus. Contrary to popular belief, Advent isn't just about letting the light of Jesus into our hearts – it's about commemorating His first coming and preparing for His return. Learn how to prepare for Jesus' second coming with joy, live the Gospel fully, and face the final judgment without fear.
00:00 Introduction to Advent
00:12 Misconceptions About Advent
00:22 True Meaning of Advent
01:03 Preparing for the Second Coming
01:17 Joyful Anticipation and Self-Reflection
02:00 Daily Preparation and Living the Gospel
03:06 Final Thoughts and Podcast Promotion
The Curious Case of Fr. Carlos Martins (and Catholic Media Integrity)
In this special episode I dive into the case of Father Carlos Martins, a well-known priest and exorcist, who is currently under investigation for alleged inappropriate conduct involving minors during a St. Jude Relic tour in Illinois. I discusses the investigation, how it broke, how it developed, and the subsequent media narrative, and use the opportunity to question the integrity of some in Catholic media, especially independent sources like The Pillar. The episode also covers reactions from various quarters, including a strange tweet from Mel Gibson and comments on the reporting methods of different Catholic news outlets. Be careful about rushing to judgment.
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Catholic News Agency Article: https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/260667/illinois-diocese-halts-st-jude-relic-tour-amid-incident-involving-priest-students
The Case for 'Catholic Communion
The case I would make to protestants, or Catholics who don't believe in the real presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist.
This is not my attempt to change minds, but only to give the listener some information to consider. Whether you're a Catholic questioning the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, a Protestant who denies or rejects the Catholic belief about the Holy Eucharist, or someone just keen on deep theological discussions on the topic, I offer some insights in this episode that you'll find thought-provoking. From examining the biblical basis of the Real Presence to addressing common Protestant misconceptions, I provide a robust defense rooted in Scripture and early Church teachings.
Bible Matters
In this episode I start out with a special announcement, introducing two new exciting short-form podcast projects focused on scripture. One project targets adults with in-depth reflections and historical context, while the other caters to children, presenting Bible stories with interactive discussions for parents and kids.
Both podcasts will be newsletter-exclusive (Sign Up Here!), and the one geared toward adults will start rolling out this week .
Then a shocker opens the main segment as I state "God isn't 'love' " I explain that scripture is not just a revelation of facts and moral principals but as a revelation of God's character and nature, emphasizing that God's love is purposeful and heartfelt, not automatic like an AI chat bot.
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My Bio Link, mentioned in the episode. Social links, latest works, and all things "Catholic Adventurer" - https://linktr.ee/catholicadventurer
01:58 Special Announcement - Bible Podcasts
05:41 Bible Matters
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True Objective of Spiritual Combat
In this clip from a Locals-exclusive episode on spiritual fatigue—and what I call 'Catholic' fatigue— I talk about why true spiritual warfare involves focusing on Jesus rather than the conflict itself.
Drawing parallels to temporal warfare, I speaker highlight that the objective is not the fight but achieving the goal of growing in holiness and overcoming temptations. I also cover the nature of temptations from the world, the flesh, and the devil and answer the question 'Which of the three is the worst, and why?'
Finally I talk about the upcoming launch of a newsletter-exclusive short-form podcast that offers reflections on scripture.
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Is Hell Empty? (Clip from Ep. 19)
Exploring Hell, God's Mercy, and the Hope of Heaven. This is A segment from "Focus and Attention", an episode of my #podcast "The Catholic Experience" available now on iTunes, Spotify, iHeartRadio, TuneIn and on my website (link in bio) #catholic #catholicism #catholicpodcast
Full Episode on my website or search through the episodes on iTunes, Spotify, etc. It's episode 19 from January 2024
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Faith and Fumbles
In this loaded episode I cover a range of topics, starting with the challenges of integrating faith with ordinary daily life, and the 'pain' often associated with practicing religion—particularly Catholicism. That's an important segment for every Catholic, regardless of their experience level and spiritual development.
Midway, I offer an impromptu reaction to a series of late-night comedians' clips about Trump's victory, criticizing their humor and the emotional responses from the liberal side. Taking the show tot a close, I encourage the audience to seek holiness through their struggles, underscoring the need to live a balanced life that harmonizes religious beliefs with everyday experiences.
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05:49 The Challenge of Integrating Faith and Life
29:54 Reactions to Trump's Reelection
35:56 Late-Night Meltdowns
53:01 Reflections and Closing Thoughts
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My Mission - It May Surprise you
A lot of people misunderstand my mission with this podcast, social media, and my online apostolate as a whole. Let me set the record straight.
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On Purgatory and the Holy Souls
A day after All Souls Day I wanted to say a few words about Purgatory and to encourage people to restore an old tradition—devotion to the Holy Souls in Purgatory.
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Confronting Rage
What's everybody so angry about all the time?? Anger and rage are everywhere in our modern society and culture. People are angry over small things and they rage over everything. Why is that? And what are the fundamental difference between anger and rage—and why should we take notice? Using Jesus Christ as a model, I discuss how anger can be righteous and constructive, while rage is harmful and leads to injustice. I address the different ways liberals and conservatives express these emotions and highlight an underlying identity crisis fueling this anger.
Additionally, I provide updates on my Locals community and encourage viewers to sign up for an account on CatholicAdventurer.com to stay connected with my content and newsletter. Throughout, I emphasize the importance of managing anger positively and remembering that Jesus Christ as Lord.
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DJ Plays 'the Blues' About Stevie Nicks' Abortion: My Thoughts
I discuss my frustration with an 80s music station DJ who shared Stevie Nicks' abortion story for what I consider duplicitous purposes. Additionally, I reflect on the moral implications and the broader cultural divide in America.
00:00 Morning Annoyance: DJ's Controversial Story
00:23 Stevie Nicks' Abortion Story
00:53 Offense Taken: DJ's Inappropriate Commentary
01:17 Election Cycle and Abortion Debate
01:35 Valuing Life Over Music
03:02 Critique of Leftist Culture in America
03:34 Final Thoughts and Podcast Promotion
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Clip: Personal Conscience vs. Church Authority
In this clip from Episode #36, "Catholic Fairy Tales" I address a very bold statement made by the Future Pope Benedict XVI regarding authority of conscience pitted against the authority of the Church. What are we to take from this?
Full Episode on my Website, and everywhere you get podcasts
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"It All Counts" - The Test of Holiness
In this clip from Episode 38, "Catholic Fairy Tales" (Linked Below) I explain that being true to who God made you to be means prioritizing holiness. Orthodoxy, while important and indispensable, isn't enough, because we son't be judged on it. We'll be judged on our holiness.
God will assess our holiness when we stand before Him, based on your actions and efforts in life—and our failures, too. I draw an analogy with boxing: every experience in training and fighting contributes to who you are in the ring, similar to how every aspect of your life—rising, faulting, trying, succeeding, failing— contributes to the overall picture of you holiness. Ultimately, at judgment, it's your holiness that counts, determining your fate in heaven, hell, or purgatory.
Episode Link: Website | iTunes | Spotify (Also available everywhere else you get your podcast)
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