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The Chochmat Nashim Podcast: Women Talk Judaism

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Chochmat Nashim was founded to fight injustice in the Orthodox Jewish world and bring about positive change. Join Anne Gordon and Shoshanna Keats Jaskoll as they speak from within the community out of love for Judaism, respect for tradition, and the need for justice.


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Chochmat Nashim was founded to fight injustice in the Orthodox Jewish world and bring about positive change. Join Anne Gordon and Shoshanna Keats Jaskoll as they speak from within the community out of love for Judaism, respect for tradition, and the need for justice.



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Is This What God wants? With Shoshanna Keats-Jaskoll

Shoshanna Keats-Jaskoll has a deep end insightful conversation with Sony Perlman of Brainstorm Podcast on how we've outsourced our Judaism, and gone far from the source.


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People's College for the Liberation of Palestine: U.S. Jews on Campus (Season 7 Episode 14)

Even as the war rages in Israel, American campuses have become a whole other front line. Anne and Shoshanna speak to two US college students about their experiences of antisemitism and anti-Zionism on campus, and marvel at the strength of these incredible young people. Music: "Misery" by The Whips


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If the Hostages Aren't Home by Pesach, What's a Holiday of Freedom? (Season 7 Episode 13)

How can we celebrate when our people are in captivity? Yet, Passover isn't cancelled this year, even if you feel it should be, so how do we make sense of it? In what is now an annual pre-Passover episode to help boost our seder experience, Anne and Shoshanna talk to Dr. Tammy Jacobowitz about how to approach the holiday this very difficult year. Music: "Misery" by The Whips


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No, Serving in the IDF Is NOT Worse Than Being Killed by Hamas (Season 7 Episode 12)

Six months into Israel's war with Hamas, and nearly all sectors of Israeli society are feeling it, but extended army service and a sadly rising death toll have turned Israeli attention to the Haredim who (for the most part) do not serve in the IDF. Much of Israel is irate, but with the yeshiva exemptions newly canceled, Haredim are irate too. Anne and Shoshanna discuss the change in the air. Our annual fundraiser is this week! SUPPORT OUR WORK TODAY


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Why Flatbush Girl Started a S*x Strike: An Interview with Adina Sash (Season 7 Episode 11)

Adina Sash has set the Orthodox world buzzing about the strike she hopes will help agunot. Shoshanna and Anne talk to Adina about her campaign and what has come of it (so far). Music: "Misery" by The Whips


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Democracy at Work - For Men (Season 7 Episode 10)

Yes, representation in Israeli politics really matters. Shoshanna and Anne delve into why women running for municipal office is so important (even during the war). For all that elected officials should represent the concerns of the entire population, it is too easy to miss issues that don't touch one directly. Thus, the need for women to focus on concerns that a male-only government is unlikely to even notice. Music: "Misery" by The Whips


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The War Goes On (Season 7 Episode 9)

Does "Together, we will win" inspire you or depress you? Shoshanna and Anne "take the temperature" of how people are reacting differently to the same general experience of war, from how it is a different experience for Israelis as compared to those around the globe, and how it is different for every Israeli. As promised in the episode, the insane story - here in the show notes: Music: "Misery" by The Whips


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A Role Model in the Reserves (Season 7 Episode 8)

Shoshanna and Anne speak with the very talented Shani Weinmann Kay about her experience as a religious woman in the IDF, especially during this time of war, and how her experiences have strengthened her commitment to the army, her family, and her personal religious practice. Music: "Misery" by The Whips


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Bearing Witness: Who Must Visit the October 7th Destruction (Season 7 Episode 7)

In one of our more personal (and we think powerful) episodes, Shoshanna and Anne speak frankly about their respective decisions to tour some of the destroyed communities of the Gaza Envelope -- and to avoid doing so. Music: "Misery" by The Whips


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Learning from the Pros: Advocate for Israel Without Losing Your Mind (Season 7 Episode 6)

Eve Barlow, Fleur Hassan Nahoum and Adiel Cohen are warriors on the front lines of the media war against Israel - joined of course by our own Shoshanna Keats Jaskoll. In this special double-length episode, Anne and Shoshanna talk to these pros about how they do what they do, how YOU can do it too, and why being cancelled is actually a great thing. Music: "Misery" by The Whips


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Women of the War (Season 7 Episode 5)

Were the pre-October 7th warnings dismissed because they originated with women? Are the men of the old-boy network at a disadvantage because they have been trained to think in certain ways? Shoshanna and Anne recognize the women who were involved in so many various aspects of October 7th and the war since, with an eye to how women can (and we'll say should) contribute in new crucial ways. Music: "Misery" by The Whips


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Brought Together by Death and Mourning (Season 7 Episode 4)

Since October 7, Israel has tragically, devastatingly seen more people burying loved ones and sitting shiva than the country could ever have been prepared for. Enter the newly founded organization Chesed Shel Emet, and Pnina Pfeuffer, who speaks with Shoshanna and Anne about how four Haredi women have stepped up (with others) to make this painful process smoother, no matter the Jewish affiliation of the bereft. May the shift in priorities across communities last. Music: "Misery" by The Whips


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"Not Today, Antisemite!" (Season 7 Episode 3)

Antisemitism is the oldest hatred in the book, yet, even in the wake of the October 7th massacre, it's new for each generation, and each person experiences it fresh. Shoshanna and Anne call attention to what's been going on, and consider how we as a people stick together to combat the hatred against us. Plus, a postscript on the American Jewish community's mass march on Washington, a profound showcase of love and solidarity for the Jewish world. Music: "Misery" by The Whips


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Post-Traumatic Growth: Pain Is Power (Season 7 Episode 2)

The new reality of Israel and really all Jews is stressful and even traumatic. Anne and Shoshanna talk with Sherri Mandell, a certified pastoral counselor, a founder of the Koby Mandell Foundation, and the bereaved mother of Koby Mandell Hy"d, about how to navigate this challenging time, from parenting to handling oneself to helping others. Music: "Misery" by The Whips


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October 7, 2023 (Season 7 Episode 1)

Shoshanna and Anne have been nearly at a loss for words to reflect on Hamas's horrific massacre of some 1,400 people (updated number from recording). But we need words to podcast, so here we are with our experiences of that day, and a range of responses and reactions to it, from widespread chesed to social media warriors to some hypermodesty nonsense. Music: "Misery" by The Whips


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SEEN: Jewish Women Illustrate Jewish Women (Season 6 Episode 19)

You've seen their art, now meet the artists. Anne and Shoshanna speak with the artists who have given life to Chochmat Nashim's new project, illustrating biblical and historical women. Come hear why they chose the figures they did, why they depicted them as they did, and what surprised them in the endeavor. A longer-than-usual episode, to introduce the talented women responsible for the SEEN images. Music: "Misery" by The Whips


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The Slippery Slope of Gender Segregation (Season 6 Episode 18)

The idea that Israel's beautiful natural pools would have separate hours for men and women to swim is, at first blush, amazingly considerate for the religious populations. But when the very people MK Idit Silman's stalled pilot program is supposed to help don't want it implemented, Shoshanna and Anne are reminded why gender segregation outside of the synagogue isn't good for anyone. Music: "Misery" by The Whips


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The Right to Gender Segregation (Season 6 Episode 17)

Israel's government voted for the first part of Israel's judicial reform, the "reasonableness" clause, and everyone has an opinion about it, but Anne and Shoshanna focus on other actions of this coalition that are less known and may be even more significant, especially if you're a woman in Israel. Music: "Misery" by The Whips


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Judaism Is Better When Women Are Read (Season 6 Episode 16)

Look at your shelf of Jewish books, and you'll see that you have far fewer books authored by women. Rabbanit Sara Wolkenfeld joins Anne and Shoshanna to elaborate on Sefaria's new writing circle to foster books of Torah scholarship written by women, some of the challenges - and also profound and practical hopes for the future women writers of Torah. Music: "Misery" by The Whips


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A Strictly Secular Crucifixion: In Conversation with Haviv Rettig-Gur (Season 6 Episode 15)

Politics have real impact on the lives of Israeli citizens, and the recent passing of the budget means the current ultra-religious, ultra-nationalist government can expect to be in place for some time. Anne and Shoshanna task guest Haviv Rettig-Gur, senior analyst at The Times of Israel, to explain the implications of it all. To do so, he also described the development of Haredi society and the Israeli government's role in shaping the world of ultra-Orthodoxy as we now know it. Music: "Misery" by The Whips
