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The Christ is Right . . . Not for Sissies

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

The Christ is Right, Not for Sissies becomes a place for me to be used in a bigger way, claims Barbara. Now pretty close to 70 years old, she shares a history of success in using the laws of the universe. If thoughts create, then think differently! Right? Change conditions, situations, thoughts and experiences for your best good. Barbara’s life of trusting His ways has indeed proven efficacy. Tune in, take notes and exercise your spiritual destiny. If you’re going thru hell just keep going, Barbara says. Experiencing life happens for soul growth. Life is not to be perfect. It is to be lived, right wrong or upside down. It’s not for sissies but there’s a way. For 20 years Barbara shares her auditory knowing with classes, courses and seminars for those that are called to hear. Barbara says, “if you are inspired you are called.” Learn to play within the universal laws and excel in your biggest year ever and leave good footsteps to follow.


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The Christ is Right, Not for Sissies becomes a place for me to be used in a bigger way, claims Barbara. Now pretty close to 70 years old, she shares a history of success in using the laws of the universe. If thoughts create, then think differently! Right? Change conditions, situations, thoughts and experiences for your best good. Barbara’s life of trusting His ways has indeed proven efficacy. Tune in, take notes and exercise your spiritual destiny. If you’re going thru hell just keep going, Barbara says. Experiencing life happens for soul growth. Life is not to be perfect. It is to be lived, right wrong or upside down. It’s not for sissies but there’s a way. For 20 years Barbara shares her auditory knowing with classes, courses and seminars for those that are called to hear. Barbara says, “if you are inspired you are called.” Learn to play within the universal laws and excel in your biggest year ever and leave good footsteps to follow.



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Encore: How Do I Get There From Here Though?

How Do I Release, How Do I Jump, How Do I Get There From Here You Ask. We all play our parts...remember it's a game of life. He gave us a rule book, many tossed aside. I explored it and dove in. The scenes can change like in a play, the players can change and the outcomes are subject to change but overall... We are here to turn the wheels of life. Here's how I do it, not thee way perhaps but, a way.


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Encore: Knowledge for Transformation

This is information for those who know that they know, that they know, they know. If one falls into this area of self, time and change than let's explore more of what you mean. Do you mean that your life has changed beautifully for the best of most circumstances? Does it mean you understand and that now you react in the way that you have become aware? No? Let us talk about applying the knowing then. When you can jump into your new beliefs that serves you and all others, you are beginning... and will see the returns on your efforts so, stay focused on what you know. Let's get some where, practice what you know. I'll do it with you.


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When Do you Know Prayers Are on The Way? Is there a Protocol?

Questions, Questions Do we actually expect prayers to be heard and answered? How do you know God is answering you? Is there a warning, a recognition signal ? Is this soul growth ? I have questions too, and received beautifully this week and will look forward to the share. It's a School of Thought Consciousness


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Encore: Cultive Your Thinking, Mindful Awareness

Like any garden that has beneficial growth so does the mind and thinking effect your outcome of experiences. James Allen said,Think it and it is. Jesus said act as if it already were. Science today says, thoughts create and yet we allow our thinking to compromise our decisions. Be mindful, be on purpose. Let's do this. Be in Charge. How is the question. Listening is the answer.


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Encore: A School of Thought Consciousness

The Christ is Right, Not for Sissies, is a School of Thought Consciousness an introduction to an advanced understanding to a blessed life and a path that allows one closer to their personal direction and chosen path not yet acquired. In a few short weeks, the practices delivered will become common practice and the choices presented will over reach personal desires.
