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The Christian Impact

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Impacting a generation with spiritual truth. Christian Impact brings Biblical teaching discussions and life changing prayer casts to the internet.


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Impacting a generation with spiritual truth. Christian Impact brings Biblical teaching discussions and life changing prayer casts to the internet.





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21 Genesis 38

Our current series is Kingdom Legacy. Finding our identity in Genesis! Today we exam Genesis 38: The Breakthrough. Have you ever had dreams or desire to be part of something great, only to feel like you ended up in a dead end? Forgotten? Cast aside? This is another strange chapter that gets skipped by teachers. However, it tackles some important points, especially relating to destiny for those who feel forgotten or cast aside. Let's jump in and discover how to birth a breakthrough!


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20 Genesis 34: Out of Position

Our current series is Kingdom Legacy. Finding our identity in Genesis! Today we exam Genesis 34: Out of position. Why is this chapter in the Bible? It confirms to us the importance of being in the place where God has directed you, rather than the one of your own choosing. Those "choices," no matter how great we think they are, will never accomplish God's purposes. Many times, they grow a type of damage we could never envision.


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19 Genesis 31-32: Seize Your Destiny

Our current series is Kingdom Legacy. Finding our identity in Genesis! Today we exam Genesis 31-32: Seize Your Destiny. In today's lesson we will see how the principle, "You reap what you sow" plays a major part in seizing destiny. There are consequences to our actions. A time when things come due. So, why wait? Why allow the consequences of our past to destroy our future? God has intervened on our behalf. If we will allow God to into that intimate place in our lives, He will transform us into new creations. Ones with new identities and new destinies.


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18 Genesis 28-29: The Unlikely One

Our current series is Kingdom Legacy. Finding our identity in Genesis! Today we exam Genesis 28-29: The Unlikely One. Yes, we will cover 2 chapters that involves a religious experience, 2 master "con artists" and the most unlikely, "unspecial", forgotten person in the Bible. And yes, God will do something great! He can also do something great for you as well.


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17 Genesis 26: Destiny and Compromise

Our current series is Kingdom Legacy. Finding our identity in Genesis! Today we exam Genesis 26:Destiny and Compromises. Many times, we are not in the right place or position to receive from the Lord. Compromise with the world ultimately leads to struggle and pain. Yet, God has given us opportunity to re-position ourselves in faith.


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16 Genesis 22: The Death of Dreams & Plans

Our current series is Kingdom Legacy. Finding our identity in Genesis! Today we exam Genesis 22:The Death of Dreams & Plans. What? Give up my dreams? My calling? Have you felt like you've been forced to settle on something less in life? Join us in discovering this eternal truth that can change your life and help move you into fulfilling God's destiny for you!


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15 Genesis 19: Compromise and Destruction

Our current series is Kingdom Legacy. Finding our identity in Genesis! Compromise and Destruction! Today, many Christians try to compromise with the world. Are we aware of the disaster that such choices make? Have you made such a choice and wonder is there no way back? Today's passage in Genesis 19 has much to show us.


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14 Genesis 16-18

Our current series is Kingdom Legacy. Finding our identity in Genesis! We are examining Genesis Ch. 16. Truth can be hard to take. Especially when we try so hard to accomplish something, only to end up in a mess or in trouble. Have you ever found yourself in a dark, troubled place and nothing seems to help. God sees us where we are at. He may not direct us the way we would like, but He will bring us to the right place.


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13 Genesis Ch 13-15

Series for 2024: Kingdom Legacy. Finding our identity in Genesis! Do you feel like you missed God's calling? Made decisions you regret? No possible way to fulfill a destiny that you once thought you had? Join us today as we look at Genesis chapters 13-15. See how God can restore you to your calling and destiny. Also with a hint of overcoming some spiritual warfare and Satan's schemes.


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12 Genesis Ch 10-12

Series for 2024: Kingdom Legacy. Finding our identity in Genesis! Have you ever heard God call you? Or felt like God had something for you? In our journey through Genesis, we look at the calling of God on a man named Terah and a man named Abram. There are circumstances that can effect our decisions. Decisions that effect our destinies. Let's learn and grow in our faith by seeing how these men lived and walked with God.


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11 Genesis Ch 7-9

Series for 2024: Kingdom Legacy. Finding our identity in Genesis! Today we take a look at selected passages in Chapters 7-9 which center on the flood and Noah. Although you maybe thinking the children's story, we'll look into some not-so-well-known scriptures that society may not want you to know about.


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10 Genesis 4-6

Series for 2024: Kingdom Legacy. Finding our identity in Genesis! The week, our selection comes Genesis chapters 4-6. Specifically, we are looking at the unfolding of family in Genesis 4. Two identities emerge: One that departs from God's presence, and another that calls upon God. This is setting a stage for a conflict that continues to today and specifically effects you and I. Which do we, or will we, identify with?


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09 Genesis 1-3

Series for 2024: Kingdom Legacy. Today, we begin a look through Genesis! The theme will focus on Identity. Each week, we will take 3 chapters of Genesis and select a portion to discuss. This first session is over Genesis chapters 1-3 with most of the discussion being the first few verses of Genesis. Let's discover God's identity and as we go, may we discover who He's made us to be.


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08 Song of Solomon Ch. 8

Series for 2024: Kingdom Legacy. We conclude with Song of Solomon Ch.8: Final Words. Developing a relationship with Christ will transform you. But what happens when people refuse to see it? How do we react when they want us to return to the way we were? See how the song ends and how the Bride of Christ and the Lord conclude it all.


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07 Song of Solomon Ch. 7

Series for 2024: Kingdom Legacy. We continue with Song of Solomon Ch.7: A Prophetic Mandate! Yes, the Lord Jesus has given us a place of ministry. As we grow in our spiritual maturity, become more excited and passionate about demonstrating our love through the calling that Jesus has given us.


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06 Song of Solomon Ch. 6

Series for 2024: Kingdom Legacy. We continue with Song of Solomon Ch.6: Inspiring Others. Do you inspire others to seek the Lord or discourage them from doing so? There is a place of intimacy with the Lord that not only changes you and blesses you, but it can also inspire others.


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05 Song of Solomon Ch. 5

Series for 2024: Kingdom Legacy. We continue with Song of Solomon Ch.5: Responding to the Call. Have you ever missed it with God? Heard is call or leading and failed to act on it? Ever had religious people hurt you for being zealous for Jesus? In Chapter 5, these very things are visible for us to consider.


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04 Song of Solomon Ch. 4

Series for 2024: Kingdom Legacy. We continue with Song of Solomon Ch.4: Unveiling our Identity. How do you view yourself? Feel unworthy? Unloved? Told you are a sinner and can not do anything right? In chapter 4, we see what the Lord says about His bride. What is she like? It's intense. It's our identity.


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03 Song of Solomon Ch. 3

Series for 2024: Kingdom Legacy. We continue with Song of Solomon Ch.3: Dark Night of the Soul. Have you ever been in the place where you didn't feel God's presence? Felt separated or abandoned by God? Ever struggled with night terrors? This chapter deals with this and how we find our Beloved, Jesus.


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02 Song of Solomon Ch. 2

NEW Series for 2024: Kingdom Legacy. What a legacy we have in Jesus Christ! We will begin the New Year with a theme for intimacy: Song of Solomon Chapter 2. Let's prepare to hear His voice say, "Come away." Are you ready?
